Asphyxia Nation

By _SweetLie_

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Surrounding the world of children was a place of lush grass, Innocence laughs and giggles of youth, open gate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

192 20 5
By _SweetLie_

Hitting someone flat against the jaw can take anyone down quickly if done right.

And damn, was it done right.

Except that wasn't what knocked him down, it was the two palms that slammed into his chest. Shuichi was shoved to the ground as the angered fueled boy walked past him. Not even sparing him a glance, or aftermath look of pity or at least a 'You deserved that' stare.

Dishearteningly, some form of guilt and suppressed emotion hung in the air. A nasty sour-tasting aroma always stuck to the roof of his mouth when a bottled-up surge came forth. He grimaced at the taste and the throb in his jaw. "W-Wait! Kokichi!"

Facts were sinking in, the reality was gravitating towards him at the sight of the boy who gave him the bond. Kokichi didn't stop, he kept going, up the stone steps to the enormous school building. "Kokichi!"

Shuichi stumbled back onto his feet. Kokichi wasn't allowed to do that after five years. After all this time, a cruel look and a harsh hand are not what he deserves. He ran up the stairs after him. Kokichi already had hurried in through the large doors, it wouldn't be too hard to catch up. If it weren't for the strong hand that latched around his arm.

"Don't go after him."

He would of mentally panicked, or reacted in a soon-to-be-physical display of skitterish jumping back if the hand didn't belong to Kaito. Shuichi turned to look up at his oddly silent friend. His facial expression sat at a weird confused look of mild betrayal. Since Kaito knew Kokichi when they were younger and free.

When he wasn't with Kokichi, he was having sleepovers with Kaito. He was at the swingset side by side talking about the newest video game about to come out. Of course, his friendships would eventually collide. When he was nine, Kokichi and Kaito met, and a new era of fights and good times came out of it.

They didn't necessarily get along, but they had some sort of bond. Not a strong one like Shuichi's. Since that can only happen with one person. "W-Why not? Kaito, I haven't seen him in- in years!"

He figured he'd see him in school at least once, maybe pass him in the hall and have a class with him. But it seemed after that day, Kokichi Ouma disappeared off the face of the earth. The only thing keeping Shuichi from thinking he was gone-gone, was the air being polluted off Kokichi's emotion.

"Did you not see him? I mean, really looked at him?" Kaito argued, tugging him back in the direction of their homeroom class. "Shuichi, he was decked out in Trackers."

Once that chuck of reality hit him, he was silenced. He hardly noticed. He was so focused on the identity of the boy, he missed all the trackers on his arm or the heavyset one around his neck. Kokichi was a spirit that was born free. Shuichi could sense that from even before all this. Any rule within reach was broken by that boy who laughed in the face of any authority.

Of course, Kokichi tried to spread his wings and get out there. And of course, they were going to cut his wings off and tie him down in a cell somewhere. Kokichi was caught. Spelling out the crippling end for that boy who used to laugh.

As if the fact had not been made painfully clear, Kaito sighed in mock pity. "He's a delinquent."

Shuichi bit his lip to keep from asking Kaito what was wrong with that. Instead, he let Kaito tow him off to their Homeroom, where they'd sit in a classroom full of fearful's that cower at their desks, and watchful's that only look out for themselves and themselves alone. The teacher would drone on about rules and punishments. After, they all would flock to their dorms.

He spent the minutes of walking to that room, dreading the idea of it, and soon he was sitting in that seat, in that room, with that teacher.

"Hey... You alright Shuichi?"

Shuichi looked to the person next to him. Since they had assigned seats, he couldn't sit next to Kaito, who was sitting two rows back behind him. He fiddled with the cuffs of his sleeves as he tried to come up with his delayed answer. "I-I'm, fine? I guess..."

his neighbor was a girl with light violet eyes. At first glance in his first year, he thought she was another one of those chatty dumb blondes who flaunts her silky golden hair and flashes smirks at the fearful's who shy away from social interaction. Despite her obnoxious beauty. She was actually kind and considerate.

Kaede Akamatsu, the girl who everyone gets jealous of, and yet sits oblivious to it all.

