Meta Runner: Always Fighting...

De InfiniteLeJackal

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Ever wondered what happened to the clones of Infinite and Crystal after Blizzard kicked them into that portal... Mai multe

Epilogue: A New Universe
Chapter One: Escaping Tas Corp
Chapter Two: The Ultimate Gamer
Chapter Three: Into The Gameverse
Chapter Four: The Evil Clone
Chapter Five: Tas Corp's Fatal Mistake
Chapter Six: Clauds In Trouble
Chapter Seven: Tari's Potential
Chapter Eight: Game Battle
Chapter Nine: A Dark Secret
Chapter Ten: The Assassin (Mini Chapter)
Chapter Eleven: Training
Chapter Twelve: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Thirteen: Game On
Chapter Fifteen: Game Over
Chapter Sixteen: Loss
Chapter Seventeen: Breaking In
Chapter Eighteen: Demolition
Final Chapter: Meme Stone Battle

Chapter Fourteen: Mountain Brawl

73 1 0
De InfiniteLeJackal

Tari opened her eyes and coughed a few times before getting up and looked around, she was in some old ruins. She wandered around and saw a Spellbook.

Tari: Huh?

Tari grabbed the Spellbook and absorbed it's power, gaining an ice ability, she summoned an icicle in her hand and giggled.


Tari: Huh?

Tari looked around and saw a competitor looking down at her from above.

Tari: EEP!

Competitor 1: ...

Tari used the Spellbook's power and threw a couple of icicles at her opponent, the competitor used a Windburst spell to launch himself into the air and fired a few green lasers at Tari, which she blocked with another spell.

Tari: Grrr-

Tari was sent back flying into the wall, and then got hit by a fireball.

Tari: AGH!

The same competitors from before walked up to Tari and prepared to finish her off when a voice called out.


Theo slid down a hill on a coconut as one of the competitors threw a fireball at him, the coconut protected Theo as it hit the competitor in the face.

Competitor 2: OOF!

Theo: Abracadabra!

Theo glowed green and started to use a healing spell on Tari.


Before the third competitor could stop Theo, a lightning bolt came out of nowhere and hit them.

Lamar: Hey ya'll, what's good?

Infinite and Crystal appeared beside Lamar and cracked their knuckles. The second competitor prepared to summon another meteor shower.

Infinite: Uh oh!

Crystal: Wait, look!

Masa jumped through the cloud and swung his sword two times sending waves of energy flying at the second competitor. They disappeared as Masa landed on the ground in front of everyone.

Masa: Team! Give them hell!

Everyone: RIGHT!

The two teams fought for a few minutes and then had a stand off.

Lamar: So what's the play, Masa?

Masa: You're on point. Get an early pick on their flank, then sweep in with the others.

Lamar: And what about the boss lady?

Masa: Leave her... To me.

Masa put his helmet on and charged.

Lamar: Focus on the one to the left!

Tari, Theo, Lamar, Infinite and Crystal began using their spells but their opponent was too fast.

Lamar: Damn it, how do they always get the best spells?

Infinite: It's just damn luck, that's all!

Lamar: Aw, crap! GET OUTTA THERE!

One of the competitors threw small explosives at the group causing them to scatter, Tari dodged a few and started running but was stopped by the other competitor from earlier.

Infinite: Tari, allow us to help!

Tari: O-okay!

Crystal: Distract that bastard! I got this!

Tari threw a few icicles which were sucked in a portal behind her opponent.

Infinite: Now!

Crystal used a Lightning spell which shocked the competitor.

Competitor 1: OOF!

The competitor started using multiple Windburst spells sending everyone flying.

Infinite: WHOA!

Tari: Ah!

Nearby, Lamar used more spells but got send flying back onto his back.

Lamar: ARGH!

Competitor 3: I'mmmmm about to whip somebody's ass!

Theo: Alaka-ZAM!

A wall of ice appeared in front of Theo and Lamar shielding them from the incoming explosives.

Lamar: Theo... I think it's time we do it, little man.

Theo: You mean...?

Lamar: The Orochi Formation...

A part of the ice wall fell into the ground as Lamar walked through with Theo on his shoulder.


Competitor 3/4: ...?

Lamar's shoes changed as he started to run while dodging spells, Theo fired lasers out of his fingers as one of the competitors disappeared and the other used a spell to launch himself into the air. Lamar followed after the competitor and Theo smiled.

Theo: Hasta la vista... Baby! (I honestly think he should of said this at this part. XD)

Competitor 3: NO-

Theo fired one more laser which went through the competitor's forehead, eliminating them. Lamar landed on the ground and smiled as Theo fell and faceplanted.

