Book 1: New Revelations

By CherryNoddles

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"Mom? Dad? Y-You're..." Hearing their daughter's voice, Marinette and Adrien's heads snapped up in shock, una... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Happy Birthday!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 12

349 7 0
By CherryNoddles

Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 12 of Book 1: New Revelations. I am loving this book!🙃🙃🙃 Tell me how much you like it in the comments section below. 👇👇👇 Better yet. Vote for the chapters that you like best! Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Alan's POV

"You ok dude? You look kinda out of it today." Kace asked me, eyebrows furrowed in concern. I smiled weakly and nodded, then said, "I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

That was farther from the truth.

I was still shaken from last night.

Last night

"Hey Alan." Chat Noir said while smiling at me while I stood there, staring at me in shock. I managed to stutter, "H-How do y-you know my n-name?! And w-why are you h-here?!"

Chat Noir chuckled at my surprise and replied, "Answer to your first question, I know you Alan. Answer to your second question, I'm going to blow your mind." I titled my head, furrowing my brows in confusion. Chat Noir smiled and said, "Plagg, claws in."

A bright green light filled the room as I covered my eyes with my hand. When the light dimmed, instead of Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste was standing in my room, hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

I took a step back in shock and exclaimed, "Mr Agreste?! You're Chat Noir?!" He nodded and said, "Surprise." I pointed my finger at him and muttered, "You are Chat Noir. Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. A famous model is Chat Noir. My dad's best friend is Chat Noir."

Mr Agreste nodded and smiled, patting my shoulder and saying, "How've you been Alan?" I muttered, "Great, great." I shook my head and stared at him in shock. I asked, "Mr Agreste? What are you doing here? And what is that?!" My eyes widened in shock as I glanced behind him and found a giant flying thing.

Mr Agreste looked behind him and laughed when he saw the creature. He replied, "Oh that? That's Plagg. He's my kwami. A kwami is the thing that gives Ladybug and me our powers." Plagg waved and smiled. I waved back meekly.

Mr Agreste continued, "I'm sure you know how Ladybug and I have revealed our identities." I nodded and replied, "Yeah. Mom was there. She told me all about it." He nodded and replied, "Well, we need a new Ladybug and Chat Noir. We already have a Ladybug. Now we need a Chat Noir."

Mr Agreste took off his ring and gave it to me. I gasped in shock as he said, "And I want the Chat Noir to be you." He took my hand and placed the ring in my palm.

I stared at the ring, cold against my palm. I closed my hand around the ring and said, "I'll do it." Mr Agreste said, "Now I know you'll have some doubts about being-wait, what?!" He stared at me in shock. I nodded and said, "I'll do it. I'll be the next Chat Noir."

I could understand his shock. Not everyone would be willing to risk their lives being a superhero. Especially not so quickly. But I wanted-no, needed to do this. For a while now, I've been trying to find my thing. The thing that I do. Everyone has it. Sure, I've always wanted to do modeling, but... I just don't know anymore. Maybe being Chat Noir will help me figure it out.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Well... uh... ok then. Plagg will explain everything to you when I give you the ring." I passed the ring back to Mr Agreste and he put it back on his finger. He transformed and winked at me. He said, "I'll see you again soon, Alan."

With that, Chat Noir jumped out of the window, back into the night, as I climbed back into bed.

Present time

Emma's POV

"Come on girl. Let me see it!" Alyssa begged me , clasping both hands together. I smiled at my friend's ridiculousness and laughed. I opened my backpack and replied, "Ok, ok. I'll show you. You can only take a peek though. I wrapped it in tissue paper and would prefer if it wasn't torn to pieces."

Alyssa snatches my backpack out of my hands, despite my protests. She looked around, as if to make sure no one was watching, then poked one hand into my bag and lifted up the paper, revealing the black jacket.

Alyssa gasped in surprise and quickly handed my backpack back to me. She whispered, excitement flashing in her eyes, "The jacket is awesome Emma! Alan's going to love it!" I sure hope so. I smiled at her and replied, "Hopefully."

We walked into the classroom, talking about random stuff. Everyone was crowded around Alan, even people that weren't in our class. They were wishing Alan a happy birthday and giving him gifts, but Alan didn't look like he was paying much attention to them. His eyebrows were furrowed, deep in thought, and his eyes showed concentration and confusion. I frowned, a little worried about his strange behaviour, but didn't think about it much longer as Alyssa gripped my arm and said, "Now's your chance girl! I already gave my gift. Go for it!"

