
By sabb24

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The world is a cruel place filled with secrets, danger, and lies. After losing her entire pack in a deadly a... More

Chapter 1: Ruthless
Chapter 2: Games
Chapter 3: Warmth
Chapter 5: Restless
Chapter 6: Everett
Chapter 7: Past & Present
Chapter 8: Candles
Chapter 9: Ripping Out Roots
Chapter 10: Eastern Formal
Chapter 11: Truth
Chapter 12: Shattered
Chapter 13: Pawn
Chapter 14: Strategy
Chapter 15: Counter Attack
Chapter 16: Blood
Chapter 17: Revelations
Chapter 18: Home

Chapter 4: Pedestal

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By sabb24

 Chapter 4: Pedestal

       I trailed my shaky fingertips across my bandaged side and winced. How could I have let this happen?

        I rested my hands on the marble sink of the bathroom, which was conveniently attached to ‘my’ room. This place was unbelievable! From laminated hardwood floors, to creamy vintage walls, the room seemed to be designed with a mixture of country and modern taste. It was beautiful, lavish, and strangely comforting.

       On top of everything, Everett had assured me that for the time being, this incredibly large and utterly expensive suite would belong to me.

       This pack seriously couldn’t be more naïve.

       A soft knock on the bathroom door caused me to jump and banish my thoughts. “Miss. Rose? Are the clothes fitting you right? Would you like me to bring you something else?” Everett had introduced me to a kind older woman named Silvia, who had apparently been assigned as my personal maid. I seriously began to wonder just how wealthy these people were.

       “Um…” Being waited on was something I was completely unaccustomed to. “No, they fit.” I softly yanked the clean yellow sundress over my head and smoothed out the skirt. Thankfully the movement hadn’t caused me any pain; maybe I’d heal quickly, for once.

        I frowned into the mirror and examined my reflection closely. I haven’t worn a dress this girly in at least a decade, and I wasn’t too sure about the way it looked. Did I look pretty? Sweet? Maybe… Cute?Yuck, I hoped not. Beginning to fear my new appearance, I quickly threw the bathroom door open.

       Seeing me, Silvia instantly perked up and fluttered her hands with an exasperated sigh. “Darling, you’re such a peach!” I’m a fruit? What? Shaking my head in confusion, I stretched a bogus smile across my lips.

       “Er, thanks… I think?” I whispered as Silvia slipped me a pair of cream-coloured ballet flats.

       “Mr. Tucker wishes you to join him in the dining hall that is, if you’re feeling well enough? Miss. Rose?” Silvia asked, I had never noticed it before, but she had a slight twang in her voice.

       What did I think? I think this place is a gold mine and it’d be stupid not to enjoy some self-indulgence for the time being.


       “I’d like that.” I nodded quickly and followed Silvia out the open bedroom door.

       Before we’d made it too far down the hall, I stopped abruptly, mulling over a thought in my head.

       “Silvia?” I questioned quietly.

       The older woman quickly spun on her heal and raised her eyebrows. “Yes Miss. Rose?” See that would definitely never settle well with me. I didn’t want to be put on some respectful pedestal if I was a fraud.

       “Could you please call me Juliet, just…Juliet?” I stumbled over my words, trying not to sound bothered. Silvia only smiled warmly and looped her arm through mine. I couldn’t help but stare down at our intertwined embrace quizzically. Would I ever get used to all this touching?

       “Of course, Juliet. By the way, I never mentioned it before but I really do like your name; it suits you.” Silvia laughed effortlessly before leading me further down the hall.


       Oh, if she only knew

* * *

       Look, with the whole gold and silver platter kind of room I had been given, I expected the dining hall to be some sort of orderly, long-tabled room with maids and waiters flanking every corner. But… I should learn to expect the unexpected because when Silvia led me into the space, my jaw almost hit the floor.

       Sure the room was just as massive as I had anticipated, but it was what had been put in it that had shocked me. The room was scattered with round wooden tables filled to the brim with every breakfast food imaginable. Sitting around them, on them and standing beside were probably at least a hundred wolves. They all seemed incredibly happy and the entire room was filled with the buzz of multiple conversations.

       What the hell was this place?


       I haven’t ever actually been to one of the four major packs, since Reid had always thought attacking smaller ones was safer, but I just had never imaged them to be like this. North, South, East, West…Reid used to tell me how disgustingly orderly they were and how their wolves were treated like mindless soldiers.

