The diary of a second year me...

By GiveMeASilentScream

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This is my actual life. Only my honest and deepest thoughts. Oh and I'm probably going to tell lot's of stori... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
part 50

Part 17

27 4 0
By GiveMeASilentScream


Hello, beautiful people😁! Last week was such a success. Now I am going to tell you all about it.

On the 29 of October was my big sister's 25th bithday. I think I told you all about that. On the 25 was D's bithday she turned 20, but I got to see her on November 2nd. Unfortunately I couldn't give her 1 000% of perfection as I wished with her gift. And here is why. On the 2nd I was on Christian Grey's birthday party. I got to see everyone from my high school class that were in the group of the "nerds" as I prefer to call our group of friends. Although not every member of our group was book smart, most of us did very good in school. We were the smartest in the classroom. M.A. who edited Christian's bithday video is I dare say the brightest of us. He didn't really had problem with nothing in school. And even if you only take a few minutes to talk to him you will find that out. I am sure he has very high IQ level only from the way he speaks and the words he chooses to say. Me M.A, Petra(sometimes i might call her the witch) and Hat's( it's a person's name that im coding with the word hat but plural. Has no logic for you but it has a lot of logic to me.) meet an hour before his party to pack the other part of the gift. We had a picture of him photoshoped with the things he likes to do most and we worote a gift card, that we personalized with hello kitty stickers, and put some money in it. I hate giving money as a gift but he wanted it that way. Then we met with K.P. who is always running late and we all went to him. We had a great time I gave him a big hug to make up for the time we've been apart. And also apologized for not being able to stay for long at the party. After an hour me and Hat's left. I said goodbye to every one and heded fast to my home. Hat's had to leave because she works late shifts at a stage bar and she hadn't slept much. Anyway enough about Grey now about D.

I had to tell you all of that, so that you would know one of the reasons why I didn't gave D 1000% of myself. Fist of all on the day of her actual birthday I called her and the first thing that I said to her was: "You're a real fucking bitch. You know that?" Not my proudest moment. Then I immediately apologize and told her that that wasn't the first thing that I wanted to say to her on this day. Wisht her happy birthday and sweet dreams. I was mad because all day, the day before that, I was texting and calling her not to fall asleep no matter what happens. Then we made a deal that if she went to bed to text me not to call her so that I didn't wake her up. So the time hits 00:00 I call her and guess who didn't pick up her phone. Yep, D didn't. I was mad and sad at the same time. Mad because I might of disturbed her sleep and sad because I couldn't be the first one to tell her happy birthday. And 15 after me thinking and planning when should I call her during the day, so that I don't mess up and call her during a lecture she calls me. When I saw her name I wasn't breaving. Because I was angry/sad because that might means that she didn't want me to be the first or that I woke her up and I didn't want to disturb her. I blurred out the bad words, apologized and wished her happy birthday and after all of that I asked why didn't she picked up. She told me that her boyfriend had surprised her. Wich made me sad and happy at the same time. How could I've been mad at her? He had given her a bracelet with a lion on it. The guy had pland for them to watch the lion king but D had ruined that by not going to his place because she was tiered. Oh, and he gave her yellow boque of flowers her favorite. He knew. I'm happy that he knows that about her.

Now back to November the second. Me and D hadn't really made plans when we would go out exactly. When I got back home D called me. I froze. I hadn't written down the letter on the aromatized paper with my gucci purfume. I picted up and she told me to be as fast as I can and to go see her. Offcorse I didn't tell her that her gift isn't ready there for I can't see her. I wrote as fast as I could she called me 4 times during that and asked me what's taking so long. I didn't tell her and mind you for all of these years that I've been with her I've never made her wait more then 5 minutes for me. And that happened probably less then 5 times. I never make her wait for me. NEVER! I am always the one who's waiting for her. Never the other way around. I pretend that I'm  annoyed with her when she does that to me. But I don't mind I would wait forever if it means that I get to see her. After I wrote it, the letter had 2 mistakes on it that but I just couldn't aford to rewrite the whole thing again. Wrote it as beautifully as I could. And when running out of the house. Got to a flower shop and bought her a yellow boque to match the yellow envelope that I bought a few days ago for the letter. And 2 minites after I bought it I saw her. She was waiting for me now 40 minutes at her mom's shop. I smiled at her huged her as thigh as I could. And said sorry to her, yet again. Explained everything and then we went on our date. Only me and her. She paid for our drinks. We talked and cought up with each other even tho we talk every week there are still some things that are better told in person.

Later on the next day technically. It was 00:24 she texted me a thousand times that she loves me and that she REALLY LOVES my letter and that she appreciates it.

One thing I didn't tell D about the letter is that I asked M.A. to check it out for any grammar mistakes. And I asked him for his opinion on it. When he told me that I have actually impressed him and plesently surprised him. I was shoked. I couldn't belive that he of all people would get impressed by me. Like what the actual hell? I did that? I know I said I will translate the letter for you guys, but it just honestly became too personal for me after the effect it had on M.A and D. I just can't share it.

And why is it that important to me that I had impressed M.A.? It's because I just couldn't write anything at all during high school. It took tremendous amount of time for me to put something good into words. I remember one time un essay that was suposed to be one A4 list long. Wich is what 250 words at most it took me 6 hours to write it. And at the end it wasn't even that good written. It was mediocre at best. And every body knew at school that my writing abilities weren't my strong side, while M.A., Petra,Christian Grey,K.P. and even Hat's had impressed the teacher with writing. Wich doesn't botter me I'm happy about that, but it just wasn't my thing.

That's all for now from me I will text you again when I have more time. Bye.

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