Everyday Life With The Elemen...

By RogueShadow77

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(I know Monster Musume isn't exactly specialized in action(let alone card games) but since nobody else though... More

Prologue: So Some Cops walk into a Bar....
Update and Changes(March 28 2024)

Chapter 1: Dragon's Den (Rewrite in Progress)

447 7 0
By RogueShadow77

(Disclaimer: I own nothing)(currently in rewrite. BRB)(I know the intro's Index but.......🫠)

The following week, in the Cultural Exchange HQ, Kuroko Smith marches through the halls and up flights of stairs. Passing by many of her fellow coordinators, she finds herself in front of the main office of her boss. In her hands was an envelope with documents inside. What was inside is unknown, but that was not Smith's focus now...

Smith: "Ok Boss, let's talk business..."

(Meanwhile at the underground arena...)

As the morning sun shines high in sky, those down below rested soundly in their respective cells. Including the sole dragon Liminal, Hiro, in a rather spacious cell. Feeling the new day begin, he gets up from his bed, stretching his limbs and tail to get ready for another win streak.

Until he felt a hand grip his own in an attempted finger lock. Hiro looks back to his bed, finding someone under the bedsheets was reaching for him not to go so soon. With a caring smile, he kneels to the bedside and grasps the hand with both of his.

Hiro: "I know I make you worry, but I promise I'll be fine as always. You can sleep in today if you're not feeling well, ok?"

While not getting an audible response, the person under the sheets gave a nod of understanding before loosening their grip. Hiro carefully places their hand on the bed and gets up to open up his cell door. Before leaving, he turns back around one more time and gives a cheeky little thumbs up.

(TIMESKIP/Meanwhile (again?!) outside....)

Manako: "Smith, are you sure we should do this?"

Smith: "What do you mean?"

We cut to see Smith driving an armored police truck, while all four members of MON fill the back seats. They are on their way to the underground arena once more, after having the go ahead from higher ups. Tionisha sits in the very back of the truck, hoping to see Hiro again after before, while Zombina and Doppel, their Doppelgänger Liminal, either converse or laze on the other side of the seats.

Manako, their Monoeye sniper, sits at the front seat with Smith. While they were not present the first time around, she and Doppel have a basic understanding from a briefing prior to mobilizing. Safe to say Manako was far from thrilled to visit, while Doppel didn't really seem to mind either way and had nothing better to do.

Manako: "I mean do we really need to go to that place? It makes me uncomfortable just from the briefings. W-what if they make fun of my eye?!"

Smith: "I'm sure it'll be fine. A quick in and out type of job. If you want, you and Doppel can just wait in the truck in the meantime."

Manako nods to this while Doppel just wakes from her nap as they park in front of the warehouse they were last night. Smith exits the drivers seat and goes to open the back door to let Tio and Zombina out. Once out, the three of them stand in front of the secret entrance before Tio lifts the large slab hiding the stairway, allowing Smith and Zombina to slide down it. After closing it and walking down the steps to the guarded door, Smith knocks hard on the door and waits for a response. Surprisingly as a response, the door opens to reveal the bouncer from before.

Bouncer: "Yo. Boss got a call earlier from your head honcho ahead of time. Go on in."

Smith: "Well thank you for the hospitality."

Smith raises a brow to this, not knowing her superiors had made a call as soon as they left. Although that would mean a little less work on her part, so she was not going to question it. As she and the others enter the bar, with Tionishia needing some assistance with the door frame, the main lobby was relatively quite.

Smith: "Something seems off today."

Zombina: "Yeah. Totally dead compared to last week. And this coming from me!"

Tio: "Maybe a slow day?"

Lau: "Ah Ms.Smith! What a pleasant surprise."

As if out of nowhere, Lau makes himself known amongst the crowd. With his ever so charismatic smile, he comes up to Smith and co to properly greet them.

Lau: "When I received a call from your boss earlier, I had asked our patrons to provide a less rowdy welcome for you. Seeing as you are here for a far more serious reason, yes?"

Smith: "So I guess that means you're up to speed, right? That makes things a lot easier to explain..."

With a nod, Lau guides them to his office, away from any that may listen a little too closely. Meanwhile...

Hiro: "Take THIS direct attack!"

