Superman and the Legion of Su...

Bởi sandictation111

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An Impact
Trust Exorcises

Let's Jet

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Bởi sandictation111

Cosmic Boy groaned for the hundredth time that day. Every member of the Legion Of Superheroes had been called to help capture The Fatal Five and the Legion Of Supervillains. Chameleon Boy's dad had let keep the cruiser after they had defeated Imperiex and the original Brainiac. It had been three years and they hadn't heard or seen Brainy since he snuck away during Kel's initiation.

There had been many arguments from the public about allowing Brainy to leave.

Some couldn't care less where he was but some wanted him locked up on Takron Galtos for his the first year though everyone started to shut up. The only people who didn't want anything to do with Brainy were Colossal Boy, Sun Boy and Nemesis Kid. Cosmic Boy was suddenly pulled roughly out of his thoughts when the ship started to shake.

He looked on the monitor and saw all the villains were retreating.

"What's going on?" He asked through the com-link.

Before anyone could reply a blinding baby blue light. Every single Legionnaire cried out in fear as they were consumed by the light. When the light died down the cruiser and the entire Legion of Superheroes had vanished without a trace...

" head..." Shrinking Violet groaned as she and the others came too.

"Where the heck are we now?" Chameleon Boy asked as he looked around. They were all standing on a ground made of greyish purple rocks. The sky looked life outer space but full of nebula's.

"Your in my domain now Legion." A female voice echoed all around them.

"Who are you? Show your self!" Lightning Lad exclaimed as he charged up.

"If that is what you wish Lightning Lad." The voice chuckled as a bright white light fell down from the sky.

Once the light was gone a beautiful woman stood before the Legion. She looked 23 and had pale blue scales that cover her entire body, as well as webbed hands and fins protruding from her lower arms and legs. She had curly blonde hair that was streaked blue. Cosmic Boy was the first one who dared approach her.

"Who are you exactly?" He asked calmly.

"My name is Sakana. I am the one who brought you all here." Sakana replied.

"And why is that?" Bouncing Boy asked nervously.

"To train you. A great evil is coming soon but my masters are certain that all of you are not yet ready for the battle." She explained.

"Your masters?" Timber Wolf questioned.

"Yes, you may know them as the original seven members of the Justice League." Sakana smiled. Everyone's eyes widened at this information.

"That means that until the masters feel that you are ready then you shall all be remaining here." She continued. Sakana then gave a small wave with her hand and a white circle appeared. The Legion looked into the circle and saw a large ship travelling through space. "That is the prison ship called The Ark. This morning it crash landed near the dome asteroid city known as Kelna."

Kelna was a large city that was once the crown jewel of the planet Athas. 50 years ago the planet was destroyed due to some unknown causes but a small of the planets inhabitants escaped to Kelna. To save at least some of their world the people of Athas used almost all of their technology to save the city. It now sits on a giant asteroid with an indestructible dome protecting it from any asteroid collisions.

"What's so important about this ship? Can't the police just deal with it?" Phantom Girl asked. Sakana shook her head.

"One of the prisoners aboard this ship will be the one to open the gateway to allow the great evil into your world." She explained.

"Well what are we doing here, we should be taking care of that ship!" Sun Boy exclaimed with a determined tone.

"No." Sakana simply said.

"Why not?" Triplicate Girl asked.

"Because there is one already in Kelna who is more than capable to taking care of these prisoners while your training here." She smiled.

"Who?" Cosmic Boy questioned. Sakana smiled and conjured up the Brainiac symbol. The Legion's eyes widened.

"Oh no! Not him!" Nemesis Kid growled.

"He's nothing but a traitor! He can't be trusted to do anything good!" Colossal Boy added.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Cosmic Boy shouted before turning to Sakana.

"Are you sure that Brainiac 5 can be trusted with this task?" He asked that fish creature. Cosmic Boy's glare shut the others up almost instantly before anyone could protest. Sakana nodded.

"My masters have been watching him for the pass three years, and he has come a very long way since you all last saw him three years ago." She replied.

