I needed you without knowing...

By outherdoinshit

19.5K 356 98

Jenny balances her life with trying to have a good relationship with God and being reckless. But she wasn't "... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

1.1K 17 3
By outherdoinshit

I wake up and start getting ready for church. I put on (picture above) and curl my hair. And I do my makeup. I looked good let me just say that. I go downstairs and see my moms awake and drinking while smoking a cigarette. She smokes now? My dad really fucked her up.

"Mom don't you want to go to church?" I say to her

"For what? My husband left me. God doesn't love me." She cries

"Yes he does mom. You still have your kids" I comfort her

"Yeah whatever" she says drinking out of her bottle. I sigh and feel my phone ringing. I pick it up

"I'm outside"

I went outside and get into Geesys car. "Damn u look good as fuck babe" he says grabbing my waist and hugging me then kissing my neck. He called me babe. I'm not gonna lie my heart fluttered.

He was wearing some black jeans and a white puffy jacket with some white air forces. He looked so good. "You do to" I say pulling him away and kissing his lips.
"Here I got you this" he says handing me a cake pop and a frappe from Starbucks.

"Awe thanks babe u didn't have to" I say kissing him again
"I wanted too" he says as I sip the frappe and eat the cake pop.

We drive to church and when we get there we walk in and sit down. We got there a little late so the pastor was preaching already. I swear God was here because the pastor was talking about healthy relationships.

I put my head on geesys shoulder and we listened. I got stares from people and geesy mugged them.

"In a healthy relationship, God should always be first or else it won't work. Always trust your partner. Talk things out." The pastor continued. After church one of my parents friends came up to me

"I heard about your dad I'm so sorry. How's your mom?" She asked. Nosey bitch. She knew what happened but she wanted me to tell her.

"Thanks. She's fine." I respond

"Must be hard knowing your dad cheated on your mom and left her for someone else" she said

I was getting mad and geesy knew.
"Must be hard being so nosey" geesy said to her. I tried not to laugh.

"And you are?" She asked him clearly offended.

"Her boyfriend" boyfriend. Cute.

"Well hopefully she finds someone more respectful" she says walking away. Geesy and I walk to his car and laugh.

"I can't believe you" I said to him laughing

"She reminds me of my aunts. Mad nosey" he said

We drive off

"So I'm taking you on our first real date" he said to me

"Oh really? Where?" I say. I was so excited

He doesn't say anything. "Your annoying" I say hitting his arm

He smiled and kept driving. We started talking business.

"Usually I give my people 20% but I'll give u 50%" he says to me

"Ok sounds good. When am I starting?"

"Wednesday" he says sternly. Mmm I love a business man. Today was Sunday.

We arrived at a beach. We get off and walk into a restaurant there. This place was fancy.

"Geesy!" The waiter said "you brought a girl? You haven't done that since-"

"Shut up" geesy tells him. What does he mean? Since when?

I look at geesy funny and the waiter tells us to follow him. He takes us into a VIP area.

"Babe this place looks so expensive are u sure it's okay?" I tell geesy once the waiter leaves.

"Order whatever you want" he said to me. I felt so shy.

I look at the menu. DAYUM this shits expensive as fuck.

"I don't know what to get" I tell geesy

"I'll order for you" he says

The waiter comes and geesy tells him our order. He got me some sort of chicken? Sounded fancy.

"So what did he mean by u haven't brought a girl since what?" I ask him

"Doesn't matter" he says to me. I hate him.

"Guess I'll have to find out on my own" I shrug

"Guess you will" he shrugs too.

We talk and our food gets there. We eat and just talk. Once we were done the guy grabbed our plates and told geesy "Are you splitting the bill or do I just charge your card?"

"Just charge my card" geesy said and we got up.

"Where are u going? U didn't give him ur card" I say to him

"They have it registered here. I'm a regular" he says to me

We walk out and drive to my house
"Thanks babe it was so good" I kiss him once we walk in. My mom wasn't on the couch so I checked the kitchen then her room, The bathroom, the backyard, everywhere and she wasn't there. I started freaking out. I called her phone and she didn't pick up.

"Alejandro I don't know where my mom is and she isn't picking up." I freak out

"Let's go look for her" he says and we get in the car. We drive around and he drives to the liquor store. I see my mom outside and she had a bag with 4 bottles in it.

"Mom!" I yell and geesy helps me get her in the car

"Mom you Could've called me and I would've gotten them for you. Don't leave the house" I say looking back at her. She had her bottle and was drinking out of it. She ignored me and kept drinking. We took her home and got her on the couch. I go into the medicine cabinet and grab my anxiety pills. I took 2.

