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Angry Bird ❀️ Rupanzel *Inspired from real live story* Peep in to know more .... πŸ˜‰ Lebih Banyak


746 48 11
Oleh ipkkndkasr

*Pardon for mistakes*

(2383 words)


Ladies Hostel

Durga POV

Durga : Yaar it's too boring ... Let me see if there's any one out there who's free to talk!

I thought and was about to leave my room and there entered my roommate with whom I barely interact as she'll always be busy in other room entertaining her friends!

So should I talk with her?

What's wrong in starting conversation ... Anyways I'm feeling lonely and I want someone to hear my rantings ... 

"Hey kushi!", I greeted her for which she smiled and replied "Hi..."

"Hmmm yaar we are roommates and we barely talk with each other ... Don't you think it's unfair!", I exclaimed.

"Hahaha we surely can talk! It's just that I spend more time with my friends so...", She said.
"What do you want to talk about?", She asked.

I told her about all my worries ... And she listened quitely.

"Well ... I hope I'm not eating your brain!", I said while scratching my head.

"No no ... You're just letting out your frustration ... In this way ...", She said and smiled.

"Between I forgot to ask you ... Today morning you were talking to someone ... I think it's video call! Who were you talking to? You seemed very excited while talking!", I asked her.

"Yeah it indeed is a video call ... He's my relative and we're in a relationship!", She said making me get all excited.

Ok now don't get me wrong!

I'm always interested in hearing love stories ... Actually real life love stories make me go crazy as I always wanted to have a love story but alas! Few dreams just remain dreams!

Now forget about me let's ask her what's her love story.

Wait did she say they're relatives!

"Wait you said you both are relatives ... Then do your parents know about this?', I asked with curious look on my face.

"Well yes they know about us ... I accepted his proposal after getting approval from my parents!", She said casually.

Kushis POV

"Really ! Then you're so lucky yaar ...", She exclaimed.

" Yeah even I feel the same ... The thing is, as he's my relative and we both belong to same caste so it got easy to make our parents agree for our relationship!", I said.

"Ok ... So how did your love story start?", She asked with curious look on her face making me remember all my sweet memories back.

"Are you sure you want to hear my love story? It'll take more than an hour...", I asked her.

"I don't care how much time it'll take ... Just start it already!", She exclaimed enthusiastically.

***Flash back***

Hey guys ... Let me introduce myself properly ...

My name is Kushi ... Kushi Kumari Gupta ... Daughter of Mr.Shashi Gupta and Mrs.Garima Gupta. I have a young sibling who never stops fighting with me for silly reasons! But the love we share is beyond limits!

My nature is bit reserved. That doesn't mean I won't interact with anyone but I'm very picky in making friends.

I feel intimated among boys! So I prefer STAY AWAY - KEEP YOUR DISTANCE !I keep reminding myself this every time around boys.

Recently I got admission at an Engineering college ... I'm going to stay at hostel! Don't know what's in store for me in future...Let's hope for the best!

With lots of confidence I entered in to college ... The very first day I made few friends who made me feel like we were some long lost friends!

Classes are going good and everything is normal until one day ...

"Excuse me sir ... Here's new admission!", An attender came along with a boy who looked pissed.

"Welcome boy! Introduce yourself to class!", Sir said for which he sighed in frustration.

"Arnav ... Arnav Singh Raizada ...", he said and took a seat at last bench.

The authority in his voice sent goosebumps within me.

Few days passed by ...

One day at hostel all our classmates gathered at terrace and started chitchatting .
There came a topic regarding "Who's good looking in our class!"

Now it's my turn to answer.

"Umm ... Is it really necessary to answer?", I asked them with a hope of getting excused.

But after getting their glares as a response I decided to say a name ... I don't think there's a need to think about who's good looking ... Already he got major votes and I don't dare to lie!

"Arnav!", I said casually but I failed to notice few curious looks.

Before few days I heard he proposed lavanya (Beauty with Innocence).She's my classmate and a good friend.She herself told me that arnav proposed her. 

Next Day

At Class

Sir is taking extra time ... He already took 2 hours class and still he's continuing the class.

All are getting pissed with this and especially it's taking a toll on Arnav!