"How do we contact him?" Rokk asked.

"Saturn Girl should be able to contact Brainiac 5 for a while." She replied. Saturn Girl nodded and started to use all her skills to attempt to contact Brainy...

Kopi smiled as she walked into the garage. Kopi had royal blue hair that went down to her elbows, pale grey skin and she was 16. She had black sclera and baby blue iris and pale blue lipstick. Kopi wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans. She had a superpower that when she touched someone she temporarily gained their powers and abilities.

She was attending a school that would allow her to apply at a local police academy when she graduated.

Ever since Kopi was 4 all she wanted to be was an member of the Science Police on Earth. She was currently carrying two coffees. She walked over to a ship and stood in front of the person working under it. She could only see their legs. She cleared her throat with a smile but the person didn't even acknowledge her.

Kopi frowned and cleared her throat again, only this time it was a bit louder. She still got the same quiet response. Kopi growled at this. She placed the coffees on the table next to her and grabbed one of the person's legs and pulled them out from under the ship hard.

"Hey?!" The person cried out as he was dragged away from his work. It was the now human Brainiac 5, only he went by Querl Dox now. Querl was now 17 years old and had green skin, green eyes, short blond spiky hair and three with circle on his forehead. He wore and jumpsuit that was black and purple and black boots.

About a year after he had left the Legion Querl discovered that he still had some powers.

He still had his 12th level intelligence and he could generate force fields, shoot magenta electric energy blasts and he possessed Technokinesis. Querl was currently wearing large black goggles and headphones and listening to loud music. That's why he didn't respond to Kopi before. He had gotten a fairly decent and well paying job as a mechanic that repaired people's ships and other technology.

"Oh hey there Kopi." Querl smiled and removed his goggles and headphones.

"Got you some coffee." She smiled to her friend.

She and Querl had been best friends ever since she had come to Kelna to study at a school almost two whole years ago. She had been rushing back to her home after school when she ran into him and spilled his coffee everywhere. Kopi had insisted that she buy him another one to apologise. The two of them did some talking and become good friends ever since.

Kopi knew all about Querl's past but it didn't bother her one bit.

"Thanks Kopi, you didn't have too." Querl smiled and took his coffee off her.

"Yeah but I wanted to." She shrugged. Querl didn't say anything else and began to drink his coffee.

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to help me out with my new school project, it needs to be done by Monday." She suddenly said.

"What's it about?" Querl asked as he went over the plans for the ship he was repairing.

"It's about Kelna's history and I was hoping that you would come to the museum with me." Kopi explained. "I'd love to Kopi but I need to get this ship repaired as soon as possible." He sighed.

"Pwease..." Kopi begged and put on her best puppy eyed look. Querl tried to resist but eventually he caved in.

"Alright, alright. But I won't be able to stay long." He insisted and went to his hover car. It looked like a black camaro with purple stripes.

"Thanks Querl." Kopi grinned and soon they were heading for the museum...

It took them nearly 30 minutes to get to the museum.

"Come one Kopi, the sooner this is over the sooner I can get back to work." Querl called to her as they headed for the entrance. However, a sudden red and black blur whooshed passed them and knocked poor Querl to the ground.

"HEY!" Kopi snarled angrily at the blur.

It suddenly stopped and it appeared to be a teenage boy. This was Sorun. He was 16 years old and looked human. He had long black spiky hair, brown eyes and tanned skin. He wore a bright crimson red shirt and black leather pants. He also possessed the power of super speed. Sorun was well known around Kelna for being a trickster and a street smart punk, but he wasn't really that much of a threat to people.

Sorun laughed at the two and continued running circles around them.

Kopi growled and attempted to catch him. Querl just rolled his eyes at this. He froze however when his green eyes caught someone's reflection in a large puddle next to his feet. It was Saturn Girl.

"Saturn Girl?" Querl whispered in disbelief.

"Brainy..." Her voice echoed through his mind.