Apparently, she came from a Humbling situation, in her words. Since one day Shuichi flat out asked why she was nice, instead of being mean and possibly hanging out with prettier people. Her first answer had Shuichi's bashful card slipping because she replied saying that he was pretty, and second, she thought she might be nice because of the mentioned, Humbling situation.

The story that unraveled upon more persistent, yet gentle prodding, was sad. Since Shuichi was an only child, the idea of siblings flew over his head. Kaede was born with a twin sister. Who always seems to steal the attention of her parents and- well, basically everyone. Anyone who saw her twin, expected Kaede to be the same way. The same perfect little smiling angel. Her sister could dance, sing, and excel greatly at school. While Kaede showed talent on the piano.

On the day of the invasion, Kaede lost her sister to the arms of another. She hasn't seen her since then, and Kaede already admitted she doesn't know if her sister is still alive.

Much like Shuichi, who hadn't seen Kokichi in years. Kaede has yet to see her sister. Leading to Shuichi having a theory that there is more than one institution for kids to go to.

Kaede sighed at his answer. Putting on a pout, staring at him with unconvinced eyes. "I know that's Saihara language for, 'No, I'm not alright at all'.  What's up?" Had he mentioned that she also sat on the blunt side?

Shuichi looked up at the clock, they still had five minutes before the fifteen-minute lecture began. He sighed in defeat. "...Do you remember Kokichi? My childhood friend?"

Kaede nodded. "You always talk sadly about him. What now? Did you finally see him?"

Shuichi stared back at his desk. "Yes... But he punched me and shoved me aside. After that, he just ran..." It was more disappointing than admitted. It left a hollow pit in his chest where he expected a laugh or a smile, at least maybe a short-lived hug. Instead, he hurt him.

"That's what I worry my sister acting like..." Kaede said softly. "...I fear, that maybe, you know, they do something to them to change them. Where ever they go." She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. It was an awkward conversation.

Shuichi felt bad. So he threw out what he could to cheer her up. "Well... Kokichi's... He's uh, I found out he's a delinquent... So the Detention Center might have played its part in his anger..." Kaede looked at him with stress-filled eyes. Shuichi mentally panicked. "I-I mean to say your sister probably isn't a delinquent! She seems to be the people pleaser type."

Kaede nodded slowly. As if taking in what he said, but hadn't heard a word.

It seemed to be the end of that conversation. Shuichi looked up ahead, only to see no teacher occupying the front. Another glance at the clock had stated the teacher was two minutes late. Which, for their society, was extremely rude. Even by a little bit.

He went to ask Kaede what she thought about it since she was exchanging the same looks like him. But the door to the classroom opened to the teacher. When she walked into the class,  she wasn't alone. As she took her spot in front of the board, two men in black and white, wearing a MonoKuma head, had a student struggling in their arms.

Shuichi dropped his eyes to his lap when he saw who they had.

"Hey," Kaede whispered loudly, clearly to him. "...That's the purple-haired boy, right? Kokichi?"

He nodded. Just for a moment, he let his eyes flicker back up to him. The Caretakers brought him to the empty seat next to him. Right next to him.

Kokichi was shoved down into the chair by the men, then a large, thick elastic looking band was pulled over his head and brought to snap tight against his chest. The band circled the back of the chair to keep him sitting down. Shuichi couldn't help but stare. Kokichi looked roughed up. With his hair out of place, one side of his shirt was untucked, and the dark circles under his eyes seemed too prominent.

Kokichi's bangs slipped in front of his eyes since the clips seemed to have come loose. He sunk into his seat and stopped trying to pull against the restraint. The teacher seemed satisfied with his lost will to try and began the long practiced-sounding lecture about good behavior.

"Welcome to another successful year of high school! I am so proud of all you juniors that made it this far! To ensure you know you are safe, I will tell you the rules we have for you. I will recite the top five."

Shuichi kept his eyes dancing over Kokichi. Who, wasn't moving, other than the breaths that seemed to be too quiet and short. As if he was trying to keep himself quiet.

"Rule one. Follow the rules on your soon to be given Mono-Tracker watch at all costs."

