The last of them

By AshanTrueDragonGod

20.5K 284 216

He lost everything to the damn lizard his friends, his family and his goddess he swore to avenge them and to... More

Chapter 1: Return
Chapter 3: The Dungeon And Lily
Chapter 4: I Am A Teacher?
Chapter 5: A Fateful Meeting
Chapter 6: Minotaur Fight

Chapter 2: The New Home

3.7K 48 59
By AshanTrueDragonGod

What happened so far...
Ancalagon, or Acan for short, has arrived in Orario and he has caused a bit of a commotion in a pub and the guild but he also became part of Miachs familia. Now he is getting questioned by Miach and Naaza.

3rd person pov

Miach:" It is a shame that you know nothing about potions!"

Acan:" I never needed them."

Naaza:" But why?"

Acan:" My armor makes sure that everything stays in place so I can continue fighting even with most of my bones broken."

Miach:" But it does not heal you."

Acan:" No and if I go to far with the fighting I may very well die inside the armor."

Naaza:" Wouldn't it be safer to not use it then?"

Acan:" Maybe but the armor boosts my strength, durability and speed to a great extent so it is very useful for me, despite the whole insanity thing."

Miach:" Insanity?"

Acan:" Activating the armor completely makes me give in to my inner demons and as such I will turn into the most ruthless killer ever, although I have gotten a bit of self control left it is only enough to deactivate the armor if I get damaged to much."

Miach:" Is there anything else we have to know about this armor?"

Acan:" I can't feel pain as soon as the armor is fully activated, I can't take it off and when not activated it is only defending my upper body not my arms head and everything under my hips."

Naaza:" You can't take it off?"

Acan:" No."

He lifts his left arm and it is covered in scars but not from slashes, these scars are round and not very big.

Acan:" In order to keep my body stable the armor anchors itself in my bones and the main armor is constantly anchored in my chest and back."

Miach:" That must hurt very much, if you want I can make you a potion to numb the pain."

Acan:" There is no need for you to do it, I have learned to live with the constant pain."

Naaza:" Then what about your weapon? It doesn't seem very useful and for an axe that's more then big enough to be considered a two-handed axe the handle is to short."

Acan:" That is because it is a one-handed axe."

Miach:" But wouldn't you need to use the armor to lift this axe? I don't think that I know anyone who could lift it with one hand alone."

Acan simply takes the handle and holds the axe over his head.

Acan:" It is a good way to make sure it is not stolen or used against me."

Miach:" Then let's continue with your skills alright? I have seen that you have at least two unique skills: 'Monsterslayer' and 'Advocate of the sun' could you tell us something about them?"

Acan:" Monsterslayer is basically that every time I fight something or someone I consider a monster, it gives me a boost for my stats if my enemy is more powerful than I am. Advocate of the sun is what gives me my power over day and basically I am at my most powerful state at around 12 am or lunch time and at my weakest at midnight."

Miach:" But then your stats would change depending on the situation."

Acan:" Lady Hera always checked my status when the sun reached it highest point at lunch time."

Naaza:" What happened with her?"

Acan:" She decided to leave."

Miach:" I can be sure then that she is back in heaven."

Acan:" Yes."

Naaza:" I have another question for you. You have that little bag but isn't it to small to get anything inside it?"

Acna:" This bag was made by the Athena-familia as well as most of my clothes, but because they live outside of Orario they are mostly unknown to the important persons but their abilities to make nearly anything from fabric is quite good."

Miach:" I think that we have asked enough questions for now so we should head to sleep and tomorrow we can start rebuilding this place."

Naaza:" You mean that Acan and I will rebuild this place while you walk around and give away potions to anyone who seems to be just a little bit hurt."

Miach rubs the back of his head and gives a nervous laugh, just in that moment the door gets opened and Bell Carnel and his goddess Hestia are seen.

Hestia:" Miach are you there?"

They walk further the back room of the run down building and Bell nearly jumps out of his boots as he sees Acan.

Bell:" That's him he has helped me!"

Hestia:" But you said to me that the person who helped you has covered his face and you couldn't see his face."

Bell:" Uh, yes that is true but I am sure that he helped me."

Acan:" I have no idea who you are, boy."

Bell:" My name is Bell and I am sure that you were in the Hostess of Fertility and that it was you who threw out one of the members of the Loki-familia."

Miach:" That could be a problem."

Acan:" I only have to break their necks and we are done."

Acans behavior changed as soon as he heard the name Loki, before he was at the very least friendly but now he is outright terrifying.

Miach:" You will not just kill them."

Hestia:" Anyway, I want to thank you for helping my Bell."

She makes a small bow and leaves with Bell following like a lost puppy.

Acan:' I have the feeling that he will be an incredible adventurer over time.'

The next day comes and, just as Naaza said, Miach is gone with the first rays of the sun leaving Acan and her to get materials and rebuild the shop. They are working for a long time before deciding to take a break.

Acan:" Why is it that you didn't have enough Valis to even get some repairs done to your shop?"