Meanwhile Kopi was still attempting to catch Sorun. When he got close enough she smirked. Her palms started to a white blue colour and she smacked her hand against his shoulder. It was only a brief touch but that was all she needed. Sorun looked over his shoulder and was surprised to find that Kopi keeping up with him.

"Hey that's no fair!" He exclaimed and attempted to out run her.

Suddenly Sorun tripped over a small stone and fell face first to the ground, hard. The thud was enough to knock Querl out of his little trance and he saw Kopi standing over Sorun.

"Kopi, what are you doing?" He asked his friend. Kopi looked up at Querl Dox.

"I was just teaching this punk a lesson about respect." She replied.

Seeing that she was distracted Sorun got up and quickly ran as fast as he could to get away. Kopi attempted to follow him but her time using Sorun's super speed had run out.

"Forget Sorun, let's just get your project done." Querl sighed as he headed for the museum. However he could shake away the chill from seeing Saturn Girl's face in that reflection...

After they had finished Kopi's project Querl had driven her back to the tiny apartment she was staying at. Querl was current lying in his own box room at the garage. He groaned as his head started pounding. When he opened his eyes however the green skinned human found himself in Sakana's dimension.

"Hello Brainy." A voice said from behind him. Querl spun around and saw the entire Legion standing behind him.

"What is this about?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"We need your help, a prison ship known as 'The Ark' has crash landed near Kelna and we need you to investigate." Cosmic Boy explained.

"And why can't you guys do it?" Querl asked suspiciously.

"It's complicated, please Brainy we need you, the universe may need you." Saturn Girl pleaded. Querl saw the look on her face and knew she wasn't lying.

"Alright. I'll do it." He sighed.

"Thank you Brainy." Bouncing Boy smiled.

Querl woke up not long after that. He looked at his clock and saw that it read eight in the morning. He quickly shot up from the bed and started looking for the things he may need. After an hour he was double checking his supplies when a familiar voice dragged him out of his thoughts.

"What's with all the stuff? Are you going somewhere important?" Kopi asked suspiciously. Querl mentally smacked himself for forgetting that it was Saturday and she always came over.

"Not really." He lied. Kopi frowned.

"Don't lie to me Querl Dox. If your going somewhere important then I want in." She glared. Querl sighed, he knew that she was stubborn and wouldn't give up until he let her come with him.

"Alright." He groaned in defeat. Kopi smiled happily.

"So where are we going exactly?" She asked as she helped Querl carry all the stuff he needed.

"Into space." He replied. They walked into a hangar like part of the garage and Kopi saw a small scout ship.

"Whoa." She smiled.

"You ready for this?" Querl asked once he got the ship's systems online.

"You bet I am!" Kopi squealed happily. Querl Dox sighed and the ship began to rise up high into the air. After getting permission from the Mayor of Kelna one of the plates on the dome opened up and were soon in space...

"This. Is. AWESOME!" Kopi cried as they drifted around the asteroids surrounding Kelna. Querl was trying to find 'The Ark' with the ship's scanners but Kopi's enthusiasm kept distracting him.

"Kopi, why don't you go check to see if the engines are running fine, but don't touch anything." He suggested.

"Sure thing Querl." Kopi smiled and ran off to look at the engine room. As she headed for the engine room however a loud crash from the storage room caught her attention. With very cautious steps she walked towards the storage room door and opened it. What she didn't expect to see was Sorun mooching around the boxes.

"YOU?!" She snarled and before Sorun had a chance to react he was suddenly tackled to the ground by Kopi. The noise from the fight had caught Querl's attention and he ran to the storage room. When he got there he saw Kopi and Sorun wrestling on the floor. He quickly shot an energy blast in their direction and separated the two.

"How exactly did you get aboard this ship?" Querl asked the young speedster in a deadly calm tone. Sorun shrugged.

"Don't really know, I was just walking about and accidentally walked onto this ship by the time I had realised where I was I tried to leave but the ship took off." He explained. Before they could question the intruder further the alarms started ringing loud and clear. All three of them rushed to the bridge and saw the crash site of 'The Ark'.

Querl narrowed his eyes and turned to Sorun.