Theo: Yeah! Orochi Formation!

Tari: AHHH!!!

Lamar: TARI!!!

Infinite: Damn it, my health is too low! I can't risk it!

Crystal: Same here...!

Lamar: Huh?

A wave of energy hit Lamar sending him flying. 

Lamar: NOT AGAIN!!!

Competitor 1: Time... To die. :D

Theo: Tari!

Infinite: What...?

Before the competitor could finish Tari off, Theo jumped in the way of the spell and took the hit instead.

Theo: UGH!

Tari: THEO!!!!!

Theo landed on the ground in front of Tari and looked up at her.

Tari: Theo...

Theo: Go... Go get him, Tari...

Theo popped out of the game and warped back into reality.

Theo: I believe in you...! *Looks around* Oh.

Tari picked up Theo's spellbook and growled.

Competitor 1: Aww, is someone getting salty?

Infinite: Kick that guy's ass, Tari!

Crystal: Yeah, get him...!

Tari summoned more icicles and threw them at the competitor, he summoned a portal which sucked the icicles in, Tari jumped to her opponent's side and used one of her spells to grab a large brick and throw it at the competitor.

Competitor 1: OH, WHAT THE FU- OOF!

Tari threw more icicles, the competitor used a Windburst spell and launched himself into the air.

Infinite: Tari, he's retreating! Finish him off!

Tari nodded and launched herself into the air as well while throwing even more icicles.

Competitor 1: AH, SHIT! *Dodges them*

Tari jumped off the large brick and appeared behind her opponent.

Competitor 1: NANI?!

Tari: Crackerjack.

Tari fired a laser which went through her opponent's head, he fell to the ground and disappeared.

Crystal: Hell yeah! Awesome work, Tari!

Theo: Yeah, Tari! You're the finger gun master! Pew pew!

Tari: Thank you, Theo...

Infinite: Okay... Our health is back up to a good state. 

Lamar: AHHH!!! OOF!

Competitor 4: Gotcha.

The competitor stomped on Lamar's chest and prepared to finish him off.

Crystal: Uh uh uh!

Crystal used a Windburst spell to send the fourth competitor flying. Lamar got back up and smiled.

Lamar: Awww, yeah.

Lamar ran towards the competitor and kicked her in the face, she too was defeated as Lamar began to breathe heavily.

Tari: You know, you can rest for a second if you need to catch your breath.

Lamar: Haha, save the jokes for after the fight.

Infinite: So, it's just one more left, right?

Crystal: Yep. Masa's over there!

Masa held his sword up as the others joined him.

Competitor 2: ...Alright, imma head out.

The competitor turned around and disappeared.

Tari: Oh man, I have no idea how we got through that.

Lamar: Whaaat? You were amazing, though. You were kicking ass all over the place!

Infinite: Damn right she was!

Theo: Hey, I killed people too.

Lamar: Haha, yes you did, little man!

Tari: Thanks, Lamar, but I did need you guys to save me.

Lamar: That's what a team does, Tari. Look out for each other, you know, make sure everyone's okay.

Masa: There are no weaklings in MD-5, Tari. You're here because you belong here. Never forget that, okay?

Tari: Thanks, Masa.

Masa: And you, Infinite and Crystal. It was either luck or fate that brought us together, but you both have been great helps in this mission. Great gameplay, you two.

Infinite: *Chuckle*

Crystal: Why, thank you!

Tari: Well guys, what do you say we finish climbing that mountain, huh?

Infinite: Right!

Everyone launched themselves upwards but didn't realize that the competitor from before was watching them, revealed to be Belle.

Belle: You really haven't lost your touch, have you, Masa?

Belle started to get a call from her Meta Runner arm, she answered it and heard a very serious sounding Lux.

Lux: Belle, would you care to explain why your targets are currently alive and climbing the mountain?

Belle: Hey, it's not my fault. Blame the three anchors you made me carry!

Lux: I asked for explanations, not excuses, Belle. Maybe I should send some... Supervision up there.

Belle: I work better alone, Lux. You know that. If anything, it'll be easier now for me to get my hands on that lucky scrub.

Lux: Focus, Belle. Too much is at stake for any distractions. Your priority is elimination! Anything you have to say to Tari can wait until after that. 

Belle: ...

Lux: Belle!

Belle: Yeah, eliminate her! Team wipe! I understand. Jeez.

Lux: I'll be watching...

Meanwhile, the Meta Runners arrived to the very top of the mountain and looked at the view.

Tari: We made it!

