Love to be cared

Von Shefalimysticals16

13.6K 2.2K 275

Everyone love to be cared and so does he but will she make it possible in his life? Mehr

Mission Date
For A Change
Confused Souls
Hidden Thoughts
Her Thoughts
He Needs Her Help!
His Plan
His Threat
Her Defeats
Her Plan
Confusing Her
Not Hate But Respect
Accepting Friendship
Towards a Plan
He Love To Be Cared By Her
All Revealed
I Don't Deserve You
Her Feelings For Him
Grave Mistake
His Fear
For Your Satisfaction
Silent Killer And Witness
Unusual Happiness
Blaming Herself
Reason Or Reasons For Her?
Pragya Loves Abhi
Her Lie Story
A Different Kidnap
All Cleared
Making Them Together


227 52 6
Von Shefalimysticals16

At his room the same day after Pragya had found the letter.

Abhi, "Pragya!"

Pragya, "Yes sir!"

Abhi, "Tell me what you want?"

Pragya, "What I want? Why suddenly you're asking like this?"

She said by folding her clothes.

Abhi, "I am talking about the letter. You said you want me to do something right?"

Pragya, "Yes but I haven't think about it yet."

Abhi being restless asked, "Can you think immediately?"

Pragya, "No sir. I have other things to think about and you can't force me like this to think now."

Abhi, "Pragya, be serious!"

Pragya, "I'm serious. When I have think about it I will tell you. Until then don't disturb me if not I will tell everyone about the letter."

Abhi, "Argggh! You're purposely doing like this."

She never says anything and smiles inwardly that finally she have a upper hand to handle him.

"I feel like a boss.... Hmm... No... I feel like a mini boss! I can't be a boss when he is my boss!" she thought smiling which made Abhi widen his eyes in shock.

Abhi, "Are you feeling happy now?"

Pragya quickly replies, "No!"

Abhi, "You are! I saw you smiling."

Pragya, "I maybe smiling but that doesn't mean it's happiness."

Abhi,"Oh so you smile that you got a chance to blackmail me. How evil!"

Pragya, "No! I didn't smile for that. And don't call me evil!"

Abhi, "I really don't know what to do with you but one thing for sure, don't ever think of making me do something foolish to blackmail me."

He warns her strictly but it doesn't really affect her.

Pragya, "Sure!"

She replied casually which was not going well with Abhi.

Abhi, "Sure?"

Pragya, "Haan sure!"

Abhi, "I was expecting you to same something too."

Pragya, "What was that?"

Abhi, "You don't know or you don't want to tell?"

Pragya, "Now you're confusing me. If you expect me to tell something then tell it directly so that I can tell."

Abhi sighs and tells, "Sir!"

Pragya, "You're calling me sir? But why? And that's not right as I am not a male to address as sir!"

Abhi, "You think I don't know that I have to address a lady as mam? Anyways I was referring not you as sir but you will reply to me as sure sir not just sure!"

Pragya, "Acha... Maybe that slipped from my mind."

Abhi, "Okay but how?"

Pragya, "Huh? How means? I just said na I would have forgotten."

Abhi,"But why? You have been calling me sir all the time."

Pragya, "Oh god! So now it's a fault to even forget?"

Abhi, "I didn't mean that way but I thought it was more of your habit to call me as sir!"

Pragya, "I just forgot to tell it once and you're asking a lot of questions for that. Unbelievable!"

Abhi, "Because I am scared you will..."

He then pauses what he was about to tell and that makes Pragya curious of what he was going to tell.

She knew there was no point in asking him to complete his sentence as he wouldn't do it now. He will surely tell something else to hide what he really want to tell.

Somehow she felt that he was going to tell something that would make her happy but now no!

Abhi, "Sorry!"

Pragya, "Sorry?"

Abhi, "Sorry for asking you a lot of questions for something trivial."

"There he goes again!" she thought and smiles in response as if showing she was okay now.

Abhi then don't know what else to talk so he goes to the closet.

"Why is he so mysterious? He worries when I am missing for a while. He is even bothered when I never replies him back as sir. But still he wants to be aloof with me. On top of all this, that letter! Oh god! How can he even hide such a thing from everyone who cares for him?" she thought looking at the closet where he was inside.

