
By -_Vahlen_-

41 5 0

Woke up to a normal day of school, At least that's what we thought.... More

Former ~Introduction~
Former ~Chapter 1~
Former ~Chapter 2~
Former ~Chapter 4~

Former ~Chapter 3~

3 1 0
By -_Vahlen_-

Next thing i knew... Everything went black















Tammi' P.O.V

I grabbed a hold of my items and walked to the side door with Kraig, Belime, Ayumi, Becca, Harper, And Zoey in toe. But where was Annie? Zoey and Harper were no longer behind me, Annie was on the ground and Zoey was holding her head off the ground while Harper was panicking for her friends life. Had she been effected?!

Zoey' P.O.V

"ANNIE!" I screeched, grabbing her head before it hit the ground. What had happend?! Had she been over whelmed with all the new things happening, or had she been previously infected? I didn't know what to do, but all i could do in that time, was hold her head and hope that this wasn't the last time we were gonna see her living.
















Annie' P.O.V

The dream....

It was like i was floating....

Like nothing in the world could hurt me......

Was i safe?

Was i in heaven?

Had everything that just happend, been fake?



That sound.... Its..... So familiar,
I opened my eyes to the dim light of street lights that i used to see every day when trying to sleep at night, The familiar sight was something i kinda hoped i wouldn't either see again, yet here i was.
But this time, something seemed odd about it.

I felt..... Squished!

Someone was sitting next to me, squishing me against the wall!
I looked over to see who the hell was squishing me against the cold hard wall of something that seemed to vibrate.
"What? Where the hell am I?!" I peeped 
"ANNIE!" A familiar voice screeched, I looked over to see who could possibly be screaming my name, and squishing me, but couldn't see anything. Everything was so dark that nothing seemed to come out clear to me. We had lost the city lights by now, we must be somewhere in the country i thought to myself. 
Had i been kidnapped?
Had something happend to me and im being taken to the hospital?
At this rate i had no idea what was happening...

There was a bright shine, and everything went really blurry for 20 or so seconds. Then right infront of me Harper appeared, face beaming with excitement that i hadn't seen on her face since Elementary. Was the Zombie Apoc on the news only a dream, or was i already dead and living in hell, or heaven? I had no idea.

Ayumi' P.O.V

We had finally reached the out skurts of the place we called home. "I dont think we'll be coming back here anytime soon, Girls!" Miss said adjusting her rear view mirror so she could see what was happening in the back seat. Harper' bright light had almost made Miss crash the car and kill us all, But luckily it didn't. I turned to face the light, facing away from the window i was blankly staring out of. 

Annie was awake!

Harper, Zoey, And Kraig where in between me and Annie, but i could clearly see that she was awake, thanks to Harper' bright light that shone above her. Annie was finally awake, and wasn't looking so good either. Maybe she was home sick, or maybe was over whelmed with all that was happening, But at this rate i dont think any of us knew exactly what was going on.

"Miss! Annie is awake!" I said tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention.
"Really?!" She said, pulling over to the side and turning her car lights on to see more clearly.
The lights stung our eyes, and we could now clearly see that Annie was crying. Was she okay? Was she hurting? My natural in-stink would be to hug her, but she was 3 people away from me and there was no way i was gonna reach her. Instead i just sat there, waiting for a response from anyway to make sure she was all right. I looked back over to her as she shook her head, signaling that she was okay. She wiped her tears away and lay her head on Harper' shoulder for comfort.
Without anymore hesitation Miss started the car back up, and we made our way to her place that was still 20 minutes away. By this time we had already been in the car for 32 minutes and i think we all were getting a little restless. If we didn't have to behave, i think by now we all would've ripped each others heads off.

I leaned over to Zoey who was next to me. Kraig had his head on her other shoulder, and i decided to place mine on her other side. She jerked up to notice that it was only me, and slowly lowered her head back down and peacefully fell back asleep. I thinks that's what we all needed at this point.













~Author Z~

Thanks for reading chapter 3 of Former!
I have finally finished my end of year exams and is now free for writing!
I cannot promise that i will be able to publish a chapter every week, but i will sure damn try my best! Anyway's! Thanks for reading and don't forget to 'VOTE' and share this story to other friends that will also enjoy! 

Thanks for reading!

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