Different Worlds

By writingkeepsmewhole

4.2K 157 12

Y/n was a normal girl, normal life, family/friends. That all changes when she is kidnapped to a world she tho... More

Different Worlds
Animal Inside
Changing Rooms
I Know You.

Wash It Away

601 24 0
By writingkeepsmewhole

It took three days of looking over old pictures for Dean not to try and attack Sam or Cas.

I grown used to waking up to Dean nudging me. He always greeted me with a huge grin. I had a feeling he thought I was dead judging by the way he treated me when I opened my eyes.

He was completely different from when I first got here. It hardly feels like I've been here a week.

I was sitting on Dean's makeshift bed when I heard a low growl. Looking at Dean next to me I follow his gaze to see Cas and Sam on the other side of the cell.

"Its okay they are not going to hurt me." I say all of us quickly realize it was me he was protective of.

Much like always he didn't care for his own life.

Dean huffs and moves closer to me.

"Whats up guys?" I say looking at them.

"I need to go to the store, I thought I would let you take a shower now rather then when I get back."

"Oh alright." I say standing up I almost fall when Dean roughly grabs my wrist.

"Stay." He says firmly.

"I'll be right back."

"I go." He says standing up.

Looking him over I realize the changes in him. His scaly skin is slowly flaking off and he looks more like he has been rolling in mud. There was still a beasty nature to him but I have either gotten used to it or he was getting better. No matter which he could use a little TLC.

"He is coming with me." I say looking at Sam.

"Y/N I don't think that's a good idea. He could hurt himself or you."

"But he won't will you Dean?" I ask smiling down at him.

"No hurt" He says smiling which I return.

It was like talking to a small child but it was better than the grunts and growls.

"It's time we stop treating him like he is an animal. He will stay with me the whole time."

"I don't think it's smart."

"Maybe not but I do. I'm meant to help him, let me."

"Fine." Sam says clenching his jaw.

"Come on Dean time to get clean." I say holding out my other hand. Him still holding my wrist.

"I go?" he asks grinning.

"Yes. Only if you are calm."

"Not anggrry." he says stumbling over the bigger words.

"I know your not." I say stroking his face.

"If anything changes about him I'm getting-. "

"Don't." I say looking at Sam threw the bars.

"He is getting better trust me and him."

Wrinkling his brow he doesn't respond. He just unlocks the door letting it swing open.

"Back up." I say smiling at Sam.

Sighing he moves out of the way his large frame tense.

I turn around to face Dean him staring out the open door.

"Come on. It's okay." I say moving slowly out of the cell.

Dean walks with me his grip tightening on my hand and wrist as I walk backwards.

"Dean." I say softly knowing that he is scared his body ridged.

He doesn't say anything but he stops just on the other side of the cell door.

When he looks back at it I have the sinking feeling that this wasn't going to work. I jump when he drops my wrist and quickly moves to wrap his arms around Sam.

I feel my throat tightening up as Sam hugs him back.

"Zammy." he says making my eyes water.

"Hey Dean." Sam says his voice cracking him hugging him back.

I stay silent letting them have their moment.

When Dean lets go and turns to me I watch his face darkens him grabbing my face.

"Hurt." he says touching my cheeks them wet from a few stray tears.

"I'm okay Dean." I say smiling holding his hand to my skin.

He cocks his head like a dog trying to understand something.

"Come on let's go take a shower." I say taking his hand and lacing my fingers with his.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Sam asks still sounding choked up.

"I think I'll be okay. Just stay outside of the door." I say knowing Sam didn't mean anything by asking if I wanted him in the room with me.

The shower had a curtain so it wouldn't bother me if he was in the room. I knew Sam and Dean.

It still shocks me that in a different reality Dean and Sam really exited besides a TV show.

I lead Dean to the locker room careful to not rush him. I didn't want to make him feel threatened. I didn't want to break his trust for me.

Once again when we got to the door Sam held it open while I lead Dean inside.

The room was toilets and sinks on one half then on the other side of a wall was showers and lockers.

I went to the first one it the one I always used.

Still holding his hand I slid the curtain back and turned the water on. I felt Dean jump when the water shot out of the shower head.

"It's okay. It's just water." I say sticking my hand into it.

He moves forward coping my motion. He smiles when the water runs over his hand. It making me remember how clean he normally is. That he always washes his hands when he is stressed. It a way to distract himself.

Kicking off my shoes and socks I step into the shower the warm water falling down my back.

"Come on." I say holding out my hands.

This was more about getting him clean so I didn't bother with taking anything else off.

Dean slowly moves into the small shower.

"Water." he says smiling the first half of the word sounding more like a wh sound but I wasn't going to correct him..

"Yes it's time you get clean." I say smiling up at him.

Reaching down I grab the hem of his shirt and pull it off.

It's not the first time I dressed him so he didn't fight me. I tried not to look at the bare chest in front of me. This was not the time to get caught up in the beauty of Dean Winchester. It definitely wasn't what I expected the first time I saw his chest. Even now it's covered in large scars them dark blues and black, them popping off his slowly returning warm skin color.

When Dean grabbed my now wet shirt I couldn't stop the blush. Not really sure what to do I let him pull it off and drop it.