"If you help us out with this then I won't report you for trespassing on this ship, deal?" He asked the teen. Sorun thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"It's a deal."...

Soon Querl landed the ship next to 'The Ark' and he, Kopi and Sorun stepped out. Because they couldn't breath in space Querl had gotten them all some space suits for them to use. Instead of those baggy astronaut costumes they were wearing well fitted armour like suits. There were all white but each one had different coloured lining.

Querl's suit had bright purple lining.

Kopi's had royal blue. Sorun's had crimson red. "Okay you two, let's jet!" Querl exclaimed and they all made their way over to the prison ship. Once they entered the ship Querl had confirmed that the ship still had work oxygen tanks so that meant it was safe to take their helmets off.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Sorun called as they walked along the abandoned halls of the ship.

"Don't you think they'd answer?" Kopi glared at him.

"Maybe some of them didn't hear me." He shot back.

"I don't even know why Querl didn't just throw you out of the first airlock!" She exclaimed.

"And I don't know why he puts up with a whiny brat like- LOOK OUT!" Sorun quickly grabbed Kopi and rushed her to a safe distance as a small shady figure attempted to bash their heads with a crowbar.

Querl saw what had happened and rushed to help Sorun and Kopi. Before the figure could take another swing at them Querl generated a magenta hexagon patterned force field around the person. The green skinned human quickly pulled out a flashlight and shined it at the person. It was a face he knew. It was a ten year old human boy with chestnut brown hair, grey eyes and he wore a yellow shirt and grey pants.

It was Abel.

"Abel?" Querl gasped in disbelief. Recognising the voice Abel looked up.

"Brainy, is that really you?" The child asked hopefully when he saw Querl.

"Yes it is Abel, but I go by Querl Dox now." He replied and lowed the force field.

"You know this child Querl?" Kopi asked.

"Yes, back when I was with the Legion we protected him from an assassin named Terra-Man. What are you doing on a prison ship Abel?" Querl asked the boy.

"Well I had to come on this ship because it has a pit stop on the same planet where I'm being moved to and my annoying social worker thought it would be faster." Abel explained.

"Ok, what about the prison inmates?" Sorun asked.

"That wasn't really a problem because all the prisoners were put in stasis pods, when the ship crashed however they were shot out of the ship to protect the inmates inside. There was almost two hundred prisoners on board this ship." He replied.

"Can you track where the pods have landed?" Kopi asked. Abel nodded.

"Yep the bridge has a tracking system which can tell us where the pods are and if any of them have opened." Querl nodded and they followed Abel to the bridge.

"Just give me a sec." The ten year old mumbled before the computers suddenly came to life.

When Abel got the tracking system up though everyone froze. It showed them that all the stasis pods were scattered around Kelna and almost all of them had been opened...
t 2)

"Uh, how many did you say there were?" Kopi asked nervously.

"About two hundred." Abel replied casually.

Suddenly an alarm sounded and a holo-screen appear. On was a news report from Kelna. On it was a human woman with black hair and pale skin. She appeared to be scared of something.

"This is Lexi Lane reporting from Downtown Kelna. Where some kind of alien shark is rampaging through the streets- AAHHHHHH!" She screamed.

A hulking shark man rammed it to the back of her. It also knocked the camera over and the channel cut out. The holo-screen then Querl recovered from his shock he turned to the three people behind him.

"Alright, I'm going after what ever that thing is, Kopi you get Abel out of here and somewhere safe and Sorun your free to go." He said and started walking away.

"Hold on Querl, where ever you go I go." Kopi stated firmly.

"I'm going too. Nobody trashes my hometown and gets away with it." Sorun glared.

"W-Well, the only way I can get back is with you guys anyway." Abel added sheepishly. Querl groaned in annoyance but didn't protest as they made their way back to his ship. On the way there they found one of the stasis pods mostly still intact with it's prisoner. They decided to bring it with them...

In the middle of Downtown Kelna the cyborg shark man was throwing cars around and destroying the streets along with anyone in his way. His name was Rekin. Rekin was an alien creature resembling a shark with a suit of armour on the outside and what appears to be missiles on his shoulder plates, along with glowing goggles and a harness.