In a swift movement, Hiro's monster strikes his opponent head on, draining his Life Points to zero. With a loud siren, it signifies win number 15 in a row. He was testing out a new deck, as usual, to see the best strategy for him.

Hiro: "This Dragon deck is pretty strong! But...I don't think it's my style either."

To this point, Hiro has always tested numerous decks at a time to suit his 'style'. However every one of them never felt right to him. Not that they were bad, but it just never clicked with the young dragon.

Hiro: "Ah well, let's at least go for 20 wins before I get bored! Next challenger, come on up!"

Tio: "Hiro, sweetie!!"

All of a sudden, before he could have time to react, Hiro's vision is obscured as he feels like he was swept off his feet. In actuality, Tio had somehow snuck up behind him and surprise hug him. The young dragon's head was planted firmly into her breast, making it hard to both see and breathe.

Tio: "I'm so glad to see you again!"

Hiro: *muffled* "Tionishia, I can't breathe..."

As she continues to suffocate the young dragon, Smith and Zombina walk with Lau to his office. In said office, decorated with the aesthetic of a dragon's den, rare cards and gems lining his shelves. The man sits at his desk, a cunning grin plastered on his face, as he motions for Kuroko to have a seat.

Lau: "So...Shall we discuss, Ms. Smith?"

The government agent takes her seat, as Zombina leans on the wall next to her, taking off her shades to look the man in the eyes.

Smith: "I assume that, since my superiors contacted you ahead of time, you know exactly why I'm here?"

Lau: "Of course. And I must say, it's quite a shock to offer such a thing. You know, I have a business to run, and to suggest handing over my best performer is simply baffling to me."

Smith: "I don't see the issue; the government gets jurisdiction for the boy, he gets to live in....better conditions, you get a monthly check for your troubles. Everyone wins, don't you think?"

Lau: "Perhaps. But then again, there are many benefactors who will be VERY upset if their favorite gladiator was off the roster. Plus you know as well as I do that it should be up to Hiro to decide."

Zombina: "Alright, then let's tell the runt! Let'em pick!"

Lau: "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. After all, our friend in question is already aware. Isn't that right, Hiro?"

In that mere moment, the door to Lau's office was kicked down by the aforementioned dragon Liminal. With Tionishia holding onto him, Hiro marches over to his boss with an aggravated glare directed towards Smith.

Hiro: "Yeah, I heard the whole thing. And I'm telling you right now, you're better off walking away. Because I'm NOT leaving without a fight...."

Smith: "Maybe you should think this through a bit more. Think of all the benefits you get—"

Hiro: "Oh I know about the "benefits" your little pet project provides, and I'm FAR from interested. I've got people who NEED me here, and it's a way better life than being some random schmuck's house pet."

Tio: "Hiro! You shouldn't go talking like that!"

Hiro: "The hell're you? My mother?"

Before they could argue any further, worsening Smith's already growing headache, Lau claps his hands as a to grab their attention.

Lau: "Now Hiro, I taught you better than that. There is only one way to settle a dispute, and that is...."

Hiro: "...by a Duel. I know. I just don't think our "guests" are willing to follow our rules..."

Lau gets up from his seat and lightly ruffles Hiro's hair, as a way to assure the young dragon.

Lau: "You let me worry about that. You go back to your cell and get ready. We'll be having a surprise cage match within an hour."

Hiro nods, exiting his boss's office and leaving it's occupants alone, before going to his prison cell. Once there, he digs through his belongings until he finds a deck box. He takes the deck out and was just about to head back to arena but was stopped by his cell mate, feeling a hand on his own.

Hiro: "it's alright, I won't lose...

?: ".....that's not what I'm worried about...."

Hiro: "............I've got an hour before my next duel."

?: "Wanna talk for a bit?"

Hiro: "For as long as you want."

For the remaining hour before the duel, the duo talked more and more. Going on about plans together and other things, eventually having said cellmate taking off the sheets covering them, revealing a mop of pale blonde hair that reaches to her shoulders. After some time, the young dragon gets up and gets ready for the duel.

But not before his mysterious cell mate gives him a little kiss for good luck.

?: "Do your best."

Hiro: "Like always."

With that, he exits his cell, duel disk and deck in hand and ready to duel. Leaving his partner to herself with a pair of broken glasses on the dresser...

