unheavenly creatures

By gl-and-rh

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Part One of the Unheavenly Creatures Duology Alice wants to forget her past in Riverdale. She was a young, lo... More

Unhappy Birthday
Do I Know You?
No More Secrets, No More Lies
Trick or Treat
Hidden Bodies
Madness Starts Here
Keeping Up With the Joneses
Good Witch / Bad Witch
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Fire and Ice
Last Dance

Big Fun

166 2 2
By gl-and-rh


The sky is a blended mosaic of blue, violet, and pink when I wake up. It's the first time in a while that I haven't been passed out from an attack or heavily slept in since arriving into town. I'm actually up before the girls in the bedroom. When I do come to my senses, I get up from the couch and check the time on the stove. Is it only 5:40? I move around the living room real quick and glance down at the little coffee table by the sofa. Last night, I began scribbling down how I would go about getting Hiram involved into my Hal problem. I pick up my notes, attempting to read my handwriting in the faint morning light.

Go to Pembrooke? Have him come to Pop's? The trailer park? Do I get Gladys involved too?

I must have passed out while in the process of formulating a plan. I lower the paper down and let out a long groan. I think about going back to sleep, but the thought of Hiram dropping by at any moment between now and the later half of the morning keeps me jolted. And I want to stay awake in case Sabrina or Veronica come out from the bedroom.

I decide to throw on my boots and a sweater, and I head out of the trailer. Maybe a good, long walk can allow me to finalize the details in my head. The leaves on the ground crunch as I walk to the outer edges of the trailer park, heading more towards the woods. The sun begins to peek through the trees, making the sky more pink and orange. I see my breath every time I exhale. My brain goes through the options on repeat. What do I even say to Hiram? Would he take me seriously? Should I even trust him to begin with?

I begin to talk out loud, "So remember that guy you saw me with at school? The one who scared you that night? Yeah, well he's a demon and he's out and.....No that won't work." My muttering turns into rambling after a good amount of walking. Eventually I get frustrated and turn back around, returning to my trailer.

The whole situation is oddly symmetrical to me. Just years ago, I planned with Hal to get back at Hiram for....whatever it was he did. Now, I have to meet with Hiram to take down Hal. The roles are reversed now, yet the scenarios are similar. Somewhat similar, if I'm honest. In Hiram's case, all he ever did was play in on the jokes classmates made about me, hit me up for drugs those few times, and called me the Acid Queen. Hal....he's a whole other problem, and much worse. Now that I've had the 25 years to think about it, he always had been a problem. Ever since I let Hal come to school with me.

It was his idea to go after Hiram first. It was a week after the Halloween Party, and by that point people had dropped the talk about my trip to the Conway House. Only two people still brought it up religiously. One was Penelope, just because she wanted to pester me. The other was Hiram......for reasons I didn't want to know back then. At that point, Hal became a bit more familiar with the faces of Riverdale High, Hiram included, and he began to formulate some opinions of their behavior all on his own.

"So this boy showed up from New York?" he asked me when we were in my room after school one day. I think I was putting away some laundry when we had this conversation. I huffed at his question and folded up a flannel FP let me borrow.

"Wouldn't surprise me if that's where he gets his "holier than thou" atttitude. That or the fact that his family is loaded." I made air quotes with my fingers. Hal laid on my bed all confused at the gesture. I rolled my eyes before remembering that he's a supernatural creature - he wouldn't know my kind of language, or one of any kid in the 90s.

He sat up, resting his elbows on his knees and interlacing his fingers. "And he just thinks he can use you as a drug mule?"

"It's not that big of a deal, Hal." I tried to shrug it off. I turned my back to him so I could tuck some pants in my drawer. "It's the general rep I've received. I'm everyone's candy girl in Riverdale. Probably will be until I can get myself out of this place." It was true - with college coming so soon, I wanted to get as far away from Riverdale as possible. I didn't want to be stuck having to care for the Serpents, or for my father. I wanted to be someplace where I could truly better my witchcraft. Where I no longer had to be Acid Queen Alice. I could be....just Alice.

I shut the drawer and wiped my hands on my jeans. "Besides, Hiram Lodge is nothing compared to most of the kids at school."

"Yet, he doesn't do anything to help you." I turned back around to find Hal rising up from the bed. His face held no emotion. His lips were in a flat line. But his eyes.....his eyes gave away a subtle sense of anger. A sense I wouldn't really pick up on until the chaos was already ensued. He walked over to me and stopped just inches away from where I stood. He looked down at my Converses, picking up each detail in my shoelaces, the colored bands.

He brought his eyes up to meet mine, "Why does he call you Acid Queen Alice? And not just Alice?"

I didn't know how to answer. In my head, I knew Hiram did it because everyone at school did. It was my nickname long before he arrived from New York. Yet.....he used that name for me more than the other kids. Most would just resort to "that Southside freak", or "Smith".....even "Serpent Slut" to others like Penelope. But to Hiram, I was and always would be the Acid Queen.

Was there a reason Hal poked into this? He only saw Hiram at school, and the two had barely interacted when we all had class. Hal only knew what information I gave about Hiram. But even from that small amount....

"What are you thinking?" I asked more as a whisper. I don't think I ever knew what thoughts went on in Hal's head. I wondered how demons and familiars saw the human world and how they responded to witches interacting with humans. Even witches who were pretending to be human.

Hal stepped closer in, curling his fingers under my chin and lifting my head up. I could feel a jolt of electricity rumble through me as he did this. He began to show more emotion in his face. "If he wants to call you a queen, he needs to start treating you as such."

I still remember the look in his eyes from that conversation. I still don't know what reasons influenced Hal to have me go after Hiram first. I'm at least lucky that Hiram is still here, that out of everyone we attacked.....Hiram is still breathing. Because it will take much more than my own magic to stop Hal.

I walk back up the steps to enter my trailer and open the door. I feel calmer entering this morning. Whatever vibe came into the house seems to have died down - I'm not sure if it's from Veronica staying the night, or any of Sabrina's anxiety mixed with my own, or that cat....

I grab the paper of plans from the coffee table and bring it with me into the kitchen. I continue to look over the possible conversation starters as I start to make some cider - a blend of apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, and hints of pumpkin. It's a drink I learned to make from an older witch I ran into years before I came to Greendale, and it's become an unspoken fan-favorite at the bakery during the autumn. The aroma of the blended spice waft in the air, bringing some warmth on this cold morning. It calms me.... Maybe it can calm the girls too when they eventually wake up.

It's about 7:35 when I finish brewing the cider. I make myself a cup and leave the mixture on a low-heat, just in case Sabrina and Veronica want a warm cup in a little while. I head back to the couch and start pouring through my books, taking a sip of the warm morning beverage. It takes each part of my brain to not count down the minutes until Hiram arrives to pick up his daughter. The patience kills me. I bounce my knee and tap my ankle onto the rug nervously. I speed read through a couple of spell books, not finding much that could help in the long run. My fingers grip on my mug, I can feel the burning sensation of the cider through the ceramic.

The bedroom door opens with a creak. I jolt out of my state for a moment at the noise. Then, my shoulders release from their hold near my ears, and I exhale. Veronica comes out of the bedroom and grabs her coat from the night before, giving me a little wave. There's no sight of Sabrina or that cat behind her, so I assume Sabrina is still asleep. I stand up, setting my cup down.