Suddenly it hit, Shuichi was expecting it, but not really. The sour bitter air dropped into a tart chill that sizzled on his tongue. Bottled up emotions. They tasted horrible. He grimaced in discomfort. The rotten lemon taste wouldn't fade unless Kokichi stopped doing that- thing. That thing where he just swallows any feeling and keeps it close to his chest.

"Rule two. If you earn a strike, go to detention immediately. If not, The Mono-Carers will bring you there."

Kokichi finally looked up at him. His tired eyes offered no apologies for it. He smirked and stuck his tongue out at him. Another acidic flash struck the air, so Shuichi just held his breath longer before breathing in.

"Rule three. No music, form of art, or writing is allowed to be sung, played, or displayed in any circumstances. "

"Rule four. Do not try to escape the school. You will put yourself in severe danger."

"Rule five. Never speak unless permitted to, when in class or in front of any more important personages."

The lecture led on. Like recent news of the government working on spreading to the entirety of Japan. And plans to bring Korea into this amazing designed safe sanctuary built society. Even slipping in a cheery note to eventually rebuild the detention center on a desolate island near Hawaii where all the delinquents can be shipped away to purify the people of its stains.

By the end of that comment, the teacher locked her eyes in Kokichi's direction. "Won't that be exciting Ouma?"

Shuichi stared at him for a reaction. Kokichi sighed and looked back at her. "As long as it means I won't be seeing your pudgy pig face again, then yeah, thrilled."

The kids in the class stifled their giggles, as they tried not to look at the bound student smirking at the teacher. Shuichi bit down his smile as he caught Kaede chuckling.


[Kokichi was escorted out of the classroom after his rude remarks. Shuichi couldn't help but feel pain in his absence.]

Once all the lecture was over, the class lined up by the door and had their Mono-Watches attached to their wrists. A device that would light up when they had a class to go to, or a place to be.  And now, across the small screen was the time, and in big glowing letters "WASH CENTER".

Oh, how he despised the Wash Center. It was a large room on the lower levels of the school. Once a week, on Sundays, they'd be sent down homeroom by homeroom to split off into genders. It was one creepy descending staircase into a musty smelling room. With one wall dividing it into two sections.

Boys to the right, girls to the left. In each section were small cubicles with one dark teal curtain separating you and the hall of showers.  In simple words, it was a public shower house with a personal cleaner waiting for you.

Today was an exception since it was the first day. The school wanted students clean as usual. The shampoo's and conditioners they use felt toxic. Since they were designed to keep one clean for a solid week. It burned his eyes even without an accidental spurt of soap aiming to blind him.

Shuichi glanced at his watch, with the number 53 popping up. Instructing him to go to that stall. With sunken shoulders, he followed the order and looked for that number, to a person who was covered from head to toe in waterproof wardrobe. With a stifled sigh. He slid off his socks and shoes and walked in when his cleaner pulled back the curtain.

Roughly thirty minutes later, he was finally redressed and allowed to step out of the shower stall to pull on his footwear. This year, they seemed to decide that hairstyling was going to be an in-cubical activity. Much to his dislike, they pulled back his bangs and clicked them stiffly to the top of his scalp.

Now, feeling like his first layer of skin had been torn and shredded, he followed a small group of finished students back up the stairs. To where his dorm would be. The order was to stay there until dinner. And if you had under ten strikes, you could walk around the school courtyard. The field of grass and trees behind the school. There's a maze back there, but rumor has it that no student has come out of it unharmed, or, they simply never came back.

He sighed. Dragging his feet down the hall, when he heard a yell from down further in one of the rooms. The yell was more like a quieted yelp. One meant to be silent, and unintentional. But forced out by something unexpected.

The air temperature dropped. It ran chills around his shoulders, squeezing them tight. The rigid feeling only ever meant one thing. It was a sense he discovered when he was young. Back when Kokichi and he were free.

It was the feeling that struck him every time Kokichi's parents hit him.

He picked up his pace down the hall and slowed when he reached the door that had been cracked open. He stood with his back against the wall, his ears tuning in to the sound within the room. He leaned ever so close to hear shuffling. Following by hushed and quickened voices.

"Where you tryin' to get me to strike out...!" A boy, with a deeper voice, had said. Almost breathlessly. A dry laugh had returned the panicked mood.

