TᕼE OTᕼEᖇ ᑭOTTEᖇ {Oᑕ᙭Oᑕ} ᗷOOK...

By Kyoyayoya

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Finally Katherines third year is about to start, and she is as prepared as ever. Katherine and her friends ar... More

My Main OCs
Chapter 1~
Chapter 2~
Chapter 3~
Chapter 4~
Chapter 5~
Chapter 6~
Chapter 7~
Chapter 8~
Chapter 9~
Chapter 10~
Chapter 11~
Chapter 12~
Chapter 14~
Chapter 15~
Chapter 16~
Chapter 17~
Chapter 18~
Valentines Special (YULE BALL)
Chapter 19~
Chapter 20~
Chapter 21~
Chapter 22~
Chapter 23~
Chapter 24~
Chapter 25~ (FINAL)

Chapter 13~

108 1 5
By Kyoyayoya

Katherine's POV

We got off the carriages, and got on our feet. Slowly, but steadily walked to the castle.

Finally, We entered the beautiful Hogwarts castle. Professer Sprout was standing infront of us, looking at us kindly.

Alexander and Venessa were infront of Mark and I as we stood in the middle of the all Years.

"Welcome back to another year, boys and girls! Hope we won't be getting into trouble!" Announced Professor Sprout Kindly.

We all smiled brightly at her as she continued talking.

"Hope everyone has fun this year! I will be leading you to the Great Hall! You must have forgotten!" Said Professor Sprout Cheerfully.

Professor Sprout started taking us to the Great Hall. We passed through many corridors, until we reached our destination.

She opened the Great Hall's Romanian - looking doors, and we all scrambled in. Everyone started separating, and sitting down at their assigned tables.

Mark and I sat down at the back of the Slytherin table.. We noticed how Venessa and Alexander disappeared.

I nudged Mark and whispered, "Hey.. Where did Venessa and Alexander go?"

Mark looked around, confusion written all over his face, "I don't know... Alexander was just infront of us."

"Hmmm.. Didn't Professor Sprout need them for something?" I asked.

"Probably, I'm sure they'll show up.. Let's just continue the feast," muttered Mark, as he furrowed his eyebrows together.

We both tried to relax as Professor Dumbledore started his speech.

Suddenly, the first years were being sorted.

All Students were sorted, except one remaining one.

"Issac Hills!" Called Professor McGonagall.

After a few moments of silence, the sorting Hat sorted the little boy.


I noticed how Alexander and Venessa suddenly were in the front, and clapping.

Alexander was smirking slightly, and Venessa was clapping with a big smile.

The boy walked to our table, smirking. He sat next to Alexander, as he shook hands.

I nudged Mark, "There they are!"

"Oh.. I didn't notice them?! How come?!" Exclaimed Mark in a shushed voice.

I Shrugged, "Dunno."

Dumbledore continued his long, boring speech.

I yawned, as he ended the speech and food started appearing on the tables.
Mark smiled at my cute yawn, and started eating. I put my favorite food on my plate and started eating.

The feast was over, and the plates and dishes disappeared.

"All First years! Remember to not ge5 lost! Follow your Prefects!" Announced Dumbledore.

Almost Immediately, Venessa and Alexander get up and talk to some first years, before all the first years got up.

I raised an eyebrow, and looked at Mark with confusion written all over our faces.

Mark suddenly laughed quietly, "Those two are actually Prefects!"

Suddenly, Everything made sense, making me chuckle.


"Yes, They can let us go after curfew to the kitchen," Smirked Mark.

I smirked back, "Let's go follow and make sure they are doing well."

Mark and I ducked down to the first years height, and waddled behind them.

Venessa and Alexander led us through the almost empty corridors.

We reached the Slytherin common room, and before we entred, Alexander was explaining somethings about hogwarts.

"I never knew Alex could be so kind," i muttered to Mark, as he smirked mischievously.

"Get back to your common room, you lil sh*ts," Stated Alexander as he grabbed us by hoods'.

The first years laughed, as Alexander dragged Mark and I in front of the First years.

