"Are You Still Addicted?" Boo...

By RaveHaynes

223K 6.8K 5.3K

A few years have passed since Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin have gotten married. The love they have for one another i... More

"Are You Still Addicted?"
"The Tie That Binds."
"Follow Me Duckling!"
"The Water Is Too Hot!"
"Where Are My Headphones?!"
"My Father, Your Father."
"Great To See You Friend!"
"Dinner Is Served Cold."
"Adorable Little Hands."
"Sexy New Client."
"Wanting, Needing, Waiting."
"A Penny For Your Thoughts."
"The Subject Of Children."
"The Search For A New Home."
"The Movie Star Has Returned!"
"Yang Meng"
"A Troublesome Meeting."
"A Mini Vacation At The Bar."
"Dr. Lee"
"The Devil Within."
"Dinner With Mom, Again?"
"Charity For The Bold!"
"Moving Day!"
"Good News."
"Help Us, Dr. Lee!"
"Jiang Yifei"
"Sweet and Sour."
"Moon Cakes And Kisses." (Short)
"Nurse Zang."
"Wedding Dress."
"Dark Thoughts."
"Fun Things To Do."
"One Month."
"You'll Need New Bras!"
"Those Eight Long Years."
"Traditional Love"
"The Procession."
"Will You Marry Me?"
"Husband and Wife."
"Month Two."
"Quality Time"
"Aunty Zhou's Advice."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part One."
"BoysLoveBoys? Part Two."
"One Scared Fish. One Worried Fish."
"Kiss Me."
"Month Three, With Gu Hai The Wicked."
"Gu Yang Visits."
"Gu Yang's Wishful Thinking."
"The Bodyguards."
"Work In Progress."
"How Can I Be Okay?"
"Rain And Thunder."
"Xiaoping Attacks Gu Hai."
"Seeing Ghosts And Stars."
"Be Still My Heart."
"Sweet Like Custard."
"Bad News."
"Hungry Eyes."
"Romeo And His Lovers."
"So Blessed."
"Month Four."
"Scared Me To Death!"
"Day One In Thailand!"
"The Grand Scheme."
"Let Me Go!"
"Higher Than The Heavens Above."
"Two Missing?"
"Silent Screams."
"The Search Continues."
"The Second Kick."
"I Want To Know!"
"The Comfort Of His Arms."
"Shi Hui."
"Swimming In The Hot And Cold."
"Walking On A Thin Line."
"Next To You"
"Lost For Words."
"Saved By Our Friend."

"Tong Tian."