"Has my father shown up yet?" Veronica whispers as I come over to her. My lips form a tight line as I shake my head. The young Lodge glances around the trailer, I'm not sure whether due to shyness or to avoid small talk. She eventually returns her gaze to me, "Thank you for letting me stay the night. I thought about going home, but....." Her voice drops. It doesn't require me having to read her mind to understand what could be going on in the girl's head. She didn't want to go back alone in the dark, especially with Hiram wanting to know every detail of her whereabouts. And now with Hal out of the house.....

"No, it's alright." I force myself to say something. "You were better off staying with me and Sabrina. It would have been too risky to go back all by yourself...." I don't finish the sentence. I stare at the young girl, taking in her facial features. She really does look like Hermione, she has her . She has Hiram's eyes..... My face softens. Then my heart races. It hits me. Hiram's daughter is just as much of a target for Hal as is Sabrina. And who knows what would happen if Hal ever got his hands on Veronica....

I come back to my senses and head into the kitchen area. "You want some cider? I made it fresh."

"Are you sure?" I hear her ask, but I grab a travel mug for her anyway.

"Trust me, I've made enough for Sabrina and I split for the next couple of days." I respond as I ladle the cider into the mug. I set the ladle down and screw the lid on before I hand the mug over to her. She takes it a smiles.

"Thank you, Miss....." she pauses, her gaze drifting off. She looks back up, "I'm sorry. What would you like for me to call you? Miss Beauchamp? Miss...." So Hiram hasn't shared with his daughter about my true identity.

"Alice is fine." I croak.

"Just.....Alice?" I'm about to respond, but something catches my attention. From the distance, outside the trailer, I can hear a car pulling into the driveway. I take a deep breath.

"Yeah, just Alice." I head over to the window and peer out. The same vehicle that Hiram pulled up in from the soccer game sits outside my trailer. I can see him step out slowly, examining the scene around him. Is he expecting trouble from the Serpents?

"Did you know my father growing up?" I lean back from the window. It takes a moment to process the question. With my back straightened, I rotate towards Veronica. She takes a nervous sip of her cider. "I thought your name was Wendy Beauchamp. You used it at that soccer game a couple of weeks ago, and you use it at Pop's. Does he know you as Alice?"

"It's....." I start to provide an answer but stop myself. I forgot Veronica and Sabrina were there with us when he approached me. Could she tell, even from that interaction, that Hiram could see past my facade? "It's complicated. But yeah, he knows me as Alice......and I knew him." I finally answer. I notice Veronica's face soften. Her eyes express her contemplation, and her low spirits. Something in my subconscious stops me from adding in, And your mother too.

"How do you view him?" she poses a new question. I stay in my place, out of words. How did I view Hiram? Did my hatred and sour opinion of him stem from Hal's opinions of him, or were they all fostered on my own? Was I making my emotions up? What happened to me within these 25 years has changed how I think of others. I don't open up much unless out of pure panic, like I did with Gladys, or if I do have a fair amount of trust in them. But with someone like Hiram, where I think I know one thing only for it to be another, my chances of trusting him are up in the air. Yet.....

There's a knock on the door. I let out a breath and march over to the door. He's studying the details of the staircase arch in wonder when I open the door. He fixes his sight on me and grins.

"Morning." his greeting is short and simple. I rest my forearm on the doorway and peer out to the driveway. His ride remains the only vehicle apart from my own in that little space. "Don't worry." he follows up, "I came from Pembrooke alone." I'm actually shocked. Maybe I really did talk him down from having his men invade Serpent territory.

I return my focus back to him. "I was just about to say, you forgot your entourage, Michael Corleone." the sarcasm naturally slips from my tongue. I push away from the door frame and back up to let him through. Hiram enters the trailer. He glances around until he spots Veronica by the kitchen table.

"Mija." He rushes over to his daughter and pulls her in for an embrace. I watch their interaction briefly.....it's different from how he talked to her during the game. He seems more caring, more panicked for her wellbeing. She's more open, more willing to seek comfort. I look away and find myself staring at my plans on the coffee table. Would it be a good time to ask him now? "Alice." he calls out to me. I face the Lodges, almost clinging to one another. He gives me a faint smile. "Thank you."

"Thank Sabrina. She did more to help your daughter." I take a couple of hesitant steps towards them. The thought of Veronica being just as much in danger as Sabrina still lurks. I'm tempted to ask Hiram to stay so we can talk about this situation, but from his jittery stance.....it seems he might be in a hurry to get somewhere, I don't know whether for Church business or another task. My sight darts down to the mug of cider in Veronica's hand, then I look back up, heading into the kitchen. "You want any cider, Hiram? I made some for your daughter. I guess it'd be rude if I didn't offer you any either."

"If you're offering, I wouldn't refuse." his voice perks up, more genuine than I anticipated. I finish getting his drink together and hand him the thermos. His fingers graze mine as her reaches for it - they're cold from the weather outside, but it doesn't shock me. The touch, whether intentional or completely by accident, has a calming quality to it. The same as when he helped clean me up during our encounter at Pop's. I redirect my attention upward, my eyes staring at his.

A little voice in my head wants me to ask him to stay so we can talk. It wants me to open up about those fears I have accumulated while being here. It wants me to ask about what he knows about Hal, if he ever suspected much more during high school. It wants me to trust him like my life depends on it. My brain screams, yet my mouth stays glued shut. Maybe now might not be the best time.

"Have a good rest of your day, Alice." he breaks our little moment of silence, starting to walk away. Veronica follows him in suit. "And thank you, really." he addresses me one last time with a wave. He heads out the door, and Veronica smiles at me before leaving herself. I keep my eye on the door as I let myself back into the counter in the kitchen. I almost regret not saying anything else to him.

The bedroom door opens, catching my attention. Sabrina, not wearing her pajamas, comes out with something small in her hands. A pearl necklace? She glances around then turns to me. "Hey, Ali. Did V already leave?" Behind her, Salem emerges and stands at her feet. I glare down at the animal. The weird energy I experienced last night around this cat slowly emerges, but not as boldly.

I look back up at her, pointing at the door. "She just walked out with her dad."

"Okay, thanks!" she rushes her words and runs out of the kitchen, Salem keeping up with a meow. She hurries out the door, leaving it somewhat open. I can hear her calling out to the young Lodge, but I can't make out the conversation too well. I turn back to stare into the bedroom. Sunlight starts to appear through the windows above the half-made bed. There's a notebook on the bed, open to some pages covered in scribble notes. From what I can see in the distance, it looks vaguely similar to how I tried to plan out my conversation with Hiram. What are these girls planning to do?



The sunlight starts to illuminate the bedroom as I look over our plan. It took V, Salem, and me a couple of hours to perfect, to every last detail, our method to bring Chuck Clayton to justice. I examine the notes scribbled on my notebook while I wait for V to finish up in the bathroom. Salem sprawls himself out next to me, his black fur shining in the sunlight. I giggle and scratch his belly.

V emerges, "So when I get back to Pembrooke, I'll reach out to Chuck and make sure we can get this thing arranged at his house. If that doesn't work, we might have to come up with a Plan B, because I don't know what chances we have of executing this at Pembrooke, with my father around."

