My Taken Mate

بواسطة kauigirl

65.1K 2.8K 444

Hayley Hanes has an amazing family who can be a bit intrusive at times. She loves them regardless, enjoys spe... المزيد

Early Morning
Fitting In
Making Moves
Pack Links
Bonfire Discoveries
Broken Hearted
The Struggle
In Pieces
Sunday Brunch
What ifs and What is
Death Defying Dinner
Weekend Work
Secrets Revealed

Party Prep

2.6K 128 5
بواسطة kauigirl


The week passed by uneventfully. Cody and his friends are settling into their new pack jobs easily enough. My brothers degree in accounting of all things puts him in charge of the pack finances. He'll over see the books for our main sources of income, J & T Construction and Hanes Auto Body. Grayson will be working under uncle Jeremy and uncle Greg who run our family Auto Body shop. His Art degree will help them take their customizations to the next level. Eric and Phoenix will be working under both uncle Jared and uncle Austin in our shared packs construction company. Though uncle Jared still runs the Southern territory and my dad the Northern, a few of the businesses in between are shared. The construction company my dad and uncle built from the ground up after coming back home from college was the first. Grayson and Phoenix both graduated with degrees in Business but have worked over their Summers doing various construction jobs. Evidently that's how they met, so working there is perfect for them.

Phoenix and his mate are arriving today and as soon as they get here dad will be officially accepting them into our pack. Lucky for me I won't be needed at this ceremony. Only the Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Enforcers are required to be in attendance which leaves me spare time to find something to wear to the party tonight.

Sam texts me to let me know she's waiting outside, so I throw my dark brown hair into a messy bun, stick my wallet and phone in my mini back pack and leave my room. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I almost run into Grayson who steadies me with two hands on my shoulders.

"Where's the fire short stack?"

I'm by no means short at 5'6", but being surrounded by male wolves who are all over 6' means I fall into the shorter than them category resulting in nicknames like short stack. Not something I'm fond of, especially when my two best friends make it their life mission to constantly remind me of my height difference, but hearing it said with a flirty lilt and coming from a hottie like Grayson, I'll let it slide.

"Hey Gray, Sam's waiting for me and if I take too long she'll leave."

He raises a questioning brow, "Seriously?"

Hunter joins us then, coming from the direction of dads office which is probably where Grayson was. "Definitely, Hayley takes forever to get ready. I'd leave her too if I didn't fear my sisters payback."

Offended I argue, "I do not take forever to get ready. I just get distracted easily."

It's true, especially if I've recently discovered a new book on kindle. I get so absorbed I forget my surroundings and whatever task I'm supposed to be doing, which most times is getting dressed.

"Yeah sure, and I don't scratch my balls when they itch." Hunter says deadpan.

Grayson laughs while I say, "Gross."

"So where you off too?" Grayson asks.

"The mall. Got some shopping to do before the party tonight."

"There's a party?"

Hunter responds, "Yeah, it's a back to school thing we throw every year. It's down by the beach, we get a pretty good bonfire going and catch up with everyone before our first day. Some of the kids headed off to college hang too. You guys are welcome, if it's not past your bedtime and all."

It's been a running joke all week with the guys. Hunter, Nick, and Slater have been calling Cody and his friends 'old' since they're technically adults now. In turn, Cody has been calling my brother and friends babies, he even found a few unused baby bottles mom had stored in one of the closets and filled it with orange juice before placing it in front of them at breakfast yesterday morning.

Mom was not amused with the mess their rough housing made of her kitchen. If you ask me they're all a bunch of toddlers, but it's entertaining to watch.

A horn honking outside reminds me I'm supposed to be leaving, "Yeah, you guys should totally stop by. It'll give you a chance to meet some of the other young members of our pack."

Grayson smiles appreciatively at me before saying, "We just might have to do that."

Blushing a little at the attention, I offer a small smile and head for the front door.

"Dude, stop perving on my sister! She's too young for an old geezer like you." Hunter teases. As I close the door I hear something fall and my mom shouting, "Boys, take it outside!"

I'm laughing as I get in Sam's cute little silver Scion which she affectionately calls her toaster. "What's so funny?" she asks.

"Gray and Hunter and that stupid old man slash baby crap they've been doing all week."

"Oh my god they're hillarious! I saw Nick and Slater at the store last night buying adult diapers! I swear Cody's friends are like brothers from another mother for them."

"Exactly, and from what I hear, their friend Phoenix is just as bad. Our guys were already a headache before these new additions. I don't even want to know what they'll be like now." I joke.

"Just wait till Austin Jr. gets back tomorrow, he's the worst out of Hunter, Nick, and Slater. There's no telling what they'll do once a reunited foursome."

I have to agree. My cousin has been gone the past two weeks with my aunt Megan. They've been touring colleges. Austin has always wanted to make sure he takes every opportunity offered to him, and many colleges have shown an interest in him athletically. Being adopted, he's been driven to make my aunt and uncle proud. They are no matter what he does and love him unconditionally, but I think it's something deep within Austin that has him needing to prove himself. He can be a little too serious at times, but in contrast to that is his ability to let loose his mischievous side. It's like flipping a coin, you never know what side you'll get.

He's been known to give me a run for my money in the prank department, but I will always remain the champ.

"Hunter invited Gray and the rest to the bonfire tonight. Should be interesting if they come." I muse.

"Oh definitely," Sam agrees, "Will Phoenix be coming with?"