I smiled gratefully at Alyssa and elbowed my way past the countless fans crowded around Alan. Alan noticed me almost immediately and broke out of reverie, smiling and waving at me. I smiled back and handed Alan the jacket that I had taken out of my backpack while saying, "Happy birthday Alan. This is for you. I hope you like it."

Alan beamed at me and replied, "Thanks Emma." I flashed him one more smile and pushed my way out of the crowd once more. Alyssa was already waiting for me at our usual seats. Alyssa put her hand around my shoulder and said reassuringly, "Alan's going to love it. I just know it. He's blind if he doesn't see it." I smiled at my best friend. She was always so protective of me.

Though I wasn't really worried about what Alan thought of the jacket. Actually, I didn't really care.

I had other things to worry about.

After school

"Hey Emma. Wanna go hang out today?" Alyssa asked me as the school bell rang. I replied, "Let me ask my mom first." I pulled my phone out of my backpack, only to find a message from Mom.

Mom-Emma, come home immediately after school. The limo will come pick you and your brothers up.

Emma-Sure thing Mom

I smiled sadly at Alyssa and said, "Sorry Alyssa. Mom needs me." Alyssa just shrugged and replied, "No problem. Another time then." We walked out of the school doors together and stopped by the stairs.

Just as I was about to walk down, Alyssa grabbed my arm and said, "Wait Emma. I totally forgot. Is it true that your mom is Ladybug? Mom told me about it." I tensed and cursed under my breath. I had managed to avoid this topic all day at school. I definitely didn't want to address it. It was still kind of a sore spot.

Luckily for me, the limousine pulled up to the school just then, saving me from needing to explain to Alyssa. I shot her an apologetic glance and said quickly, "Sorry Alyssa. Gotta go!" I rushed off towards the limousine, leaving a startled Alyssa behind. I could hear her calling out my name, but I didn't stop until I reached the limousine and climbed inside. Hugo and Louis were already there, waiting for me.

Louis waved and said, "Hey Emma." I smiled and leaned my head back against the seat. I breathed a sigh of relief. I had really dodged a bullet back there. I wasn't the best of liars and Alyssa is my best friend. She would see through  any lie that I told.

I must've been in really deep thought, because when I finally came out of my reverie, Chimp was opening the car door for us, having reached the Agreste Mansion already.

Mom and Dad were waiting for us at the front door, and they smiled when they saw us. Mom called out, "Emma, Hugo, Louis! Hurry! We have something to tell you!" Hugo and Louis scrambled out of the car and raced to Mom and Dad. I jogged to catch up behind them.

Mom and Dad opened the door for us and led us to the living room. Hugo, Louis and I took a seat on the couch, Mom and Dad opposite us. Mom started, "Guys, we need to discuss the whole Ladybug issue."

I straightened immediately after hearing this. As much as I didn't like the whole miraculous situation, I would be lying if I said I wasn't the least bit curious. Dad smiled and continued, "I've talked to the new Chat Noir and he's willing to be the holder of the cat miraculous."

I smiled. That was a relief. I didn't want to be the only superhero fighting Hawkmoth's akumas. Suddenly, Mom stood up and smiled at me. She said mysteriously, "Wait here guys. There's something I want you guys to see." I raised my eyebrows suspiciously at Mom. But she just smiled and walked away. I glanced at my brothers, but they looked as confused as I felt. Dad had a knowing smile on his face, but when I looked at him with questioning eyes, he just shook his head.

Mom came out soon with a weird looking box thingy in her hands. It had spots all over it and was shaped like an egg. Mom placed the weird object on the table. Tikki and Plagg floated up to Mom and she nodded. They turned back to face us and Tikki said, "Emma, Hugo, Louis, this is the miraculous box. It contains all the miraculouses in existence. The previous miraculous holder passed the great honour of being the guardian of the miraculous to Marinette many years ago."