"Hopefully it should." I try to keep my voice down. I thought I heard the front door open when V and I woke up this morning, yet I don't want to risk bothering Ali so early in the morning.

Salem chirps. "It will. And the boy is a fool if he turns you away." V smirks and ruffles his fur. She slides on her shoes, checking over her reflection in the mirror.

"It might be a while before I get to it.....I expect Daddy will probably lecture me about my behavior and what-not. But when I get the free time later.....I'll let you know if we're in." She shoots me a nervous look. I know I'm just as nervous, but Salem is right - the plan has to work. It's nothing like what I did to those Baxter boys with the Weird Sisters, but it will be just as effective. The boys from Baxter only harmed one girl, who I happened to be friends with, that they deemed unfavorable. But Chuck Clayton is a different case, one that has brought harm to more than just V. And with what we have planned, he'll have no other choice but to confess to what he did.

"Okay." I answer quickly. She smiles, then she heads out of the bedroom. I rise up from the bed and begin to change out of my pajamas. I can smell cinnamon and hints of apple all the way from the bathroom, it smells delicious. I finish getting ready when I look down at the dresser - V forgot her pearl necklace!

In a hurry, I grab for the necklace and head out of the bedroom. Salem grumbles and jumps off the bed to follow me. I step out into the kitchen and find Ali rested against the kitchen counter. I glance around the trailer for any sign of V, or her father. I turn back to face Ali, "Hey, Ali. Did V already leave?"

I look back up at her, pointing at the door. "She just walked out with her dad." she points towards the door. Relieved, I begin to head in that direction, quickly thanking her. I run down the steps, Salem keeping up with my pace, and I am able to catch up to V and Mister Lodge.

"V, wait!" I am almost out of breath when I get to them. V stands there baffled, then she notices the necklace in my hands. "You forgot this." I hand it over to her and attempt to regulate my heartbeat again. I turn to Mister Lodge and give him a wave.

"I didn't realize I left this. Thanks." V takes the pearls and fixates it around her neck.

"You sure that's everything you have, Veronica?" he speaks up, to her dismay and embarrassment. She tells him, in an irritated tone, that nothing else is left in the trailer, which I confirm. "Well then," Mister Lodge then addresses me, "I'll see to it that you and your caretaker are compensated for your hospitality."

Salem grumbles at my feet, not as bad as he was the first time around Mister Lodge, but he still comes across ill-favored. I pick him up, despite his squirminess, before providing a response. "We don't mind having Veronica over, right Salem?"

"Oh, trust me. I'd rather you stay with this fair young woman than with that Serpent boy anyday." Salem's voice rings through my head. V must have heard him too because the comment makes her chuckle. She reaches out and itches his head. Mister Lodge directs his attention to the trailer, allowing V and I some time to talk.

"I'll see if I can have you stay with me tomorrow." she whispers. "That way we can go confront Chuck together. We'll say it's a sleepover."

"Okay." I confirm with her. "Just let me know if we're in with Chuck."

"I won't forget. See you later, girl." V heads towards her ride, waving me goodbye. Salem wriggles free from my hold and jumps down to the ground. He prances off back over to the staircase as Mister Lodge approaches me, still staring at the trailer.

"You're lucky to have her, Sabrina." I don't respond, just out of confusion. Is he talking about V? Wouldn't his tone come off more snobbish? More pressing into his status with the Church? My mouth hangs when I finally come to the realization that he isn't talking about his daughter.

So he does remember Aunt Ali. I manage to form a smile. He knows about Ali. Then why would he go along with her "Wendy Beauchamp" identity, even around me? Did Auntie Z ever talk to him about her? Or....was he not expecting her to show up with me?

He finally looks at me. "I'm glad that she offered to come look after you in Riverdale. And, frankly, I'm glad that you're looking after her too."

"She's a good witch." I speak up, directing my own gaze at the trailer. Even with V's situation at the forefront of my thoughts, I still am eager to keep an eye on Ali. To learn why being in Riverdale makes her so sad. To know what she's been wanting to tell me long before we left Spellman Mortuary just weeks ago.

"Take care, Sabrina. And take care of her too." Mister Lodge nods at me before turning away. I watch as he disappears into the same vehicle V just entered into moments ago. The all-black car pulls out of the driveway, circling around our section of the trailer park, vanishing into the fog. I start thinking about Ali's connection to Mister Lodge. If he knows about her, that must mean he must have some indication of what happened to her. Maybe he might even know something about the Riverdale Reaper....

"I'm still not getting good vibes from that man, in case you were wondering." Salem expresses from behind me. I roll my eyes and peer down at my familiar. "Veronica, I can at least trust. But her father....his words sound like lies."

I cross my arms. Something's not right about Salem's attitude. "Then why did he help Aunt Ali get back to the trailer the same night I found you? Doesn't sound a string of lies to me. You're just being paranoid, Salem. As you are about Jughead."

"Excuse me for looking after your wellbeing, Miss Spellman." he grumbles as he heads up the staircase. I eventually make my way up and re-enter the trailer. The flavors of apple, cinnamon, and pumpkin whirl through the air. At the kitchen table, Ali is writing something on a sheet of paper. She stops and looks up at me as I shut the door.

"There's fresh cider on the stove, sweetheart." she gestures to the stovetop before going back to her writing. I start to wonder what Ali could be working on, but my thoughts are put on hold by the aroma of these autumn spices and flavors. I grab a mug and pour a large amount of cider into it. I look back into the open bedroom, realizing I forgot to shut the door behind me. Did Ali see the notebook of V and mine's plans about Chuck? I shrug it off, heading to the table to join Ali.

"Did you sleep okay?" I ask as I sit down, taking my first sip of the warm beverage. The cinnamon tastes fiery and the pumpkin flavor coats my throat. Ali stops her scribbling and engages in our conversation.

"Yeah....surprisingly so." she speaks to me slowly. "Best sleep I've had since coming here."

"I mean, were you okay with me and V having the bed last night?" She pauses for a moment. Her fingers circle the outside of her own mug.

"It wasn't that bad, Sabrina." she shrugs off the notion. "I'll take the couch anyday compared to where I've slept on before." She grips onto her mug and sips on her cider. Behind me, Salem leaps onto the couch and curls himself into a ball. I stare at Salem, my mind still preoccupied on Mister Lodge and his potential knowledge of Ali's past.

I rotate back to face her, my interests taking over. "Did you grow up here? In Sunnyside Trailers? Did you and your parents live like Jughead and his family?" She goes quiet, her focus aimed down at the table. I'm worried that I've made her panic and that I brought on a sensitive subject. To be fair, I don't remember if Ali did ever mention anything to me about her parents, how she came to use her powers, how she survived going to school....

Ali sets down her mug and swallows a lump in her throat. She begins, "Yeah. Was born and raised here. My father was.....quite the active member of the Serpents. Obsessed with riding around on his bike with his Serpent buddies. Ready to fight rivaling gangs...... making sure I would follow his legacy." Her voice goes out for a second. I spot her right hand flying down to an area between her thigh and her hip. She shuts her eyes and inhales, her fingers itching at that area. A tattoo? Ali was a Serpent? Just like Jughead's parents? Then....then what about her own mother? I'm about to inquire about her mother when Ali continues, "And my mother.....well, I didn't know her. She left when I was 5 years old. All I know about her is that she's a witch, hence why I have the craft."