Venessa nudged us, telling us to introduce ourselves.

"Hi! I am Katherine Potter! The coolest on here," I smiled at the Kids.

"And I am Mark Williams, I am smarter than Kathy!" introduced Mark winking the First years.

Venessa and Alexander rolled their eyes, and took over by explaining about Salazar Slytherin's history.

They told the password, and we entered. Mark made sure every slytherin got inside, and Venessa started telling them about the common room.

Alexander told them about the dorms. Finally, Venessa and Alexander told the children to go upstairs and get ready for bed.

"So You two are Prefects now?" I rasied an eyebrow smirking slightly.

"Yep! I am so excited about this!" Exclaimed Venessa, her pale face flushed colors.

Mark put an arm around Alexander's shoulder, and patted him.

"Wait.. Who will be my roommate now? All the other girls hate me!" I asked Venessa, my eyes piecing into her soul.

"We talked to Dumbledore about it. We asked him if we would Room You and Venessa, but he said the Prefects are supposed to be by themselves. So, He said that You and Mark are rooming together," Said Alexander Monotonously.

"Wait?! Dumbledore allowed us?!" Exclaimed Mark Shocked.

"Yeah.. He said that he trusts you two, but if he hears you two having been doing something bad in the room, he will immediately change your rooms," Explained Alexander, smirking slightly understanding what Dumbledore meant.

"We'll show you guys, your room. Let's go!" Giggled Venessa.

We got off the Couches, and started walking towards a wall.

"Kark.." Muttered Venessa, as the wall separated and a room was behind the brickstone walls.

"Seriously?" I rolled my eyes jokingly, "Kark?"

"Yep! I personally chose your password!" Laughed Venessa, as Alexander Chuckled.

I looked at the room in awe, the room was absolutely perfect.

Mark looked at Venessa and Alexander, " I wanna guess who designed the room."

Alexander smiled slightly and shrugged, as Venessa had a Mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Venessa!! You did! It's so awesome!" I gushed as i ran to her and gave her a hug.

"Anytime! Now, Let's start getting ready for bed. You two!" Demanded Venessa.

"As Venessa said. I can stand here all day, but i gotta make sure you two go to bed," Alexander said, chuckling slightly.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and said, "Yeah. Yeah. Go to sleep dad!"

"Whatever.. Goodnight you two," Said Alexander, before following Venessa out of the room.

Once they left, i looked at Mark and smiled, as he smiled back.

"Wanna stay up a bit?" He asked.

"You know it! I don't want to sleep now! It's too early," I humed.

"Kat, It's one in the morning," He laughed.

"Exactly!" I huffed.

Mark and I chatted for the rest of the night, and ended up sleeping at two in the morning.

-Time skip to the morning-

I groggliy opened my eyes. I felt as if i had a hungover, even though all i did last night was chat with Mark.

I saw that Mark was still sleeping peacefully in the bed on my left. I slowly rolled off my bed, and got up.

The bathroom was awaiting me arrival. I had entered, with my uniform in one hand, and my towel in the other. I stepped in the shower and showered.

Once I finished, I changed into my uniform and brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom to see that Mark was still sleeping. Quiet Snores could be heard. I giggled slightly, before looking at the mirrior and magically dried my hair.

Before I started Brushing my Hair, Mark's snores began to quiet down, and it was just heavy breathing. Suddenly, i Heard moving behind me. I wasn't looking at the mirror to notice that Mark had woken up.


I jumped and turned around, i relaxed once i saw Mark towering over me alittle.

"Morning Mars.. I was gonna wake you up, but you looked to peacefully," I replied with a kind smile.

He blinked, "What time is it?"

I looked at the clock, that was hung before replying, "It's seven thirty."

"Okay.. Ima go shower and get dressed. Then, we can head to breakfast," Whispered Mark.

As Soon as I nodded, he went to his trunk, grabbed his essentials and walked to the bathroom. I turned back to the mirror and untangled my hair.

Once, my hair as in a put into a neat braid, i turned to my bed and started fixing it. Putting the pillows and blankets im their rightful places.

