A girl named Boysenberry

Por Madame_M

7K 273 32

I had barely made it a step when I say a man walking towards me. He too had a digital clock thing on top of h... Mais

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1

2.7K 23 10
Por Madame_M

attention!!!!!! READ OVER CHAPTERS 1 - 7, THEY ARE CHANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 1

I have never been someone particularly special. Seriously, I was a regular girl, I went to a regular school, I had regular friends, I regularly visited the mall, I didn’t get a regular amount of detention; two a week is normal. I’m just, NORMAL. Well, almost (normal) anyways, I do have some abnormal qualities… It started the day I was born with my name, Berry. And no, not just any Berry either, Boysenberry. Boysenberry Moonchild Roxburgh. It’s an ode to joy, isn’t it? Note the heavy sarcasm.

My mother was a hippy when she had me so, long story short, I was graced with the luck of being named Boysenberry Moonchild Roxburgh. But that’s not the worst part, oh no, it’s by far not the worst, not for Boys in Berry comments that I used to get regularly, oh no, my twin brother had to be named Liam. Yip. Liam. JUST LIAM. Just bloody L.I.A.M. and he’s my TWIN! So we have Boysenberry Moonchild and Liam Vincent Lucas. Why would a woman named Jasmine name her daughter Boysen! It’s like a crime against humanity.

Then there’s my hair. Being half Colombian, I get my fathers tanned complexion. I’m like that Leona Lewis girl, you know, she looks black in one light and white in another? Yeah, that. Anyways, so I get the partial complexion from dad – Liam got mom’s pale skin- but I had to have gotten something weird from my mother again. You see, my mom named me Boysenberry for a reason, she has dark red hair, but for some strange, sad, reason, mine came out semi purple. Like a boysenberry; this sort of bright red flame that someone threw purple grape juice over. I know, and to top it off, it was so huge, like something Nicki Minaj would put on when she’s feeling kind of outrageous, or like that girl from Brave’s hair, except, of course, purple. So when I was born, she saw the hair which was like some creepy violet shade back then, and said, “Boysen. That’s my baby, Boysenberry.” G.R.O.A.N! I don’t even get super-hot looks to counteract the purple hair. Mom, dad and Liam look like they came out of some rich hot family picture in Vogue, or something, while I’m the illegitimate, adopted brat who ruins the image. Top all that off with my slight anger management problem, and you have regular old Berry. I could manage my anger though it’s just that I hate when girls decide to take advantage of the opportunities I give them. And if your name was Boysenberry, you’d have some anger problems too.

It was raining when it happened. Funny how that’s the way everything starts for me, with rain; my birth, my first kiss, the day my mother died. Now that I think about it, I should have figured that something would have happened; I mean who honestly goes out in the middle of a storm?

It’s the cat’s fault though. It was that stupid little black four legged mini rat’s fault. I can’t explain what happened to me, and all honesty, I don’t really know how to, but since I’m being given the chance, or bored. I guess I’ll have to try. So I’ll just have to start from the beginning, where it all started.

As I was saying, it was raining the day my life changed forever. And I was on top of a tree, getting soaked. I’m not some nut case who was going to jump off of a tree in the middle of a tropical depression or anything like that, but I was nuts, nonetheless because I was on top of a tree in the middle of a tropical depression because of a cat. A cat, by the way, which not only didn’t even belong to me, but the stupid little thing, had the audacity to be sitting way over on the edge watching me like I was the messed up one! You see, I had just moved from Florida with my dad since he was expanding his restaurant and, customary to past habits, I had been left home, alone. Since dad and Liam were in the restaurant and I didn’t really have anything to do more before school, I decided to look out of the window and that’s when I saw it. The idiotic, black cat on top the tree, crying out for help. Long story short, I ended up at the top of the tree, and the cat was now on the floor watching me. I remember sliding forward for reasons that baffle me up till today, and that was when it hit me.

Two things came to mind at that moment. I had just fallen off of a God damned tree because of a bloody black cat with a piercing, that was now M.I.A, in the middle of a storm, and the second was that my dad was going to kill me if I died there, since I’m pretty sure he’ll think my story was stupid –I am writing this so it’s kind of stupid to include that and I don’t think my dad could have killed me if I was dead because I would be dead of course and how the hell would he even know the story if I was dead?- So I was lying in the mud, face up, hoping that I was alive, and after about a minute and a half of bargaining with God to make me live, I realized that I was OK; or thought so back then anyways.

Somehow I had managed to get back into the house safely, and I decided to sleep it off, expecting everything to be better in the morning. Boy was I ever wrong.

It was my own damned fault. I didn’t tell dad about the whole incident and instead I went along as usual. It was my first day of Trinity Cross High that I realized that something was wrong. Since I didn’t own a car, I had to walk to school. And due to the fact that I took so long to get ready, I’m a girl, so sue me, dad and Liam had already left. It was only a few blocks away, so I didn’t fret much, especially since dad wasn’t even there to see it if I threw a tantrum. I was a few meters from the school when a girl pushed past me. It wasn’t her radically blue hair, or the bustier/shirt and miniskirt outfit thing that she was wearing that caused me to stop though. It was the digital clock-like thing on top of her head. It was practically transparent, and it was sort of moving and blurring round the top of her head like a confused, schizophrenic halo, but the clock wasn’t ticking forward, it was going back. 26th February, 2020, 06:12:15, 06:12:14, 06:12:13, the numbers just kept dropping. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed this, but to my surprise, they hadn’t. And to make matters worse, they all had their own personal ones too. Some way more, some less, some didn’t really have a stable date of time, some were like the blue hair chic, stable and ticking down.

I think that was my first, of many, temporary psychotic breakdowns. I swore I was going nuts, and then my rational side decided that I had some sort of brain damage close to or in my eyes due to the fall, and I would be ok soon. If only that was true, I wouldn’t have a story to tell, now would I?

I had barely made it a step when I saw a man walking towards me. He too had a digital clock thing on top of his head too, except his had todays date, September 10th, and his timer read, 00:00:12. I didn’t know what to expect, but I wanted to see what happened when the clock clicked down, so I stood and watched him. 00:00:09, 00:00:08, 00:00:07, 00:00:06, 00:00:05, 00:00:04, 00:00:03, :00,00:02. I didn’t know what to assume for 00, but I watched patiently as he looked both ways and crossed the road, and then, just like clockwork, 00:00:00, and a car came speeding out of nowhere, and knocked the man down.

He was dead.

Somehow, between him dying and me freaking out, I had an epiphany; I saw when people were going to die. And then I officially had my first panic attack since my mom died.

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