"What are those for?" Geesy asked me

"For headaches" I lie.

I see Daniel walk in the door and he looks at us and and goes upstairs.

Geesy rolls his eyes but I pretend not to see him.
I was to happy with geesy to have Daniel ruin it for me.

Geesy gets a call and tells me he has to go home. He leaves and I cook something for my mom to eat then I go upstairs to my room. I roll a blunt and smoke it in my room. I put on some music and start drawing.

After a few hours I got lonely. I decided to surprise geesy and show up at his house. I Change into some black sweats and a white shirt with my white air forces.

I drive over to his house in my brothers car and knock at the door. Some girl opened it.
"Who the fuck are you?" She says

"Who the fuck ARE YOU?" I respond

Geesy comes to the door and says "Jenny?"

"So this is the bitch you left me for?" She says looking me up and down laughing. "Sweetie I've been fucking this nigga without you knowing. You really think he wants u?" She says still laughing.

I look at geesy behind her "is that true?" I ask him

"Very true" she says before he can answer

"Ok well have fun" I say walking back to the car

"Natalia are you fucking serious" geesy says to her and runs towards me. Before I got into my car geesy yelled "Jenny wait" I look over at him with teary eyes trying not to cry "what?" I say to him.

"She's lying. Don't listen to her" he says to me with worry In his eyes.

"Don't talk to me Alejandro, I should've listened to my brother. I haven't talked to him for you" I opened my car door and got in. Geesy got in the passenger seat before I could lock my doors.

"Get out" I say to him still holding in my tears

"Jennifer fucking listen to me" he raises his voice

"What? What's your explanation. You said no more girls. I get you're not my boyfriend but-"

"She's my ex. Kind of. She was always my main hoe. She was the one I would have sex with aside from my sides. She always told people we were in a relationship but we weren't. I'm not gonna lie. I did treat her good. She's the one I took to the restaurant. But I never loved her or even liked her as much as I like you. When I started falling for you I left her" he explains

"and you expect me to believe you?" I ask him

"As your nigga, you're supposed to trust me. Remember what the preacher this morning said?" He looked at me

"Just get out" I tell him. He looks at me for a second

"Fine. You're acting irrational." He said now mad

"Me irrational? Why was she at your house then if you 'left her'" I say doing quotations with my fingers

"Because she wanted to fuck and get me back" he screamed at me

"Whatever Alejandro get the fuck out. Go get some pussy from her because u aren't getting any from me" I say

"Man fuck you" he says getting out the car and slamming my door. I drive off and stop a block away from his house. I start crying. I can't believe him right now. I know he's lying to me. But Maybe I'm over reacting? Why would he let her in though? Whatever I have bigger problems.

I go home and see my mom knocked out on the floor. I run to her and realize she's just sleeping. Daniel walks in
"She fell asleep on the floor. Imma carry her to her room" he says. I tried to hide my face so he didn't see my crying.

"Ok, do u need help?" I ask him

He just shakes his head no and picks her up waking upstairs. I walk over to the kitchen grab one of the bottles she left there. I open it and start gulping that shit. I go to my room and smoke a blunt while sipping on the bottle. I started crying again. I've never cried Over a nigga. Why was this my first ? Why him? I really wanted him. I hear a knock at my door. I hide my bottle and wipe my eyes

"Come in" I say

Leo walks in
"I heard you and Daniel aren't talking" he says sitting on my bed.

"Yeah" I simply reply

"I know how it feels to really like somebody but that's your brother Jenny. He knows what best for you. And he's right about Geesy. That niggas a dog" he says to me

I hand him the blunt
"I know but I don't want Daniel knowing he was right" I say to him

"What do you mean" he asks me coughing

"I went to geesys house and some bitch was there. He told me he left her and she just went to his house because she wanted him back" I explain

"Maybe he's telling the truth. You know how these hoes are" he tells me

"I know but why was she inside? Why did she open the door and not him?"

"I don't know. Just listen to your heart" he hugs me

"Thanks but don't tell Daniel please okay?" I pretty much beg him

"Don't trip. I won't" he says getting up and leaving my room. I take out the bottle and keep drinking it.

After a little I was drunk. I decided to text geesy

Plese tell me the trut. I want this to work but for tat yu have to tel me the truth

Geesy 🙃
Are u good? Why are u texting like that?

Tel me the truth

Geesy 🙃
Ok. I fucked her but not today. I fucked her yesterday. After I promised you. But I'm so sorry Jen I really do like you. Today she went to my house to try to fuck me again but I told her to leave. And she wouldn't go.

Tanks but we r ovar.

I locked my phone and knocked out.