        I swallowed loudly; I was beginning to feel like nothing more than a gullible little girl. This place definitely didn’t look like some soulless prison, but instead… it looked warm. The walls were covered in long, white paneled windows allowing the soft glow of the morning’s light to cast into the room. Furthermore, there were bright green vines and flowers laced across the glass creating an absolutely picturesque scene.

        Turning my gaze back toward the clusters of joyful people, I couldn’t help but feel a small smile tug on my lips. The ‘maids’ and ‘waiters’ I had imagined were laughing along with the wolves and looked as if they truly enjoyed serving them.

       So here I was, a ruthless and ill-minded rogue, smack in the middle of the warm, inviting and infamous Eastern pack.

       What the hell have I gotten myself into?


       Some weird feeling began churning in my gut as I began to think about actually robbing this pack. If this was guilt, I was going to go ballistic on myself for turning soft.

       For goodness sake, I’m a rouge damnit! I wasn’t supposed to feel any remorse!

       Silvia patted my hand softly before sliding her arm away from mine.

       “Alright dear, I’m pretty sure Alpha Tucker is waving you down so go on and enjoy some breakfast.”

       HOLD. THE. PHONE.

       I whipped my head toward Silvia with my lightening-fast speed, which caused her to jump slightly. “Alpha…Tucker?” I could not believe this; the guy I’d met in the forest was the Alpha of one of the most powerful packs in North America? He couldn’t be older than twenty-three! This was completely unheard of; all of the alpha’s I’d ever run into were practically… “Old men!” I shouted and clamped my mouth shut quickly; did I just say that out loud? Silvia chucked beside me and smoothed the side of my blond head.

       “You’re such a strange little human.” She crooned softly before gently nudging me forward. I was about to plead for her to take me back to my room, so I could think. Though, my entire body stiffened as I noticed Everett walking smoothly towards us. He smiled kindly as he neared and I swallowed thickly. As his gaze settled on mine, my face once again flamed.

       Did I have a fever? Oh man, I must look like a tomato! You know how people get when their sick…why was I so warm all of the sudden?

       “You’re looking better.” Everett tucked his hands into his pockets smoothly and rocked back on his heals, still wearing his dashing smile.

       “Hi…Mr. Tucker.” I said lamely and attempted to shove my hands into my pockets as well. I felt warmth rise in my cheeks again as I realized I didn’t even have any pockets. Stupid, girly dress! Everett laughed softly and shook his head at Silvia standing a few feet behind me.

       “Are you calling me Mr. Tucker again? Silvia you know I don’t mind being called Everett.”

       I heard Silvia’s cheery voice but refused to look anywhere but at the floor. I was so disoriented, why was I acting this way? I ducked my head shamefully and kicked the floor.

       “Ah, I know that… but it doesn’t mean you won’t be getting the respect you deserve from me, Alpha.” Silvia huffed softly and I saw her quickly skitter away in my peripheral vision.

       “Juliet? Are you in pain?” Everett’s handsome face suddenly flooded my vision as he crouched in front of me.

       Holly close proximity! Pain? Did I really look that awful?

       I blinked rapidly and rubbed my bugged eyes.

       “N-no I’m just…I mean, your home it’s so incredible and I hate dresses.” I clunked my head with the back of my hand. It’s done; I’ve forever turned into a babbling idiot. Everett shook his head softly and chuckled, trying to mask his laughter as a cough.

       “You seem very confused Juliet, lets get some food into you before you become transparent.” Without breaking his gaze from mine, Everett easily straightened up and led me toward one of the large wooden tables in the middle of the room.

        Why did I feel so nervous and shy like some little fourth grade kid trying to make new friends? Who the hell was I becoming? I needed to get a grip. But instead, like an immature fool, I hid behind Everett’s back as we approached a table of smiling people. I wasn’t even sure why I felt so coy, they all looked incredibly friendly.

       “Juliet…” Everett peeked behind his shoulder at me and nodded his head in the direction of the awaiting table. He totally thinks I’m some pitiful kid. I sighed in defeat; I’ll never live this down. I sidestepped away from Everett’s shadow and to his side. I immediately shrunk away as a range of curious glances landed on my figure.

       “Juliet, this is everyone…. everyone this is Juliet Rose.” Everett winked reassuringly down at me and I quickly averted his gaze. I raised my hand and waved quickly to the group of wolves, without meeting any of their gazes directly. Clearly, being alone for most of my life has really taken a negative stab at my people-skills. Luckily, I didn’t even have a chance to dwell on the drawing awkwardness because a bubbly girl spoke up in the crowd.