"Woah. That's so cool Mom!" Hugo exclaimed. I walked over to the miraculous box and studied it more carefully. There didn't seem to be any cover to open. It must've been specifically designed so only Ladybug, or Marinette, would know know to open it. I looked up at Mom and asked, "Who's the previous guardian?" A cloud passed over Mom and Dad's faces. Tikki and Plagg's eyes were clouded with worry and sadness. 

Mom took a deep breath and replied, "He was Master Wang Fu. We usually call him Master Fu. In a battle, he had to make me the guardian of the miraculous in order to keep our secret identities safe. But now, he doesn't remember anything about the miraculous. That includes Adrien and me." Dad put his hand on Mom's shoulder in a comforting side hug. Master Fu must've been a very important person to Mom to draw that kind of reaction out of her. 

Mom smiled sadly at me and said, "But that doesn't matter now. Do you want to see the miraculouses?" I nodded, as did Hugo and Louis. Mom opened the box and all the different compartments that held different miraculouses popped out. The only missing miraculouses were the ladybug miraculous, the cat miraculous, the butterfly miraculous and the peacock miraculous. 

Hugo and Louis stood up for a closer look. Seeing all the miraculouses made me remember something that I had wanted to ask Mom and Dad, since Tikki wouldn't give me the answer to my question. "Hey Mom and Dad." They looked at me with curious expressions and I continued, "Who are the other miraculous holders? You know, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion, Pegasus, King Monkey, Bunnyx, Ryuko, Queen Bee, well, I already know who Queen Bee is, but what about the others?" 

Mom's eyes widened when she heard the question and she bit her lip tentatively. She glanced at Dad out of the corner of her eye, perhaps looking for some guidance, but he just shrugged. Mom turned back to face me and was about to speak, but before she could, I stated, "Don't tell me that their identities must stay secret or whatever. The entire world already knows yours. And you haven't called on them in forever. You wouldn't be putting them in any danger. Besides, you promised me that there will be no more secrets. You wouldn't go back on you promise, would you?" 

Dad chuckled, mischief glinting in his eyes, as Mom glared at him. I smiled satisfactorily to myself. I already knew that Mom would have no choice and would have to tell me. And I was right. Mom sighed in defeat and relented, "Fine, fine. I'll tell you. All of the superheroes were your dad and my ex-classmates. You know that Queen Bee is Chloe Bourgeois, mayor of Paris. How she got voted, I'll always have no idea." Mom muttered that last part, but I could still hear her. Mom and Chloe Bourgeois have always had a rivalry going on, and the rivalry had intensified since Mom married Dad.

Mom continued, talking at a fast pace, "Rena Rouge is Alya Cesaire, Carapace is Nino Lahiffe, Viperion is Luka Couffaine, Pegasus is Max Kante, King Monkey is Kim Chien Le, Bunnyx is Alix Kubdel and Ryuko is Kagami Tsurugi." My eyes widened in surprise. "Do they know who the other heroes are?" I asked, anxious for some answers. Mom shook her head slowly. Oh my god. Sometimes the irony of the situations are just crazy. They are married to each other and they still don't know that their partner is a superhero. 

What's more surprising is that the offspring of the famous superheroes are in my class. Mr and Mrs Lahiffe had Alyssa and Alan, twins. Mr and Mrs Couffaine had Liam, the class jock, and Kira, the sweet girl. Mr and Mrs Chien Le had Kace, the quiet one. Mr and Mrs Kante had Maya, the class genius, and Sara, the popular girl's lackie. The two siblings were pretty distant at school, seeing as Carmen and Sara would always bully Maya.

Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of the people in my class are the children of Mom and Dad's classmates. Mr and Mrs Bruel had Irene, the mature one, and Iris, the immature one. The two twins couldn't be more different. Mr and Mrs Kurtzberg had Carmen, the popular and mean girl. She must've inherited Mrs Kurtzberg's genes, from what I've heard about her from Mom and Dad. Ms Lavillant and Ms Couffaine had adopted Jackson, Joseph and Jacob, each one slightly older than the next. Those three were inseparable.

I smiled to myself. It was funny how fate worked. Everyone in Mom and Dad's class had either adopted or had a child of their own, and they had ended up in my class. Dad rubbed the back of his neck and commented, "So everyone had a happily ever after in the end. I'm not sure about Lila though. She's become a famous model in Italy, but I don't know if she had any kids or not." Lila Rossi, famous model and excellent liar. She, along with Chloe Bourgeois, had major crushes on Dad, just like Mom and Mrs Couffaine, though Mom and Mrs Couffaine weren't evil. Mrs Kurtzberg and Mrs Couffaine got over their crushes on Dad, seeing as they married Mr Kurtzberg and Mr Couffaine respectively. Not too sure about Lila though.

