His Princess || KTH FF

By xxNineTailsxx

184K 6.6K 1.3K

"Do you think a person who saves lives, would ever be able to fall in love with a person who takes lives???" ... More

A/n's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Update
Special - Haunted House
Special - A Chaotic Play

Chapter 7

7.1K 267 67
By xxNineTailsxx

I woke up with a painful headache.I quickly got ready and headed downstairs whilst seeing Lisa having breakfast

"Y/n you're finally awake"Lisa said as I sat down next to her

"Where are the boys?"I asked as I yawned

"They went to work, there's been some kind of problem so they had to leave"she responded as I poured some milk in my cereal bowl

"Don't you have any work, miss lawyer?"

"Yeah, and I'm asking for a small favour, would you mind dropping me off?"


At work

"How are you little princess?"I smiled as I pinched Eunsoe's nose

"I'm good"she smiled.Eunsoe was my little patient who was suffering from Leukemia, a type of cancer on the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system.She's so young and innocent, and yet what did this pretty, little angel did to deserve this, I just hope she gets better, and I hope the small improvements that she is having become big ones

"Have you eaten your lunch?"I looked at her, as she looked down, she does this whenever she's lying


"Nope doctor"she shook her head.I held her bowl of warm soup and took small spoons and fed her

"It's nice, right?"I asked as she nooded and smiled at me.

After I was done checking all my patients, I headed to my office and checked the time

"6:30"I read as I realized I still had 3 more hours to go.I sat down on my chair as I searched for my pen, in order to fill some important papers in.Whilst I was searching, I saw a strange letter.I held it in my hand as it read

"VBT 01, try to solve the riddle


The paper fell from my hands, as I understood what it meant.Tae's life was in danger, as it shown by the first letter V and since the virus involves an injection, that leads to a gun, which means this is a threath that Sehun would shoot the bullet at Tae in 6 hours.

(Author's note (if you're curious in knowing what it is): VBT 01 is a disease that within six to twelve hours of exposure, the victim develops a headache, fever, chills and other flu-like symptoms, and then in 24 hours of exposure, the victim will slip into a vampiric coma.Vampiric comas last about a day and typically end at night.A VBT 01 victim who survives the coma will awaken fully transformed into a vampire. While it is commonly believed that anyone infected with this disease turns into a vampire, but in fact only a small percentage of people survive vampiric comas, and most eventually die)

My phone suddenly started ringing.I held it up to my ear as I heard the figure on the other side say

"Well done Doctor Kim, you've figured out the riddle"the familiar voice said

"Sehun, are you going psycho?"I shouted as I heard a malicious laugh

"Calm down, you only got six minutes and then bang your husband is dead"he hung up.I ran downstairs and made my way to the exit

"Doctor Min where are you going"I heard my coworker and my assistant manager Hae-in shout

"Doctor Choi, please cover up my work for me, I've got an emergency"I shouted.

I quickly got in my car and started driving towards Tae's workplace.I got out of the car as I saw Tae walking towards his car.As I was running towards him, I saw a shadow pointing a gun at him

"Tae watch out"I shouted and bang the bullet went through me as blood flew everywhere, I fell into the arms of the person that my heart only beats for.

Tae's p.o.v.

I was walking when I saw y/n ran towards me and in a blink of an eye she was in my arm laying lifeless.I looked up at the figure who shot her as anger and pain started to rise

"Code 01, shoot that man"I shouted over the phone as I heard another bang, Jungkook had shot the man right through his heart.


I walked back and forth as I waited for the light to turn green

"Mr Kim, there's no need to worry, the bullet missed her and only left few minor scratches on her"the doctor said as I ran inside.

Jimin's p.o.v.

"No kokkie, let the two be alone"I said as I held Jungkook behind.

3rd p.o.v.

Taehyung ran towards y/n as he hugged her tightly

"Y/n are you ok?"he cried out

"I'm fine"she replied with her fragile smile

"I'm just thankful that you're ok"she lightly wiped his tears away as she leaned in and their foreheads touched

"I love you"Taehyung added

"I love you too"the girl said as she leaned in close and placed a soft kiss on his lips.


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