       “You sure know how to climb trees. I’ve been dying to meet you – could’ve sworn you were part monkey.” The girl had short-cropped red hair and a frenzy of light freckles on her tiny face. I felt an easy smirk spread across my lips, this must be the girl who had been with Everett in the forest. Thinking back, I did remember a certain wolf with reddish fur…her name was…

       “I’m Lucilly, and I know, my mom had a weird fetish with unique names. You can call me Luce. Nice to finally meet you, Juliet Rose.” Luce beamed and sniffed the air quickly. “You were right Everett, she does smell like roses…” Everett shifted beside me and laughed shakily.

       “Very funny Luce,” he turned to me and shook his head. “I didn’t say that…not that you don’t smell good…just, I didn’t…” Everett trailed off and rubbed his forehead as he continued to laugh quietly. “Uh anyways… Luce is engaged to one of my beta-ranked wolves, Hunter.”

       Hunter waved casually and I returned the gesture. He was a muscular guy with black-cropped hair and calculating dark eyes. I was slightly intimidated; I didn’t want to run into him when I would be checking out of here.

       “You’re engaged?” I blinked, completely shocked; they didn’t look much older than me. Luce giggled and nodded, plopping herself on Hunter’s thick-knee.

       “I guess when you know you know…we’re mates!” I narrowed my eyes. That’s a weird way to say couple. Perhaps she’s an Australian? No… that means friend, I think…?

       I hardly noticed that Everett continued to introduce me to people. Waving absently, I locked eyes with most of the wolves in front of me.

       “This is another beta, Jarred…my pack…Evelyn, Logan, Sam, Jessamine…” and this continued for about another minute before Everett sucked in a deep breath. “And yea, that’s about a tenth of the pack in this room. I know it’s a lot to process but don’t worry, we won’t test you on names.” Everett smiled and bonked his shoulder against mine softly. Every single time he touched me my blood boiled furiously. We’d seriously need to have a talk about this whole personal space concept. I rolled my eyes at my own stubborn thoughts, I sounded like a hissing cat in the rain.

* * *

       I might’ve needed to be carried back to my room because I had eaten so much. I gazed across the round table at Everett’s smiling face as he talked to Hunter beside him; I wanted to be the person talking to him.

       Why do I keep doing that? I sound like a lost puppy! Ugh, I’m embarrassing myself gawking at him now…


        I groaned softly and rubbed my sore stomach. This place would be the death of me. I sat crunched between two broad-shouldered twins stuffing their faces; I seriously questioned if they’d ever stop.

       “Aye Sammy, I think Juliet over here’s finally got some colour back in her cheeks. She’s not 2D anymore!” Gem’s brother Sam, in turn, poked my cheek with his finger teasingly.

       “Brother, I think you’re right. She’s alive!” Sam snorted and grabbed his stomach, mimicking me.

       “You’ve got to blame our chefs, Juliet; they’ll stuff you to the brim.” Gem pointed his fork in my direction before stabbing another pancake onto his plate. I frowned and stuck my chin out; I knew how to deal with provocative boys, I’d done it all my life.

       “Bug off,” I snapped venomously, attempting to stand my ground. I gripped my fists waiting for the cunning and probably demeaning response to be shot at me. Instead though, Gem and Sam only stared at me apologetically.

       “Ah, I’m sorry Juliet; we were only joshing you. We’re just glad you’re feeling better; we heard you had quite the frightening spill.” They’re glad…I felt better?

       “I’m sorry, w-what? Why are you…you know…well, I don’t actually know, being nice to me?” Both boys seemed to be thrown-off by my question, but I was honestly dumbfounded. What gave them the drive to be nice to me? I mean, until I met Everett and people like Luce, I’ve never been treated with, well, …genuine kindness.

       Sam and Gem both grinned down at me happily before Gem reached out to tussle my hair.

       “Any friend of Everett’s is a friend of ours. Besides Juliet, you seem pretty spunky, which is a great thing especially if you’re going to be friends with us.” Friends? I couldn’t help but stare at these two towering boys, speechless. Unless I counted Reid in some way, which I totally didn’t anymore, I’ve actually never had a real ‘friend’.

        “I don’t really have many friends…” I mumbled dumbly and pushed around the scrambled eggs on my place with my fork. They may as well know I’m a freak if they supposedly even considered being my so-called friends. Sam and Gem only snickered softly and leaned in close to my hunched figure.

        “Then I guess we’ll just have to adopt you immediately into our club,” Sam replied with mock-sternness.