Mom closed the miraculous box and went to keep it while Dad said, "Well, now that we got that out of the way, we need to discuss another thing. Your mom said that the people of Paris would get some answers soon. How are we gonna do it?" Mom soon came back and we sat down, deep in thought. Louis spoke up and suggested, "How about a concert? You could get Jagged Stone to write a song about Ladybug and Chat Noir and reveal yourselves there." Dad chuckled and replied, "That would be fun, except for the fact that Jagged Stone hasn't performed in a decade and is retired."

We all went back to thinking. What was the fastest way to get information to other people? Usually it was by the internet. There are at least 3.2 billion people on the internet at any given time. Another way was by word of mouth. People gossip a lot. Especially at school. Namely College Francoise Dupont. Something in my brain clicked and I came up with an excellent idea. I whipped my head up to face my family and exclaimed, "I got it!" Everyone looked up at me and waited for me to continue. 

"What about a little conference thingy? It's serious enough. Not everyone in Paris has to attend. You can ask Manon to cover it. Mrs Lahiffe too, since she's the creator of the Ladyblog. The people of Paris will be able to see everything on their television screen. They'll also know about the new Ladybug and Chat Noir too. It's a win-win." I explained. Everyone nodded thoughtfully as I said my well thought out plan. Mom furrowed her brows and started, "It is a fairly reasonable plan. But how are we gonna get people to turn on their televisions to watch?"

I gaped at Mom. She stared right back at me and asked, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I groaned in frustration and said exasperatedly, "Come on Mom. That is the easiest problem to solve! Just go to the tv studio and tell them that you need to say something to the citizens of Paris. Who would refuse Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Mom smiled at me and laughed at my exasperation, then replied, "Ok then Emma. We'll use your plan. Now you guys can go to your room. Do whatever you want. Your dad and I have things to discuss. We'll call you down for dinner."

I stood up, along with Hugo and Louis, and stepped out of the room. I climbed the stairs and entered my room, closing it behind me. I could hear Hugo and Louis enter their rooms. Soon, sounds of video games came from Hugo's room. Of course. He was addicted to this new game that Mom bought for him a few weeks ago. Louis is probably taking a nap right now. That left me to do my own things.

I started on a new design. I couldn't wait for Mom and Dad to put the whole plan into action. I couldn't wait to see everyone's reaction when they find out that Mom and Dad had been Ladybug and Chat Noir. I couldn't wait to become the new Ladybug.

I couldn't wait to show the world who I am.

Marinette's POV

Adrien and I sat on our bed, my head leaning against Adrien's shoulder, Adrien's hand tracing shapes on my skin. We stayed like that for a while before anyone spoke. I asked, "I take it Alan took being Chat Noir well?" Adrien smiled and nodded, then replied, "Yeah, he was a lot like me when I received my miraculous. There was a desire to prove himself or something in his eyes." "Emma's too." I noted.

A comfortable silence settled over the room. Adrien spoke up once more and said, "Well, let's just hope their enough to defend Paris from Hawkmoth. A desire isn't going to be enough." I chuckled and replied, "Come on Adrien. Have a little faith in them. I'm sure they can handle it. They've lived here their entire lives. I'm sure they don't want to see it destroyed." Adrien nodded and nuzzled his face in my hair and mumbled, "I guess so Princess."

I smiled to myself. Being with Adrien always made me so happy. He made me feel safe, loved and welcomed. I tilted my head up and kissed him. I pulled away and rested my head on his shoulder once more. 

"Well, at least we know Emma and Alan are going to have a very interesting story."


A plan of action for revealing Ladybug and Chat Noir. I sure want to watch it unfold.

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 12 of New Revelations. Chapter 13 should have the reveal. But who knows? Maybe I want to tease you guys a little bit before I give you the part you've all been waiting for? 😉 Anyways, I know I said that Kagami and Luka got married and had kids. Maybe that will happen? Who knows? Better than Kadrien and Lukanette, that's for sure. 

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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