Scarlet Song

By DizzyAxolotl

194 29 0

In a world where inhumans live among the human world, LaRue must figure out where stands in the grand scheme... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 16

6 1 0
By DizzyAxolotl

This place could very easily be the death of me. The brass would keep me from healing at all, especially in my starving state. All I was capable of doing was curling up into the dust that clung to the floor and weakly smile. I shouldn't be happy that I was dying but, I was happy with how I lived. I, as anyone would, wish I had more time with all of them. I wish I didn't fail, especially this easily. But, I married Voltair, we loved each other without bounds and I got to have my sisters and my crew there. After a coughing fit that sprayed blood on my lips and floor, I started to hallucinate. I started to see the Captain in the chair across the room, smirking at me. "Come on, lass, I raised better than this. Get up and get back to Voltair." I attempt to get up and crumple to the floor in front of the basement stairs, looking up at the light shining under the door. "I can't, Sir. I'd die long before I'd make it past the threshold." He nods and walks over, kneeling next to me and proving me wrong. He was real. I'm so close to death that he's able to manifest for me. He's a spirit. He lifted and cradled my head in his lap, shushing me. "I know, child. I know he will find you, he always does, LaRue. You two were the closest things I had to children of my own and I watched you two blossom into new people with each other. You may not be able to crawl to him but, you will live for him to get you, understand? You won't be joing me anytime soon, lass." I weakly giggle and nod. "Of course." He kept me distracted for a couple days and kept me awake when I started to drift. We pass the time talking about the time I spent with him and Voltair and it works just long enough. As I start to lose the battle against, drifting, I hear voices upstairs and recognize one before the other two. Xoraya was cursing the house to high hell after she tried to walk in, which meant Amsephone was with and explaining why the house was a problem and I could hear Voltair growl as he stormed inside the front door, yelling back to them. "I smell her, can't you? I'll find her, I have to. I have to pray that Vera didn't kill her too." Kill me, too? Something more was up and I needed to help. I mustered all my strength into yelling for him. "V-Voltair, I'm here." It came out as a barely audible crackle of a voice but, it went far enough because I watched a cloud of dust fly up when he jumped down and seen me. There was a fire in his eyes, one that was a mixture of his love for me and a whole other ember. He was furious and every muscle in his body was tensed but, his touch was beyond gentle when he picked me up. I had just finally noticed that the Captain had left me there for Voltair. "L-love, you have to lift your head. I have to get you out of here so you can heal." I try and fail miserably as he shakes his head and just storms through the house and gets me outside to the grass, where he lays me down and tears are creeping along his yes. My sisters come running over but, so does Arlemis and Moira. Moira picks my head up like the Captain did to cradle it as Xoraya looked over the wound. "Y-y-you're alive, Moone. I was terrified I-I lost you again. Your sister's barely caught Marcus hit the water and that's how they knew it was Vera. Amsephone said you were still alive and Vera had you so she hunted her." I'm startled by Xoraya punding on the ground and locking eyes with Voltair. "There's no guarantee she will be able to heal even if we get her to the water. She's so starved and weak from blood loss that she can barely use her abilities. Before another word, Arlemis shoves past. "Y-you can change her, right? If her body handles it? She needs to eat at least just a little right?" Voltair nods, puzzled but, intrigued. " Would an arm be enough?" Moira and Xoraya exclaim at the same time. "What in the hell are you proposing?" He locks eyes with me and kneels down next to me, smiling warmly. "She's my captain. I'm her first mate. She's all the family I've had for years. I would give my life if it saved her but, I know that would tear her asunder. I'm asking that one of you, severs my arm and gives it to her." They all look to each other and Amsephone nods. "I say, do it. He's willing to do this for her and if she eats, she may live enough for Voltair to change her and we bring her to the water with us to finish the changing. Do we need to give any of you privacy?" Everyone shakes their head and Amsephone walks over and Voltair stands, Arlemis soon to follow. Amsephone bracing Arlemis against her, she whispers in his ear as I watch his body ease up. She was glamouring him so he wouldn't feel it just yet. Voltair looks him in his eyes as he makes the severing quick with his blade and bites into his own wrist as he lets it run over his shoulder stump. Amsephone waves his hand away from Arlemis' mouth, smiling warmly. "Siren blood will intoxicate him long enough for your blood to heal it enough." Voltair nods and brings the arm back to me. As much as it made my heart ache, I knew I had to do this and I slowly ate it. By the time I finished, my muscles at least relaxed but, I became more aware of the gaping hole in my chest as Voltair takes over Moira's spot. He tilts his wrist over the wound in my chest before bringing it to my mouth as I locked eyes