1.8K 80 59
By RaveHaynes

The next day, Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai visited Bai Han Qi and Aunty Zhou. Aunty Zhou was so happy to see them, she hurried into the kitchen to cook something special. She made pork rolls and whipped up some vegetable chow mein as the main course. She also made yam cakes for desert.
Bai Han Qi sat in the living room with his son-in-law chatting about how the house was coming along and work.
Bai LuoYin and Tong Tian were talking about model airplanes.
"I've collected ten, build it yourself, airplane models," Tong Tian said proudly. "I've ordered a few more on Amazon, they should arrive soon."
"When they arrive I'll help you put them together," Bai LuoYin offered.
Tong Tian's eyes lit up. He enjoyed spending time with Bai LuoYin. Even though he was the only child for Aunty Zhou, he felt as if Bai LuoYin was his blood brother. Within the eight long years that had kept Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai apart, Bai LuoYin had frequently visited his father. They would spend time talking about school, the air force, and collectable airplanes. Tong Tian had enjoyed the trips to the shopping malls and food shops with him. It was growing up throughout those years that he had learned that Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin had been lovers. He didn't think any differently of Bai LuoYin or Gu Hai. He knew that the world was diverse. People loved who they loved. He was much more mature now that he was older. He understood the world better now that he had matured. He had to admit, he had admired the way that Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin had loved one another. The care that Gu Hai especially showed to Bai LuoYin now taught him how he should treat a woman. When he got his own girlfriend one day, he wanted to love her just like that.
He recalled those sad years in his big brother's life though.
The first year after the car accident, after Bai LuoYin had left Gu Hai in the hospital, they had slept in the same room together. Night after night, Tong Tian would hear Bai LuoYin cry himself to sleep. One day, before Bai LuoYin had joined the air force, Tong Tian had asked him why he was so sad.
"I miss someone," Bai LuoYin had said.
"Who?" Tong Tian had asked curiously.
But Bai LuoYin didn't think he was old enough to understand yet, so he had changed the subject.
Another time, Bai LuoYin had opened his old desk draw and pulled out an ointment. The tube didn't have anything in it anymore, but he watched as Bai LuoYin held it in his hands as if it were something valuable.
"What's that?" he had asked.
Bai LuoYin had looked over at him with glossy eyes. He held the tube up into the air and waved it around a few times and said, "It is medication." He smiled as he said these words, memories flooding his mind like a warm breeze.
"What did you use it for?"
"It's supposed to be used as hemorrhoid cream, but a fool we know used it as glue!"
"Who was the fool?" Tong Tian asked curiously.
Bai LuoYin's happy expression had changed to sadness in the blink of an eye. Tong Tian could sense that he had asked something that had touched his heart. Bai LuoYin's chin quivered. Though Tong Tian watched him from his side view, he could see the tears that filled his eyes. When Bai LuoYin had finally blinked, the tears fell onto the desk, dissolving into the paper under him.
"Are you alright?" he had asked his big brother, worried, and sad for him also.
Bai LuoYin blinked away his tears and quickly wiped his face. He had changed the subject once more.
The next year, after Bai LuoYin had joined the air force, he began to visit home more. Tong Tian and him would often go to the air force base together. Bai LuoYin would teach him about the airplanes, and how to fly them. That same night, he heard Bai LuoYin call out Gu Hai's name in his sleep. Even though Bai LuoYin never talked in his sleep, this surprised Tong Tian. Was his brother dreaming of Gu Hai? Tong Tian would have asked, but Bai LuoYin always put on a strong face. He was always fearless in everything he did. Those rare times that Bai LuoYin had cried in the beginning showed how much he loved Gu Hai. But as the years passed, Bai LuoYin grew stronger, both physically and mentally. He was able to mask his true feelings. He hid how he felt better and better as he aged. He was able to control his emotions and keep them hidden from Tong Tian.
But Tong Tian was also the wiser. As those same years passed, he also learned. He observed his brother. Whenever women tried to get close to him, he always found a way to show just how uninterested he was. Bai LuoYin found ways to keep himself busy, notably with the air force.
Then, Bai LuoYin visited less and less. He moved up in the ranks, so he became occupied with more duties. His training became more intense. But Bai LuoYin would send gifts to Tong Tian to let him know that he had not forgotten about him.
Now, looking at his brother, married, and happy, Tong Tian felt a sense of comfort.
When the food was set on the table, everyone sat down eager to eat.
"Yin Zi," Bai Han Qi spoke calmly, putting food into his bowl, "Gu Hai tells me that you're treating him very badly these days."
Bai LuoYin glared at his husband. It was the look of death. He knew whatever Gu Hai had said, he must have stretched the truth.
Gu Hai grinned at him as if to say, this is your punishment for what you did to me in the living room with my father the other day.
"I don't know what Gu Hai is telling you dad, but he hasn't been so great either," Bai LuoYin said, heaping some chow mein into his dish.
Aunty Zhou laughed. She covered her mouth with her hand and tried to contain herself. In her mind, Gu Hai was a little trouble maker and Bai LuoYin had to endure it because they were married now.
"You two should behave," Ban Han Qi eyed his son. Then he looked over at Gu Hai and said, "Part of a union is trying to come to a compromise."
The boys nodded and ate their food. Even Tong Tian was taking notes. He wanted to be like Gu Hai; troubling his wife and loving her the same.
When they ate the yam cakes, Gu Hai spoke. "We have some news to tell you."
Everyone's attention was on him. They actively gave him their full heed.
"Bai LuoYin and I are having two babies, each of us are fathering a child through surrogacy."
The room was quiet for a few seconds.
Bai Han Qi stood up from his chair slowly and made his way over to his son. He embraced him tightly, then went over to Gu Hai and did the same. When he pulled away, he stepped back, put a hand to his head and then tried to speak. Everyone could see that it was hard for him. He was happy, but the news was overwhelming. He tried to laugh, and it came out stifled. He looked around as if he were lost.
Bai LuoYin stood up and went to his father. He put his hands around him and hugged him again. This time, Ban Han Qi's eyes filled with tears as he rested his chin on his shoulder. They were happy tears.
Bai Han Qi hugged his son and memories came flooding back. He remembered his son, very young, running around the house. He remembered sending Bai LuoYin off to school for the first time. He recalled the first time his son had told him that he couldn't live without Gu Hai. Something in his mind told him then, he would never have grandchildren. If his son liked men, he couldn't have kids.
Today, that thought had disappeared.
"Are you having a child of your own?" Ban Han Qi asked.
"Yes, dad," Bai LuoYin whispered.
His father cried then.
Everyone stood up and came to them. They also threw their arms around each other. The happiness that Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin had brought to their family was beautiful. They all cried happy tears and continued to embrace one another in silence.
It was Tong Tian who broke everyone out of the mood. He said, "I hope everyone is this happy when I am having a child."
Ban Han Qi let his oldest son go and playfully hit his youngest son on the chest, "I'll be happy. But make sure you finish school first!"
Everyone laughed.
Towards the end of the night, all of the men sat at the table drinking Baijiu. The alcoholic beverage had them in a magical intoxication.
"You will have strong sons!" Ban Han Qi slurred his words. He lifted his glass and clinked it with the others.
Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin cheered. Tong Tian's eyes were beginning to glaze and he awayed back and forth, laughing hysterically.
Aunty Zhou had started making something for the new babies. She sat nearby sewing away with a needle and thread, enjoying their conversation.
"I will have a handsome son!" Gu Hai yelled, and drank a shot.
"You will have a fair son!" Tong Tian shouted. He poured more drinks for everyone and they downed it.
"I will have a good son!" Bai LuoYin said. He gobbled down another.
They feasted on some of the pork rolls as they were merry.
Bai Han Qi rose from his seat and went over to Gu Hai, he threw his arms around him and said, "Pick names that are strong!"
Gu Hai nodded.
"I will pick a name that will make you proud!" Bai LuoYin said.
Gu Hai took this opportunity. He quinted his eyes at his lover and asked, "What will you name him?"
Bai LuoYin wiggled a finger at him, "I'm not that drunk you donkey! I will never give up my secrets to you! See dad, he has his tricks! This man you call son-in-law, he is the true schemer!"
"Yin Za..." Bai Han Qi said. He swayed a bit and then drank some more.
Gu Hai laughed intensely. He had to try.