I take a second to process the information. How could Ali's mother leave her? And how did Ali even come to practice her witchcraft all on her own? I carefully word my question, "There weren't other witches in the Serpents?"

She shakes her head with a frown. "The only way I knew what I was doing was through books I found at run-down shops on the Southside. I didn't really interact with many other witches until long after I left this place. More towards when I came across you and your Aunts." The last statement makes my mood lift. I still vividly remember the day I met Ali years ago. Even from the beginning of our relationship, she was always so pleasant with me. So kind. And she was hiding the pain of her past here in Riverdale all with a smile. It makes me wonder how long she had been on her own before Aunties and I entered her life. I wonder if Jughead's dad knew where she disappeared off to......or if Mister Lodge knew......

"What about Mister Lodge? Did you know about his magic?" I throw out, instantly regretting it but it's too late now. Ali stares at me with her mouth open and her eyes startled. She blinks, then her mouth closes. She glances away at the wall and takes another inhale.

"Found out for the first time two nights ago." she replies all monotone, grabbing her mug for another sip. "I only know about his magic just as much as you know about Veronica's." She doesn't look at me for a while, she just continues to stare off in the distance. I'm worried that somehow I've upset her by bringing V and Mister Lodge up so much. But I haven't interacted much with Jughead's parents to ask otherwise, and out of the people I've met in Riverdale, I have a stronger connection with V.

Ali slowly returns her eyes to meet mine and reaches for my hand. She gives me a sad smile, "But I'm happy that you and Veronica can help each other with your magic. You're already twenty steps ahead of where I ended up at your age. I'm only a little envious." She ends her comment with a playful wink to lighten the mood. I'm relieved that we can have the time for her to open up to me about this, and for her to reminisce with some positivity. I let go of my own cup and hold onto Ali with both hands.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that all by yourself." I do mean it - I've been lucky that I have Aunties and Ambrose to guide me, and I have Ali too. But Ali growing up without any guidance, or a friend like V, or Salem..... "Was that the reason you left, Ali? Were you trying to find other witches outside of Riverdale?"

She stays unresponsive for a minute. Her silent state is one that I haven't seen with her before, and it scares me a little bit. There must have been someone she knew back then, someone who could help her transition from Riverdale to Greendale. Otherwise.... I beg another question, "Were you running away from something?"

Ali shuts her eyes, squeezing onto my hands tighter. I'm regretting having this conversation, not because I'm petrified of my own actions, but because I'm petrified that Ali has to relive painful periods of her life. My questioning could be causing her more harm than I anticipated.

I go to speak, to apologize for the constant pestering, when she answers. "Yes. I ran from a lot of things, Sabrina. I ran from.......my life here. The people I interacted with all over town......." she pauses, opening her eyes and leaning back in her seat. Her grip on my hands eases. She purses her lips before continuing, "I ran from myself. I hated my life, Sabrina. I didn't want to be a half-Serpent, half-witch. I didn't even want to be a Serpent. I was on my own for a majority of the time....if I wasn't with Jughead's father or anyone else in the gang. Other than that, I didn't have the support you have now. Everything I learned about magic came from my own research. Even then, I was miserable. And vulnerable. And.......I made the biggest mistake of my life."

My heart races at the end of her explanation. I have so many questions but my mouth won't move. What mistake? What did Ali do? She readjusts the hold on my hands and leans in. She takes a deep breath, then looks me straight in the eye.

"You're a smart girl, Sabrina. And you have more of an emotional backbone than I did at your age. Don't let anyone else take that away from you, and don't let them get to your head. You want to know why I ran? I didn't have that advice."



It's been roughly 24 hours since Hiram left the trailer park with his daughter back in his care. 24 hours, and I still don't know if I have the time, or the courage, to ring him up and ask for his help. If he knew what was at stake by confronting me at Pop's that night and still doing it anyway, why shouldn't I be able to do the same?

At least I had somewhat of a chance to open up to Sabrina about my past. I wasn't able to disclose everything, specifically about Hal himself, or even that house; the topic became too much after a while. But I could get my point across about developing emotional strength and finding some support. She seemed to take it well, which brings me some relief. After that instance, she disappeared into the bedroom for a while along with that cat, so I spent most of yesterday drafting out what to do about Hiram.

Work is slow this morning at the diner. So far, only families with smaller children and older folks have come for a meal, not many teenagers. Normally, I would be gone by now after making the daily pies, but something keeps me here at work. I keep staring at the phone at Pop's like I'm expecting some call....for no reason. Some part of me must think that I can try to use it when the rush dies down so I can get in contact with Hiram.....but I think I'm just stretching things out beyond proportion.

I get the chance to eat during a dull point of service. I could have kept going and gone the whole morning without breakfast, but Gladys makes me sit down so I can eat something. She covers my tables while I impatiently look at the phone, stabbing my eggs with a fork. I haven't had coffee at all, but I'm so jittery. Am I expecting someone to call at all? Maybe not Hiram, or Keller even.....Hal? Did he know how to use a phone? Does he know where I am? That I work here?

My thoughts get put on hold when Gladys joins me at the bartop with her own plate of breakfast. "You hanging in there, witch?" she mutters, biting into a piece of bacon. She notices me staring at the phone, which happens to be next to the coffee pot, and smirks. "You want me to convince Pop to let us finish out the last of that pot?" I manage to look at her, and with a smile, I shake my head.

"I think my heart would fly out of my chest if I drink any caffeine today." I tease. I finally decide to take a forkful of food and shove it into my mouth. The eggs taste watery and the corned beef hash is crusty and lukewarm, but it's better than not eating anything.

"You handle Lodge alright on your own?" she inquires me in a low voice. "I meant to ask about that yesterday." I finish swallowing the lump of food before I answer.

"We kept it brief. He got his daughter and left. No fuss." Gladys rotates in her stool so her back leans against the counter, elbows on the bartop. She glances out the window, looking out at the foggy, grey world.

"Surprised he didn't bring any of his capos along. Probably would have if he were dealing with anyone else on the Southside, including me or FP." I mimic her motion and allow myself to relax against the countertop. I turn my head to the side to face her. She continues, "You got any weird, magical gut feelings? That him being so soft around you strikes you odd?"

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Trust me, I've been trying to figure that out since I arrived." Her eyes light up, and we both start laughing. She drops her head onto my shoulder in attempt to suppress a snort. It's nice to let my guard down for once. I spent too many years of my life not connecting with people, and not allowing myself to breathe and hang loose. Opening up to Sabrina tears down some of that wall I built. Hanging out with Gladys provides a sense of relief for me. Maybe this trip to Riverdale is what I needed to heal.

We're both so caught up in our delirium that we don't notice Pop coming out of the kitchen. He coughs, catching our attention, and he gives us a stern nod. He wants us to get back to work in the nicest way possible. I follow my gaze to the jukebox, still high on my good mood. "Come on, let's get some good work music going." I grab Gladys's hand and we head over to the jukebox. I browse through the collection of music, searching for something upbeat. My eyes land on Yvonne Elliman. Gladys shoves a quarter into the jukebox and I press on the selection. The vibrant disco music fills the silence in the diner. I'm fully aware that the music out of this time period screams cheezy, but it radiates so much positive energy. It lifts my spirits every time I throw on his type of music in the bakery, or even when I'm by myself back in my little apartment above my shop. It reminds me of simpler, happier days.