The next day,

Abhi was staying at home as he was still feeling restless of what if Pragya tells about the letter to everyone.

He postponed all his meetings and work. He just stayed at house to keep an eye on Pragya.

Pragya knew his reason for staying at house as she knows his schedules before him.

She felt bad that he didn't trust her that she won't tell anything about the letter to anyone.

"You didn't trust me right? Now you have to get the punishment for that!" she thought as she went near Abhi who was talking to elders and Bulbul.

She sat beside him and it jerked Abhi.

"Hi!" she said politely.

"Hi..." he said sounding nervous.

Saritha ji, "Come on Abhi! You two are saying Hi as if this is the first time both of you are seeing each other!"

Abhi and Pragya smiled looking embarrassed when Bulbul who was there said, "Haan Saro, That day this two were very close to each other but now reacting as if they are strangers."

The elders chuckled at her words and Pragya closed her eyes in shyness and again thinks about the kiss that she tries not to remember.

Abhi, "Bulbul, stop teasing us. I know how close you are to Purab. At least we are married and we know it's perfectly fine to be close to each other."

Bulbul blushed hearing it.

Sarla ma heard Abhi's words and it made her worried.

Abhi noticed her and quickly said," Aunty, I was only joking."

Pragya," Haan Ma. You know sometimes he jokes badly. Don't take his words seriously."

Abhi frowns at her words and
Sarla ma tells, "No Pragya...even if he tells as a joke, it is the truth. Bulbul is not married to Purab yet. It's fine that she had been living with him for past five years as she didn't know about her family and past but now she knows everything and as her Ma, I have the responsibility to get her married."

Pragya," But Ma... She just returned to us."

Sarla ma," I know Pragya but we have to start the arrangements for her marriage. It is not nice of Bulbul and Purab being together for many years but are not married."

Abhi,"You're right Aunty."

Sarla ma, "I will call Purab's mum and talk about this."

She said and left to talk to her.

Meanwhile, Abhi leaves saying he will go and inform Purab about this.

Bulbul looking at what's going to happen was feeling extremely happy.

She hugged Pragya whispering in her ears," I am so happy di."

Pragya smiled at her happiness and Bulbul, "I am so happy that Jiju and you will see my marriage. You know it's going to be lot of fun and I hope I can dance with both of you more than Purab."

Pragya hearing that was now getting scared. The reality sinks in her mind.

"What! It means we have to fake our marriage till her marriage happens!" she thought with a tensed look.

Abhi was walking towards them after talking to Purab.

Bulbul seeing that said she will go and call Purab and left from Pragya.

Pragya quickly went towards Abhi and asked him to come aside.

Abhi," Now what?" he asked in a irritated tone.

Pragya, "Do you even know what have you done?"

Abhi, "What?"

Pragya, "It means you don't know!
Oh my god! How can you be so careless?"

Abhi, "By right you should be happy that your sister is getting married right?"

Pragya, "Haan but did you think about us? If her marriage is happening means we have to stay together until it happens."

Abhi was shocked and stressed hearing it.

"Shit!" he muttered.

"You have done the damage even without knowing it." she told sacarstically.

"It's all because of you!" he complained.

"Because of me? Like seriously? Who asked to tease my sister?" she retorted.

Abhi, "But who said Hi first?"

Pragya, "It was a casual hi! You are the one who replied as if you are meeting me for the first time."

Abhi,"I wasn't expecting a hi from you and that's why I reacted that way."

He told to justify himself.

Pragya, "Nevermind. Just don't talk about it."

Abhi,"Now what do we do?"

Pragya smiled widely hearing him.

Abhi, "Why are you smiling?"

Pragya, "No... It's usually I am the one who will ask Now what do we do! For the first time you're asking and I smiled thinking of that."

Abhi,"It's not funny and stop smiling again. Anyways I asked it without thinking. Why should I even ask you about what to be done? I am the boss and I know what to be done!"

Pragya, "Don't have this much of overconfidence. It's not good."