After a short track, Hiro finds himself back on the main stage, where Smith and co are waiting. Without a single word, Hiro walks up stage and stands on the opposite side of the arena, the roaring crowd already placing bets. Lau, alongside two assistants, stand at the center to oversee the match. Smith turns to the owner in curiosity.

Smith: "So, just to make sure we're clear on our agreement; if Hiro wins, he stays. But if I win, he joins the program, no muss no fuss. That right?"

Lau: "That is correct, Ms. Smith. Although, i am surprised that you yourself wished to duel. I had thought you'd want your subordinates to take the challenge."

Zombina: "I don't do anything I find boring."

Tio: "I couldn't fit those disk thingies on me..."

Lau: "I see. Well then, I wish the best of luck.....you're going to need it."

Smith: "What ever for? Can't be that hard to play a little card game, can it?"

Hiro: "Sounding real cocky, aren't you? But don't worry, I'll wipe all that confidence off your face!"

The two start up their respective duel disks and drawing 5 cards. Kuroko was using a metallic gray with silver accents duel disk, likely issued by management.

While Hiro's had a more cobalt base with amber yellow accents to it, custom made.

Ref: "LADIES & GENTLEMEN, Today's a special cage match duel! On our Home team is our resident "Rainbow Dragon", HIRO! And on the Away team is the leader of the MON squad, Kuroko Smith! Place your bets and LET'S! GET! STARTED!"

Ready?..... DUEL!!

{OST: Big Fight; Tag Force 3}

Hiro: "I'll take the first move. I draw! I'll start by activating the Spell card Foolish Burial and send Lilith, Lady of Lament to the graveyard. Next I'll summon Lilith's twin, Alice, in defense mode!"

Hiro: "When she's normal summoned, I can special summon another "Lady of Lament" from the grave! I'm summoning Lilith!"

A dark portal opens beneath Alice, said fiend backing away to allow her red haired twin to fly out from the grave.

Tio: "Wow! It's like those monsties are really there!"

Zombina: "You act like it's your first time seeing it, Tio. Did you forget the briefing AGAIN?"

Tionishia's only response to that was playfully sticking her tongue out, showing that she indeed spaced out during the lecture.

Hiro: "I'll activate Lilith's effect; by sacrificing a Dark attribute monster, I can set 1 normal trap from my deck. The monster I'm tributing is Alice."

With a courteous bow, said fiend type vanishes into particles. Smith then gets an image on her duel disk; 3 face down cards. She looks up to her opponent in curiosity.

Hiro: "Downside of Lilith's effect is that my opponent has to pick at random the card for me to set while I shuffle the other two back. So go ahead, pick your poison..."

Taking a second, weighing the possibilities on her choice, before deciding on the middle option on the screen. Hiro takes the card that was picked and sets it, and another card, on the field.

Hiro: "With that, I end my turn. Your move."

Smith: "I draw. I'll start by summoning Protector with Eyes of Blue."

Smith: "This guy let's me special summon another Level 1 Light Tuner from my hand. I'll summon......Priestess with Eyes of Blue in Defense mode."

Hiro: "I'll admit, out of all decks in the world, I wasn't expecting you to use Blue Eyes."

Smith: "Oh, there's a lot most don't know about me. But anyway, I'll activate Protector's other effect; by tributing an effect Monster, I can special summon a Blue-Eyes from my hand. The monster I pick is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Hiro: "I won't let you! I activate my Trap Card; Grinning Grave Virus!"

Hiro: "By sacrificing a DARK monster with 3000 or less Attack, you send cards from your hand or deck to the grave for every 500. With Lilith's 2000 Attack, that'll four in total!"

Kuroko takes four cards from her deck and transfers them to the graveyard in her Duel Disk.

Tio: "Wait, isn't Hiro making himself vulnerable..?"

Smith: "Interesting....."

Hiro: "That's not all. I activate my other face down trap; Necro Fusion! In exchange for removing the right materials from play, I can Fuse my monsters in the Graveyard. I fuse Lilith and Alice together!"

A dark portal opens up again, allowing Lilith and Alice to fly out of it. They were not there for long, as the twins' entire bodies glowed a deep violet and start to merge into a sphere. That sphere starts to morph, changing into a more avian form.