"...Perhaps. Though, surely you've considered how pointless it all is. Beating me up like this. You're only digging your own grave." A fast movement followed the words as if someone fell to the floor with a thud as they hit the concrete.

"As you can see," they continued, "I'm already six feet under. Stuck. Y'know? No future. I kinda lay at death's door. So please, go on, take your anger out on a delinquent. You're hurting no one but yourself."

Shuichi dared to lean over and slip his fingers around the edge of the door. Testing the waters by pushing it open. Just so he could see what happened for himself. When he did look, his heart only throbbed in nothing but pity.

Kokichi was crouched on the ground. With a hand against his stomach that no doubt ached. His lip was bloody and swollen, and his eyes were observing the ground as he spoke. The boy who was previously hissing at him stood a foot from him. Glowering at him as if his existence was why pain ruled the world.

"I don't think so," they growled, leaning over to get that much closer to him. "You look pretty hurt to me." Their hand reached out to grab his hair and force his eyes to stare up at him. "Delinquents are why we have stupidly strict rules. To keep pigs like you in check. If you'd just stop fighting against the current, we'd all be able to breathe legally." With that said, they gave a swift kick to his stomach, ultimately digging their toes into his fragile hand that protected his torso feebly.

Kokichi didn't even whine against the abuse. Shuichi watched with shocked horror the boy pushed his shoulders against the wall and mercilessly beat him, the tremors of chokingly cold air soaked his upper body in a frozen numbness. As much as he wanted to interject, his feet stayed right in the doorway.

Until Kokichi said something, whatever he said, fell on his deaf ears. But it was when he tried to stand, but the boy only got angrier. Slamming his fist into his face, as if nothing, Kokichi dropped back to the floor. Sinking against the wall as if he were a doll. With that weak attempt to save himself, Shuichi took a hesitant step in the classroom.

However, the frozen shock was ripped off him when they kicked him ruthlessly between the legs. At this, Kokichi stuttered out a laboriously pained gasp, that sounded as if his lungs suddenly rejected all air.

"Stop it!" Shuichi shouted. He was shaking terribly. Scared to death of what he just did, he slapped a hand over his mouth. "I-I mean... Th-That's enough. The delinquent is going to tell on you if you continue."

His intrusion was now noticed, the boy turned at him suddenly fearful. "You-!" They tried looking around him, to see if he was alone. "You aren't going to tell anyone, are you!?"

Shuichi was taken aback by the sudden lack of demeanor. Their face had paled and they looked right about sick. As if they weren't beating someone bloody moments ago. "Ah-... No, no, just... stop hurting him. No doubt someone else will stumble in here, unlike me... they might tell."

They shot another panicked look to the door and one at Kokichi cowering on the floor. Without any further hesitation, they hurried to exit. Leaving nothing behind but the choked sounds of Kokichi mulling over his pain.

Shuichi hurried over by his side and knelt next to him. "Hey-ah, I-I'm Sorry he did that, Uh." He wasn't sure what to do. If he touched him, he might be too irritated and shove him back. At this point, the ground they stood on was unknown.

Kokichi had shifted to his knees with his forehead against the floor. Shaking with breaths that were delayed with every passing second. He turned his head slowly to just glance at him. Shuichi could almost feel his pain. "...It's-...u-ugh," Kokichi hardly muttered his words. Before scrunching in on himself further. "Fine. It's f-fine."

Shuichi doubted him. Heavily. "...want to come to my dorm? I could help you?"

Kokichi breathed out another shallow breath. "...Can't walk. L-Like, seriously..." Strange, the Kokichi that had punched him in the face had completely faded. Now in its shadow was the boy who he grew up around. As if the time that passed meant nothing, and their childhood was just merely yesterday when they stopped over at his house to make sweets.

"Should I carry you?" Shuichi half-joked. He fondly remembered when he'd hardly mention the idea back then, Kokichi would bolt at him and hoist himself up on his back, demanding he takes off running to the stream where they could play with his brand new water guns.

"N-Nh..." Kokichi pushed himself up to sit properly, albeit awkwardly. "No... I'd prefer if you- ow- kept your hands to y-yourself, thank you." He grimaced as he tried to reach up to grab the lip of the chalkboard. With his legs still pressed together to cope with the desensitizing pain eroding his body.