At the corner of my eye, I saw that the Entrance Wall ws separating and two figures entered Mark and I's Dorm.

"Wassup Losers!" Called Venessa as she entered and fell onto my bed.

"Hey! I just fixed that!" I exclamated throwing my pillow in her face.

Venessa literally coughed a Feather, "Not anymore!"

"Kathy, Where is Mark at?" Asked Alexander, his eyes scanning the room.

"Number one, don't call me Kathy. Number two, Mark is in the bathroom," I said, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever kathy," Replied Alexander.

I threw another pillow at him. It hit him right in the face and I laughed.

"I will get you back for that," He said lowly, but jokingly.

"No you won't!" I stuck out my tongue and started running around the room, with Alexander right behind me.

Alexander ws running behind me with a pillow in his hand.

As i tried to get further away from him, he kept getting closer. Finally, He had the perfect aim and threw the pillow at me.

The Pillow hit the back of head, and i dropped down onto the floor. I fell face first onto the group.

The bathroom door has swung open, and revealed a confused tired Mark.

"What is going on here?!" He Exclaimed.

Alexander looked at him before crossing his arms before talking calmly, "Katherine flung a pillow at me. I had to get her back."

Mark saw a Mischievous Glint in Alexander's laughed.

"I see, gimme a high five," Said Makr as he lifted his hand.

Alexander gave a high five while I lay on the ground


They all laughed.

Venessa came to me, and stuck her hand out to help me get up. I took it and got up.

I crossed my arms and pouted, "I hate you all."

Alexander rolled his eyes before smiling lightly, "We hate you too."

"Whatever.." I said jokingly.

"Okay Stop it you two! It's eight already! Do you want breakfast or not?" Scolded Venessa.

"Let's go, i am starving," Said Mark patting his stomach.

Venessa and Mark wlaked out the room, while I whispered to Alexander, "This is not the end. I will get my revenge!"

"Yeah, Yeah. I wanna see you try," Smirked Alexander.

"Oh My Merlin, F*ck off!" I yelled.

"You Two! Now!" Commanded Mark as he poked his head inside.

I ran after Mark to catch up, as Alexander was behind me.

The four of us walked to the Great Hall, all hungry.

We entered the Great Hall, to see it had been filled with students, and Staff. We found an empty spot at the end of the Slytherin table, and sat there.

The breakfast dishes appeared as we sat down. We began eating until we were full.

Dumbledore came in and said some speech, and then dismissed us.

The four of us were done eating, we got up and left the Great Hall.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Asked Venessa.

"I mean, it's still weekend. Let's first unpack, and play Quidditch?" I suggested.

"Nope, Hufflepuff booked the Stadium today," Answered Alexander.

"Seriously!" Whined Mark, "Let's get to the stadium before them and start playing!"

"We can't do that, Alexander and I have prefect duities from nine to ten-thirty," muttered Venessa.

"B-But," Stuttered Mark.

"This is our first duties, we cant miss it," Said Alexander.

"Aww mann.. Okay," I grumbled.

"Finee...Katherine and I are gonna go unpack, and chill until you guys come back," Stated Mark looking bored already.

"Okay, Great. We will see you two in awhile," Smiled Venessa, before running off to somewhere with Alexander.

"Ughhh.. I thought them being Prefects would be funn.."I whined.

"I know, I thought so too. Let's go to the Dorm and start unpacking," Said Mark.

I nodded and we walked back to the Slytherin Common Room. We made it back. When We entered We were met with a bunch of whispers.

"I heard Williams and Potter are roomed together," Muttered A Fourth year to his friends.

"Yeah, That's Why there are no extra beds in the our dorms," Said Another.

Suddenly, A loud voice rung through the Common Room.

"If I hear Anymore whispers, I will not be afraid to hurt you!" The Voice of Blaise Zabini rang through the Common Room.

The Hall went silent, as the tension grew as we passed by.

I glanced at him and threw him a small smile. Blaise sent a slight smile back, and then continued to pierce holes into people's backs as they left the common room.

Mark and I whispered our password and entered the room. I immediately fell face first on to my bed.