He was also incredibly strong and and razor sharp rows of teeth.

He was a bounty hunter, dangerous assassin and was wanted in nearly 25 solar systems. He was also very vain and was proud of his power. Rekin suddenly picked up a innocent man who was attempting to escape from the criminal and threw him as far as he could. However the man was thankfully caught in one of Querl Dox's force fields.

Sorun and Kopi were standing at Querl's side.

Querl carefully lowered the man back to the ground before turning to Rekin.

"Alright shark, come along quietly and no one gets hurt." Querl warned.

Rekin just laughed at the green skinned human and his two comrades before charging at them. The three teens glared at the shark before running straight at him. Sorun used his speed to run circles around Rekin and keep him distracted. Kopi quickly touched a Durlan's shoulder before transforming into a grey, white and blue Rhino and charging at Rekin.

Before she could however the shark alien punched her straight into Sorun.

Before Querl had chance to react he found himself pinned into a wall by the cyborg. "I know what your thinking greenie, is that tall, dark and handsome dude really Rekin, famous space assassin." Rekin smirked to himself. Querl glared at him and shot and small, but strong, energy blast straight into Rekin's stomach.

The blast knocked Rekin back and allowed Querl, Sorun and Kopi a chance to escape.

But the cyborg shark was right on their tail...

It was not long before they found themselves stuck in the woods in the clearing where they had left Abel and the pod.

"You're back, did you catch the fugitive?" The human asked hopefully. Before Querl could answer Rekin suddenly burst through the clearing.

"Never mind." Abel gulped and hide behind the pod.

As the fight continued the pod suddenly started to move. A head bust out of the top. It was a young man with brownish-gold skin, long kelly green dreadlocks, bright goo green eyes and hulking muscles. He wore a form fitting black sleeveless t-shirt and leaf green cargo pants. He also looked around 6 ft tall.

This was Tam.

"I hear fighting! Who's fighting?! I wanna fight!" Tam exclaimed as he thrashed around in his pod.

Abel quickly grabbed a small steel pipe and smacked it against Tam's forehead in fright, not that it did much damage. A roar from Rekin caught both their attention. He knocked Querl and Kopi away before throwing Sorun into Tam's pod.

"OH YEAH! FEEL THA BURN!" Rekin shouted as he flexed his muscles.

"Hey!" A voice called from behind him. Rekin turned around and saw Tam's head.

"You Rekin? That bounty hunter and space assassin?" He glared at the cyborg shark.

"Finally! What gave me away? Tha muscles?" He smirked down at the green haired man.

"The smell." Tam smirked. Rekin saw red as he grabbed Tam's pod and smacked it around. This caused the pod to break and sent Tam flying into the woods. Looking around Rekin saw that Querl, Sorun and Kopi were still recovering. He laughed and ran off into the woods...

Once they had all regained their strength Querl, Sorun and Kopi stood up. "Which way did he go Abel?" Querl asked with a groan when he saw that Rekin was gone from the clearing.

"Rekin went that way." Abel said from his hiding place and pointed in the direction that the cyborg shark went.

"Alright then guys, let's get going!" Kopi exclaimed.

"No Kopi, he's too dangerous." Querl insisted.

"Uh, you know who else might be too dangerous?" Sorun gulped as everyone looked at him.

"That guy." He said and pointed to the hulking Tam, who was stomping over to them. The four teens backed up slightly as the giant man walked towards them. Tam stared at them for a while before running off after Rekin.

"Who knows what kind of damage those two are going to cause." Querl muttered before turning to the others.

"You guys stay here." He warmed before running after them.

"No way I'm missing this out." Kopi snarled and went after the organic Coluan. Not wanting to stay with Abel, Sorun went with her.

"I guess I'll stay here then." Abel shrugged and sat down on a small boulder...

Rekin laughed as he ran through the forest looking for something it smash. Suddenly he found himself being tackled to the ground by Tam. He glared at the man as they stood up.