I take Gladys by the hand and we make our way around the diner, grooving to Yvonne's lyrics.

Don't know why

I'm survivin' ev'ry lonely day

When there's got to be no chance for me

My life would end

We're both laughing and jamming to the song without any real sense of coordination. My mind no longer focuses so heavily on my strategization to convince Hiram to help me, nor on Hal. For once during my return to Riverdale, the weight of my trauma glides off my shoulders. I still have a strong relationship with Sabrina. I have a real friend. I'm slowly making amends with former classmates. And I can reintegrate myself into society. I can finally say I'm in euphoria.

Am I strong enough to see it through

Go crazy is what I will do

I don't hear the phone ring over the music or my state of happiness. I don't even hear Pop on the other side of the diner go to answer the call. It's only after Gladys and I take a second to catch our breaths from the bad dancing and ongoing laughter that Pop holds my attention.

"Miss Beauchamp, Mr. Lodge is on the other end. He wants to speak to you."

The high I experienced starts to fade. My internal thoughts kick back in. What does Hiram want this early in the morning? From me of all people? I'm frozen until Gladys nudges me, gesturing her head to where Pop stands. I let go of Gladys and hustle over to where Pop waits for me. He hands me the phone and walks away. I scan the diner for any eavesdroppers - I can't risk any mortal overhearing this conversation.

"Pop's Chock'Lit Shop. This is Wendy." I speak into the phone, maintaining my new identity. The other end is dead silent. Did Hiram leave the conversation without hanging up? Attempting to not let my anger rise, I inhale sharply. I start again, "Pop's Choc---"

"I heard you the first time, Acid Queen Alice. You don't have to use your cover around me." Hiram replies, I can hear him smirking. I wish I could reach through to the other end and strangle him. Then I have to remind myself that, whether I care for him or not, he's the only one who can help me with finding Hal....maybe even with Sabrina's trial if he'll budge.

I bless under my breath before re-engaging with him. "You better have a good reason for calling me in the middle of work. Unless you have any news regarding....our mutual acquaintance," I have to carefully state out loud. Innocently mentioning Sabrina or her problems back in Greendale could open up a can of worms I don't have time to clean up.

"I actually do have a meeting regarding that manner in a few minutes, in case you were curious." he defends himself rather quickly. I roll my eyes, losing patience with him. He goes on, "So while I have the time, I wanted to know when you would like to have those mugs returned to you." Whatever feelings I just generated cease at the request. He still has the mugs I put the cider in yesterday. I almost forgot I gifted the Lodges with a warm beverage to go.

"It's not that big of a deal." I become sheepish, turning my back to the front of the diner. I lean against the phone booth, holding the phone closer to my ear. My thoughts wonder - would now be a good time to ask? When will I have another opportunity? Is Gladys right about him? Why is Hiram acting so damn soft around me?

"I can have my daughter bring them to Sabrina if that's easiest." I remain silent. Sabrina asked me this morning if she could spend the night with Veronica. She claimed that she wanted to check in on her new friend, saying something about a girls' night in at Pembrooke. She also mentioned something about taking Salem along with her, which I'm fine with. I still don't know what to make about that cat. I'm tempted to ask if Hiram might be aware of this last-minute decision, but time is of the essence here and I do have to get back to waiting tables. Yet my head is still screaming to ask for his help.

"Okay." I keep my answer short. An awkward silence fills the gap of our conversation. I'm not sure if he's waiting for me to speak, or if he lost the will to speak himself. What are you waiting for, Alice? my inner voice begs. Just ask him. He's the only one in this town who can do what you do. He would have the resources, the tools; he's your one chance to stop Hal. What's taking you so long?

"If you don't have anything else, I'll leave you be. Have a good day, Alice---"

"Hiram, wait!" I yell. The boom of my voice pierces the space of the diner, echoing throughout. Everyone in the diner, including Pop and Gladys, stare at me. I'm embarrassed out of my mind, but at this point, it's now or never.

I lean further into the booth, exhaling. In a low register, I speak into the phone, "You said you'd offer me assistance if I ever came to need it. Right?"

I hear him lean back into something. Is he in his office right now? I can hear the shock when he returns, "Why, has something come up?" My heart could fly out. The knots in my stomach feel like butterflies. The phone cord curls in between my fingers. Come on, Alice, spit it out.

"More like someone has returned. Meaning bad news." Referring to Hal alone makes me want to lurch, but I have to stay strong. I need to for Sabrina, for Veronica, and maybe for myself. Seconds go by, and Hiram says nothing. His silence puts me on edge. Does he no longer wish to offer his services? Does he even know that I'm talking about Hal?

"Look," I start to ramble out of pure anxiety, "this actually is kinda urgent because it not only involves me. It involves Sabrina. And your daughter. You too, if you want to extend it....." I start to stutter on words, blessing once more away from the phone. I manage to form a cohesive sentence to end my plea, "I don't have time to explain all of this now, but this thing.....I can't sit on this anymore and let everything go to hell. I need help." The other end remains muted. I force myself to take a long, deep breath. Admitting that I can't take on Hal alone wasn't the hard part. Admitting that I can't take him on alone and that I need Hiram to help me scares me more. My need to resort to someone, who I never got along with in high school, who invited me to that party in the first place, who became my first target..... But it doesn't matter anymore. Hiram tried to reach out to me 25 years ago, and now I need to reach out to him.

I expect a sneer from him. I anticipate him to laugh in my ear and tell me to take the high road. Figure it out on my own. But I don't get any notion of cruelty. Nor do I get even one noise. Instead I get, "Meet me tonight at Lenny's - I'll make a reservation for us at 8. Does that work?" My heartbeat slows. My brain is numb. I don't think I ever stepped foot into Lenny's - I never had enough money to go into our town's most expensive restaurant. Yet again, I didn't need Hiram's help until recently.

"That's fine." I mutter into the phone, still trying to process this point of our conversation.

"We'll talk more tonight. See you then."

The call ends. I place the phone back in its spot and stay frozen. I'm unable to move. The arrangement that we agreed on takes some time for it to hit me. It's actually happening. I'm meeting with Hiram. Tonight. At Lenny's. The reality of the situation hits hard. My eyes bulge and my knees turn to jelly.

"Oh no." I turn away from the phone booth, latching onto the bartop for support. I continue to mutter to myself, "Oh no....no no no no no." Gladys sees me, her brow raising. When I manage to stand up without support, and without the crowd in the diner watching my nervous breakdown, I frantically point to the bathroom. My heartbeat picks up, the knots in my stomach churning. She gets the hint, and we both hurry into the bathroom. I pace between the sinks and run my fingers through my hair, still muttering while Gladys locks the door. She's about to ask what happened when I face her in panic.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST GET MYSELF INTO?" I whisper, which comes off more as a hiss. My hands start to shake, I feel like I'm swallowing hot wax. I might have just made a big mistake. Who am I trust Hiram Lodge at this hour? But what other choice do I have? I start to ramble, "I made a mistake. I can't go to dinner with him. I don't why I'm asking for his help in the first place."

