Saving People

By Cersaaddair

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You know how Dean had a younger brother, Sam, and that was it?? Well this shows what they would've been like... More

S1:E2- Wendigo
S1: E3- Dead in The Water
S1: E4- Phantom Traveler
S1: E5- Bloody Mary
S1: E6- Skin
S1: E7- Hook Man
S1: E8- Bugs
S1: E9- Home

S1: E1 -Pilot

109 0 0
By Cersaaddair

"Get the fuck up Dean!" I yell at him, he groans and rolls over. Not knowing that he didn't have anymore room and rolled off the bed.

"Idiot." I say to him, he sits up and looks at me. I smirk and turn towards the bathroom, he grumbles something to me.

"What'd ya say?" I ask him as I put my hair in a messy bun, he glares at me.

"I said, why the hell am I up at the ass crack of dawn?" He stood up, his bow legs showing, I check my watch.

"Dean... it's noon." I tell him, he looks at the clock on the wall and scrambled to get ready. Little does he know is that I changed the clock.

It was really 6:30.

He didn't need to know.

"We still planning on going and getting Sammy?" I asked him, he nods his head and pushes me out of the bathroom.

"I need to get ready."

"I'll pack or bags!" I yell out to him when I hear him turn on the shower.

I pack the weapons bag, and grab the keys to the Impala, I grab my bag and Deans and head out to the car.

I see that the sun is starting to come out, I take a deep breath of fresh air and smile.

What if I had a normal life? I mean Sammy's getting his normal right this second. Why can't I have mine?

But this was my normal, on the road with my oldest brother and my dad up until dad left us a week ago.

That's why we were going to get Sammy, dad had sent us a voicemail the other day and it had EVP on it. And Sammy was always the one who could tell us what.

But I had done that.

I throw open the Impalas backdoor and throw the bags in. I open the passenger side door and sit inside the car waiting on Dean.

My minds drifting off to Sammy, wondering what his life was like and if I'd enjoy having a life like that.

"You bitch." I hear Dean say to me as he opens his door, I turn and smirk at him.

"I needed you to get up and to get a going." I tell him, he nods his head.

"Fair enough." He starts up the impala and I hum at the sound she makes when he starts it.

The only good thing about Dad disappearing was that he left Dean and I with the car.

"Dean?" I ask him, he hums to me in response.

"What did you think when you first saw me?" I ask him, I've asked him this question for the past almost 18 years.

"I thought "dang, I've got to people to look after now."." He says to me. I smack his arm.

"No I thought that you were a very pretty baby, and that you look exactly like Sam, and as you got older the pretty never left and I for sure thought that I'd have to beat some sons a bitches if they hurt you." I smile and nudge his shoulder.

"Thanks for being the best big brother." I tell him, he smiles and turns the radio on.

We sing loudly to every song that's playing on the radio, I pull the box of cassette tapes from the glove box out and we pick which ones we want to listen to.

"Metallica or Black Sabbath?" I ask him, but he doesn't answer and parks the Impala.

"Here we are." I look up and see we're at Stanford.

I take a deep breath as Dean gets out of the car. I almost don't get out, because I don't think if I can see my brother after he left us two years ago.

"Get out." Dean tells me, I open my door and shut it and together we walk the flight of stairs to Sams room. Dean pulls out his lock picking stuff.

"You're thinking about breaking into our brothers apartment??" I ask him, he turns to me and smirks.

"Hopefully he kicks your ass." I whisper to him, he shrugs and picks the lock, walks in and runs into a table knocking something off.

"Nice going idiot." I say picking the object up and placing it back on the table. I heard a grunt and people messing around.

I walk into the other room and see Dean on top of someone, and I laugh quietly to myself.

"Easy there tiger." Dean says to the person he's on top of.

"Dean?" Sams voice rings throughout the apartment.

Sam then kicks his leg over Deans head and pins him to the ground.

"Okay, let me go." Dean says, and he smiles at Sam.

"Sam?" We hear a women's voice. She turns the light on and I can see my brothers.

Sam looks like he's aged in the two years he's been gone, I don't come out from where I'm at.

"Jess..." Sam says and walks over to the girl. Wrapping his arm around her.

"No offense, but you are way out of my brothers league." Dean flirts with her, and that's when I walk out.

"Excuse my brother, he's not use to not getting the girl." I thump him on the back of the head.

"Izzy?" Sam asks, I smirk at him.

"Hiya Sammy..." I said to him.

"Izzy? As in you sister? Then that makes you Dean?" The woman, Jess, asks.

Dean smirks at her again, I thump him on the head again.

"You mine leaving the room so we can talk with Sam here?" Dean asks, Sam looks angry we asked.

"No, what ever you want to say you can say in front of Jessica." Sam says, and Dean and I look at each other.

"Dads been gone for a few days." I say, Sam chuckles.

"He'll stumble back in, he's probably working a miller time shift." I cock my head, looking at Dean.

