
By KaceyNico11

653 37 0

An AHS: Coven spinoff using characters from the show with new ones of course. Cordelia is still the supreme b... More

The Good Son
It's All Greek
Up All Night
A Vision and a Nightmare
Prepare the Coven
Nearly Scared to Death
Don't Mess with Witches
Happy Birthday
Love, It's Who You Know
Lie to Him
Kerby From Hell
Help with the Herd
He Knows
Once Bitten
Fever Dream
A Lot
Black Eyes
Don't Hold Back
Meant To Be
Going Insane
The Best
The Plan
Almost Over
A New King


16 1 0
By KaceyNico11

For some reason, the hydra was taking it's time to attack. Max was still tortured with visions. Max looked in the mirror. He was obviously very tired. The sun was just coming up, he had already been awake for a couple hours. Max didn't want to wake Mel so he would go to the bathroom and think. He didn't sleep much lately. Mel had offered many times to stay up with him but he always insisted she get her sleep. She was seven months pregnant with their daughter. Their daughter would be part witch and part Greek deity. He started brushing his teeth, thinking about what his daughter would be like. Mel entered and touched his back. "Good morning." She kissed him. Max spit out his toothpaste into the sink. "You sleep good?" "Yeah, but I'm guessing you didn't." He rinsed his mouth with some water. "What else is new?" Max rinsed off his toothbrush. "I just wish the dragon would just come already and get it over with." Mel rubbed his back, "My dad's messing with you. Then, most likely he will make his move after he feels you're crazy enough." "Oh, so it gets crazier?" Max giggled then kissed her. The two embraced. He giggled as he looked down at Mel's bump. "Someone's between us." Mel giggled. "I'm gonna go to the store  and get some stuff." Mel kissed him goodbye and off he went.


Max exited the store with a filled grocery bag in hand. He started walking down the sidewalk. Max reached the street corner when he saw a small house on fire. "Help!", a woman screamed. No firetruck was in sight and no sirens were blaring. Max noticed a woman trying to break a window inside the house to free herself. "Help!" Max approached the building. One of the walls was about to collapse. "I'm going to get you out!" He dropped the bag on the sidewalk. Max found an open window on the side of the house and climbed in. He could barely see the woman through a wall of fire that separated the two rooms. "Help me, please!" "I'm coming." Max barrel rolled through the wall of fire; coming out the other side with some holes in his clothes. He extended his hand to the woman. "Take my hand!" She took his hand, wondering how this man didn't seem to have any burns. Max led the lady out the back right as the wall began to collapse. The fire truck pulled up to the building as Max led the lady to the paramedics. A firefighter approached the two, "Anybody else in the house?" "No.", the woman said. "This man saved me." She embraced him, "Thank you! Thank you!" "Of course."


Max entered the academy. Cordelia and Gwen were coming down the stairs. Delia noticed her son's dirty and destroyed clothes. "What happened to you?" "There was a fire right by the grocery store. A woman was trapped and being that fire is my friend, I got her out of the house." Gwen's eyes got wide, "You're like a real firefighter!" Max smiled, "Yeah, seems like it." "Is she alright?" "Yeah. Some smoke inhalation but nothing oxygen can't fix." Cordelia got closer to him, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, they gave me some oxygen and finally let me go." "If you start coughing, I'm taking you to a doctor." Max shook his head, "You don't need to worry mom." "I'm a mother that's what I do." Cordelia looked at Gwen, "Honey, why don't you go play?" "Okay. Good job Super Max." Max chuckled as the little girl left. "One of the guys suggested being a volunteer firefighter." "You're considering it? With everything that's happening?" "Yes. Mom, being a savior god doesn't pay the bills. And I have a daughter that will be here soon. Since I get along well with fire, this makes sense." "I understand. You just need to be careful. And people can't know you're fire proof." "Don't worry." He gave his mother a kiss on her forehead.

Theos appeared in the room. The mother and son looked his way. "Hey, Theos. Something wrong?" Theos looked at Cordelia, "Hello Miss Cordelia. Is it alright if I talk to your son?" The supreme nodded, "Of course." She left the room. "I've talked to Zeus." "Oh, really?" Theos noticed the young man's clothes, "Are you alright?" "Yeah, long story T." "Anyway, you must know Olympus won't accept that you're with Melinoe." This again. This made Max angry. "I don't care and I don't think it's fair they get to judge her because of where she's from." Theos put a hand on Max's shoulder, "I understand. Believe me, boy I do. Maybe keep it quiet for now. These deities are strict but love is the most precious thing of all." Max winced, put his hand to his head "Take it easy, Max." "I'm fine. Something tells me this is how it all works, Theos." 

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