"You're meeting with him for....I'm confused. For what now?" I glance over her shoulder towards the door. I know she locked it, but still the paranoia shakes me. I return to meet her eyes and place my hands on her shoulders, huffing. Both of my brows lift, hoping she gets the hint. Part of me wishes I had a spell so I can transmit into her head what I'm poking at. But no magic is required - her eyes widen. "Oh........ Oh shit, that thing?" I nod my head at a turtle's pace, releasing my hands from her shoulders. I walk into one of the stalls and allow myself to melt to the floor, fingers in my hair, elbows on my knees.

"When does he want to meet? And where?"

"8. At Lenny's downtown." I mutter, providing her the details. My fingernails tap up and down on my skull. My gaze is to the tiles on the bathroom floor. The colorization of the tiles makes me dizzy, so I have to squeeze my eyes shut. I'm acting like a four year old - what is wrong with me? Daisies and candles, I tell myself, daisies and candles.

"At this point, just go." She states, point blank. "See if it's worth the time." My fingers release from my hair. My eyes snap open as I tilt my head up to her. I stare at her, still silent, and I rise up from the floor. My hand rests against the stall, my mouth hanging.

"Are you high on fumes? I can't!" I practically screech. The door jingles from the end of the bathroom. We both turn our heads at the noise. Whoever is outside attempts to fumble with the door again. Gladys calls out that the bathroom's occupied until further notice. I wait until the stranger leaves before I proceed in a harsh whisper, "I never got along with this man. I was nothing but a drug dealer to him in high school. And now he wants to give a crap and make me think I need to rely on him?" I back away a little, my uniform sticking to my skin, even though it's not hot. I speak in between breaths, fanning out my uniform, "I have to back out, I gotta call him back and cancel this. Maybe I should just ghost him....or whatever the kids call it. Hey, is it getting hot in here or is just me---"

"Alice," Gladys takes a hold of me by the shoulders, looking me in the eye. She speaks calmly, "look at me. Deep breaths, okay?" I do as I'm told. Daisies and candles. The dizziness starts to go away. My skin cools down. The rapid beating of my heart stagnates. Once I calm down, she says, "If you haven't decided to back out yet, maybe I can help craft your argument for tonight. Highlight the points that can convince him to aid you." The inner voice, the teenage version of me, formulates excuses in my brain so I can skip this meeting. I'm caught listening to Teen Alice (my head makes some good points) that I faze out. Gladys picks up on this and squeezes my shoulder. "At least let me help you pick out your outfit."

I sigh. There really is no backing out now. At one last attempt, I say the first excuse that pops into my head, "I don't have anything good in my closet. Well....nothing that suit the dress code for a place like Lenny's." Gladys doesn't fall for this. She tilts her head one way glaring down, then straightens, looking back up at me with confidence. I think I can tell what she's trying to get at, but I let her say it out loud anyway.

"I never said we were only gonna browse through your hippie garb, witch. I'll admit, a lot of what I label "fancy outfits" is mostly snakeskin and kinda sheer, but it should work. Now, what size dress are you?"



The walk to Pembrooke from the town library is quicker this time, partially because I'm getting better at my Riverdale geography. I observe the environment around me, my backpack slung over my shoulders, my overnight bag in my hands, and Salem prancing alongside me. It's a little after 6:30, but the sun is already starting to set, pinks and oranges blending into the fading blue sky. Leaves crumble on the sidewalk, blowing past some of the shops closing for the night. The town starts to transition to prepare the nightlife. And I'm about to engage in it.

I head up the steps of Pembrooke and enter the lobby. I text Ali to let her know that I made it safely, then I let V know I'm here. We agreed to meet at least an hour or two early so we can set up our alibi - V and I would have a sleepover, and we're watching movies and catching up on homework in her room. Our plan is to leave here around 8:30 to head over to Chuck Clayton's house. V will get talking with him while I go through his house.....from their we make him confess his wrongdoings. There are some details we have to work through, hence why we're meeting earlier.....but it also allows me some time to look more into this Riverdale Reaper.

I pull out a book I borrowed from the library. It's another book about Riverdale history, but it can provide a better insight of what Jughead and I need to write the article. I flip through the lengthier chapters, narrowing down my search. I stop on a chapter talking about the late 1960s, which is when the murders happened, and...... Something strikes out to me about this book. There actually is information regarding the Reaper massacres. Nothing's stated about the Conway family or their unfortunate fate so far, yet the book discusses how the town reacted during this frightening time. Apparently people fled the town long before the Reaper went after the Conways, as a result of a series of "witch hunts". A group of high elite family names banded together to seek out anyone that could be responsible for the murders. A photo of this group takes up half a page in black and white. Something else stands out to me - this group is mostly all-male, except for one woman, with one stripe of some color in her white hair.

Footsteps coming in my direction breaks my attention on the book. I lift up to find V walking towards me, decked out in an all-black bodysuit and jeans. She's not wearing her pearls. "I didn't keep you waiting too long, did I?"

I shut my book and shove it back into my bag. "I just got here." I rise up from where I'm sitting, slinging my backpack over my shoulders again, while Salem perks up at the sight of his new friend. He trots over to V and nuzzles his head into her leg.

"Anything that needs to be done about your father?" he purrs. V rolls her eyes and scoops him into her arms.

"Not yet, pequeño duende. Though, it wouldn't hurt just to have you on stand-by." she teases as she plants a kiss on top of his head. No one's at the front desk currently, but V still has me follow her up the back steps to her residence. Her living room is still immaculate and clean as it was the day I first saw Pembrooke. If I can take a day or two to study every detail, I would. But we waste no time and head straight into V's bedroom. She releases Salem to the ground and shuts her door as I walk in. Her laptop sits open and lit up on her bed. "While we have time," V moves around me and flops onto her bed, grabbing for her computer, "I found something that could fuel more fire in our plan. Well.....Archie and Reggie found this while at practice and sent it to me."

"Something about Chuck?"

She sighs, turning her laptop screen to face me. "Not entirely." I come closer to the screen, lowering my knees to the floor so I can have a better look. There's screenshots of a journal log....with girls' names listed. And a comment and score. Some of the names I recognize from cheerleading, like Ginger Lopez and Tina Patel. Other girls I don't recognize - Ethel Muggs, Melody Valentine, the list goes on.

"We were right, 'Brina. I'm not the only girl at Riverdale High that dealt with Chuck. From what Archie and Reggie could get without being caught, Chuck keeps a scorebook to....I don't know, make a name for himself. Assert power. Either way, this list proves that he shows no respect for anyone he.....did anything to." I'm speechless. So there were other girls involved.....

Salem snickers in disapproval, "That gives more of a reason now to execute this revenge. He'll just keep pawing his hands on anything that moves.....unless you two put an end to this. And anyone else you want to play a part." I start to think about the others. I've only held brief conversations with Ginger and Tina, and they never brought this matter up. I wish I knew what the others looked like so I can determine if they were waving warning flags. If I knew what the others looked like......

"Can I see photos of the rest of the girls on the list?" I ask out of the blue. V torts her head in confusion. I rise from my knees and sit down on the bed next to her, handing back the laptop. "I might have an idea on how we make Chuck confess - but I might need to get some visuals to help me out. Do.....do you kind of understand what I'm saying?" V ponders for a second or two, then she catches on. She smiles and sits up straight, pulling the laptop onto her thighs.

