A Second Chance

By _C_E_W_

33.5K 1.2K 277

It's been one year since Hermione had lost Ron. She's growing tired of friends and family treating her as if... More

Author's Note
A New Beginning
Christmas Shopping
Bad Parents
Say Yes
Annual Dinner Party
The Weasley Blood
Narcissa's Tea Date
Hermione's Reason
Farewell, and... Narcissa?
The Scavenger Hunt Part 1
The Scavenger Hunt Part 2
Lunch Surprise
A Second Chance
Author's Note
A Second Chance at a Granger Family Reunion
The Letter
The Grangers' Surprise
P&Z Hotel
Meeting for the First Time
The Zabinis
Day One
Another Second Chance

Make That Five

1.3K 56 20
By _C_E_W_

"Are you sure you want to spend the day with your aunt Ginny?"

Rose nodded at her mother's question. "I hardly ever get to see her or uncle Harry. I owled aunt Ginny last night and she said that she could take half the day off to spend with me." She saw as her mother easily bought the lie. It technically wasn't a lie but it wasn't the truth either. She, Scorpius, and her aunt Ginny were going to meet up to come up with a plan to get her mother and Scorpius's father together. At first, Scorpius had refused but then suddenly agreed, she didn't know what had made him change his mind but she would gladly take it, she had the feeling she was going to need all the help she could get.

"But...here?" Her mother looked at the building that was Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. It was a store that her uncles, George and Fred, had opened up together. When Fred passed away, her father took his place. A little over a year ago, the place was attacked and her father had lost his life. The night of the attack was supposed to be her mother and father's day off from working so that they could spend the day with her before she had to go back to Hogwarts but her father had left something there and went back to get it.

It was a place full of happy and sad memories for Rose, it was also the one place that she knew her mother wouldn't step foot in. "I also wanted to see uncle George." Uncle George reminded her so much of her father and she was hoping to see him before she left for Hogwarts in two days.

Her mother tore her gaze away from the building. "Have your aunt Ginny to apparate you home or send me an owl, okay?" She nodded then gave her mother a hug before walking into her uncle's shop.

It was just as she remembered it. The fountain by the door containing love potion, the aisle of biting teeth, and the towering staircase leading to the other floors. Behind the counter was a large board that contained moving pictures of people pranking their friends and family, it had been her father's idea, though she was pretty sure that her mother had given it to him.

The popping sound associated with apparation came from behind her. She turned to meet the warm smile of her aunt. "I'm surprised you could get your mother to let you come here." Aunt Ginny engulfed her in a hug.

"She didn't want to." Rose admitted.

"Who's...Ginny! Rose!" George's smiling face appeared above them as he looked down from the third floor. Before Rose had time to greet her uncle, he apparated down to them, engulfing both girls in a warm embrace. "I never expected to see the two of you here, what with work and Hermione. What brings you here?"

Ginny smiled brightly, trying hard not to giggle. "Ask our niece."

Uncle George turned his stare onto her. "Mom has started to take a fancy to someone and he to her. We're hoping to come up with a plan to get them together."

Uncle George's smile grew and his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "About time for your mum to find someone to make her happy. Who's the lucky fellow?"

"Mr. Malfoy." She thought she heard the sound of distant bells chiming in the background.

Her uncle's eyes widened and his face turned blood red. "That git! Your father would turn over in his grave!"

"He isn't a git, he's my father and he's a good man!" Scorpius stormed over to them. Rose was surprised to see the hard glint and frown covering the normally happy boy's features. His grandmother stood nervously behind him with a cold glint in her eyes as she looked at George.

"You didn't let me finish." Uncle George pouted, reminding Rose so much of her father. "I was saying that Ron would throw a right old fit if he knew that Malfoy was trying to court his wife." A wide grin appeared and a hint of mischief sparkled in his eyes. "I'm in!"

Aunt Ginny clapped her hands to her knees as she doubled over in laughter. "I knew...you were...going to say...that!" She wheezed.

Uncle George ruffled Scorpius's blonde hair, making the boy blush crimson. "You don't have to tell me anything about your father. I know he's a good man. Asked me for advice on how to make his son smile again four years ago."

Scorpius's blush somehow deepened. "I should have known," He muttered. Rose would have to remember to ask him about it later.

"Good to know that someone approves of my son. Now, how are we planning on getting him and miss Granger...I mean Mrs. Weasley...oh for slitherins sake, Hermione, together?"

Rose looked questingly at Narcissa. She knew that Scorpius was going to try to get his grandmother to bring him but she didn't know that he was going to let her in on the plan or that she would be willing to help. "You're on board with this?" Her aunt voiced her own inner thoughts.

"If she makes my son happy, then yes."

Everyone's eyes turned to Scorpius who began to fidget under the scrutiny. "I wasn't up for the plan at first but my dad changed my mind. My dad has a rule, one that he came up with when I was first born and that rule is to never lie to me. Yesterday, I asked him if he liked Rose's mum and he said yes." He shrugged as if to say that's the reason why I'm here and I have nothing else to say so please stop looking at me. So, that's what made him change his mind, good to know that her hunch about Mr. Malfoy's feelings were correct.

Uncle George eagerly rubbed his hands together. "So, what's the plan? A little love potion? Veritaserum? Secret love letters? Lock 'em in a closet with a charm so that they can't use their magic?"

"I was thinking something a little more subtle." Rose continued to tell them the plan that she had thought of the night before.

.   .   .

Ginny rushed into Harry's office after her secret meeting. She really hoped Harry wouldn't ask her too much about it.

Harry looked up from a stack of papers on his desk. A smile that showed in his beautiful green eyes appeared. "How was your day with Rose? Not giving Hermione a hard time, is she?"

Ginny unwrapped her scarf from her neck and kissed her husband's cheek. "Good and no. We actually started talking about work and how it would be nice to do some team building exercises like the muggles do sometimes. I started thinking that a scavenger hunt would be nice. You know, have everyone pair up in a team of two." She had to slow her voice down so that she didn't sound too excited, she didn't want her husband getting suspicious.

"That sound marvelous. Were you thinking the whole ministry should participate cause if so, we made need bigger teams than two."

Ginny couldn't stop her eyes from widening. Was Harry actually agreeing to her plan so easily? "I was thinking that maybe we should just have the Aurors participate. To see how things turn out?" Damn, why did she sound uncertain?

To her relief, Harry smiled. "That sounds brilliant. If I can get all the paperwork filed and plan everything out, we might be able to have one as a trial in two weeks." Harry's eyes darkened and a frown appeared. "The only problem is that there will be an odd number of aurors. More and likely, Malfoy won't be able to participate."

Ginny sighed in relief inwardly. "Let him bring someone along. It wouldn't be fair to not let him participate." Harry nodded at her suggestion. Ginny turned to her paperwork, hoping to hide the smile that was creeping onto her face. Hopefully one of Rose's plans will work out. Her niece along with George and Narcissa had agreed to create several opportunities to force the two together just in case their main plan failed.

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