Nothing Without You | tk

By NimraSajjad

1.5M 73K 66.7K

All the time, Kim Taehyung hated his life, hated being an omega and being treated like a puppet---controlled... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1: Knight
Chapter 2: Blue
Chapter 3: Hislerim
Chapter 4: Eavesdrop
Chapter 5: Halo
Chapter 6: Shimmer
Chapter 7: Prestige
Chapter 8: Starry
Chapter 9: Enthral
Chapter 10: Symphony
Chapter 11: Bubbly
Chapter 12: Pup
Chapter 13: Ravishing
Chapter 15: Moonlight
Chapter 16: Lucifer
Chapter 17: Ponder
Chapter 18: Lifeline
Chapter 19: Octave
Chapter 20: Alter
Chapter 21: Engage
Chapter 22: Nerve
Chapter 23: Anomaly
Chapter 24: Periwinkle
Chapter 25: Brother
Chapter 26: Kryptonite
Chapter 27: Lavish
Chapter 28: Serenity
Chapter 29: Joy
Chapter 30: Epilogue
Thank You 《End》
New Book

Chapter 14: Twilight

48.8K 2.4K 1.6K
By NimraSajjad

Cred jk_v_drawing

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

'Sunsets are the proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.'
-Kristen Butler.

Third Person POV

Seokjin was packing Hansol's things for the night. It was before lunch time that Seokjin stayed because he was to take Hansol to his house and get Taehyung ready for the date. Hansol would be staying the whole day and night with Seokjin and the older omega was so happy and excited to take the pup to his house.

Jeongguk had a little work at the pack house and he'd be picking Taehyung in just few minutes.

Taehyung was standing infornt of the mirror, nervous and panicking even when Seokjin kept telling him that he looks really really good.

Taehyung didn't know he was to dress up for the outing because he has no idea about his date thing and what is to be done for it. He has let Seokjin get him ready, pick his outfit and do whatever he had to do.

Taehyung had no idea how he was looking because he doesn't remember the last time he looked at himself this long in the mirror or more like, haven't seen himself look---good before.

He touches his face, traces his fingertips on his cheeks, over his lips, tastes the little of the cherry flavor of the lip balm when he bites his lips. For a moment at first, he didn't even recognize himself even though Seokjin didn't do much of a makeover on him.

"Tae, the more you'll look at yourself, the more insecure you'll become. Stop it now." Seokjin says in amusement as he zips Hansol's bag.

"I just---my hands won't stop shaking." Taehyung admits and Seokjin softens, walks towards him and holds his hands, makes him look away from the mirror.

"It's normal to feel like that, the nervousness and the weird feeling in your stomach are nothing but just for the moment, when you'll see Jeongguk, you'll be alright." Seokjin says and softly pats Taehyung's cheek.

"He'll be on his way, I'll leave after you two will and don't worry about Hansol at all. I'll take care of him." Seokjin says and Taehyung nods, smiles.

"I know." Taehyung whispers, his eyes fall on Hansol who's laying on his stomach, munching on a biscuit.

Taehyung waits impatiently for Jeongguk.

The alpha though, was having a hard time keeping himself from not jumping in happiness or yell in excitement as he was heading towards his home. He kept himself calm though, biting his lips in anticipation of how Taehyung would be looking.

He'll be looking beautiful, no matter what. Jeongguk knew the fact.

Never in his life, he had felt like this. The foriegn feeling like everything in this world is so beautiful and perfect. That no pain or worry exists in this world just because Taehyung is in his home---and he's the reason Jeongguk goes back to home happily---so easily, the red head omega has changed his life.

Jeongguk smiles as he picks up the single rose bouquet and walks towards the door, doesn't type the code, just rings. It maybe his home but right now, it's Taehyung's---will always be.

"I'm staying in the room because you two definitely will have your---moment and there's no way little Hansol should be in close vicinity." Seokjin says as he ushers Taehyung out of the room. The omega was kissing Hansol goodbye.

"I'll se you tomorrow baby, behave okay". Taehyung smiles and pecks his cheek, puts Hansol down and then they hear the bell.