"What's their problem," Said Mark rolling his eyes, as his voice was filled with anger.

I filled over and shrugged, "I don't know, but that was embarrassing..."

"At least Blaise did some thing.." Mumbled Mark.

"I want to thank him later," I smiled.

Mark nodded, "We should, but for now let's unpack our items."

"Okay," I said, as i got up and walked to my trunk.

-Time skip to when they finish unpacking-

I put my last item next to my bed, and looked at Mark, who had a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked as i rasied an eyebrow.

"I cant find my Quidditch gear!" He Exclaimed.

"Isn't it with Alexander? You didn't have space in your trunk, remember." I answered.

"Ohhhhh!! Right! Thanks Kat," He realized his mistake, and laughed.

I laughed at his idiocy.

Suddenly, Venessa and Alexander came in.

"Heyy Guys!! Let's play quidditch!" Announced Venessa.

I jumped and then yelled, "You Scared the living daylights out of me!"

They all laughed.

"Learn to Knock or something!" I pouted.

"Alri- so- Sorry," Said Venessa between her laughs.

Chuckled a bit before saying, "about Quidditch, Let's GO right now!"

"Okay then, go get dressed and we will go together," Replied Venessa.

We all nodded. Veness and Alexander left, to their prefect rooms to change.

While Mark and I played Rock-Paper-Scissors to see who will get dressed first.

"Rock - Paper - Scissors!"

I put out Paper and Mark put out rock.

"Hah! I Won!" I stuck my tongue out at him, as he rolled his eyes.

"How is the even possible," Grumbled Mark under his breath.

I laughed, and ran to the bathroom with my quidditch gear in my hands.

After I got dressed, Mark went in after me, still grumbling about how paper beats rock.

Once Mark and I finished, We left the dorm and saw that Venessa and Alexander had already gotten dressed and were discussing some things about the Points.

"Let's go losers!!" I Exclaimed.

"Yeah, Let's Goo! We gonna win," Winked Mark Slyly.

"Let's see on the field," Replied Alexander slyly.

We got up and left, walking to the Quidditch Stadium.

We separated into two teams. Mark and Venessa Vs Alexander and I.

"Let the Game begin!" Exclaimed Venessa, as we let some of the balls out.

We had let the Quaffle, and the Snitch out.

Venessa and I were chaser, while Mark and Alexander were Seekers.

-time skip after the Match-

As we played, alot of people piled in, to watch us. As if it was an actual Quidditch match.

We even had a Commenter, screaming out the points and everything.


There was alot of clapping. I was too focused to realize how many were there to watch us.

I scanned the crowd and started laughing.

"158- 154 Mark and Venessa!"

Alexander and I flew to the ground, where Mark and Venessa were standing.

I got off my floor, and stuck out a hand.

"Good Game," I laughed, as Mark shook it.

"See Who won? Me," Mark smirked.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Marcus you only won because you had Venessa on your team ," Alexander said

"Oh you're only saying that because you-," Mark was cut off

"Finish that sentence and I'll push you off the astronomy tower ," Alexander said smiling

"Okay ," Mark said sweating a bit ,well more than he already was

Once we let go, The four of us Bowed to the crowd as they clapped.

The four of us left the field, and Walked to the locker rooms to shower and change our clothing.

After Quidditch matches, We were allowed to dress out of the school uniform for awhile, but then we must change back to our uniform before Dinner time.

I showered and got drsssed into a green hoddie, that might or might not be Mark's, and Black Sweat pants.

Once, I left the shower, i found that the locker room and showers were lal empty.

'Probably Left.'

I left the locker room to find Mark, but no Venessa nor Alexander.

"Where are Venessa and Alexander?" I asked Mark.

"A Fifith year came up to us and told us that Dumbledore Needs Venessa and Alexander urgently," Explained Mark.

"Ohh okay," I answered, "Let's Chill, until Dinner?"

"Let's Go then," Mark smiled.

-Time skip to dinner-

Venessa and Alexander haven't showed up till now. It was time for dinner, so Mark and I have went to the Great Hall.