"Dads on a hunting trip. And he hasn't been home in a few days."

Sam then realizes what's happened.

"Jess can you excuse us?"

"You can't just ask me to go with you!" Sam yells at Dean, I roll my eyes and run in front of them.

They apparently stopped to continue to yell at one another, as I sat on the hood of the Impala. My head wrapping around the idea of Jessica.

"Dad let you have this thing?" Sams voice rings out from across the parking lot, looking up I smile.

"Yeah he did. Get off her hood you idiot." Dean tells me, I slowly get off the hood dragging my hand across her body.

"Sis, I'm not kidding I'll kill you if she's got a scratch on her." Dean tells me, I smirk and pat her roof.

Sam chuckles at me and looks back at Dean. Sam walks up next to dean and looks into the trunk of the Impala.

"How's life Izzy?" Sam asks me, and I don't answer right away, afraid to tell him.

"It's been alright. Up until dad left, now I'm stuck with this idiot." I punch Deans arms and he hits his head on the door to the trunk.

"Ouch." He says and pulls out what he wants to show Sammy.

I grab the keys from Deans pocket and get in the front seat of the car.

"Metallica or Black Sabbath?" I ask Sam and Dean. Neither one answers, so I shrug and grab AC/DC.

I flip the cassette around and look at the songs and read through them, I hadn't noticed Sam and Dean leave until Dean jumped in next to me causing me to squeal.




"No. He's the one who left so he gets backseat."



"I'll get in the back seat." Sam says as he opens the door and gets in.

"Thanks." I say, dean shakes his head at me.

"Let's go."

I must of fell asleep on the way to find dad because when I woke up the Impala was parked and Sam and Dean were no longer here.

I climbed over the seat to the back one, pushing out bags to the ground. My head killing me, the doors opened and Dean turns around to look at me.

"Dean... I feel like shit." I tell him, he pats my shoulder.

"Well get a motel room soon." He tells me, I nod and close my eyes hoping that the feeling soon goes away.

The roar of the impala is what makes me turn away from my brothers, I swore Dean had the keys. I look back at them and see they are also looking at the car. Sam looks confused, and looks at out older brother.

"You leave the keys in the-" Dean pulls the keys out of his pocket cutting Sam off, the Impala start plowing towards us. We turn around and start running from the car, Sam in front of me, Dean behind me.

I feel Dean grab my arm and pull me towards the side of the bridge. He jumps before me, I jump and grab on to the ledge, and hang on.

I hear the Impala turning off, and can hear Sam breathing next to me. I look next to him and don't see Dean.

"Dean!?" I yell, Sam joins in with me. We finally hear something moving below us and look down.

Dean lays there in the mud, and I laugh as I see he wasn't smart enough to grab onto the railing on the bridge.

I smile and climb up and back onto the bridge, Sam following behind me. I make my way to the impala and see if anyone is in there, someone who might be able to drive the car.

There was no one in the car, not a soul. Which freaked me out slightly, we hear footsteps slugging towards us, when Sam and I look over we see Dean coming our way. He's covered in what looks like mud, but as he gets closer you can smell him.

He finally makes it to where Sam and I are leaning against the hood of the Impala, and when he stands in between us we both look at him and say together.

"You smell like a toilet."

He looks at Sam first and shakes his head, then looks at me and smirks.

He knew he'd get a response from me.

He tells us to shut up and walks towards the driver side of the Impala, and gets in, I follow suit and get in the backseat, once the car is started I roll down one of the back windows to help with the smell of Dean.

Sam rolls down his window to help get rid of the smell, which only does a little help.

We pull up outside of a motel, Sam and Dean both get out of the car and go check us into a room.

A pounding on the roof of the Impala scares me and I get out, it's dean standing in front of me. His eyes show his worry for something, when I reach out to grab his hand he grabs mine and jerks me towards a motel room.

"Dad checked into this motel a week ago." He tells me, I watch his shoulders as he walks in front of me.

"Dad?" I ask, my voice just small enough he almost didn't hear me.

He nods his head and pulls me into the room, Sam already looking at the pictures on the wall. My eyes land on the week old cheeseburger he has sitting on the nightstand.

I notice how he has papers scattered on the bed, on the walls, and even some on the door. I take in the room and almost laugh. He looked like a crazy man.

"Okay I'm going to take a shower." Dean tells us, Sam stops him for a second.

"Hey about what I said about-" dean cuts Sam off.

"No chick flick moment."




He walks into the bathroom and we hear the water turn on, Sam sits down on the bed and checks his phone, and I look around the room checking all of his papers.

Women in white.

We were right about that.

Dean walks out of the bathroom and looks at me, and I look back at Sam.

"Hey were going to get something to eat you wanna come?" I ask Sam, he shakes his head. I nod my head and walk out the door.

Dean come out hot on my trail, when he grabs my hand, I turn and look at him, his eyes are trained on two men down the ways.