Hiro: "Demons of Calamity, combine into a Beast of Ominous Winds! I Fusion Summon! Take flight, Garura, Wings of Resonant Life!"


Lau: "So that was his plan."

Smith: "Well, with that, I'll place a card facedown and end my turn. Your move, kid."

Hiro: "Fine! My turn. I activate Ahrima, the Wicked Warden's effect! By discarding it from my hand, I add Lair of Darkness from my deck to my hand. Which I'll activate!"

As he plays the field spell, the entire area around them is shrouded in darkness, as ghouls and evil spirits rise from the ground beneath. Thankfully they were just holograms......right?

Hiro: "With this field spell in play, all of our monsters are treated as Dark Attribute. That includes your monsters as well, Ms. Smith. I'll use my Garura and your Blue-Eyes White Dragon to Advance Summon!"

As the twin-headed bird soars into the shadows, Smith's Blue-Eyes is dragged into the darkness, as it start to evaporate into Violet particles. The shadows combine into an giant formless silhouette, trying to morph into whatever creature Hiro had in stored for them.

{OST: Sad Duel from Yugioh GX}

Hiro: "Imprisoned dragon of darkness, Break away from your chains and lash out with your Unyielding RAGE! I Advance Summon! Darkest Diabolos, Lord of the Lair!"

The formless mass began to take shape, becoming a monster of power and rage. A vicious horned dragon with pitch black scales all across its body and wings, red veins pulsating in rage and broken chains adorned its limbs and neck. The dark dragon roars to the heavens, announcing its own arrival and shaking the whole arena, as the shadows howl with it.

Zombina: "What the hell is THAT?!"

Lau: "It seems Hiro has brought about his Ace monster. A bit prematurely in my opinion, but even then, I trust his judgement."

Smith: "Well! You sure know how to make a spectacle. I'm almost jealous with how good you're playing."

Hiro: "You won't be feeling that way for long! With Garura's effect, I get to draw a card. Now, Battle! Darkest Diabolos, attack her directly! Darkness Gale!"

With a massive huff, the demonic dragon blasts a cyclone of darkness at Kuroko, causing her to physically flying back and into the cage wall. As the agent drops to one knee, her Life Points decrease rapidly (LP: 1000) as her teammates watch in shock.

Tio: "SMITH!"

Without warning, Zombina pulls out a pair of SMGs from their holsters and points them at Lau, latter of which merely chuckles at the sight.

Zombina: "Hey, hey, HEY! Nobody said anything about the holograms doing THAT! The hell kinda stunt are you tryin' to pull!"

Lau: "Ms Zombina, was it? I assume you were already informed of what can and will transpire in underground dueling, yes? I don't see why this is such a surprise to you."

Zombina: "You bastard! You trying to piss me off?!"

Lau: "I assure you, your supervisor will be just fine, seeing as I had set the damage to the lowest setting. She will still feel a slight sting though..."

Tio: "Hey, can we just call off the duel? I don't want Smith to get hurt so much!"

Smith: "Do you two have so little faith in me?"

Kuroko gets up, dusting off and readjusting her suit and hair that had gotten a bit wrinkled after the attack. Hiro stands with his arms crossed, waiting patiently.

Hiro: "Well? How's that damage feel, as small as it may be? I endure far worse than that on the daily and barely break a sweat."

Smith: "I'll admit, it was a bit of a shock, how a mere hologram could be so lifelike. And to even physically interact with someone, it's nothing short of amazing! It's that thrill that could keep your body and mind going, I can see why you're so against leaving."

Hiro: "Yeah well, I've got more personal reasons for staying, but that about sums it up on paper. This is the kind of lifestyle I live and I WON'T be giving it up just to be some rando's lap dog! Not without a fight...."

Smith: "I see...Well, don't you worry. I'll make sure you experience life in a new but familiar way."

Hiro: "Oh? Guess that last attack didn't wipe enough of that confidence you got. I'll be sure to scrub harder next turn and finish you off! I set a facedown and end my turn! Lair of Darkness's effect activates and summons Torment Tokens to my side of the field up to the number of monsters tributed this turn!"

{OST: Tag Force 3: Losing...}

As two formless shadows appear at Hiro's side, taking two of his monster zones, the turn is passed to Kuroko. She draws a card, just the right card she needed.