"Not sure, he'll definitely be here by then. We'll see."

"I'm curious to meet the last member of their group, and it'll be nice to meet his mate. We females are seriously outnumbered here."

"Ain't that the truth."

We continue chatting about the guys and the upcoming school year. Once at the mall all talk ceases as shopping commences. It takes us a few hours but we finally settle on the perfect outfits for the night. Sam chooses a cute off the shoulder crop top in black with a pair of tight as sin booty shorts. I warn her that her vaj is going to suffocate but she says it's necessary she keep her lady bits in tight confinement so it will stop drooling over Eric. She may have formed a slight crush on the guy. Like me, she's determined to save herself for her future mate so battle armor it is. I have to say the black outfit works well with her black as night hair. Gives her that dark goddess vibe. Of course, that dark demeanor is warmed by her light hazel eyes.

As for myself, I have no such worries. Grayson is cute and all, but at this point it's just harmless flirting. My lady bits are in no risk of temptation there, so I pick out a simple strapless white romper and add a rose printed see through over throw that falls to the same length as my romper and remains open in front. Heels and sand never go together, so I pick out an adorable pair of white flip flops with simple beading on the straps.

Deciding my generous C cups will need a little more support than the romper allows, I splurge a little at the lingerie boutique on a new strapless bra and matching panty set. It's white with a lace rose pattern. I don't plan on anyone seeing it, but just knowing you have something sexy and daring on underneath goes a long way to making you feel sexy and daring on the outside.

My totals put a pretty sizable dent in my funds, but working afternoons at J & T Construction helping with paperwork and errands will soon replenish that. 

After grabbing a bite to eat, we get back in Sam's car and head to my house. Dad is out front talking with uncle Jared as we pull up. I haven't seen too much of him ever since finding his mate a few months ago on one of his trips. Since taking over as Alpha, his traveling missions to touch bases with other packs has been transferred to uncle Nate. Mom was worried he'd never settle down and find his mate if he was stuck here all the time. Fate works in mysterious ways though, and through one of J & T's construction builds on a new chain of restaurants that was opening here, he met a feisty Head Chef who happened to be his mate.

Needless to say, he's been in an extended state of honeymoon bliss. It's so strange to see my once man whore of an uncle completely devoted to a woman half his height with twice his attitude. I love aunt Tessa almost as much as my uncle, the lady can cook!

"Hi small fry!" He greets me.

There we go again with the small references.

"Hi uncle Jared." I return giving him a huge hug. As I pull away, I pick up a strange scent. It's not unpleasant, there's a spice to it that's so different from my uncles usual woodsy musk. 

"Hey Sam."

She waves to both men as she motions to me that she has to pee and rushes inside. I laugh at her expression before my dad pulls me under his massive arm. "Where you been Hails?"

I'm distracted for a second as I once again catch a whiff of that spice scent. Is mom baking or something? I must take too long to answer because my dads brow furrows as he asks, "You alright Hayley?"

His use of my given name as opposed to the nickname he always calls me by breaks me from my thoughts, "Yeah dad. All good. Just a long day of shopping."

He studies me for a second more before asking, "I thought you and your mom finished all your school shopping last month. At least, I think that's what my credit card statement showed."

Oh yeah, we got a little carried away then, but dad offered to foot the bill. Can you really blame us?

"We did, this was just for the party tonight."

Too late I realize my mistake. I blame the distracting scent still permeating my senses. Dads body tenses and his hold along my back and shoulders tighten. "What party?"

Oh boy. Here we go.

"The back to school one down at the beach. The one we have every year. The same one you fight with me about but eventually give in and let me go to. I figured I'd just skip the argument and cleared it with mom."

Uncle Jared covers his laugh with a not so convincing cough.


"Come on dad! You know where it's at, my brother and best friends, all who you approve of, will be there. You know I don't drink or smoke. What's the problem?" I argue, so over this repetitive argument.

Dad looks at me and I know he's starting to cave, so I add, "Cody will probably stop by too. You know he's almost as bad as you when it comes to being an overbearing pain in my butt."

Uncle Jared outright laughs at that. It's true, Cody and my dad are always neck and neck when it comes to their protective instincts regarding me, only difference is that I'm sure I can easily distract my brother with one of the numerous willing females that will no doubt be scattered around tonight.

"Cody's going? He didn't mention it when I accepted his friends into our pack this afternoon."

"I'm pretty sure he had other things on his mind, his friend Phoenix was taking advantage of their new mind link with each other. I thought the other two were bad, but that boy takes the cake on clowning." Uncle Jared says with a chuckle.

At my questioning stare my dad offers, "As soon as they were accepted, Phoenix looked at Cody and started singing , 'The song that never ends' through the link. Your brother didn't even think to put up his blocks before and though he did immediately after it was too late. That song kept playing on repeat in his mind."

That is freakin epic! This Phoenix sounds like my kind of people. If his mate is just as cool I think I'm gonna like them.

Just then my window that sits above and to the right of where we're standing opens and Sam's head pops out. "Hayley, if you plan on being anywhere near ready before school on Monday you better get up here now so you can shower and I can curl your hair."

My best friend, always exaggerating.

I aim my most powerful puppy dog look at my dad and after a couple seconds he caves, "Fine, but keep close to one of your brothers or thing one and two." He says referring to his nicknames for Nick and Slater. I kiss him on the cheek and hug uncle Jared once more before rushing into the house to get ready.

Tonight is going to be awesome!

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