Yang Meng sat at his desk at work and tried to fill out paperwork. His concentration was constantly broken. Outside of the police station, women were lined up. Some of the officers had to 'shoo' them away. They were looking through windows and giggling. Some walked into the station and waved at him.
"It looks like you're a mini celebrity now," said a fellow police.
Yang Meng gave him a nervous laugh and turned back to his work.
Ever since coming out to the world, people started to recognize who he was. Old father Yang had called him earlier and had asked if the rumors were true. They both had a long heart to heart conversation. By the end of that stressful talk, old father Yang gave his blessing. He only wanted his son to be happy.
You Qi's parents also had a long talk with him. They had driven to his hotel and demanded to see him in person. Their conversation didn't go so well. But You Qi was uncompromising. He explained his love for Yang Meng. They listened, and in the end, knew they had little to no control over their son's life. He respected his parents, but he was not willing to give up his love for Yang Meng. They had left You Qi's apartment with unresolved issues. You Qi's mother had even looked at Yang Meng as if he were a disgust to society. He had cowered into the couch as they yelled and screamed at their son. It had made Yang Meng feel horrible. But when they had left, You Qi had taken him into his arms and comforted him.
"Don't listen to them," You Qi had soothed, "our love is greater than their dislike."
"But they are your parents, we have brought shame to them," Yang Meng cried.
"Even parents are wrong sometimes."
"Do you think we made a mistake?" Yang Meng wiped at his eyes.
"No," You Qi said, and kissed his forehead, "our love is strong. I've loved you for too long to let this go."
Yang Meng was touched by those words.
"We just need to take it day by day. Things will get worse, but we have to go through bad times to appreciate the good ones."
Yang Meng had nodded and his spirit had strengthened. He knew the world was going to lose their minds. He just didn't think it would be so intense. He loved You Qi, and would do anything for him. But it felt like to world was closing in on him. He didn't do so well under pressure.
Yang Meng sighed. He kept telling himself that he could handle it, he repeated it over and over in his mind like a mantra. His cell phone was ringing constantly. Many of the news casts and news papers wanted to do an interview with him. Vogue, Time, and Entertainment Weekly, were amongst the few that sent him emails. How the hell did they know my email?! he thought to himself. It had become so much that he had to silence his cell phone.
By the end of his shift, Yang Meng dragged himself out the front door. Immediately, people rushed to his side, microphones pushed into his personal space. A few of his colleagues tried to help. Even the highest ranking officer tried his best to control the scene. In the end, they had to escort Yang Meng home. He had to leave his car behind with the crowd.