Smith: "You know Hiro, I'd actually like to thank you for that Virus Trap Card you used on me."

Hiro: "Huh? What for?"

Smith: "Since I had to send cards from my deck to my graveyard, can you guess which ones I decided to send there?"

Hiro: "huh...?.....! Don't tell me...!"

Smith: "I activate the Spell card Ultimate Fusion!

Smith: "This card lets me Summon a Blue-Eyes Fusion monster by sending the right material from hand, field or graveyard back to my deck. And after your little "Virus-to-Fusion" stunt, I figured I'd respond in kind. I send the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my Grave back to my deck so I can Fuse them together!"

A dark portal leading to the Graveyard opens up, as Smith's three Blue-Eyes fly out from it. The three dragons then swirl and combine together, forming one larger three-headed version of the beasts, with light blue markings all throughout its body and wings.

Smith: "I Fusion Summon Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

The two monsters stare each other down, with Darkest Diabolos growling at the very sight of the fusion. Hiro himself takes a step back in surprise.

Hiro: "So...guess this means my idea sorta bit me in the ass this time, huh?"

Smith: "Well not exactly. Just a luck of the draw, you could say."

Hiro: "So it would seem. But even then, yours may be stronger, but it won't save you."

Smith: "Oh I wouldn't be so sure. Battle Phase! Neo Ultimate Dragon, attack his Darkest Diabolos!"

Hiro: "Like I'd let you! Trap Card, open; Scrap Iron Scarecrow! This card negates your attack!"

As the three-headed dragon fires a stream of light, a ragged iron scarecrow pops in out of nowhere and blocks the attack, completely unharmed before setting itself back facedown.

Hiro: "Guess that little plan didn't work out so well, huh Ms Smith?"

Smith: "Hiro, I thought you were a pro at this dueling thing. Neo Blue-Eyes has a little effect, by sending a Blue-Eyes Fusion monster to the grave, I can attack again."

To prove her point, Smith takes another Fusion monster from her Extra Deck to her Graveyard, it was the original Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. This causes the on-field fusion monster to growl as it's markings start to shine a vibrant green. It unleashes a second attack on Diabolos, this time successfully landing the hit, causing Hiro damage(LP: 4000-1500 = 2500) and his collar to shock him just as much.

Smith: "While I could use the effect again, it wouldn't help much, and I don't have many cards for it."

Hiro: "Then what? Just gonna end you turn like that?"

Smith: "Now where would the fun in that be? Trap card, open; Ring of Destruction! By destroying one monster on the field, I deal damage to the both of us equal to its attack. And the monster I choose.....my Neo Blue-Eyes!"

Suddenly, a collar decorated with live explosives wraps itself around the neck of the center head.

Hiro: "H-Hey, wait a second! That'll take us BOTH out! The hell are you trying to pull here!?"

Smith: "Whatever do you mean? After all, I also activate the Quick-Play Spell Ring of Defense. This negates any effect damage that I may take. So, in other words Hiro-kun, this is...checkmate!"

As a forest green ring materialized to shield Smith, the explosive collar goes off, destroying all monsters on the field and blowing Hiro back into the arena's walls. This led to the shock collar going off, electrocuting the dragon Liminal as his Life Points drop to zero. While it stung a bit, it did not compare to the sting of defeat he experienced, as the referee called out the victor.

Referee: "In an upsetting turn of events, the winner Kuroko Smith of M.O.N.!"

The crowd roars at the result, whether it was positive or negative cheers was anyone's guess.
As Hiro gets up, recovering from the shock, Smith approached him to lend a hand up.

Rewrite Break here.....

Up the top of the stairs, Hiro pushes up the slab blocking the stairway, allowing the other three out of there and make way to Smith's truck. Smith opens up the back, where they see Doppel taking a nap again, allowing Tio, Zombina and Hiro to climb in and have a seat as Smith sits in the drivers seat with Manako and starts driving.

(Hey everybody, RogueShadow here!
.....ok I know this may not have been that good the first time couple of times before, considering the past version, but I think I got something this time. Again though I THINK.
So reason why I'm lagging in updates: I've having more ideas and I've also been trying to update other chapters at the same time. Yeah it's happening again T-T....also I've been personally busy as well, so yeah..
Anyway! That's all for now. Thank for your time, I'll see you all next time!

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