       I raised my eyebrow enquiringly at the two smirking boys, as Gem nodded his head and spoke.

       “Yup, Juliet I now declare you apart of our seafood-diet club.” I frowned deeply, what is up with these odd boys?

       “I don’t even like seafood….” I pursed my lips and scratched the back of my head, feeling completely lost.

       “Sure you do…when you SEE food, you eat it; we’re impressed by your scarfing skills so welcome to the SEE food diet club.” Sam grinned and gestured to my aching stomach.

       I couldn’t control myself. I knew I was probably utterly embarrassing myself but I really, truly and honestly cracked. I guffawed and hooted in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. A second later the twins joined in with me and we were all sitting there in a line, cracking up hysterically.

       I threw my head back and continued to laugh effortlessly. Faintly, I glanced at Everett’s surprised face across the table but for some reason, seeing him only caused me to laugh even more.

       I watched Sam and Gem, still in a fit of laughter; give each other hi-fives over my head. I have no idea why, but even that made me snicker harder, I must’ve hit rock bottom. Everything suddenly seemed hilariously funny.

       “Juliet, you’ve gone mad!” Sam whooped and tickled my stomach lightly and I squirmed away from him, giggling and sucking in in an attempt to calm myself.

       “Ouch!” I screeched halfway between a laugh and groan. I had just realized my ribs were aching violently, sending a shooting pain down the side of my torso. That was what made me stop laughing immediately. I dropped my forehead onto the cool surface of the wooden table, and wrapped my arms around my mid-section. A second later, I felt one of the twins lean in close to my ear.

       “Juliet? Are you okay?” Gem, I realized.

       Nope, not one bit, but I wasn’t going to let myself be seen as a wounded victim. I nodded my head fiercely and pushed out a shaky laugh.

       “Mhm! I’m completely fine, Gem.” I perked up, attempting to sound as normal as possible. Just as I was about to plan a way to run out of the dining hall in the next few minutes, a warm hand slipped onto my throbbing side. For some reason I felt instantly calmer and my excruciating breaths slackened. I knew who it was without a thought; Everett’s soothing voice filled my ears a moment later.

       “Ah, you two clowns are going to kill poor Juliet; she fractured a few ribs last night.” Everett joked easily with the two boys but there was a tidbit of warning behind of his words. I heard Gem smack Sam and yell at him half-heartedly.

       “Why’d you have to go tickling the crippled you bully? You always scare away my new friends.” The two boys mumbled soft apologies before continuing to argue playfully with each other. I felt Everett’s soothing fingertips probe my side lightly without causing me any pain.

       “Would you like to go fetch a few painkillers Miss. Giggles?” Everett asked me softly and I quickly replied, feeling as if he’d just offered me a pot of gold.

       “Yes please.”

* * *

       I sat back against the headboard of my large king-sized bed and twiddled my thumbs. Things were beginning to get a bit complicated. I knew I needed to leave soon, but for some reason I felt drawn to this place. Even worse, I felt as if I’d regret it horribly if I decided to steal from them. This was so bizarre! Whenever I had attacked villages with Reid I’d never felt guilty; the victims were only strangers and ones that I certainly didn’t care for. Wait…did that mean I cared about these eastern people? I leaned my head in my hands and sighed; I was turning into one sad excuse for a rogue.

        Hearing the door open, I looked up from my hands. Everett smiled at me and shook a bottle of pills he’d promised to go pick up from the pack doctor’s house.

       See? This was the whole problem! If I had gotten hurt with the rogues, I probably would’ve been told to suck up the pain; but with Everett I was cared for like a piece of delicate jewelry.

       “I got you a pretty hefty dose because the doc said you should be experiencing quite a bit of pain, but you seem pretty collected…” Everett scratched the back of his head and smiled as he came to sit on the corner of the bed. I suppose over the years I had developed quite the pain tolerance…and well, I wasn’t simply ‘human’ as Everett believed.

       “How are you feeling?” Everett asked and eyed me curiously. There was no point in playing it up.

       “I’m alright, really Everett, you do not need to worry about me.” I smiled widely and scooped up the pills from his palm. “Thanks.”

       Everett laughed faintly and waved his hand. “Anytime Juliet, I feel horrible that you were attacked on our land; we’re usually more cautious with our security. Um…” Everett shifted slightly on the bed and chewed his lip. “I think we need to talk.” He whispered gently and peered at me with those big blue eyes of his.

