Lost & Found [Gakuen Babysitt...

By DourWunderkind07

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The Aratani sisters came back to Japan after living for 4 years in Great Britain with their Grandpa. Rikona t... More

Chapter 1: Arriving in Japan
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: Shopping
Chapter 4: Meeting the Chairwoman
Short Author Note
Chapter 5: First Day of School
Chapter 6: New Kid
Chapter 7: New Friend
Chapter 8: New Life
Chapter 9: Family and Friends
Chapter 10: Game Over
Chapter 11: The Plan
Chapter 12: Excused
Chapter 13: Meeting Up
Chapter 14: Study Group
Chapter 15: Midterms
Chapter 16: Talk
Chapter 17: Vacation
Chapter 18: New Job
Chapter 19: Meanwhile
Thank you!!!
Chapter 20: Role Play
Chapter 21: Questions
Chapter 22: Fun
Chapter 23: Culture Day
Chapter 24: Lost
Chapter 25: Relationships
Chapter 27: Exposed
Chapter 28: Tournament
Chapter 29: Ill
Chapter 30: Staying
Chapter 31: Return
Chapter 32: Understanding
Chapter 33: Celebration
Chapter 34: Joy
Chapter 35: Exchanges
Chapter 36: Parents
Chapter 37: Her
Chapter 38: Forgiveness
Chapter 39: Foreigner
Chapter 40: New
Chapter 41: Wish
Side Story: Truffles
Chapter 42: Growing
Chapter 43: Date?
Chapter 44: Scheme
Chapter 45: Unfazed
Chapter 46: Surprise
Chapter 47: Confusion
Chapter 48: The Day
Chapter 49: Recollection
Chapter 50: Acknowledgment
Side Story: Act of Kindness
Chapter 51: Termination
Chapter 52: A New Beginning
Chapter 53: Confession
Chapter 54: The Backstory
Chapter 55: Final
The End

Chapter 26: Forgive

577 17 3
By DourWunderkind07

| A/N : Ayyee~ It's your author here! I am updating a chapter today because... It's my birthday!  *weeps* I am getting old! Old... Anyways, enjoy your chapter update!|

3rd POV:

"Wow! You guys have a lot of delicious food here!" Sawamura stuffs his face. "....Which college are you in?" Nezu asked him.

"I'm in Harvard!" He grins widely while Nezu was in disbelief.

*sigh* "Fine. I'm in Osaka University" He admits.

"That's a good university and hard too" Nezu was impressed. "I want to be a trial lawyer so I go there" He stares at the girls eating. "......."

"Nii-san! Can you make sugar cookies for Junko-chan?" Kyouko asked her.

Junko gives him the puppy eyes."Cookies!"



"Must be hard, but also nice to have so many siblings."

"Do you not have any?"

"No, but I wish I did"

*Back to reunion* ~ Kiwa POV ~

After I took nii-san to an area where nobody is around, I stopped to catch my breath. Why is he here? "I see you are well in this school, Kiwa"

I was too tired to answer properly *Pants* "Yeah...Just" *Pants* "Hold up"

"Take your time and sit down while you catch your breath" We sat at a nearby bench.

This was strange to me. I looked at him who was staring back at me with soft eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Nii-san never comes to any events at my school nor my soccer games... Or even my graduations while I attend his. "I wanted to check up on you" He told me.

I cross my arms and look into a different direction, away from him. Why is he acting like this all of a sudden?! He didn't care back then! Why now?! "Well, I'm fine."

"Are you still mad?"

I was confused. "Mad? Why would I be mad when you didn't do anything" I tilt my head at him. Am I mad? I was ...but not anymore.

He sighs. "Exactly."

"Huh?" I was even more confused. Mad?? But you really didn't do anything to make me mad. Nothing.... You did nothing. He didn't do anything to me, all he did was care for his future while I was.....left alone.....

"Even though I'm biologically your brother. It didn't mean that I was one."

I put my guard down. "...." Why are you telling me this?

He continues."I only focused on my own future and passion rather than being there for you and encouraging you" It was true....