with him. "You're not allowed to leave me again, ever. You have me for eternity, as you always have but, now we get to have it together. You're gonna hold on and pull through this, understand me, Moone?" I nod and smile weakly as I drink from him. The process itself took a couple of hours and it was nearly sunrise when Amsephone and Xoraya took me from Voltair and carried me to the beach. They had already docked the ships on this beach so everyone was going to wait for me here as I sank into the water and closed my eyes, letting my change take over so that his could work. My sisters found an underwater cave that they took me inside and nursed me to health. By the time the change finished, I sat up and looked at Xoraya as she was gathering certain things. "Is Marcus okay, Xoey?" She nods and pets my forehead. "He's alive. He has no memory of me or our life together. Moira peeks around the entryway and tilts her head. "The Captain's ability is water control, correct?" Xoraya nods and we both look at her. "I've studied the elements and the healing properties of them and I read that water can have properties that can help with sight and memory. LaRue could wash away the glamour left on him, possibly." I spring forward and hug her, giggling. "Moira, you're a genius! We have to try" She squeaks a little as I squeeze her and I turn to see Xoraya and Amsephone standing and tense. "Y-you're stronger than you remember, Captain. We also didn't know how your hunger would be." I giggle and look down at my hands and stomach. "I-I'm sorry. I am starving, I mean I'm ravenous but, I love you all too much to hurt you. All that agony to change and a few scars but, I feel odd, alive right now." They all giggle and I pull my garments back gently to see the scar that spanned across my chest. His blood had done all the work it could do. "Should I go hunt before I surface again?" Amsephone nods and extends her hand to me. "Hunting trip, Rue?" I nod and follow close behind her as Moira and Xoraya heading back to the ships. We took down several decent size creatures and ate thoroughly. I looked at Amsephone and sigh. "Is it bad that I'm nervous to surface again?" She shakes her head and embraces me. "LaRue, it completely normal but, you have to focus. We are surfacing for you to find your way to Voltair. He's the only one who can teach you more about what you are now. You're alive and you can do this." I nod and we swim for shore, where Amsephone tugs me to her ship and we crawl aboard. "I want you to be dressed properly when you go to see him. Take my hand and I'll guide you through here since I know the sun is blinding to you right now." I take her hand and follow close behind her until we are in her quarters. She helps me slip into a beautiful, teal gown and my jacket and hat that they made Votlair and me for our wedding. It wasn't until I looked in the mirror to put my hat on that I see myself. My cheekbones were more defined and my skin paler. The one feature that stood out to me though, was my eyes. They were no longer the silver-white from before, they were crimson like Voltair's. I slowly tucked my hair behind my ears as I draped the coat loosely over my shoulders and took Amsephone's hand again. She led me out onto the deck where it felt like a heart attack of excitement to see Voltair again. The hat definitely helped with the blinding sun but, it was definitely an uncomfortable feeling now. It felt like an eternity dragged on before I saw the ship again and I couldn't help but, smile. I peeked up to see him helping Arlemis get the hang of maneuvering without an arm. My heart ached until I saw the smile on his face when he spotted me and Moira held tight to his hand. He didn't hate me and he had Moira now. Voltair turned to see why Arlemis stopped and dropped everything he had in his hand to run to pick me up and spin me. When he put me back down, he braced my face and harshly kissed me before locking eyes with me. "Oh my goodness, you're alive. You made it. How is it treating you?" He tilted my chin up to look at him and we looked over each other as I petted his cheek. "Vampirism doesn't look half bad on you, my love. I'm glad it took and you pulled through." I nod and giggle. "I feel actually amazing right now. I've eaten and now, I just have the scar on my chest. Where's Marcus?" He points to the shore, hauling freight onto one of the ships. I hold a finger up for Voltair as he lets me go. I walk down to him. "M-Marcus, can you come here?" He looks at me puzzled and nods. "You don't remember me right now but, you will. Can you trust me for a moment?" He reluctantly nods and I signal for him to close his eyes. He does so and I wave my hands and the water crawls up the shore and wraps around my arms and hands. Once it covers my hands, I walk over to him and press my hands over his eyes gently and work the water. "O-open your eyes, Marcus. This will help you remember." I feel his eyelashes brush the palms of my hands and he jolts after a moment and I lower him to the ground and pet his hair back. He looks up at me and smiles. "L-LaRue? You made it! Where's my wife?" I giggle and point up the beach and he wastes no time jumping up to run to her and embrace her and kiss her. My heart is happy when I see the tears roll along her cheeks and the smile that crosses her lips is pure relief. I feel Voltair sit in the sand with me and wrap his arms around me from behind and I nuzzle back against him.

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