Longing For Him (Jastin Boy x...

By BiebersStalker

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Jacob wasn’t the average teenager. He liked guys, he was starting a new school and above all, he had a lovely... More

01 - Fresh Start
02 - A New Friend

03 - Freak Outs

513 32 15
By BiebersStalker

A/N: Still no comments or votes, bummer. Well I still love this and want to continue it... I'm going to try and update at least once a week, more than likely on Fridays. I hope you guys like it that are reading it! Have a good day! :D

Ch. 3

Jacob’s POV

After lunch, I had the hardest time concentrating. All I wanted to do was get to 7th period. Plus, it didn't help that Jaden kept making jokes and cracking me up. I have no clue went on in those two classes but at the moment, I didn't care.

The bell finally rang symbolizing it was time to head to the class. I was cheering like crazy in anticipation, causing Jaden to look at me weirdly. I shrugged it off and just gave an excuse about the day almost being over. He instantly agreed and suggested that we do something after school. I wasn't so sure about that, I had my baby girl waiting for me... and I still haven't told him about her. I was afraid he'd freak out on me or end the friendship without it lasting very long. I'd understand if he did, that was what most if not all of my old friends did and that was when I was actually pregnant.

The thoughts went away quickly as soon as we entered Mr. Bieber's classroom and his smile greeted me. Just that smile could make my mind go blank, my legs turn into jelly and my whole body heat up. My heart sped up as Jaden and I sat near the back with me winding up in the desk that that amazing man in front of the class was sitting at this morning.

Oh this was definitely going to be my new favorite desk.

I somehow tore my gaze from the gorgeous man when Jaden poked me. He had a smile on his own face that reminded me of what my face had to have been like. He nodded his head over to a guy that came into the classroom with a letterman jacket, symbolizing he was on some sports team. His chocolate hair was up in somewhat of a quiff as he sat down amongst a bunch of swooning girls.

"That's Austin... Mahone. Captain of the basketball team... and well the football team too... and just... the king of the school. Hottest guy alive." Jaden whispered in awe.

I don't think he was the hottest guy alive. No that title rightfully belonged to Mr. Bieber. Not that I could tell him that, of course. "It sounds like someone has a crush." I whispered back.

His eyes looked back at me with a gaped mouth. "I... don't..." he bit his lip, rubbing the back of his neck. "He's just... really hot and charming... and nice..." he rambled on before he stopped when he saw the smile on my face. "What?"

I patted his arm. "You're so crushing." I watched as he looked down and nodded slowly.

"Okay... I am.. but he's straight so there's no point. I just like to look." He shrugged.

I understood what he meant about pointless crushes. I was in the same boat. One day and I was crushing on someone that I couldn’t have in more than one way. He wasn’t only my teacher but he was also probably straight too and even if those two factors were removed, there was no way that I had a shot with him. Even though I knew my situation was hopeless, I didn’t want my friend to think such about his own.

“You never know though… maybe just talk to him? He’s just another guy.” I tried to reason with him. Jaden thought a moment and was about to respond when that heavenly voice greeted my ears.

“Boys, I know that it’s the first day and all and what I have to say is well… the same ol’ boring things as every other class, but try to pay attention. Eyes up front.” Mr. Bieber told us with a different sort of look than before. It wasn’t the smirk that instantly had made me weak, but it was a mix of disapproval and something else that I didn’t quite understand.

Sitting up straight, I nodded a bit too quickly as my eyes went back to being glued to him. He flashed a quick and subtle smile my way and went back to talking about what we’d be doing in his class for the year. The projects and books we’d read along with the our senior project that would be the biggest of all. I had heard about those dreadful things. We were going to be given a topic and we would have to research it thoroughly and there was a paper we’d have to do like a thesis or something and we’d have to interview someone that was an expert on the matter as well. It was huge and drawn out and worth a whole lot of points. Basically, if we didn’t do a good we more than likely wouldn’t be graduating. It was a bit scary to think of that, not that I’ve ever not passed a class before but it was still nerve wrecking. What if something happened with Penelope and I wound up not finishing because I would always put her first? I bit my lip at the thought. If anything gave me anxiety it was the wellbeing of my daughter. She was just so important to me… she was my baby. My little girl. Daddy’s little princess.

My mind started to race as I was on the verge of having a mini panic attack. My breathing started to get shallow and my eyes darted all over the class as I felt like everyone was staring at me. Of course that wasn’t paranoia. No, everyone was indeed staring at me, including Mr. Bieber. Next thing I knew, he was kneeling beside me.

“Hey… Jacob… are you okay?” He softly asked.

My eyes darted to him and everything started to slow down, just having his voice so close to me, so filled with concern and my name rolling off his tongue calmed me somewhat. I took a few deep breaths as I felt another comforting hand on my other shoulder and I knew it was Jaden. I starting to calm down with both of their voices soothing me.

“I’m fine… just… got a little anxious… for Penelope…” I whispered her name softly. I guess they didn’t catch what I said as Mr. Bieber just seemed relieved that I had calmed down. He asked me if I wanted to go to the nurse’s office and I shook my head no even though Jaden offered to take me. “I’m fine now. Promise.” That seemed to put Mr. Bieber at ease as he went back to the front of the classroom and went back to explaining everything. Jaden being the goof he was, tried to cheer me up with jokes and such. He insisted on coming over to mine after school to make sure I was okay and just to hang out. No matter what I said, he wasn’t hearing any excuses. I guess he was just going to meet my baby girl soon then.

I listened as Mr. Bieber went on to talk and I was calm. It was amazing how he had that effect on me. My eyes never left his as he spoke and the moments that our eyes met, it was breathtaking. My breath would hitch and I would feel all warm and giddy inside. I just wanted to have his eyes on me and no one else. Sadly, the last bell of the day rang and we were released. Jaden was beyond giddy as I just smiled, feeling happy but at the same time heartbroken. Happy because of my baby girl but crushed to have to leave him. I packed up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. We headed to the door but I was stopped.

“Can you hang back for a minute? I would like to speak with you, Jacob.” His cool voice rang through my body. Oh how I loved the way he said my name. I looked over at Jaden and smiled as he said he’d wait by our lockers for me. I nodded and waved before looking back to him. I was curious as to what he wanted to talk about but at the same time, I didn’t care. Being able to be alone with him for even five minutes would be well worth it even if it was just to receive a lecture about paying attention in his class more.

I watched as he went back to his desk causing me to obviously follow as well. Our eyes met once more and he smiled a little. It was more of a concerned look, though. I bit my lip, wondering what was going to happen. I hope I wasn’t too obvious about my small crush on him…

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