Infinite: Yes!

Lamar: You know, I've climbed this mountain a thousand times, but... Man... This view still gets to me.

Crystal: I see what you mean... It's beautiful!

Masa: Focus up, team. The mission's not over yet. Are you ready to do the glitch, Tari?

Tari: As I'll ever be!

Tari took a deep breath but then sensed a threat.

Infinite: Huh?

Crystal: TARI, LOOK OUT!!!

Crystal grabbed Tari and jumped out of the way with her as a fireball hit Lamar and eliminated him.


Lamar hopped off his chair and looked at Masa's screen.

Belle: You REALLY must be desperate, Masa. Teaming up with these rookie league Runners.

Masa: BELLE?!

Infinite: OH, SHIT!

Crystal: What?!

Theo: Huh?!

Lamar: No, no, no, no, no, no! She's here! That means Tas Corp's onto us! I'm pulling her out, man. We need to bolt!

Infinite/Crystal/Masa: NO!

Masa: We are not giving up here! Tari, execute the glitch now!

Tari: R-right!

Tari used the Windburst spell to propel herself into the air but a large boulder suddenly blocked her way.

Tari: AH!

Belle: Uh-uh, you're not going anywhere.

Masa: Damn it, Belle! Stand down right now!

Belle: No! You don't get to tell me what to do anymore, Masa! You're not Tas Corp Team Captain anymore!

Tari: Wait, what?

Infinite: Tas Corp Team Captain?!

Crystal: EHH?!

Belle: Oh, you didn't tell them? What, too ashamed of being decommissioned? 

Masa: Ashamed? No, I stand by my choice. I just wish you had done the same for me!

Belle: How dare you...! I tried to talk you out of it, damn it! Hacking Lux's private server, what did you think would happen?! You're lucky that decommissioning you was all that Lux did!

Masa: Do you even hear yourself?! How do you still not understand?! LUX KILLED LUCINIA!!!

Tari: ...Lucinia...?

Tari went through a flashback and gasped.

Infinite: Tari, you alright?!

Tari: Y-yeah... Ow...

Belle: Still on the Lux conspiracy theory. You sound just as crazy now as you did a year ago. Why would he kill one of his best Meta Runners?

Masa: I don't know, but the answer is on Lux's private server. I'd bet my life on it.

Masa drew his sword and growled.

Masa: So... Are you going to let me through? Or are you going to stand in my way again?

Belle: *Sigh* You always were stubborn, Masa... Only problem is... SO AM I!!!!!

Belle threw a fireball at Masa, as he swung his sword to create a slash made of energy, the attacks collided as Belle continued to shoot more fireballs. 

Infinite: Crap...! 

Tari jumped into the air and kicked a few icicles towards Belle, she summoned a shield to protect herself from the Icicles and fired a laser at Tari.

Tari: Eep!

Tari summoned a wall of ice as Masa continued to slash at Belle, she dodged the attacks and tried to hit Masa but got sent flying.

Belle: AGH!

Infinite: Look out!

Belle started using more spells while on the ground, Tari and Masa dodged them and approached her.

Masa: It's over, Belle.

Belle: Heh... You always liked calling game early.

The pillar behind Masa toppled over, Tari gasped and pushed Masa out of the way as the pillar fell onto her.

Infinite: TARI! Crystal, help me get this thing off her!

Crystal: Got it!

Belle screamed and summoned a meteor shower, Masa dodged all of them and cut through the final one.

Belle: ...

Belle pointed her hand at Tari, Infinite and Crystal.

Masa: What?

Tari: AH!

Infinite: Masa, protect us!

Masa yelled and guarded the couple while slicing through the fireballs, unaware that his Meta Runner arm was overloading.

Lamar: Wait... MASA, STOP-

Masa stopped and was sent flying by Belle's spells as she walked up behind him and smiled evilly.

Masa: Well, what are you waiting for, Belle? You wouldn't want to disappoint Lux, would you?-

Belle finished Masa off, eliminating him from the game as well.

Infinite: MASA!

Crystal: Oh, fuck! OH FUCK!

Infinite and Crystal tried to use their spells but Belle stopped them.

Infinite: GAH!

Crystal: OOF!

Tari: Guys!

Belle stepped on Tari's hand to prevent her from casting any spells.

Lux: Excellent work, Belle... Now, eliminate her.

Belle: ...

Lux: Belle, do you hear me?! Eliminate her!

Belle growled and ended the call.

Lux: BELLE!!!

Belle: No one left to save you now... Let's talk...

(Uh oh... That isn't good.)

Anyways, lata!

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