"We got a dance to finish up fin-head." Tam growled as he cracked his knuckles. He suddenly pounced onto the cyborg shark and the two rolled along the floor in a fight. Once they had separated Rekin snarled at the man.

"Your from tha prison ship as well ain't ya? I'm not gonna destroy tha entire city, just tha parts that 'ill make a pretty big bang." He grinned to Tam with a small chuckle. But that grin soon vanished.

"So why ya botherin' me?" He glared at Tam. The green haired man shrugged.

"I like to pick on my own size, and just because we rode here together doesn't make us travel buds." Tam explained. He then went to punch Rekin but the cyborg shark grabbed his fist. Rekin laughed as Tam attempted to free his fist from the shark's grip.

"Even though we aren't buds, have a nice rest of ya trip." Rekin laughed and threw the green haired man into a tree. What Rekin failed to noticed was Querl hidden behind a boulder getting ready to fire an energy blast at the shark.

"Wait for an opening Querl. Don't screw up." He muttered to himself as he watched Rekin.

Suddenly Kopi ran right passed the boulder that he was hiding behind, towards Rekin.

"Kopi wait!" He called after her. Just then Sorun came running out the bushes in a red and black blur and followed Kopi. Querl groaned.


Tam grunted as he was punched in the face by Rekin again. Rekin then attempted to jump on the man but Tam quickly dodged out of the way and the shark went into a tree. Before Rekin had a chance to recover Tam got him in a tight head-lock.

"Guess you ain't so tough." Tam smirked.

"And I guess you ain't so smart." Rekin snarled and bite into Tam's arm.

"AH!" Tam cried in pain and Rekin's razor sharp teeth dug into his flesh and the shark swung him around with hardly any effort.

Tam then found himself being thrown once again high into the air. He almost landed on poor Querl, Sorun and Kopi. Kopi charged at Rekin and attempted to jump kick him.

"Kopi no!" Querl exclaimed and trapped her in a force field before Rekin could strike. The three teenagers then ran as fast as they could away from the cyborg shark.

Suddenly Tam jumped onto Rekin's back and started punching him as hard as he could.

"YOU. BIT. ME!" He all but screamed in rage as he pounded hims fists into the shark's back. Sorun, Kopi and Querl stopped running when they saw Tam punching Rekin.

"Uh... This is a total disaster." Querl mumbled. He then turned to Sorun and Kopi.

"Why didn't you two stay put like I told you to?" He glared at them. "I want to train to serve and protect. Not stay put." Kopi glared back.

"There is no way I am stay alone with a whiny little squirt." Sorun added. Querl glared at them before turning back to the fight between Tam and Rekin.

"There are some caves down by the river, take Abel there and wait until I come and get you both." He said.

"Querl, I wanna help." Kopi insisted. Querl frowned at her...

Tam gasped as Rekin lifted him over his head.

"Outstanding." Rekin grinned as he held Tam up with both hands.

"I was hopin' on improving my muscles." He smirked as Tam struggled. "But your tha one who's gonna feel the burn!" He shouted and threw Tam.

This time when Tam hit the ground he passed out from pain and exhaustion. Rekin laughed as he kissed his upper arm muscles. He then continued running towards the city...

"Is everyone ok?" Querl asked once Rekin was gone.

"Everyone's fine Querl." Kopi said. They then turned to Tam.

"Well, maybe not the fugitive." She added with disgust. Tam suddenly shot up from the ground, startling everyone.

"Round 2!" He exclaimed, but scratched his head in confusion when he saw that Rekin was missing. "What the heck happened?" He asked the three teens standing in front of him.

"Rekin tossed you like a rag doll." Kopi frowned.

"Anyone get hurt?" Tam asked her casually.

"No." She replied.

"That's a first." Tam said with a surprised tone in his voice.

"It's strange that Rekin took off, he could have finished us all off." Sorun pointed out.

"He's heading for the city." Querl clarified.

"I'll have to stop him before he gets there." He added.

"Just let me get the feeling in my arm back and I'll come with." Kopi said.