       “Y-yea?” Why was I getting so nervous? Calm down Juliet, calm down.


       “Well… I…wanted to know why you were traveling alone. I mean, do you have family close by? Where I meaning to get at is well…where’d you come from and should I be worried about finding your face on the side of a milk carton?”

            Everett rushed out his sentence and raised his eyebrows. Oh hell, I didn’t think this one through. Of course he’d be curious, if some random person showed up in the middle of the forest anyone would be skeptical.

       “I…um…well I was um… just going off on my own for the past little while. You know, like one of those self-discovery phases in life. I graduated high school early, and so I decided to take a year off and travel through the country side.” He didn’t need to know that I’ve never set foot in an actual school. “A girl needs learn to stand on her own two feet, don’t you think?” Man, I suck; I knew this would only confuse him further. Everett rubbed his forehead and looked at me intriguingly.

       “So you did run away… from whoever, or whatever?” Everett probed quietly.

       Arg! How did I manage to lead him straight to the truth? This is some seriously pathetic lying. I guess I’d have to settle for some truths…I’d just need to tweak my story a bit.

       I averted Everett’s gaze as I began to lay down my twisted untruth; I didn’t enjoy lying to him, but I clearly didn’t have a choice. If Everett and his pack ever found out who I was, and what I had done in the past, they’d surely kill me.

       “I did run away…” I whispered softly and ran my fingertips over the soft comforter.

       “From who Juliet? Your parents?” Everett asked inquiringly and scooted towards me. Ah crap, I couldn’t avoid this one.

       “No…my parents passed away when I was six.” I whispered, suddenly feeling an odd mix of hurtful emotions swirl within my gut. I’ve never told anyone that since they’d never asked. I guess the only person who knew had been Reid, and that was only because he’d experienced it first hand the day he found me. I felt my eyes prickle slightly; tears threatening to spill down my cheeks at any moment.

       Oh no, no way in hell would I cry in front of this guy. I do NOT cry.


       “I’m so sorry Juliet, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Everett’s face crumpled with dismay as he gazed into my eyes.

       “Oh that’s okay, hardly knew them…hardly care.” I laughed effortlessly to mask my previous misery. Waving my hands, I quickly threw myself into the ‘innocent, weak-minded’ façade I’d created.

       “I’ve been living on my own mostly, traveling…working here and there…you know. I was merely passing through when I’d been chased by the wolves.” At that, Everett straightened and his eyes darkened slightly.

       “How do you know about wolves Juliet?” Ah, I expected this one. I decided to be vague about the topic and act as if it really wasn’t much of a big deal.

       “I’ve met a few throughout my life, you tend to see some interesting things when traveling through forests. I’ve gotten used to the idea that there are more creatures living on this earth, apart from humans.” I felt as if I’d woven a web of lies; I just hoped I could keep track all of them. Everett seemed to believe me for the most part, which eased my simmering nerves.

       “So…you’re on your own?” Everett frowned; somehow I sensed he didn’t like that idea. What’s it to him?

       “Yup.” I popped the ‘p’, bidding to encourage him to drop his line of questioning. Everett stared at me for a long time, as if he’d doubted my sanity. Just when I thought I had been off the hook, he leaned in close my still figure.

       “Look, I really don’t want you to feel as if I’m keeping you captive here but, I’d like you to at least consider staying with the pack until your side has healed.” Everett sighed and flashed me his goofy, boyish grin. “I’d never forgive myself if I let a wounded young girl wander back into this big bad world alone.” I couldn’t help but return the smile; his light mood was so infectious.

       Everett sobered up as I looked down, pondering how to respond to his heavy request.

       “It’s not safe, Juliet,” he spoke gently, yet firmly.

       “Is anywhere truly safe?” I replied faintly and looked up sombrely.

       “Here is. I can’t expect you trust me this early on, but if you decide to stay, I swear to keep you safe. Within these walls, it is my duty as an alpha to protect those who reside in it.”

            “And you honour duties,” though the reply slipped out like a question, I was more confirming what he’d already stated.

            “I do. Will you stay, for the time being?” Everett asked.

            He trusted me; I could see it in his eyes, just in the way his gaze zoned in on mine. The powerful eastern alpha wolf placed his trust in me, and welcomed me into his territory with free reign in his private home.

            I’d be insensible to decline such a fortunate offer.

            “Yes, I’d like that.” I smiled coyly.

            “Thank you,” Everett replied, letting out a soft exhale.

            He wouldn’t be thankful for long, I thought darkly.  

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