I secretly glanced at him to look his expression and by looks if anyone can kill ... Our poor lecturer could have died by now. I laughed internally.

"What the hell?", He yelled grabbing everyone's attention.

He took his notes and stood up to leave the class.

"What happened? Why are you leaving?", Sir asked in confusion.

Instead of replying to him ... He threw a bench to near by wall Making every one gasp at his violent behaviour.

Unknowingly tears rolled in my eyes.

How can someone behave like this with faculty?

Our lecturer is an aged one ... So at least for his age we need to respect na ... And here arnav is in his almighty violent nature disrespected him.

After giving a deadly glare to lecturer he left our class .

I thought he'll get a punishment for his misbehavior but to my surprise he never got one.
Why would he even get one! He's after all a well spoilt RichieRich ! No one would dare complaining against him and even if some one dare the management wouldn't dare taking an action against him!

The surprising part is even his elder brother Akash Singh Raizada studies in our class! He's supposed to be our senior but due to some circumstances he became our classmates! He's completely different from Arnav in all aspects!

Akash is always calm and cool while Arnav is like an Angry bird!

Akash is reserved while Arnav is a Playboy!

Arnav is too flirty ! Like seriously he didn't leave a girl who seems interested in him!
If you guys think of how I feel about him...NOT INTERESTED!

I always wonder why devimaya wouldn't teach him a lesson!

He's like a beast ... Disguised like Prince charming!

I know every girl falls for his charm but how can they not see his rude arrogant stupid flirty devil side of him!

One day he alone took our class girls to a film!

Did you notice? I said ALONE!


Seriously! Hey devimaya! He's such a ... Gosh I'm unable to describe him!
The stupid part is they invited me but I instantly rejected.

Recently I got to know he broke up with lavanya ... She's such a nice girl! How could he hurt her? So my hateness doubled up on him.

And destiny thrown a cruel joke on me ... I got to know now Arnav is interested in me! I told regarding this to my parents as I discuss almost everything including a small topic to my parents so I couldn't hold back this time. They said they'll file a complaint to principal but I convinced them not to do that as I said I'll handle situation by myself.

At night ... I got a call from Renu from a new number ... One of my classmates and hostel mate!
Later I got to know it's Arnav phone from which she messaged.

That night I messaged to that number pretending as if I don't know who's number is that and as Renu contacted from that number I thought that number is hers.
He texted me that it's his number.

I texted him back saying I'm not interested in chatting with boys.

He respected that and texted back that he's sorry for inconveniece.

After some time again I texted him.

"Hey ... If you don't mind can I ask you something?"-kushi

"Yeah sure"-Arnav

"Are you by any chance interested in me?"-kushi

"How can you be such straight forward?"-Arnav

"I don't like people who beat around the bush! So please tell me what exactly do you feel about me!"-kushi

"Well ... Yes ... I'm interested in you"-Arnav

"What about you?"-Arnav

"I'm already in love with other person .. I'm going to marry him"-kushi

I texted him while cross fingering as it's truly a lie!

A best lie to escape from the beast!

" Okay ... But I'll keep trying to impress you"-Arnav

"No...how can you do that? I mean I said na I'm not interested...they you shouldn't force me right?"-kushi

"Who said I'll force you ... I'll just try getting a nice impression and slowly make you fall for me ... 

I'll try till you get ready as a bride and marry other guy...If marriage happens ... I'll leave to USA and never ever show my face to you!"-Arnav

I rolled my eyes...Is he even serious?

He isn't joking right?


Suddenly my phone started ringing distracting my thoughts.
Durga groaned "Now who's that?",she looked at my phone screen.
She frowned looking at number being displayed as an incoming call.
"Is this his call?", She asked in a teasing way for which I nodded shyly.

Durga picked up the call.

I laughed out loud hearing their hello conversation.

Looking at Durga even she's trying hard to control her laughter!

"Who's baby?",she asked in a sweet voice.

"Oh! The one who's laughing beside me!", She exclaimed while pinching me.

"Ouch! Now what did I do?", I asked while rubbing the area she pinched.

"Umm...sorry actually we are in a deep conversation and you interrupted us ... So...",she said
"Actually it's regarding your love story!",she said.