"I think you just read my mind, Sabrina Spellman. I just happened to do a little Facebook stalking before you showed up. Get an idea of who we need to help protect and stand up for." I peer over her shoulder as she goes through the list, finding their profiles all over social media. It's a variety of the popular and well-known, timid and would rather spend their weekends in the library. But it's enough information for V and I.....and Salem......to finalize our game plan.

We finish our investigation and strategizing in 20 minutes. Since we are technically having a sleepover-slash-"girls night in", we decide to watch a quick movie before we head over to Chuck's. V scrolls through the options on both the family Hulu and Netflix accounts, narrowing down our viewing options. V's shocked when I tell her I don't recognize half of the titles. I explain that Aunties don't care for me to watch mainstream cinema.....or mainstream anything. The only movies I get the chance to watch come out around Halloween at the Greendale movie theater, and they're all from the 70s and 80s. V jokingly vows that before I head back to Greendale, we're going to get through all the cult classics and pop culture superhero movies, "Even if we have to skip school or take up all of Thanksgiving Break." she says. I laugh, and so does she. It's nice to finally experience a normal teenage life for the first time without any restrictions or hold backs. It's nice to experience with someone who gets it.

We eventually select to watch Heathers, some late 1980s black comedy with Winona Ryder. On the surface, it's a teen comedy dealing with high school cliques, but it's actually pretty dark. Winona's boyfriend wants to kill everyone and frame it as suicide. It is a good movie, though. V's seen it a few times now, but she doesn't mind rewatching over again.

"Were you named after the main character?" I ask her during one of the slower parts.

"Not sure. Apparently, my mom picked out my name, but I don't know if she got influenced by this movie."

"It's a nice name." Salem comments from his place on her vanity. "Also seems kinda fitting to prepare for your retribution with Heathers. Considering the topic...." I roll my eyes and glare at my familiar.

"Thanks for that input, Salem." I compliment him in full sarcasm. V and I both break out into laughter. We almost don't hear a knock on V's door. The noise causes Salem to growl and hop down from the vanity. V jolts up for a second, then relaxes. She pauses the movie to call out to whoever is on the other side as Salem joins us on the bed.

"Door's open!" We both stay on the bed as the bedroom door creaks open wide. Mister Lodge stands at the door frame, adjusting the links on his cuffs. He's all dressed up with an ascot around his neck, but for what reason? "Let me guess - movie too loud?" V sasses her father. He fixes the cuff before turning his attention to her.

"You're fine, mija. I actually came to...." he stops, seeing me next to his daughter. "Sabrina, hello! I didn't hear you come in! I better include you in this as well." Mister Lodge steps into the bedroom to address both of us equally. "I'm going to be out for a couple of hours, so if you ladies need anything, Andre will be available. As will the staff downstairs."

"That's why you look like you're going to a gala?" V comments, gesturing to his suit.

"As a matter of a fact, I'm having dinner with.....someone to discuss.....an arrangement." His words come out methodical. Is this anything related to the Church of Night? Or even my trial? Did Auntie Z ever mention leaving the house for the night to conduct a business meeting in years past?

"I thought you didn't have business meetings on Monday nights. Especially this late."

He takes a deep breath, briefly glancing over at me. Something tells me that maybe Mister Lodge is meeting with someone to talk about me. But who? Auntie Z? Another Church of Night member? ALI? "Well, I do make exceptions every once in a while." he explains to us. V and I exchange a look of scepticism. I still wonder who Mister Lodge would desire to share a meal with this late at night. He looks down at his watch and lowers his wrist. He starts to leave the bedroom, "I better be on my way. Will you two be alright here by yourselves?"

"We're fine, Daddy." V groans, impatiently waiting for her father to make his exit. He smirks and salutes us.

"Enjoy your night." He's about to shut the door when Salem lets out an angry meow. Mister Lodge directs his attention to my familiar, still holding his smirk. "Y buenas noches a ti, Salem." He gives us one last wave, then shuts the door behind him. We wait until we hear the front door outside shuts, leaving us in Pembrooke alone, before V speaks.

"Guess that means we don't have to sneak around my father tonight." she exclaims with a grin. I can't respond or pay attention to her turning back on the movie. My mind is stuck on the thought of Mister Lodge potentially meeting someone from Greendale, or even Ali. What if Auntie Z or Hilda is in Riverdale? Wouldn't have they contacted me otherwise? Now that I have my mind set on this matter, why haven't I heard from Aunties, or Ambrose? Or Harvey, or Roz, or Suzie, or anyone else from my life back at home? Don't they care about what's going on here in Riverdale? Don't they care about me?

"'Brina?" V stops the movie and places a hand on my back. I don't realize that I'm physically showing my fear until I feel a tear stream down my cheek. Salem curls into me, resting his front legs across my forearm. I quickly wipe away the tear, letting out an unsteady exhale.

"Just thinking about my family, that's all." I mutter. I take a pillow from behind me and hug it into my stomach. Butterflies, or something knotty, swirl within me. With everything going on in Riverdale, I distract myself so much from the thought of home. I haven't thought about it since my talk with Archie just days ago. The thought of everyone in Greendale weighs down heavier now. I miss Aunties and Ambrose. I miss Harvey. I miss Roz and Suzie.

"Has anyone from your family reached out to see how you're holding up?" V whispers. I struggle to stop crying, but eventually, I give up, shaking my head. Salem nudges his head against me. V makes circles on my back to soothe me. It's embarrassing - I'm supposed to be here to help V with her problems, yet we've shifted gears to focus more on mine. I don't hate Riverdale, I love the environment and my new friends. I hate that I had to leave everything I knew behind, even if it's just temporary. I hate that I feel like I'm making Ali relive her trauma and making her depressed. I hate that I put my family at stake with the Church of Night. I'm letting Aunties down. I'm letting my father down..... My father.....

Then I remember - Dad's amulet. I straighten my back, setting the pillow next to me. I rise up and leave the bed so I can reach for my backpack. I shoved the amulet into my bag when I was cleaning up the bedroom for Ali to use tonight. I dig around my bad, shoving aside the library books, zipping through my pockets, until my fingers rest upon the chain. I grab on and pull the amulet out of my bag, smiling. I stand back up, letting the amulet dangle in my hands, to show V and Salem.

"A family heirloom?" Salem rises in interest. "How did you manage to snag that little charm?"

"I didn't snag it - Ambrose, my cousin, gave it to me before I left." I explain, putting the amulet on before resting back down on the bed. V reaches for the charm, running her fingers on the edges. I continue, "If it's a necessity to call back home, I can just use a summoning spell." My thoughts float back to when Ambrose first showed me this thing the night Ali and I left for Riverdale. How come I never knew about it before then? Why did Dad leave it behind?

"It's beautiful." V comments. My mood lifts slightly, but I'm still in a funk. I give V a sad smile.

"It's what I have left of my dad, for the most part. And maybe my mom too." I tell them, then pause. I'm not sure if Mister Lodge told V about the fate of my parents, or why I live with my aunts. I don't think I've told Salem yet either. We've focused so much on current events that I haven't made any real attempt thus far to educate my new friend, and my familiar, on my family history. But it will have to wait for another time. I take the charm into my hands and finish my statement, "I never even met them, and yet I miss them. Funny how the world works."

