Until I Make You Mine

By LiquifiedStars

124K 3.8K 4.9K

Sequel to 'Until I Heard You Sing' Adrien knows one thing for certain, he wants to marry Marinette, and with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

8.4K 261 225
By LiquifiedStars

Chat Noir and Carapace stood on the roof of Notre Dame waiting for the girls to return from their side of patrol. Chat wasn't expecting much trouble while they would be gone, but it was always good for the citizens to see their heroes visible. Come to think of it, Chat thought it might be a good idea if Rena Rouge and Carapace could hold onto their miraculous permanently. It would give him and Ladybug a chance to take more time for themselves if they could share duties, and maybe it could become more important in the future. A warm fuzzy feeling bubbled in his chest at that thought.

"Deep in thought there my man. What time are you guys leaving in the morning?" Chat turned towards his best friend.

"Really early. We have to be at the plane by 7am. I just hope Tikki can get Marinette up, you know what she's like." Carapace nodded in agreement.

"Figured out that proposal yet?" Carapace gave him a good natured jab in the ribs. Chat just shook his head, glad that his mask covered up the red he could feel in his face.

"No, but I'm sure it will come to me. I think I'll take Alya's advice and just wait for the right moment to find me."

In the distance they saw the figures of their girls starting to come into focus, what they didn't expect was Queen Bee following behind.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Chat smirked as Queen Bee landed on the roof with Ladybug and Rena Rouge.

"You're so funny Chat." She deadpanned at him.

"We ran into Chloe while on patrol and thought she might like to join us." Ladybug explained. "I was going to give Pollen to Rena to hold on to just in case, but it appears there won't be a need to." Chat and Carapace looked confused at the heroines. Queen Bee started laughing before pinching Chat on the cheek.

"Turns out I'm hitching a ride with you pair in the morning. Mother was invited to your new store opening, but felt it was more of a 'young person party'." She bent her fingers into inverted commas to emphasise her point. She wasn't wrong, the Shanghai store was geared more towards a younger clientele. "So I'm going instead, aren't you lucky, in fact you should be thanking me." She flicked her hair in her signature style. Chat couldn't help his excitement, wrapping his oldest friend up in a hug, much to her surprise.

"No offence Chloe, but I'd much rather you than your mother. She's scary." Queen Bee patted his head while the others struggled to stifle their laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, well we better go and get some sleep though. I'm not used to getting up so early and I do need my beauty sleep after all."

"Been having a few late nights then lately Bee." Chat backed away to hide behind Ladybug, ducking from Chloe's swinging hand.

"I swear Chat Noir, If didn't know you were my Adrikins under there, I'd sting you with my top and have you skinned alive." Chat erupted into laughter wrapping his arms around Ladybugs waist. He just loved stirring Chloe up, especially when she was Queen Bee.

With that, and a final farewell Queen Bee, Rena Rouge and Carapace leapt away towards the Bourgeois Hotel while Chat Noir and Ladybug made their way to Marinette's balcony. It was already nearing towards midnight and Adrien knew that Marinette was not a morning person. Marinette dropped her transformation, giving Tikki a macaroon before turning back towards Chat.

"Don't worry Chaton, I'll be on time. Tikki will help make sure. Besides, I can sleep on the plane." Chat wrapped his arms around Marinette bringing her closer to him as he leaned back on the railing. Even in the moonlight he could easily see all the features of her face and the twinkling of her bluebell eyes, those eyes he fell in love with on both sides of the mask.

"Have I told you today how much I love you?" He gently pulled out her hair so that it fell soft around her face and he could run his claws through it.

"Maybe once or twice." She smiled

"Well I do." Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his soft blonde locks.

"And I love you Adrien." There was always something about her saying his name while transformed that made his heart beat faster. He leaned down to capture her lips in his. Even all these months later, he was still overwhelmed that they could do this, that they were together, that his Lady was the same girl in his class that he fell for twice. He knew he really should have dropped his transformation, as Chat all his senses were heightened and kissing Marinette like this was intoxicating, but he couldn't pull away. Eventually Marinette broke off, breathing heavily and giving him a gentle push away.

"I'll see you in a few hours Chaton." She whispered. Chat smiled before taking her hand in his and dropping a low bow before kissing it.

"Until then my Princess." He winked before disappearing off into the night.

If Adrien thought Marinette wasn't a morning person, then nothing would prepare him for the sight of a half asleep Chloé. Emerging out of her father's black limousine in dark glasses with a very large coffee in her hand one could have mistaken her for suffering a hangover.

"Aww what's the matter Chloe, is your inner Gremlin having aversions to the light."

"Shut up." She monotoned at him

Adrien covered his eyes mimicking Gizmo's voice. "No, bright light, bright light."

"I'm warning you Agreste." She growled at him. "Marinette can you hit him for me." Marinette playfully whacked him on the arm as they ascended the stairs into the private charter plane.

"Hey no fair, you girls are ganging up on me?" He feigned melodramatic defeat before slinging an arm over Chloe's shoulders.

"Don't worry Chlo, there's a nice little cocoon waiting for you to sleep in. I even got them to find that herbal tea you like for when you wake up." Chloe lifted her glasses and gave him a half smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I might forgive you then." She said before settling herself down in her space.

Adrien and Marinette sat on the opposite side in the two seater space. They were being accompanied by a few of the design staff, Adrien's assistant Cara and their star model Gizelle, who would be wearing the showcase dress. She was tall and fair with long dark hair, but fairly quiet and reserved, keeping mostly to herself.

About half way through the 11 hour flight most of the passengers had begun to perk up after naps and lunch. Adrien and Marinette were snuggled up sharing headphones watching a movie while Chloe started to browse through some of the gossip magazines Sabrina had given her.