"He's here." Seokjin smiles and Taehyung gulps, his hand curl to fists and Seokjin softly pushes him out of the room.

"Goodluck." Seokjin says and closes the door. Taehyung takes a deep breath, assures himself that he can do this. It's just an outing, which he never knew is also called a date.

I'll be fine. Taehyung assures himself as he walks towards the door. He stops in the hall for a moment, looks around for any mirror but then remembers Seokjin's words and he really doesn't want to be insecure or nervous right now.

Taehyung takes a deep breath, hands shaking as he types in the code, rests his hand on the door handle and then slowly opens the door but he's looking at his own feet, not at Jeongguk.

He closes his eyes, shakes his head and then looks up, breath hitches when he looks at Jeongguk. He has always, always found him attractive and good looking. The alpha looks so so good, dominant and intimidating yet softness in his eyes. Taehyung has seen him alot in his office outfit and he can't seem to look away everytime.

^hot bunny

Red tints Taehyung's cheeks as he looks at Jeongguk, bites his lips and fidgets with his fingers because Jeongguk looks---lost.

That's right, Jeongguk's lost because the moment Taehyung opened the door, he was struck by lightning, his heart no longer in his control, beating wildly and he knows he's looking like a fool with his mouth slightly ajar and eyes a little wide as he takes in the beauty of the guy infront of him. Kim Taehyung is ethereal and Jeongguk thinks he's the luckiest to even be able to look at him.

^so gorgeous

Jeongguk needs to get his shit together before Taehyung becomes uncomfortable due to him starting like an idiot but he can't help it, he can't seem to look away. He has the bouquet behind his back, clutching onto it. Taehyung looks up and then away, does it again.

Jeongguk finally finds the way out of his trance, clears his throat steps forward, Taehyung doesn't look away this time.

"You look---beautiful, Taehyung." Jeongguk says and extends the bouquet towards Taehyung. The omega looks at the flower with surprise, not expecting it, everything he feels is for the first time and the way Jeongguk calls him beautiful, melts him.

"Thank you, Jeongguk-ssi. It's beautifu." Taehyung whispers as he takes the flower from Jeongguk's hand, closes his eyes as he smells the flower.

You are more. Jeongguk definitely agrees.

Jeongguk holds out his hand then, a soft smile on his lips and Taehyung beams, places his hand on Jeongguk's and he expected Jeongguk to lead him out but Jeongguk brings his hand to his lips, kissing it softly and the action, always---always leaves Taehyung breathless, speechless.

"Let's go." Jeongguk utters and Taehyung hesitantly nods, hopes he won't trip because his legs feel like jelly. Jeongguk opens the passenger door for him, now letting go of his hand and Taehyung wants to hold it again.

Taehyung puts on the seatbelt, Seokjin taught him how to do it. Jeongguk smiles at him as he sits on the driver seat, Taehyung returns it.

It's quiet in the car for a few minutes as Jeongguk drives away from his house, it's comfortable and not awkward at all. Taehyung's looking at the flower, smelling it from time to time.

"So, uh---is it okay if we have lunch first?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods. He'll be fine with anything that Jeongguk wants because he is the one who took him out, he knows better what to do.

"Okay, so there's a place where you'll find the most amazing japchae." Jeongguk says, wanting to fall into easy conversation.

"But I only like the one you make for me." Taehyung says, not knowing how much it means to Jeongguk. The alpha feels a fluttering feeling in stomach increasing.

"You'll like this one too. You can try other dishes as well." Jeongguk says and Taehyung hums, excited to see the place.

Jeongguk chuckles when Taehyung pouts because he told him to leave the bouquet in the car. Taehyung listens because he didn't want to lose it or ruin it.

Jeongguk loves how Taehyung is clinging onto the moment they get out of the car, holding his arm gently and looking around the area. Jeongguk's scent is still on Taehyung so no werewolf would dare approach him, Jeongguk doesn't know about the humans though since alot of people have looked at the both of them as if never seen two mere people hanging together before.

Taehyung looks in fascination at the big chandelier when they enter the restaurant. Jeongguk holds him immediately because he was about trip from the three stairs due to not looking ahead.

Taehyung squeals when he looks at the fish aquarium and Jeongguk chuckles.