Despite what he said, Shuichi stood up and pulled him up by his arm. Kokichi only stared at him with weak-willed disapproval. But surprisingly he leaned against him. "...Y'know, I change my mind, seeing your dorm sounds nice."

He nodded as he looked down at Kokichi. His knees had cuts and bruises, and others tricking down his legs. Both his knee-high socks had slipped down near his ankles, with bloody knuckles accompanying the injury. "...What happened to you?" He asked softly, reaching over to pull a useless clip from his hair. It did nothing but hang from a loose strand dangling in front of his face.

Kokichi sighed, exasperated. "...Tripped down a flight of stairs for five years straight. N-Now, less talkie... I'm so tired and need, w-well, therapy, but other things." He let his head rest against his shoulder. Shuichi frowned at his pain and kept easy on his target to the door.

However, when he stepped into the hallway, he stopped. Heat breathing down his neck. Kokichi whined at the notion. "Ow, ow... Shuichi. Hot. Hot pain. Stop being- ah-aah..." his head lulled forward as his eyes shut. "...a-anxious." He weakly spat.

Shuichi stiffened at his words. How had he known? He was worried about people seeing them walking down the hall. With him having Kokichi lean on him, it looked endearing to anyone who might have their eyes linger on them for too long. They might alert a teacher who will put a strike on their record. Never to see one another again. Since, at this school, or society at most, anything besides a girl and boy was glared upon, far more than it was before.

Maybe for him, he was semi lucky. Since he wasn't only attracted to boys, but girls too. All he had to do was come down hard on himself for any nice mental comments to a boy's smile or personality, or body. It wasn't okay, only because he and the other would get hurt by indulging in such a 'pleasure'. It was equal to the rule that people only write with their right hand. Except sexuality was harsher in punishment.

He worried that upon seeing them the way they were, someone would get the wrong idea.

Kokichi feebly jabbed a finger at his ribs. "Hot... Shuichi, y-you're burning me. Stop- just stop thinking."

He blinked. "Burning you...?" He repeated, watching Kokichi's expression relax at his loss in focus. He nodded and loosened his once tight grip on the back of Shuichi's shirt.

"...yes." He said in a lack of energy. "The bond. Air changes for you... but me, agh, pain tremors shock my nerves... Heat means something with anxiety or stress. What has you hesitant."

Shuichi bit his lip. Looking at Kokichi soon became too much to bear. He took his eyes off him to look down and up the hall. Kokichi looked worn. Beaten both physically and mentally. The circles under his eyes stained a dark grey. Sickly, Kokichi looked sickly. "Ah, I was just... if someone... saw us like this."

Kokichi sighed. "...If you say we're not gay, we gotta 40 percent chance of being not-judged. J-Just go. Having me walk with you like this is better than... Uh, me fainting and you carrying me bridal style. Which, fainting, I feel like doing. So, hurry." He did look pallid. So Shuichi took in a deep breath and muscled through the heat washing down his neck. The constant burning sense that someone could be watching never left.

He focused on the floor, watching the dim colored granite below his feet as he stepped up the stairs, helping Kokichi with each step. Up to the second floor, where the boys' dorms lined the walls. He pushed for his room, where it had always been dorm 161.

From the year he started high school, he's kept the same dorm and roommate. Which, thank the gods above for it being Kaito or else he would have been put with a stranger. He used the implanted keycard in his watch to hover it above the doors handle. It beeped and soon he pushed open the door to reveal the same bedroom he's slept in for years.

At the sight of two beds, a window, two desks, a small bathroom on the right side of the door. Kokichi sighed in heavenly relief. "Which bed's yours?" He asked airily. Shuichi all but gestured to the one on the left, with that, Kokichi parted from his side and nearly stumbled to the bed. Collapsing on the mattress with the blanket and pillow.

A weak smile flickered across his lips. "Haaah... You can have the floor..." he sighed, lying limp on the bed with a faded grin remaining. Shuichi chuckled in sad memory of child-Kokichi. Who would have bounced on any mattress within his sight. Sleep had hit the bottom of his to-do list, back then, he'd stay up all hours of the night talking to Shuichi who'd fade in and out of sleep. Only to wake up again with his insistent poking.