Next day : 2:30 pm

I had just woken up. But I didn't get out of bed. I didn't want to. I stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Geesy kept texting me but I ignored him. Leo came in my room trying to give me some food but I pretended to be asleep. It was now 4:30 and I was still in bed. I hear my door open And it was Daniel.
"Jen what happened? Why aren't u out of bed? Why are u depressed" he asked me

"I'm tired" I respond

"Come downstairs I'll make u some food"

"No I'm not hungry just leave me alone please" I say with my back to him. I hear him sigh and leave my room.

I wasn't doing anything. Just laying in bed thinking of everything wrong in my life right now.


I hear my door open "can't you knock?" I say and turn around

"What are u doing here" I say to Alejandro who was standing there. I turn back around with my back towards him. I feel the bed sink as he sits. He starts playing with my hair

"Why aren't u up yet?" He asked me

"What do u care" I mumble

"I care a lot. You think if I didn't care I would've came?" He says sternly

I turn around to him "please just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anybody right now. I forgive you but I don't want to be with you anymore" I say to him

"I'm not giving up on you. Leo called me to get you out of bed since no one can get you up"

"Fucking Leonardo" I say

"I promise you she means absolutely nothing to me. She was just pussy to me. I can't love a hoe. I like you because you respect yourself. And you care about me." He continues massaging my scalp "and she'll try to break us up. Don't let her win"

"You already let her win by fucking her after you promised me to be mine" I sniffle.

"I only want you. Let's try to make this work" he kisses me. I give in.

"Stop I haven't brushed my teeth. My breath stinks" I say to him smiling

"It does" he jokes

I smack his arm and laugh

"Come on get up" he says standing up and grabbing my arms pulling me up. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth and shower. I come out and walk into my room with my towel around me.

"Turn around" I tell him. He does and I start changing. Once I was putting my shirt on he turns around to look at me.

"Stop don't look at my love handles" I tell him

"Why? I love them?" He smiles

I roll my eyes and walk towards him. I see that it's dark outside. I sit on his lap with his legs between mine and me facing him. I play with his chain and he looks at me.

"You like it?" He asks me

"Yeah it's dope" I tell him and kiss him then get up. He smiles and stands up. We walk downstairs and I see my mom on the kitchen counter still drinking while eating. I'm starting to think she isn't gonna stop. What about the business? Who's taking care of it? It's all in my dads name so he probably took it.

Geesy gives me a plate of food "eat" he demands.

I start eating and when I finish I walk to the living room where geesy was sitting on the couch.
"You know you're the first to be able to get me out of bed when I'm depressed" I tell him. He smiles and kisses my lips. We start watching tv and my mom walks in and watches it with us.
"It's getting late. I should go home" geesy tells me

"No let's go do something. I was in bed all day I'm not tired" I tell him

"Fine go change into something" he says smacking my butt as I walk upstairs to change.

Geesys POV
Jenny went to Change and I stayed in the living room with her mom

"Thank you for getting her out of bed. Sorry you have to meet me like this" her mom said to me. I turn to look at her

"Of course and don't worry I understand you" I smile. She smiles at me and I see Jenny coming downstairs with a matching juicy couture set and her hair in a ponytail. She looks good cause the sweater was a little high up and showed her stomach. I really liked her body because she had meat. She had thick thighs and a fat ass.
"Let's go" she laughs smacking my head knowing I was checking her out

"Who's gonna take care of your mom?" I ask her
"My brothers are upstairs." She says

"Mom if u need anything. Daniel and Leo are upstairs just call them" she tells her mom

"Ok have fun" her mom hiccups

We go outside and I see a black car I've never seen before outside. I stare at it as we walk to my car. I didn't say anything because maybe I was just trippin

Jenny pov
We walk to his car and get in. "Where are you taking me?" I ask him.

"We're gonna go tag together and I have some errands to run" he says a little distracted looking at the rear view mirror. By errands he means some drugs to sell.

"What are u looking at?" I ask him and look behind us

"Nothing" he says driving off before I can see what he was looking at.

We make it to the alley where we first started hanging out.
"Look I did this" he says pointed out the funny looking guy that I saw that one day. "Oh my god I've seen it before. It was my favorite thing on this wall" I tell him. He smiles and takes out his bag full of spray paints.

We started doing our art. We didn't talk we were too focused on what we were doing. After a little I look at the wall and see he drew a guy and a girl kissing and "G + J" under it. "Awee babe" I say going to kiss him. "U like it?" He cheeses

"I love it" I tell him

He looks at what I did. I painted a hood spongebob. He laughed "that's filthy" he said.

We started smoking a blunt and walked back to his car.

A gun went off.....

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