I just stared at him remembering our past. We almost didn't have one. I was sad.

He smiles sadly at me. "Because of my actions, you felt like nobody loved you and so you took it out on other people. Which made me argue with you..... Instead of a nice heart-warming brother, you got a cold and cruel brother" I felt my tears coming out, but I held it back. It's true. When he finally noticed me, he yelled at me and gave me a harsh attitude for standing up against the servants. "But it changed after you met your friend."

I looked at him. "Nii-san.."

"I know I wasn't the sibling you always wanted but please just tell me that you won't be hurt anymore. I'm sorry for not taking care of you. I'm sorry for neglecting you. I'm sorry fo-" I had tears in my eyes coming out

"Please stop!" I don't want to hear anymore! It pains you as it pains me. "Stop...I forgive you. I've always had. So please don't say such painful words to me."

He smiles and hugs me.

He hugs me tightly as I cried onto his chest. "I will always love you no matter what" That was all I've ever wanted. For my brother to love me. I felt warm inside. "I love you too nii-san" I truly felt happy.


~ Rikona POV ~

Wow, such a reunion. I went on my phone and sent an email.


We were hiding the bushes afar and saw the whole thing. "She's so strong" Yuki whispers loudly.

"I've never known she was like that before"

"Haaaa. He better keeps his promise" I stood up. Their eyes widen.

"What are you doing?!" Yuki stood up

"You're gonna get caught!" Maria's shouting got their attention.

The Shimidas was surprised.

"I see you guys made up" I tried to keep it normal.

"How long have you been in there?!" Kiwa's face went red.

"Are those your friends?" He asked.

We walked over and sat with them. We all introduced ourselves to the mysterious and handsome brother of Kiwa. "I see. Thank you for treating my little sister well. I'm-"

"McHottie!" He was interrupted.

I looked at the direction of the shout and Seiua (Sawamura) was waving at us. A vein popped on my forehead. Right when I was having a good time, he had to come.

"McHottie?" Kiwa was holding in her laugh.

"It's not like that!" His face was red. They really were related. Tomato faces.

Hmmm. I should use him to shake Seiua off since he's familiar with him.

"Yo!" He places his hand on McHottie's shoulder. He turned around with an angry face


We moved onto a bigger table where we could all fit. McHottie drags Seiua over which satisfies me.

*Meanwhile* ~ Unknown POV ~
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I threw my phone across the room and at the wall.



"Y-yes miss!" They ran away quickly.

*Sigh* "I let my anger out again didn't I?"

"It's ok. If they knew what position you're in. I'm sure they'll react the same"

I looked up at the ceiling. "You are so dead Seiua-kun" I grind my teeth.

~Back to Rikona~

"I'm Reiji Shimida. Nice to meet you" He adjusts his glasses.

"Of course you are, Gorgeous"


Kiwa hits him this time which startles us even her brother. "What's your relationship with my brother!? Only I can call him names!" She glares at him while he remains unbothered. She shakes Reiji furiously. "Who is this?! Nii-san??"

"Ok stop shaking me! He goes to university with me! He's my friend" She stops shaking him and was stunned as I was too.

"What a coincidence" Maria commented.

".......Get the kids out of here" I told Nezu. He went with the kids and didn't even question it. "Wow! How come you guys never interact if you're so erm close I guess" Yuki asked.

"Well, we are busy with college! So we live in the dorms and guess who's his roommate!~" Seiua grinned while Reji didn't look too happy.

"I'm sorry that you suffer through so much torture, brother." Kiwa scoffed.

"It's ok now that I have your support" He smiles.

"Who said I'll give you my support" She cringes and a vein popped on his forehead.

*Sigh* "What's your relationship with my sister?"

He points at me. "I'm dating her friend!~" then winked a signal at him.

"How did you guys have not met then?"

"Well, we are busy in college Doc!"

"How many nicknames do you have?" Kiwa turned gloomy.

"So much" He becomes disappointed.