He went over to his desk and pulled open the drawer. There was always a kit inside, with bandaids, alcohol wipes, bandages, even condoms, and other small things one might need. As petty as toothpicks and tissues. Shuichi pulled out alcohol wipes and bandaids. Kokichi has cuts and bruises, nothing he couldn't help.

He sat by his friend's side, having him here was comforting in a way. They don't have teachers check the rooms, so in a sense, he was in a safe place with him. As safe, as safe could get. "...You planning on being a while?" He asked gently. Setting his items next to him.

Kokichi grimaced, looking like he wanted nothing but rest. "...yes. I have so much to vent to you much to say." He put an arm over his eyes. Sighing with heavy heartedness. Shuichi nodded in sympathy. He turned and reached for his feet, opting to wiggle his shoes off and set them aside.

In doing so, he pulled off his socks as well. Figuring it would be more comfortable. When he did, he saw the trackers around his ankles. He looked away as he placed the socks in the empty shoes, setting them on the floor by his bed. Kokichi was-... such a pitiful boy.

"...Mind if I fix the cuts and scratches?" He asked quietly. Reaching for Kokichi's hand, where his knuckles were cut and dried blood lined each unintentional slit. There was a weak 'mhm' from him. With that, Shuichi gently dabbed the wipes at his fingers. Knowing it would sting, but Kokichi didn't flinch.

Through the comfortable silence, he delicately wrapped his fingers and moved to his knees. Taking his time to clean the blood and care for the slight injury. With each cut, he applied a bandaid. Two if it was big. After he finished, he sat there. Looking over his ghostly pale skin and wishing it wasn't pink with the rawness of bruises. That was fading into dark marks of sickly yellow and purplish black.

"Sorry I punched you," Kokichi said through the silence. Moving his arm from covering his eyes. "I kinda got fed up with you for giving me the bond, so I took my anger out on you. Totally not what I meant. So, I'm sorry." although he didn't sound sorry, more like he didn't like apologizing, Shuichi allowed himself to smile.

"...It's okay. I figured you were frustrated." He glanced down at his own feet, opting to do the same and slide his shoes off. When he did, he faced Kokichi completely, crossing his legs. "...So what happened to you? How have you been? its- it's been so long..."

Yet, before Kokichi could answer, the door handle rattled. Kokichi muttered a curse under his breath. "I forgot you had a roommate. They better be nice."

As he said that, the door opened. The boy entering opened his mouth to greet Shuichi, but his eyes struck Kokichi immediately. As if something illegal was detected in the air space. "What the hell are you doin' here?"

Kokichi took that moment to stretch and yawn. Settling his hands behind his head, closing his eyes carelessly. "Nice to see you haven't changed, dip-head."

A shutter of nostalgia wriggled in Shuichi's chest. 'Dip-head' was only one of the very many names Kokichi used to call Kaito in greeting. Always launching off their time together in a fight or argument. While Shuichi would sit in the lawn picking grass as they fought. Then go off to find an ice pack for a sobbing Kokichi who would eventually get hit.

Kaito sputtered on words as he glanced at Shuichi and Kokichi again, and again. "I told you not to go after him!" He said strictly to Shuichi. "He's going to cause us trouble, now that he sees you- you're okay with... This!" As he said 'this', he gestured to Kokichi as a whole.

Who in response, placed a hand over his chest delicately, "Oh Momo-chan. How you wound me so." He opened his eyes, staring at him uninterested eyes. "This is why I never missed you. Always such a buzz-kill. And an idiotic buzz-kill at that. You don't even realize what you're doing half the time." He smirked, looking at Kaito for a feud.

Kaito stood there glaring at him. Again, he looked at Shuichi. "He's going to get you in trouble. get him off your bed, and out." He gestured sharply to the door. Even then, Shuichi didn't move.

"Kaito," He said calmly, merely blinking at him slowly as if speaking with a child. "This is Kokichi, you know, your old friend. That's not how we treat people." His demeanor was somewhat a joke. Kokichi caught the cheery note and began laughing.