"That's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" She exclaimed, catching Adrien and Marinette's attention. Chloe got up and took the magazine over to them. "I knew there was a reason I never bought any of this trashy garbage."

Marinette took the book from Chloe and read the headline. Agreste's squeeze in secret affair with rocks new bad boy Luka Couffaine. Marinette felt all the blood drain from her face as Adrien took the magazine off her and looked at it. The article was only printed a few days ago and by the same 'secret insider' that wrote the article about Marinette and Luka after the charity auction. Since then several strange articles had linked Marinette to Luka in some torrent affair. Chloe leaned on the chair in front putting a hand on Marinette's shoulder.

"Hey, we know it's just trash to sell magazines. Happens to all of us. I lost count the amount of tabloids that had me and Adrikins here secretly locking lips up against the lockers at school - oops, turns out that was you two." Chloe laughed at the pink taking over Marinette and Adrien's faces at the memory of Alya and Chloe catching them out one lunchtime. Alya was even good enough to keep photographic evidence on her phone in case of 'future bribing needs'. Marinette just shook her head coming back to the article in question.

"Doesn't make it any better Chloe. There are people out there that will believe it. It's not just hurting me and Adrien, but Luka and his family too." Chloe took the magazine back off Adrien with a despondent look, returning to her own seat. Adrien wrapped his arms around his girlfriend trying to hold at bay the tears he could see in her eyes.

"Luka is going to be at the gala tomorrow with Jagged Stone." Marinette looked up at him slightly panicked, but Adrien just calmly smoothed her hair, tucking a few strays behind her ear. He looked down at her hand taking it in his and the glint of the eternity bangle around her slender wrist before looking back at her. "Bug, we have to face one glaring fact. Luka is still in love with you and that's just going to keep fueling these rumours. Whoever this 'inside source' is must know something about it, but the worst thing we could do is actively avoid him. It would only give more credence to the rumours." Marinette's mind was feeling overwhelmed. She knew Luka still had feelings for her at the charity auction, but that was months ago. Then she remembered that solo album he released. There was a rock ballad on it that was a huge hit for him. Was that about her? And those other rock ballads on the album? Songs about letting love go. It got him noticed by Jagged Stone and she knew he had been on tour with them for the last several weeks which made the magazine article seem even more ridiculous since Luka hadn't even been in the country.

Adrien could see her mind racing and gently kissed her on the forehead. "Tell you what. When we get to the ground I'll give Alya a ring. Maybe she can find out something about this secret source at the magazine. Okay." Marinette just nodded. She knew if anyone could get to the bottom of this Alya would.

When they finally arrived at the Shanghai airport it all became a bit of a blur. Chloe was met by a separate driver, waving farewell until the opening. The other staff and models also left in separate vehicles. After over 11 hours on an airplane, all Marinette wanted was a hot shower and a soft bed. By the time they cleared through customs, negotiated traffic like she'd never seen before and made it to the front reception, it was almost 10pm. Adrien had already been on the phone to Alya during the drive and she had a few friends at that particular magazine, so she was going to start digging which helped Marinette feel a lot better.

Adrien was grateful for his years of Mandarin lessons as it became apparent that none of the staff could speak either French or English, despite the Waldorf Astoria being an international hotel. It was a stunningly beautiful hotel of old world colonial design. While Marinette couldn't understand anything being said, she could see Adrien becoming frustrated before he then started to look flustered. "Is something wrong?" She ventured to ask.

"Ah... it appears there has been a mix up in our booking." Adrien started rubbing the back of his neck. She knew he was worried about something.

"Oh, do we have to go somewhere else?" She offered with a hand on his arm, letting him know that it was alright.

"No, it's just we were suppose to have the two bedroom suite, but it was overbooked and is already occupied. They are offering us an upgrade though to the ah, the ah...umm." Adrien suddenly went sheepish before looking back up "...bridal suite." Whatever reaction he was expecting from Marinette, unbridled laughter was not one of them.

"Honestly, I'm so exhausted I could fall asleep on a park bench. Kitty, I'm sure we would be perfectly fine sharing a king size bed. You are my boyfriend after all." And maybe something more in a few days, Adrien thought to himself, but relieved that she seemed okay with it.

As soon as they entered the room, the two kwamis were quick to make themselves at home. True to her word, Marinette unpacked her toiletries and night wear and headed straight for the shower. Adrien stood looking out the window at the city lights. It wasn't Paris, but it was pretty spectacular. "Tikki, Marinette won't be upset about this will she. I mean, I wanted her to have her own space if she needed it because this is the first time we have spent the whole night together since that storm at my house and we'll be here for three nights." Tikki reached out to touch his cheek.

"You're a sweetie to be such a gentleman Adrien, but I'm sure Marinette's fine. She's probably having a silent freak out in the shower, but I promise she will be all smiles when she comes out. She's too tired to overthink it right now anyway"

Sure enough, when she emerged from the shower, she had a happy, albeit sleepy grin on her face. Adrien couldn't help giving her a hug and peppering her sweet face with kisses before telling her to make herself at home while he freshened up. By the time he came back from the bathroom, she was sound asleep. Checking the kwamis were comfortable with plenty of food, he turned off the light, slipping quietly into the bed next to her. Almost too afraid to breathe, he ghosted his hand down her hair and face as his heart raced. What did he ever do to deserve this beautiful woman to love him the way she does? He didn't want to wake her, so he laid his hand over hers on the pillow as he drifted off to sleep. When he woke up a few hours later, they were wrapped up in each other's arms.

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