Becoming Mrs Dlamini

By shamillan

8.3K 487 62

If you were to meet your soulmate would you know it's them? Naive impeccable and virtous Kylie Tadiwa a Zimba... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

Chapter 1

1.3K 69 13
By shamillan

Dragging myself out of bed i fall onto the floor with a loud thud this has become my daily routine i immediately swipe the screen of my cracked Samsung galaxy j3 phone snoozing the alarm. Life in Cape Town has not been going the way that I had anticipated my schedule is suffocating and I can safely say I am adjusting but its taking time. Being a law student at the UCT  and an employee at a local restaurant meant that I was never going to have time to enjoy myself like any other varsity student but I need the money so I  might as well do what I have to do....
I quickly rash to the kitchen in our 2bedroomed flat that I shared with my friend Ntombi for some reason she was still sleeping and I figured it was because of her night time escapeds she is still healing after her  breakup with Brandon I guess alcohol is her own way of escaping reality i can't say the same about myself, I sleep when things go amiss. I pour milk into my cereal bowl and begin replying my messages on whatsapp this phone is just difficult I mean it works on the charger all the time and I don't even have money for a new one I have rent, transport and grocery money to worry about hai ah.
I check the mirror one last time my wig which I borrowed from Ntombi is tied at the back with some of its strands dangling on my face my eyebrows are nicely done and makeup done to perfection something is missing i reach for my lip gloss and softly apply it onto my lips my black mini dress is hanging perfectly in sync with my hips I reach for my fenties under my bed and grab my denim jacket completing my look ..I mean anyone who sees me would think am well off. I check to see if Ntombi is up but she is still sleeping i think someone overdid it yesterday. I grab my jacket remembering that I have a shift in the evening after lectures so I might need it. I stuff everything into my backpack just as am about to exit I remember I left my phone charger and my phone doesn't function without it. I hurry back grab my charger and head for the stairs  the street is a bit empty and I might be late it's 10.35 and my lecture is at 11.
A Taxi comes by and I get in and at exactly 10.59 I sit in class sighing with relief before I can greet anyone my lecturer Mr Peters or rather Jason as he wants us to address him as comes in. His scent domineers the whole room and whispers can be heard apart from being a very successful lawyer pretty much  popular in dealing with criminal cases and making them go away, a part time lecturer, owner of an audi r8 and the most eligible bachelor at the moment "his looks" could certainly gain him attention with the ladies.
The next hour passes by and the rest of the day goes smoothly I finish my lectures at 3pm and just as am about to leave the campus premises a car hoots behind me a BMW 2series convertible  and I notice Rodwell my close friend who is also my classmate
" get in l  will drop you off at your workplace" he yells
" I  knew it was you hooting at me how are you" l sigh as I get in and we drive off.
" Am going back home sometime this easter mama has been complaining of how south Africa is making me forget my own people" he laughed "so if you have anything you would what to send you can give me before I go" he added

" I was thinking of going back home too but I have work and its money to travel to Zimbabwe and back so l would rather save that money... I have baba's medication I will give you that and a few groceries" l replied

" how has he been battling the cancer it's been awhile since you and I have had a heart to heart conversation I guess I startled you when I told you I liked you" he uttered

"Where were you today I didn't see you in the lecture" I changed the subject.

" I was finishing off my assignment (laughing) yesterday was a busy night  I got back around 3am"

" you and partying hai ahh" l chuckled

" I have always wanted to go clubbing with you we should do something together Kylie how can you say you stay in south Africa when you have never gone clubbing just once" he laughed

" I have never been drunk I don't want to embarrass myself either way i work most weekends I just have other priorities" I stated

"You do need a break Kylie here and there all you do is school and work don't over do it" he protested just as I was about to disembark from the car

"Thank you for the ride i will see you on Monday don't overdo it this weekend" I said making to my way  to the restaurant

Not that I don't like Rodwell but over the years  we had grown to be good friends and having a relationship with him didn't seem ideal for me he parties every other and he  is a womanizer he likes to call himself the " Romeo"
We are just two people with a different over view on life and friendship is all I can offer
It's  a Friday night and as usual the restaurant is packed with couples families and friends i pace up and down taking orders and smiling just so I can keep my job. Most of the people who come to this place are the affluent I mean I can barely afford a meal in here i deal with snobs practically every day it's annoying
The evening goes well except the looks I keep getting from men he and there gawking my ass I get really upset but this has become a normality around here so l try to ignore. Surprisingly my manager is very calm today I think someone is in a good mood.
By 9pm am done with my shift i hastely get to the changing room and remove my uniform putting on my clothes and  grabbing my jacket from my backpack the weather has abruptly changed just as I had perceived in the morning. Grabbing my things and my always charging phone I head for the exit the restaurant is still filled with other couples coming in. l recognize a number of other university couples in here. Just as am about to head to the door I collide with a tall hard chest instantly my phone falls and my backpack follows i quickly pick the phone realizing that the screen has cracked again and this time the left side has changed to a black colour. l hiss in anger but decide to apologize and as I look up i meet the tall chocolate skinned muscular and very attractive man I take some time to digest the man in front of me his eyes are dark piercing right into my skin. He has the kind of face that stops you in your tracks. I guess he must get used to that, the sudden pause in a person's natural expression when they look his way followed by the overcompensating  nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. Of course and the blush that accompanies it is  a dead give-away, before I  can apologize he hisses

"excuse me are you blind how dare you So i guess this is a cover  to steal from people i know girls like you. I need to see the management in this place this is not proper. Are you drunk young lady?"    He hisses in anger
" am sorry sir.i didn't mean to ... this will not happen again  I don't drink am sorry please I don't want to be fired" l plead I feel my eyelids getting wet and I look down
"excuse me" he walks away

A knot forms on my throat i want to cry not once have l ever been called a thief. Tears cascade down my cheeks. I guess good looks do not always guarantee  a good heart I reach for my phone to call the cab man who usually picks me up at this hour but my phone doesn't switch on oh yeah it never rains but it pours for Miss Kylie ... I guess this phone is officially dead it was about time anywhere. I slowly begin walking down the road it's going to be a long night only fate will decide if I  make it..the street is empty and I can feel chills on my spine thoughts of horror stories perfade my mind...
Right there and then I hear tire screeches and I continue walking I fear the horror behind me. A door is opened and a tear escapes from my eye as my fate has been decided "hey" a voice murmurs I turn reluctantly to find the man from the restaurant the one i had a collision with on the door.

Written by shamillaN
XOXO ♡♡♡♡♡♡
I accept constructive criticism
Please comment your comments mean a lot to me.
t_adiwa_a:  instagram

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