"Kopi you need to understand, none of you are supposed to be here. The Legion said that this for me." Querl glared. Tam frowned and stepped forward.

"Well I want another shot at the muscle head." He growled.

"You can't just let some criminal go with you!" Kopi exclaimed.

"I'm not a criminal! At least I don't think I am." Tam wondered.

"Bet that's what they all say on the prison." Sorun whispered to Kopi. Tam stomped over to Querl and towered over the smaller man.

"I'm going, and if you don't like it you can try and stop me." He said with determination. Querl stayed quiet for a moment before sighing in defeat.

"Querl, if your taking him..." Kopi trailed off with a threatening tone in her voice.

"Fine then." Querl groaned.

"Hey Brainy-I mean Querl!" Abel called as he ran over to them, carrying a large box.

"Abel? What are you doing here?" Querl asked in disbelief.

"I've repaired one pod, you should be able to use it to hold Rekin when you capture him." Abel smiled.

"You didn't have to come here to tell me that." Querl said.

"Fine then, I guess I'll just take these weapons I made for you guys with me." Abel smirked and picked up the box.

"Wait! Did you say weapons?" Querl asked.

Abel smiled and hand Sorun, Querl and Kopi a different kind of weapon. Querl was given a black staff with purple tasers on each end. Sorun was handed a pair of sharp black sais with blood red handles. Kopi was given a pair of silver gauntlets with small blue cannons on them.

"Very nice work squirt." Sorun smiled as he expertly twirled his sais around his fingers.

"I agree." Kopi said as she examined the gauntlets on her wrists.

"Alright, Abel go to the caves in the old quarry, you'll be safe there." Querl ordered. Abel nodded and quickly ran in that direction. Querl turned to to the three people behind him.

"Everyone else, we're a team now. And we're all that stands between Rekin and a loss of a lot of innocent lives so let's do what we have to do. Let's jet!"...

It was not that long before Rekin found himself facing the bridge that went from the forest, over the river and into the city. Rekin smiled and began to make his way towards it. However he then noticed Querl Dox standing in front of the bridge with his staff pointed threatenly at the cyborg shark.

"Sorry Rekin. This bridge is closed." He glared at him.

Tam suddenly rammed into Rekin's side and knocked the poor shark off his feet. Kopi ran towards Rekin as he tried to get up. Using her gauntlets she fired light blue energy blasts and the shark. Querl jabbed one end of his staff into Rekin's side and electrocuted the shark.

"Able, you are my favorite person in the galaxy." Querl smiled.

But his smile quickly vanished. The taser ends on his staffs suddenly went out. As did Kopi's gauntlet blasters. Rekin rose up, steam emanating off his body, and roared in pure rage at the Coluan.

"Abel I'm rethinking my ranking." Querl growled through gritting teeth. Querl then backed up slightly as Rekin approached him.

"I'm going to blow up that city, and I don't care if I have to go through you to get it." He snarled. Kopi gasped and ran to Querl's side.

"Ready for your back up plan Querl." She said as Rekin came closer.

"I don't have a back up plan Kpoi! Get outta here now!" He snapped at her. Tam jumped behind them.

"Why don't we just start punching and see how it turns out?" He suggested. Suddenly Sorun ran up in Rekin's face.

"Hey ugly, when'd you last have a bath? 2469?" He shouted.

Rekin growled at the speedster and tried to hit him. But thanks to Sorun's super speed he avoided the hits. The insults kept on coming as he led the cyborg shark away from the bridge. And unintentionally towards the old quarry...

Sorun ran as fast as he could, though enough for Rekin to keep up, through the forest.

"Your momma's so ugly that when she entered an ugly competition they said, sorry no professionals!" Sorun shouted over his shoulder. Suddenly the ground beneth his feet vanished and Sorun tumbled down the rocky slope until he came to a stop.


The said teen looked up and was shocked when he saw Abel looking at him with confused eyes. That's when Sorun realised that he had just led Rekin straight to the quarry and Abel! Before anyone could do anything though Rekin jumped down into the quarry with a bang. He stood up and snarled at the teen and the kid.