Abhi was about to walk away when she exclaimed, "Letter!"

Abhi, "Why? Why are you torturing me with the word letter?"

Pragya, "Because that's the only thing I have now."

Abhi gasped when she said, "Letter, letter it's better if you are..."

Sarla ma was approaching them and she heard Pragya telling letter.

Sarla ma, "Pragya, I heard you saying letter. What letter are you talking about?"

Pragya looks at Abhi with a smirk.

She was about to tell something when Abhi says, "Love letter!"

Sarla ma, "Love letter?"

Abhi looking embarrassed says, "I gave her love letter today and she was talking about it now."

Sarla ma says, "Acha... Then you two carry on. I don't want to disturb both of you."

She says quickly and leaving them alone.

Pragya then frowns and looks as if she was in disbelief.

Abhi was about to leave when she said, "So you are complicating it now?"

Abhi, "What are you saying?"

Pragya, "You said you gave me love letter today and Ma will be thinking us as love birds now. Isn't this making it complicated for us to separate?"

Abhi, "I know but I was scared you will talk about that letter."

Pragya, "I said I won't. But still you don't trust me. I hate you sir!"

She said in anger and walked away which made him gasp.

"Did she just said she hate me for such a small thing? Why is she behaving like a child nowadays! This is all because of Bulbul. She also behaves this way with Purab! I have to stop this sisters from talking to each other for hours as soon as possible so that Pragya give less troubles to me!" he thought.

Unknowingly he smiled thinking he finds her cute when she fights with him and gets angry.

Pragya sees him smiling by hiding behind a pillar.

"Acha... So he is smiling now. It means he is okay if I hate him!" she huffed and Bulbul who was just behind her heard what she said.

Bulbul, "Di! What's going on?"

Pragya was taken aback and tells, "Nothing!"

Bulbul, "Something is wrong for sure. Jiju staying here then you are now angry at him. But he is smiling? Wait does it means he teased you?"

Pragya, "No Bulbul! He is just happy that I hate him."

She said in a sad tone.

Bulbul, "Really?"

Pragya, "Yes. But..."

Bulbul, "First tell me did you tell what you feel about him or not?"

Pragya shook her head as no which made Bulbul glare at her.

Pragya, "We know we... love..."

Bulbul, "No! I don't think so."

Pragya, "I kissed him Bulbul. Isn't that enough?"

Bulbul, "What if it was acting?"

Pragya, "Acting? How can I act?"

Bulbul, "Di... I am not saying it's acting. It's true but both of you don't seem to realize it. You two are playing hide and seek and I don't know why that too after marriage."

Pragya was not able to say anything.

Bulbul, " least sort out what is bothering both of you to realize the love for each other. Then everything will fall in place. Like me, you are seeing right? I had only my past that was unknown to be affecting my decision to accept and love Purab and the same goes for him. But when it was cleared, now I am heading to my marriage!"

Pragya," I understand... I will try Bulbul... But... "

Bulbul," You're not just trying! You're doing it!"

Bulbul then gives her a lot of confidence which overwhelmed Pragya that she had to ask her to stop and said she needs time.

Bulbul can't believe Pragya still needed time but she didn't want to pressurise her sister further.

Sneek peek to next part,

Abhi, "Did you tell Purab?"

Pragya, "About what?"

Abhi, "About the letter!"

Pragya, "No I didn't. I told you right I won't tell anyone."

Abhi,"Then how did he know?"

Pragya again says she never told anyone but Abhi was fuming in anger already.

Pragya, "Look, I know it's not a small thing in the letter and I can't tell to anyone without your permission."

Abhi glares at her which makes Pragya more nervous and she starts to tremble in fear.

Abhi, "Come with me!"

Pragya pleaded, "I didn't tell him. Trust me."

Abhi, "I said just come with me!" he said loudly and she was now super scared of him.

Pragya didn't had the courage to argue with him so she just followed him.

"Where is he bringing me to? I hope he is not going to kill me. Why am I thinking he will kill me? But what can I think of when the way he looks is murderous!" she thought as he signalled her to get inside his car.

Thank you for reading! 📖😊


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