"Call Sam."

I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Sam. He answers it.

"5-0 get out of here." I tell him and then hang up. The men walk up to us talking about Deans fake badges and then asks him if he's got anything that's real.

"My boobs."

Then we're both slammed down on the hood of the Impala, Dean looking me dead in the eyes.

I feel the cop cuffing me take a nice long time sliding his hand across my ass, I lift my foot up and kick him where I know it'll hurt.

"Keep your hands to yourself asshat." Dean growls at the cop and lunges at him only to be pulled away from me and towards the car.

I'm right behind him when I feel the cop do that again, this time I scream.

"Touch my little sister again and you'll be sorry!" Dean yells at the cop, I try and shake out of his grip to get to my older brother, wanting his comfort.

I don't get out of the guys grip and he stuffs me into the backseat next to Dean. His eyes immediately looking me over.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks me, I shake my head and lean my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head before looking out the window.

"I wanna get out of here, Dean." I tell him, he looks down at me and smirks.

"I'll get us out of here, just you wait and see." I shake my head at him and look out the window and watch as the scenery changes.

I sat handcuffed to a table in another room, Dean was across the hall from me, handcuffed to that table.

I stare at the wall across from me. My mid racing and trying to figure a way out of this place, and when the door opened and the cop whom touched my ass walked in I jump back as far as I could from him.

"What'd you come to do? Huh? Touch my ass some more?!" I yell at him, he smirks and walks over to my side of the table, leans over and touches my neck.

"Why you running around with that man for?"

"He's my brother. I've been on a road trip with him for two year now." I tell the man, my breath getting caught in my throat.

"Well how about you come on a road trip with me?" He whispers in my ear and I feel my eyes tear up.

"Dean!!" I scream and start kicking, the man jumps back and runs to the door, his eyes wide as he checks outside the door to make sure no one heard me.

He walks back to me and puts a hand over my mouth, and tells me to be quiet, I shiver at his touch and start to cry, wanting nothing more than Dean to bust through that door and beat this guys ass.

And it's as if my wish was true, the door was flung open and and Dean walked in. The cops eyes wide as quarters.

"I told you, touch my little sister again, I'll kill you." He lunges at the man and punches him a few times, the man goes unconscious and Dean turns around to me.

"Hey it's okay, I'm here now." Dean whispers to me, he uses a paper clip to undo the cuffs on my hands.

You see this isn't the first time Deans had to save my ass, a year and a half ago he had to do the same thing. I went on a date, bad idea, and was kidnapped, they were vamps and wanted me dead.

The tried to kill me, but I was strong. Dean and Dad had found where they were keeping me and rescued me. But when they showed up I had already been damaged.

The nests alpha had used me for his own enjoyment, which I told Dean very little about, but the second he saw me he killed the vamp with more than a swing at his head, he took a wooden beam and beat his brains in, almost as if he was getting revenge.

Ever since then he's been very protective of me. Making sure I don't leave his side when we go to bars, or that I don't leave the Impala when he has a women in the room.

He always made sure he come see me, and if not see then hear me.

His hands held mine as we snuck out of the police station and to a phone booth to call Sam. My eyes never left his back, I watched his tense muscles move.

When we finally made it to a phone booth, he pulled me in and held me close to him, trying to shield me from anything that could hurt me.

I didn't listen to him as he talked to Sam about what had happened to us, and where we were. What snapped me out of my gaze was when dean yelled Sams name.

I looked up at my older brother, and saw his face. White.

Sam was in trouble.

I don't remember how we got there, but before we knew it, Sam has laid his foot down on the petal and the Impala and him went flying into the lady's house.

We were pinned against the car, and watched as the women's children took her wherever they wanted, and Dean and Sam pushes the wardrobe off of us and turned around to look at the car.

"I swear to you if you messed up my car I'll kill you." Dean tells him, I don't have the right mind set to smile.

I fell asleep to Dean blasting AC/DC, Sam checking out the coordinates that Dad had left us in his journal.

When I woke up it was to static screeching through the speakers, my brain immediately went to demons.

I felt the car jolt to a stop and the driver door was flung open, my door right after him. Dean was already bounding up the stairs to Sam and Jessica's apartment, I could smell the smoke.

My legs trying their hardest to keep up with Dean, then people cane flying down the stairs, making it harder for me to get to my brothers, I'm eventually dragged back outside by the people pushing past me on the stairs, I stare up at the flames and hold a hand over my mouth.

"Izzy!" I hear Deans voice yell for me, and I sigh. Relived.

"Dean!" I yell back, then I see him. Sam behind him, his eyes gloomy, and that's when I see the dried blood on his forehead.

"Sammy?" I ask. He looks at me and engulfs me into a hug, his arms holding me tight against him.

I hold on to him, and for the first time in two years I feel genuinely safe.

"We've got work to do."

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