"This place is so pretty." Taehyung says as he looks at Jeongguk, the alpha just nods---loving the shine and glimmer of pure excitement and awe in Taehyung's eyes.

They reach their table that Jeongguk had no trouble in booking at the moment. Taehyung thanks Jeongguk when he pulls out the chair for him. They sit facing eachother, for a moment just looking in eachother's eyes.

The moment is broken by the male approaching them with the menus.

"It's a lot here." Taehyung says when he looks at the menu. He can read only few dishes, others he can't read even if he tries and they are all written in Korean.

"I'll eat japchae." Taehyung says as he close the menu, not even knowing where the dish was written.

"You can chose anything you want Taehyung." Jeongguk says and Taehyung shakes his head.

"I won't be able to eat something I don't even know of. Japchae is fine---but uh---". Taehyung pauses.

"What is it?" Jeongguk asks softly.

"I really like icecream, it's been so long that I've---had it." Taehyung says, almost shyly. He was about to say another thing---but he stops, feels like he's stepping his boundaries.

"That's no problem at all. Whichever icecream you want, you'll get it." Jeongguk says, smiling at the adorableness of the omega. Taehyung nods and thanks Jeongguk which the alpha doesn't want, he just wants to see Taehyung happy.

Jeongguk doesn't force Taehyung to try anything because he doesn't want him to be uncomfortable. Jeongguk orders the same that Taehyung did. The small and shy glances are stolen as they eat. Taehyung asks Jeongguk about his duties, his pack.

The alpha watches in amusement and adoration as Taehyung eats the icecream. Taehyung's looking at it as if he's looking at the person he loves the most in the world.

When they're walking towards the parking lot, Taehyung halts in his steps, looking at something. Jeongguk looks back and frowns, his eyes follow and land on the fruit stall. But then Taehyung looks away, smiles sheepishly at Jeongguk and walks towards him.

"Everything okay?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung nods.

"You want something?"

"No." Taehyung says but Jeongguk isn't satisfied with the answer.

"Taehyung, please don't hesitate to tell me anything you want. Please." Jeongguk says and Taehyung bites his lips. He just doesn't want to make a fool out of himself.

"In---in the orphanage, they once brought---s-strawberries. I didn't remember when was---t-the last time I ate them but---I really liked them so---I stopped to look at them." Taehyung utters, feels his cheeks heat up and he's looking down.

Jeongguk smiles. He even feels bad because Taehyung wasn't able to live his life the way he deserved to. Now Jeongguk will make sure he does.

He loves how even the smallest things tend to fascinate Taehyung.

Jeongguk takes Taehyung's hand in his own and they're now walking towards the stalls. Taehyung's looking at Jeongguk, trying his best to not throw himself at the alpha and cry his heart out in happiness.

Jeongguk greets the seller who's an old humble man. Jeongguk makes Taehyung stand ahead and take as much as he wants.

"Stay here." Jeongguk says. "I'll have to get something from the store." Jeongguk points at the store that's right next to the stall. Taehyung nods and Jeongguk leaves.

Taehyung looks at the strawberries in utter love and excitement yet only tells the seller to pack one box. Jeongguk returns just a few minutes later and Taehyung frowns because he has nothing.

"Make it two." Jeongguk tells the seller and Taehyung bites his lips, want to kiss Jeongguk so much so he does it, be pecks Jeongguk's cheek immediately, leaves Jeongguk stunned for a moment as he was about to pay and the seller looks at the two in amusement.

Jeongguk breaks into a smile and doesn't look at Taehyung until he's done paying. Now he finally does and Taehyung's already looking at him, smiling softly at him.

"Thank you." Taehyung whispers and Jeongguk shakes his head.

"Don't ever thank me." Jeongguk says because Taehyung shouldn't be thanking for everything that he deserves.

The next stop is the zoo and Taehyung wanted to go there when Jeongguk suggested it. It was mesmerizing for Taehyung, to see all the forms of life infront of him, to see the wonders of this world in this form as well.

Because each and every thing, all in all---is a wonder in itself, capable of rendering us speechless if we are attentive to them wholeheartedly.