Jiang Yifei and Ying Yue were watching 'Titanic' together. It was towards the end of the movie when Jiang Yifei spoke.
"I can't wait to fall in love like that," she said, sighing heavily.
Ying Yue rolled her eyes. "I've given up on love," she said, pulling her feet under her.
They both sat on the couch and had cups of hot chocolate in their hands. The lights had been dimmed and they had cranked up the surround sound on the stereo. It was a good thing that the apartment they lived in was sound proof.
Jiang Yifei glanced at her with sympathetic eyes.
Ying Yue wanted to say more. She wanted to say that she'd be lucky if she ever loved again, but chose not to.
When the movie ended and the credits were rolling, Jiang Yifei turned to her. "I'm sorry for what you're going through with your husband."
Her friend shrugged her shoulders and kept her eyes focused on the screen as if she actually took the time to read all of the information that was scrolling up.
"Nowadays, people get divorced. If it doesn't work out, for whatever reason, you have that right," Jiang Yifei said.
Ying Yue looked at her then. For the first time since they started living together, she actually took in the younger woman's features. "You know, you're actually very beautiful. I'm sure you won't have a hard time finding someone nice."
Jiang Yifei was taken aback. She hadn't expected such a nice complement. "Thank you," she said. But she knew that Ying Yue was changing the subject intentionally. Maybe she didn't want to talk about her past anymore.
"What do you plan to do after you have this baby?" Ying Yue asked.
This also took her by surprise. Jiang Yifei shifted on the couch. She thought for a minute, then said, "Travel."
Ying Yue blew into her cup, sipped, and looked over at her. "Really? That sounds great!"
She nodded.
"Where would you like to go first?"
"Maybe Thailand. The water looks great there and I heard that the street food is great."
"And after that?"
Jiang Yifei took a sip of her cup and then said, "London."
"I've always wanted to go there!"
Jiang Yifei smiled.
"When I was younger, I saw an english movie, the first time I saw the Eiffel Tower, it mesmerized me." Ying Yue said, her eyes bright as a star.
"One day you should go," Jiang Yifei said.
Ying Yue made a face, "I don't know. Maybe."
Jiang Yifei laughed, "You'll have enough money! Why not?!"
Ying Yue knew she was right. She would definitely have enough money to travel somewhere nice.
"You should take care of yourself first," Jiang Yifei urged, her features softening.
Ying Yue nodded in agreement. With her life being in a mess, this would be something to look forward to. She should take care of herself first. No one else was going to!
"How about some soup?" Jiang Yifei said.
Ying Yue nodded. She was starting to like this woman more and more. In the beginning, she had mentally chosen to keep her distance from the guys and her, but after getting to know her, she decided that no harm would come from opening up a little.
Jiang Yifei asked the on-call chef to make Tomato Fish Soup.
They enjoyed it like they enjoyed each other's company. Their bond had grown closer again.


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