"I would call him McHottie or sexy beast since he's a handsome devil" He ruffles his hair and the brother grabs his hand and tightens his grip. "Uhhh. I call him a book worm, Doc., and smartie because he's in medicine and always on his book."

"Yep, I agree with that one" Kiwa commented.

"Blaze, fire, redhead, and so much more. Isn't that right Boo?" That last word startled everyone and Reji pulled on his ear. "Ok ok. I may have gone too far and that last name was a lie"

"I apologize for his behavior." He told us.

"Erm it's ok" Yuki answered.

"Leave us alone now" He commands Seiua and he obeys. Seiua blew a kiss at me before going to Nezu and the kids.

"How is he even your boyfriend?" He cringes.

"How are you even his friend?" I scoffed.

*Meanwhile* ~ Chuukichi POV ~

I was laying on the grass and watch over Junko and Kyouko playing together.

"Hey!~" Sawamura came up to me.

"....hey" I murmured.

"Are you having fun?" He lays down next to me.

"..." I looked at Kyouko's happy face. "Yeah..."

"Ah! What about your brothers? I can tell Yagi is not liked by them" He reminds me.

"I'm sure they're fine and if he does do something......" I felt the atmosphere getting gloomy.

"Ok OK! I get it, but aren't you too like you know, gullible?"


"Like I get that you trust your friends, but how come you trust me with the kids?" He laughs.

"Because I knew that you couldn't possibly kidnap those kids"


"Especially when there's a group of people willing to murder protecting them" I added.

It was true.

"Oh! Is that so?" I saw a sweat running down his face.


"So is there any boys that Rikona might dump me for?" He asks.

".......Are you sure you're not taking it too far?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"If you're her boyfriend, then you should trust her. However, your actions were unnecessary"

"Eh?" He stopped smiling.

"I'm only saying this as her friend. Stop bothering her." I told him

".....Heh" He scoffed. "I guess you're my rival"

"........what?" my mind went blank.

"You actually want us to break up? Is that right?"

"......Are you serious?"

"I'm just kidding!" He laughs it off.

"......You will never understand.." I mumbled.

"No, I understand! Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt her." He held his hand to me. I took it and we shook hands. I felt something inside. I let go and open my hand. It was money. "Tic-Tch" He clicks his tongue at me while winking and pointing at me with two hands. I was stunned by his action.

~ Tomoya POV ~

We were walking around after that incident.

"I'm sure they're fine" I reassure them

"How can they?!" Suekichi shouted at me.

"Even Nii-san gave up!" Kichi tears up.

"Don't worry. Here" I take out a pack of tissues.

"Uh. I'm sure you need it more" Kashima told me.

I felt blood coming out of my nose.

"Oh, it's nothing" I grin.

"How is it nothing?" Kamitani commented.

"Look! They're there!" Kichi pointed. I stuff the tissues into my nose. We look at the direction he was pointing at. They were laying on the grass. I saw that the girls were ok. "See, look!"

They ran and I followed. This is fun. I chuckle.

"What happened?" "You ok?" "What did he do to you?" They all asked the kids while the adults stayed silent.

"Nothing. He's really nice to us" "Sei is always nice~"

"What?!" The twins were shocked.

"Hehehehe. He was trustworthy." I take out my phone to record them.

"Shall I call the police?" Chuuikichi takes out his phone to threaten me.

"They're so cute though."

"We're going"

He grabs me by the collar and drags me away from the group. Then suddenly we were at the festival. "Your bleeding should stop by now"

"Yep, it has" I smiled.

Then we saw a young woman with amber eyes and black hair was wearing an expensive and formal dress that made her stand out from the crowd. She looked like she was in her 20s. "Miss please calm down!" A young assistant follows her along."Not unless I'm done with Seiua-kun!"

We flinched. Could it be?

Chuuikichi pretended to not hear anything and looked at another direction. "It could be someone else"

I sighed. 'Looks like I gotta do the right thing.'

"Hey, Miss. Did you say you were looking for Seiua Sawamura?" I walked up to her.

She's actually beautiful the longer I stared at her. Just who is this woman?

End of Chapter 26

| Words Count: 1970|

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