Taehyung was watching every animal with the same wonder in his eyes, surprise and awe clear on his face. That's on of the many things Jeongguk loves about Taehyung that he makes even a little of thing---worthy and meaningful.

They head for the stalls close to the zoo then. Jeongguk wins two plushies for Taehyung and the way Taehyung was jumping in excitement and happiness was all Jeongguk was aiming for---was all Jeongguk wants to see, all the time.

"So you won't tell me where are we going next?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk nods.

"But I want to know." Taehyung pouts.

"You'll see." Jeongguk says and Taehyung sighs.


Taehyung's looking at the scenery changing outside with every turn Jeongguk takes. They are going to the height, in between the mountains.

"I can't hear properly." Taehyung says, stretches his ear.

"It's because of the height, it happens sometimes." Jeongguk chuckles.

"It feels---not good. I don't like it." Taehyung whines.

"No one likes it, Taehyung. It'll get better when we'll step out in the open." Jeongguk says and Taehyung pouts, looks out again.

"The buildings look so small." Taehyung says in awe.

Jeongguk stops the car and Taehyung frowns because there's nothing around them, they're just on a rocky cliff.

"Come on." Jeongguk says as he opens the door for him and Taehyung steps out.

"Why are we here?" Taehyung asks.

"You'll see." Jeongguk replies as he walks away from him and towards the cliff end, sits down. Taehyung looks at him and to the sun as well, then walks to sit next to him.

But when Taehyung looks ahead, he's breathless at the view. The whole city is at their feet and the sun---oh the sun, it now makes Taehyung realize it's beauty and it's about to set.

"We're here to watch the sunset, Taehyung." Jeongguk says. If Taehyung hadn't seen this magnificent view, he would just say that what is so important about a sunset, it's nothing but no---it's not nothing, right now, it's everything.

"Just try to hear the music. Don't close your eyes---but feel the soft melody. There's nothing more musical than a sunset." Jeongguk whispers and Taehyung has already been lost in it's sweetest melody.

Jeongguk smiles as he now looks at Taehyung rather than the sun. How the goodbye saying rays cast a radiant light on Taehyung's strikingly beautiful skin. Jeongguk's mesmerized the way Taehyung glows in the dying sun.

Jeongguk watches sunset through Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung's eyes are almost teary as he watches the sun disappear down the horizon but the sky has gotten more magical in the lights of twilight. The pick and yellow and purple, it's so enchanting and beautiful that Taehyung doesn't even blink.

It stays for a little while. It's just yellow then. As if the other two colors just blinked and then---gone but they carved a memory in Taehyung's mind which he'll never forget.

Taehyung then looks at Jeongguk, the dimming lights make him look at the other way more clearly and the other is already looking at him with so much love and affection that Taehyung almost feels like all of this is a dream.

Only dreams can be this beautiful because reality is horrifying but Taehyung feels so lucky because for him, all of this is real. Jeongguk is real and his love for him is real as it shines like a radiant sun in his eyes.

Taehyung moves closer to Jeongguk, his arms slowly raising and Jeongguk is already holding him, arm around his waist as he brings him closer. He hooks other hand under Taehyung's thigh, makes the omega rest his legs over Jeongguk's.

He's not looking away, both of them aren't. They don't know who moved first but a soft sigh leaves their lips as they feel the tingles when their lips touch. It's so soft, so melodious and beautiful, just like the sunset they witnessed but it's different too---

The sun will rise again as a new dawn, fading into the day and setting again but their love won't fade, won't set and if it'll fade---it'll fade into new soft colors and if it'll set, it'll be the day they both die.

The kiss speaks for them, lets them know that they are now going on a path where they'll be together and only together, they have to be.

They open their slowly, living in the depth of eachother's eyes, relishing the beauty and their eyes speaking louder and clearer then the words could ever. They smile.

Taehyung rests his head on Jeongguk's shoulder, hand on his chest and legs tangled with Jeongguk's and they both have a softest of smiles on their lips---watching the little give a welcome kiss to the starry night and then fading away.


Hello beautiful people. How are you guys

Hope you liked this chap. I hope it was worth your time.

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Have a good day and peaceful night.

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