He lunged at them both but Sorun quickly grabbed Abel and ran to the other end of the quarry.

Suddenly Querl, Kopi and Tam jumped into the quarry and landed on Rekin.

"That was awesome!" Tam exclaimed when they got off the shark. Rekin appeared to be unconscious.

"Ok, let's go get the stasis pod, bring it here and put Rekin in it." Querl sighed and they all began to walk away.

Suddenly Abel screamed in terror. They all turned around and saw Abel slowly being crushed in one of Rekin's fists.

"Who's tha boss now?" Rekin laughed.

"Fall back!" Querl shouted the others and they backed up, but didn't leave.

"Good, now kiddies drop your little weapons down on the ground. Now! Or I'll snap him like a toothpick." He sneered and, to prove his point, Rekin tightened his hold on Abel.

Abel gave out a sharp gasp of pain. Querl, Sorun and Kopi glared at the cyborg shark before throwing their weapons to the ground.

"Good. Now say goodbye to the runt!" Rekin howled in laughter and started to squeeze poor Abel.

"NO!" Querl cried and went to run to the boy's aid.

But he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and gasped, his eyes the size of dinner plates. Rekin suddenly felt a hand grip his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder and was shocked to see it was Cosmic Boy! Standing on either side of Cosmic Boy was Saturn Girl and Lighting Lad. Cosmic Boy's eyes narrowed before he threw Rekin into the wall of the mountain.

This time the shark was unconscious.

Querl, Sorun, Kopi and Tam stepped towards the three founding members of the Legion, but there was no sign of Abel.

"Abel?" Querl asked them in concern, fearing the worst. But his concern soon turned into relief when they turned around and saw Abel safe in Saturn Girl's arms. She quickly released the shaken boy and he ran towards the others. Tam carefully picked him up and placed him on his left shoulder, kind of like a parrot.

Querl walked over to the three founders.

"Guys? I thought you were in some other dimension?" He asked.

"We're only here temporarily." Cosmic Boy assured the organic Coluan. The others walked up to stand beside Querl

"You've found an excellent team Brainy." Saturn Girl smiled. Querl looked at the others. Kopi straightened up and gave the Legionaries a respectful bow. Sorun gave them a nervous shrug. Tam and Abel just gave them a friendly wave. Querl turned back to the Legionaries.

"We, uh, we found each other actually." Querl said calmly.

"You will need them Brainy, the forces facing this galaxy are formidable." Lightning Lad explained.

"But we are certain you will accomplice great things as you did today." Saturn Girl smiled warmly.

"But we needed your help. We'll always need your help." Querl sighed.

"You are ready to lead Brainy, don't doubt yourself." Cosmic Boy smiled at him.

"Will I see you again?" Querl asked them.

"Maybe." Lightning Lad replied.

"You will prevail Brainy. I know it." Cosmic Boy added before he, Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad vanished with a flash of blinding light...

It took them nearly an hour but they had manage to get Rekin in the stasis pod. They had now brought the stasis pod to Querl's garage.

"Your sure your ok moving all this into your building?" Abel asked as they carried parts of the ship's bridge into the garage.

"Yes, and I know just where to put it." Querl smiled. Suddenly Tam walked over to them.

"I guess your gonna put me back to sleep aren't ya?" He sighed and pointed to the pod Rekin was in. Before Kopi could agree Querl spoke up.

"Consider yourself on probation." He smiled. Tam cheered before he grabbed Abel in a bear hug.

"I'm on probation! Yes on probation!" He sand as he dance around with the boy in his arms full of joy.

"Glad your with us Sorun." Querl said to the speedster.

"For now." He huffed in reply, just as Kopi suddenly pushed some parts into his arms.

"Take those parts inside." She said. Sorun glared at her and dropped the parts to the floor. "You don't tell me what to do princess!" He shouted.

"Carefully! Those are very delicate." Abel glared as he struggled to get out of Tam's hold. Meanwhile Querl was looked at the setting sun.

"I-We won't let you down Legion."...

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