We found some space on the bench and sat of course saving seats for Venessa and Alexander

Alexander and Venessa walked in . And plopped down in front of us

"So what did Dumbledore need you guys for ?" Mark asked

"Just to tell us about the two schools who were coming ," Alexander said

"There are two schools coming ?!" Me and mark exclaimed at the same time

Alexander clucked his fingers next to his ear to check his hearing ,while Venessa answered , ".....yes"

As soon as she uttered those words Dumbledore clinked a spoon to a glass to get everyone's attention

"I'm sure you are all aware of the triwizard tournament,where three school get together and compete for the title of the triwizard champion . And we have two schools participating along with us ,Please welcome Beauxbaton and there wonderful headmaster madame Olyimpe Maxime"

The great hall erupted in applause as the extremely tall headmaster whose name I have already forgotten walked through, behind her extremely gorgeous girls followed

If I was being 100% honest I would date one of them if I was lesbian

They all after welcoming the headmaster and the girls sat down on the raven claw table

Dumbledore spoke up again , "and also please welcome one of the finest schools for young men who push to be stronger ,Durmstrang !"

The hall erupted into applause again as the men and their headmaster marched in

The headmaster sat with the professors and durmstrang of course sat with us

All the girls were swooning over Krum while me and Venessa rolled our eyes

After dinner was over Dumbledore told us about the goblet were to find it the age limit blah blah blah blah

After dinner was over we were walking around campus along the black lake ,seeing the durmstrang students by there

(A/N:the translations are in brackets )

"хей знаеш ли къде са учителите?," they asked I Didn't get it though but apparently mark did

(Hey you ! do you know where the teachers are ?)

"да, те са на петия врата на третия етаж вдясно," Mark said as if he'd been speaking that language for years

(Yeah they're on the third floor fifth door to the right )

"Alexander could you confirm that ?" Mark asked Alexander

"Yeah ," Alexander said lazily

"благодарност" they said and we continued walking well mark and Alex did we still stood extremely shocked

We ran after them

"YOU TWO KNOW BULGARIAN ?!" Me and Venessa questioned ,quite violently

Mark jumped , "sweet mother of Merlin! You did not have to do that , and yes I know Bulgarian but Alexander only understands ,"

"Why didn't you tell us you insufferable idiots ," Venessa asked hitting them both on the heads

"Ow ! It never came up in the conversation," Alexander said Rubbing his head

Venessa rolled her eyes but we continued walking

A distressed beauxbaton student ran up to us and started panicking in French

"S'il vous plaît ! s'il vous plaît aider! mes camarades de classe je ne peux pas les trouver n'importe où! ils ont dit qu'ils allaient dans les dortoirs mais je ne sais pas où ils sont- "

(Please ! Please help me ! My classmates I can't find them anywhere ! They said they were going to the dorms but I don't know where they are-)

She blabbered nonsense  that we didn't understand
,or so I thought

" hé hé, calmez-vous, je vais vous aider, d'accord? tu as juste besoin de te calmer" Alexander holding on to her shoulders

"OK OK" she said breathing normally

"ils sont juste à l'étage quatrième étage six portes à votre gauche, vous les trouverez"

(They're just upstairs fourth floor six  doors to your  left you'll find them )

"Merci beaucoup! tu ne sais pas à quel point je suis reconnaissant!" She said and left

(Thank you so much ! You don't know how thankful I am )

"You know French as well ?!" Me and Venessa shouted

"Okay you know what you need to calm down ," Alexander said

"Merlin that makes you like ten times hotter how am I supposed to survive ," she muttered

No one heard but of course I did ,and I smirked slightly

"What ?" Alexander asked

"Nothing !" Venessa said blushing

I snickered evilly as we walked back to the dorms

We all separated to go to our selected dorms

I changed again said goodnight to mark and fell fast asleep


Hey solarmess34 here and I wrote almost half of this chapter and I finished it and I am gonna publish it so thank me later 💁🏻‍♀️ I'm kidding ! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER !!

~peace out ✌🏻

Word count :3623

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