Naaza:" *sigh* Before I got the silver arm I was an adventurer like you but someday something went horribly wrong and as a result I lost my arm. Miach then gave everything we had so his father would make this new arm for me."

Acan:" He gave everything to help you and his father is a greedy asshole. Well I can see why you love Miach."

Naaza:" *blushes* I don't love him!"

Acna:" Yes you do. It's not like there is a problem with that."

Naaza:" Alright I do love him, no one else has gone so far for me."

Acan:" Now I guess that whatever happened is the reason why you don't go into the dungeon anymore?"

Naaza:" Yes, now then you know who I love how is it for you?"

Acan:" I have never loved anyone. My parents died when I was four as they fought against the black dragon. I have inherited the armor and weapons of them and Lady Hera has been my mother since then until she decided to leave. Romantic love was never part of my life so even if I would love someone romantically I wouldn't know it."

Naaza:" I am sorry if I have made you think of bad things."

Acan:" If someone of us should apologize it would be me. I shouldn't have asked about your past and it is only understandable that you are concerned when it comes to me, after all you barely know me."

Naaza:" Well at least now we have an adventurer again. So your little bag is there something special about it?"

Acan:" So you noticed that I didn't tell you guys everything about it. In truth for most it doesn't seem to much out of the ordinary despite being so small and I have actually two of those one is for storing one large item inside and no matter how large it will fit and this one is currently used, the other can hold a near infinite amount of one item inside, for example if I would put the potions you guys make inside I could place more and more inside without the bag getting heavier."

Naaza:" So you could also place magic crystals inside and you wouldn't need to hire a supporter."

Acan:" A fun fact about the bags is that they can't be opened by someone else unless I give my okay."

Naaza:" We still have a lot of work to do so lets get back to it."

They continue their work and when Miach comes home in the evening, after he had a run in with Bell and gave him two potions, the house is done and Acan and Naaza are asleep, Naaza in her bed and Acan while leaning on the doorframe right next to the entrance.

Miach:' They have done a great job. Tomorrow they can have the day off and enjoy the Monsterphilia.'

He gats a blanket for Acan and after placing it over the sleeping warrior and goes to bed himself.

After being told that they have the day off Acan simply walks around Orario while Naaza decided to stay with the store. He walks straight to the arena where the main attraction is being held when he enters there seems to be an announcement from the guild.

Guild worker:" We have an announcement to make that-"

Before he can finish a member of the Ganesha-familia runs onto the stage.

Familia member:" Lord Ganesha, the monsters have been set free and swarm the city!"

Ganesha:" Close the coloseum and make sure to catch as many monsters inside as possible!"

Before the doors close completely Acan is out again and luckily he brought his axe. He has killed some monsters as he sees a Silverback

and the monster seems to hunt something or someone, so he follows it and find the monster close to killing Bell. Acan throws one of the small bombs that he has in small pouches on his belt. The bomb blinds the monster for a short time and Acan uses this time to get Bell away from the monster.

Acan:' That's strange normally a monster would be furious and come after me. That means this monster has been set to hunt one special person. But who could do something like that?'

He continues thinking until he hears a crash and a scream, hastily he makes his way back and find the Silverback has caught Hestia and tries to crush her. Bell who just regained consciousness has taken one of the potions Miach gave him the night before and is now back at the small place where the Silverback squeezes Hestia but before he can act the ape is roaring in pain, his arm cut of cleanly.

Acan:" Boy! You should make sure that you can fight the enemy before engaging in a battle. Now end this!"

Hestia who is still awake runs over to Bell while Acan has an arm wrestling match with the ape and he wins throwing the monster into the nearest wall. By now many people have gathered and watch the spectacle, including Ais Wallenstein. But the last most of them see is Bell finishing the monster while Acan stands back holding Hestia who has slipped into unconsciousness.

Acan:" Come boy. We have to get your goddess to Miach."

Meanwhile a certain someone has been watching with quite the interest from the top of a nearby building.

???:" One is innocent and destined for greatness and the other has already achieved it. I want them both."

Acan:" Then let me tell you that whatever you do, if it gets Bell or Hestia in danger I will come for you and take everything from you, Freya the traitor."

Freya giggles and her violet eyes start to glow softly.

Acan:" I have the protection of Lady Hera, your charm doesn't work on me."

Freya:" Hmm, then you are the little boy she took with her when she was banished. I wanted you for myself."

Acan:" If I could, my axe would be splitting your head already but sadly I am unable to kill gods but remember my warning, if you do anything to hurt Bell or Hestia I will hunt down your familia until you are all alone."

He leaps of the building and makes his way back to Miachs shop.

Freya:" Someday you both will be mine."
There you go, second chapter done and again I have to thank Nightingale_Pledge for his help, now then I have an important question the announcement that the Black dragon is dead has been delayed so:

Should it still be announced


Should it be keept a secret

And if you choose the first then:

Should the Miach-familia get more members (only for season one so far and no one who we get to know in season one and will be part of Hestias familia later)

Or not

Alright that is all from me so have a good day or night wherever you are and till next time.

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