I smiled at the plop sound it made. The smile was erased when I looked up at Dean. He was staring at me.

Not in the way that he was trying to figure something out and not like he was going to attack me. It was intense his face wrinkled up.

When he takes a step forward and touches my stomach I gasp. I make myself stay still as he slowly runs his fingers across my skin. When he reaches my bra I blush grabbing his wrist. He jumps his head snapped up to look at me.

"I think that's enough of that for today." I say smiling at him.

He cocks his head confused. I smile pushing him down on the plastic bench attached to the wall.

"Time to clean you up." I say grabbing my shampoo.

"Sorry you'll have to smell like me." I say used to filling the silence.

Putting my apple shampoo in his hair I message it in using my nails to scratch his scalp. The more I did I could feel and watch him relax.

"You are going to feel so much better after this." I say pulling him into the spray of the water.

Standing on my toes I washed the soap out careful not to get it into his eyes.

I blush when Dean places his hands on my hips. Since it helped me stand I didn't say anything. Lowering to my heels I turned my head to grab the shampoo again. I needed a shower as well.

I jump when Dean touches my neck. Turning back to face him he strokes the healing cuts.

"Dean bad." he says looking at me pain in his emerald eyes.

"No. You are one of the only people who are good. You've only done what you think is right." I say smiling at him.

Sitting back down I can feel his eyes on me as I wash my hair. I try my best to act normal. Standing half naked in front of a man who I thought was fictional, only to find out he was real and I was the one meant to save him was not what I expected I would do with my life.

In the midst of my thinking I conditioned my hair. Looking at Dean he sat in the same spot wet and watching me. His face scrunched up telling me he was thinking. I giggle him looking at me.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I ask moving to rub conditioner in his hair.

I wasn't surprised when he didn't answer. Humming to fill the silence I stop when Dean wraps his arms around my middle. Hugging me he lays his head on my stomach. Bending over I hug him back running my fingers through his hair.

I can feel my heart pound but I don't know why. I wasn't scared of Dean so it couldn't be from fear.

Pulling away from me Dean stood up and I watched as he rinsed the soap from his hair. He never brought his hands up him just putting his face in the spray of water.

He looked at me as if he was doing the right thing. I smile and nod earning a grin.

Once he was done I turn the water off not wanting to try and wash my body. That would be more trouble than it's worth.

Walking out of the shower Dean followed not as cautious as before.

"Here dry off." I say handing him a towel. Getting one for myself I started to dry my hair. Pulling on my shirt well it one of Dean's Sam didn't want to risk buying the wrong thing. Which I thought was adorable. It did help Dean get used to me since I smelled like him. Apparently when he got cursed he got super good senses as well.

The shirt went to my knees so I didn't mind quickly pulling my panties and underwear off. Dean seemed to distracted with drying his hair to invade my privacy. Pulling on a pair of boxers and sweats I could tie up I was dressed. One thing about being average more on the thicker size girl I could comfortable fit in Dean's clothes. Aka a six foot tall well built man.

Tying my pants I looked at Dean him being silent. When I didn't see him I felt my heart jump. Walking around the wall I took a relieved breath seeing him standing in front of one of the sinks looking at the mirror.

I quickly realize that this is the first time he has seen himself. I stand there waiting to see what he will do.

I'm not surprised but I do jump when he slams his fist into his reflection.

"Dean." I say softly slowly moving to him.

He growls.

"No." I say taking his hand.

Looking at his knuckles I turn the tap on to wash the blood off his skin.

"Y/N." he says making me look up at him.


"Why am I helping you?"

He nods as his reply.

"Because you need it. You are under a curse that I can help brake."

He wrinkled his forehead making me smile and shake my head.

"Come on let's get you dressed."

I lead back into the other room and hand him his clothes.

"Get dressed."

He huffs at me but dose as I ask. I brush my teeth while he changes. When he walks up behind me dressed in Jeans, a T-shirt and flannel I smile at him.

"Now there is the Dean I know."

"Curse?" He asks clenching his jaw.

"Yeah a witch cursed you." I say packing up my bag him following me.


"Sam is fine. We are working on breaking it."


Blushing I smile at him not sure how to answer.

"How?" he growls.

I look at him not having an answer I didn't even know how to explain it to him if I did have one. Sam's voice telling me this was similar to a fairytale kept popping into my head when it came to times like these. It wasn't though it didn't have a quick fix or an easy way to make him better. I couldn't just kiss him and it all disappear.

As soon as I thought the idea I couldn't get it out of my head. Biting my lip knowing that is was a bad idea I walk up to him and pull his face down to mine pressing my lips to his.

I gasps as memories of everything that has happened to Dean played threw my head. It was like watching a movie of Dean's lowest moment's. Nothing but pain and suffering filled me. The want to kill myself or kill thousands invaded my brain. It was evil. Just when I thought I was going to be swallowed by it I felt myself be pulled away from Dean.

I drop to the floor feeling something crawl up my throat. Coughing I watched black smoke and blood come out of my mouth. The taste of copper and rotten eggs coated my tongue my lips burning. I clench my eyes as a white hot pain rushed up the back of my head making it throb. That was the last thing I remember.

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