"Our love story! It isn't as if bahubali story!", I overheard Arnav saying that
"Well yours might not be a bahubali story but she said there are many twists so ... I'm listening...",she said.

Saying that she handed me the phone. I was about to leave but she said to talk infront of her.
He ended the call saying I Love You making me blush.

I said Love you and ended the call only to face a smirking Durga.

"Aww ... No baby at the end?",she teased me.

"Well I do but deninetly not infront of others", I said and blushed more.

"So ... Now continue with your story ...",she said.

****Flash Back****

He kept trying to impress me in his ways which irked me.
But secretly I enjoyed his attention.

One day I told him not to waste Time on me as my parents wouldn't agree other caste alliance.
A surprise answer was given.

"Why wouldn't they agree when we are relatives and belong to same caste!",he said.

"Hey devimaya! What rubbish! I don't believe you!", I said blantly.

"Then why don't you ask your parents regarding this?", He challanged me making me feel awkward.

"Ok ... I'll", I said determinedly.

When I went to home I told everything to my mom. She asked me his details which I told her.

She confirmed that he's indeed our relative.

Shocked would be an understatement in that situation.

I called him immediately and asked him how he knows about this relatives thing.
He said his brother told him that we are relatives.

Now I again asked how he knows that for which he replied He's your senior at Intermediate!
He also told me that his brother gave a nice feedback regarding my behavior and that's one of things why he's attracted to me!

This caught me off guard!


"Yaar ... How many more twists are awaiting!", Durga exclaimed out of blue.


I discussed about Arnav and mine matter with my parents and they said me to be careful.
"Just look into it but don't get deeply involved...I mean he's from a nice well reputated family ... You seemed to like him ... I believe in you ... You won't easily trust anyone blindly ... So he must be a good man ... So in these 4 years you both will get to know if you both are made for each other or not ... Then you decide what you want and we'll support you", my parents said making my jaw drop.

I thought they'll instantly reject but God seems to be by my side!

I told them that's fine.

I texted him...

"I talked about us with my parents"-kushi


"Yes but they didn't fully agree though"-kushi

"Don't test my patience!"-Arnav

"First let's be friends! Then we'll decide later if we can be couple or not"-kushi


"I have some conditions ... Only if you agree we'll be friends!"-kushi


"1. You should not misbehave with anyone especially with elders or faculty!2.You should never look at any girl other than me! You should treat them like sisters!3.You should leave your bad habits!....I'll Love you only when my parents agree our relationship!"-kushi

"And when that's going to happen? :0"-Arnav

"Maybe at final year!? ;)"-kushi

"Till then won't you say you love me? :("-Arnav

"First tell me do you agree for my conditions?"-kushi

"Isn't it obvious? ;)"-Arnav

I blushed reading his message.

Like this our love story started ....


Durga looked like a she heard some fairy tale!

"Awww such a a cute love story!", She exclaimed.

"So when are you both going to get married?", She asked me which saddened me.

"After he gets well settled in a job!", I said while sighing.

"And when that's going to happen?", She asked.

"May be four years!!!!", I replied with a sigh.

"Whatttttt!!!!!!", She exclaimed.

Durga POV

"Four years! Four freaking years! Seriously?", I asked kushi unable to believe.

"Yes ... ", She replied casually.

"And you are going to wait for him?", I asked with shocked expression.

"Of course I'll wait for him", she said dreamily.

"Isn't it frustrating to be apart? If it's matter of one or two years then that's fine but four years is too much!", I said.

"Won't your parents force you to marry other guy?", I asked.

" I already told them that If I'll marry then it'll be arnav only!", She said.

"But how are you so sure about that?" I asked while frowning for which she smiled.

"Even if being rich,handsome,educated while many girls are going crazy for him ... he's still loyal to me ... He's loving me ... Taking care of me ... He's everything a girl dreams of! Then I'll be a fool to leave him !" She said while all the love she feels for Arnav is emitting from her eyes!

"Ye DIL THO PAGAL HAY uskeliyay (This heart is crazy for him)", she said dreamily.

"DIL DEEWANA HAY...", I said and winked at her.

So, how's OS guys? :O

Do you guys want Arnav POV?

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