He sat up and leaned forward towards him. "Yeah, Momo-chan! Behave yourself. Before Shumai sits you in time out." He giggled, enjoying the mood far too much.

"...Shumai." Shuichi echoed. It wasn't the first time he's heard that nickname fall from his lips. It's just been so achingly long since he's heard it. Kokichi used it sparingly back then when he was upset, or overly joyous. At night, after that day they invaded, Shuichi often wished he could hear him say it one last time.

He shook his head. "I doubt Kokichi would out-right put us in danger of teachers. Don't you remember how he is?"

Kaito grit his teeth. "No, I mean he's obviously gay and will make you look bad. Ultimately getting you both in trouble. So make him leave."

Ah. Even if Shuichi knew where he was coming from, that could have been insulting to anyone. He glanced at Kokichi who refrained from a cheerful smile to a weak pout. "Well, sor-ry." He sighed. "Didn't think you were Homophobic Momota-chan."

This made his face red with frustration. "I'm not! I support anyone but-! ugh. I know you're just messin' with me but you know how it works here. Don't go makin' the world known to your- y'know. And don't go touchin' Shuichi either!" Shuichi hadn't noticed, but Kokichi had looped his arms around his. With odd firmness.

"Nishishi... Just pulling your leg! And you can't tell me who to touch." He poked Shuichi cheek again, and again. Jabbing his finger into his face. "Shuichi doesn't care! Cause he totally friend-zoned me. That means anything I do is platonic, even if I kiss him on the mouth. He won't take a hint." He laughed, making Shuichi's cheeks flush.

"Don't joke about that Kokichi..." He sighed, pushing his hand away. He was slightly frustrated with Kaito. Before he came into the room Kokichi had been settled and calm. Sad even, if he stopped wearing that false grin. This whole behavior was an act, but didn't Kokichi trust Kaito? Why would he act otherwise?

"Anyway...Kaito, He isn't irrational--"

"He isn't?"

Shuichi narrowed his eyes. "He isn't. Which means he wouldn't display his attraction openly and get us all punished. Much like I do, he probably keeps it a secret." At this, he felt Kokichi's grip loosen. Kaito fell silent, probably backing off to avoid offending his friend. Averting his eyes from looking at Kokichi.

The silence didn't last when Kaito looked at the clock embedded into the desk beside their beds. "It's dinner time anyway. Let's go, aren't you hungry?"

He was. He hadn't eaten anything since this morning. He felt Kokichi's arms drop from his, scooting back towards the head of the bed. Shuichi stood to follow Kaito out. Before he left, he glanced back at Kokichi who pulled his patched knees up to his chest. "Aren't you coming?" He asked, looking at him, still worried.

Kokichi shook his head. "...You don't know? Delinquents are only allowed into the cafeteria during lunch. Even then, we get the yucky scraps. I'm not a food time fan. So go, I'll be here." He rested his chin on his knees, smiling softly.

Shuichi bit his lip. Could his condition become any worse? He took one more step back towards the door where he heard Kaito call for him. Before he left, he shot another glance at his sulking friend. "Hey, Kokichi,"


"Do you still love clementines?"

When his eyes lit up, the air around him smelled surgery. Shuichi felt warmth in his heart at the spark of joy, it was a good emotion. "Ha! You remember that? Yes, my favorite. Why?"

He did nothing but smile anonymously. Backing out of the room quietly and shutting the door. In his memory, he vaguely recalls Kokichi adoring the fruit. But not only that, Kokichi like Tuna sushi and would die for grape soda. They might not have exactly that here, but he could sneak similar foods to him.

Thinking of him did nothing but make him smile. He caught up with Kaito, quickly telling him his plan. To which Kaito groaned at, but agreed to help with. confessing that although Kokichi was no good, he shouldn't eat crap.

The cafeteria was the place with the least rules. This is a place people could talk to one another as loud as pleased. The only restrictions being, Only one serving, where you serve yourself however much you desire, and when you sit down, you stay down unless it's to throw trash away.

Shuichi suppressed a chuckle as they made it down to the cafeteria. He couldn't place what it was, but something told him this year was going to be exciting.

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