"It is a cruel world, indeed, Sabrina." Salem states, coming off more as a hiss. "A sad, cruel world. But you're lucky that I'm here. And so is Miss Lodge. We can act as your family if your aunts and cousin forget all about you." I can feel my smile slowly fade, not out of cruelty but out of confusion. I guess it would be nice.....if the trial doesn't go as plan or I get excommunicated or banned from Greendale, I could start over here and stay with V and her father. And I can keep Salem around. It does sound wonderful..... But what about Aunt Ali? Isn't she my family too? I still don't understand what it is about Ali that makes Salem hold such a negative opinion of her....

I quickly reform a smile for Salem before returning to V. I change the subject of the conversation, "What time did Chuck want to meet with us again?"

"Somewhere 8:30 or 9. You wanna finish up the movie?" Relieved, I nod. I retake my place next to V so we can start up Heathers again.

Around 8:10, we pack up our supplies and head out of the residence, using the steps as we did before. We slip into the lobby without a sound, heading for the back set of doors, leading out into the streets of downtown Riverdale. We head towards the parking garage at the end of the corner of the street. I'm tempted to pull out the light on my phone, or use some magic to light the way, but V makes sure to guide me through the dark. Salem keeps a good pace next to us, carefully noting each step we take. Eventually, we stop at a bright, red car. V reveals a set of keys to unlock the vehicle, and she gestures for me to get in. I'm impressed - when did she learn how to drive, especially since her family has chauffeurs and she grew up in New York? Instead of asking questions, I just climb into the vehicle, taking Salem with me. V brings the car to life, backing out of the parking space, and roaring out of the garage.

It takes a minute or two for the three of us to make our way through town before V chimes in, "You nervous, 'Brina?" I hold onto Salem as she takes a sharp turn.

"A little bit. You?"

"I've got jitters." she laughs. "But we'll be ready. Chuck will have his comeuppance." Salem chirps in excitement.

"That's the spirit!" His voice is devilish, as if he was waiting for a moment like this to happen since being left alone in that house. But nothing to worry about for now. V giggles, and I do as well to some extent. A few more miles down the road, and more sharp turns later, we stop at the end of a street. V turns off the engine and the lights, turning to me.

"Chuck's house is up down there." she tilts her head back to the other side of the street. It doesn't make sense - why would we need to park on the opposite side of the..... Oh. I get it now.

"So no one will see us coming from down here?" I throw out. She nods in approval, getting out of the car. I hop out myself, releasing Salem onto the sidewalk. I join V by her trunk, and.....she's shaking. I can see her breath materialize in the cold air, all broken up and unsteady. She looks just as nervous as she appeared when we explored the Conway House. Is she getting cold feet?

I take her hand, her fingers are like ice. "You sure you still want to go through with this, V?" She releases another breath as she glances around this dark street. It takes her a while before she turns back to me, her lip quivering. "I'm right with you, okay?"

Her lips curl up the slightest when she squeezes my hand. "Showtime." she whispers. I call for Salem to join us, and we make our way down the street. V still clutches onto my hand like we're going through a "haunted" corn maze anticipating someone in a mask to pop out at us. She's scared but she won't own up to it. I'm amazed that she still wants to follow through. And I admit, I'm shocked that I haven't back out. When I went to get back at those football boys with the Weird Sisters, I felt much more confident and sure. I had a steady plan. The stakes here are no different, but for some reason, I have a feeling something might go wrong.....

We come to a house towards the other end of the street. Its white and grey outer skin illuminates in the darkness. This must be Chuck Clayton's home. I wonder what will wait for us on the inside, what could work with the plan.... V lets go of my hand before she heads up the entryway. Salem prances over and stops at my ankles. I pick him up and cradle him.

"Well, here goes nothing." I mutter and follow V to the front door. I wait behind her, still holding onto Salem, as she rings the bell. No one comes to the door at first. I glance around more of the outside of the house. I spot a car sitting outside the family's garage? Does that car belong to him, or his parents? Will his parents be here too?

My thoughts come to a halt when the front door opens. A boy around our age towers over us from the other side. I've seen this boy at school, but it never occured to me that THIS was Chuck. I've seen him walking down the hallways, smiling at me and others as he passes. Now that I can put a name to his face, the sight of him makes me sick.

"Ronnie," Chuck smirks down at V. "I'm glad you made it."

"Hello, Chuck." she swoons, I forget she's putting on a facade. Salem squawks in my arms, catching Chuck's attention. The smirk drops when he sets his eye on me. V waves at me to come forward, "Don't worry, she's with me. Showing her around." I adjust my hold on Salem to wave hello. He becomes less concerned the more he looks at me.

"Oh right. The new girl." he reforms his smirk. I'm relieved that I don't have to create an impromptu back-up plan to sneak into the house if he didn't approve of me being here. But so far, he shows no disapproval. Maybe this will work after all.

Chuck opens the door wider. "You gonna come in or what, ladies?"



It takes a while for the heat to kick on in my convertible. It's not super cold out, but the sheer fabric of this dress....romper thing on me doesn't do much to keep me warm. Out of all the outfits Gladys had me try on, I felt more comfortable in this red snakeskin one. It shows more skin than I thought - the V neck of this thing goes down to my belly button. But Gladys found some gold jewelry and a belt to pair it with, so I do feel more comfortable with that. It feels weird, though, that I'm borrowing clothes from FP's wife. I'm even wearing Roman-style heels that go up to my calf, and they're hers. Perhaps I'm still getting used to having a real female friend and being able to share stories with others, as well as swap wardrobes.

It's a few minutes to 8, so I need to get a move on, with my AC blasting heat or not. I don't want to leave Hiram waiting for me or thinking that I abandoned our arrangement. I pull out of Sunnyside Trailers and head for Lenny's downtown. Normally, I would drive in silence, or at least let my mind wander a little. But I keep thinking about how empty the trailer felt this afternoon without Sabrina or her cat while I finished getting ready. I keep thinking about everything in this town. I need to distract myself before I drop this bomb on Hiram tonight. I flip through the channels on the radio, switching between the newest pop songs, some country, rap. Eventually I stop on a classic rock channel and hear the end of a Rolling Stones song. The channel host makes a bit of commentary as a new song starts up. The familiar opening cords under the dialogue sound familiar. My eyes dart to the radio slightly, the music progressing. I recognize the song almost instantly from the singing.

The full moon is calling, the fever is high

And the wicked wind whispers and moans

You got your demons, you got your desires

Well, I got a few of my own

I lean my head back and force myself to breathe. Of course, I landed on a song that brings me back more memories of Hal. And how fitting that this song played right as.....right as Hal and I were on our way to confront Hiram.

We made a deal to meet up at one of Marty Mantle's parties a week or two after the Halloween Party. Hal crafted what I should say to Hiram and how to get ourselves into this party. Luckily, there was no struggle - Hiram made it a promise to get me in, and that was that. With our plan set in stone, I could have Hal enter the house without anyone suspecting to aid in my conquest.

When the night arrived, I drove Hal and I to the other side of Riverdale. He hadn't seen much of town, only the places I hung out after school and mostly on the Southside. It was his first time in the Northside, and he already seemed displeased. I didn't blame him for looking so sour - as much as I envied a Northsider life, I hated how those kids treated me. But Hal had a good point when we talked earlier - I could do something to change it.

I pulled up to a spot a few houses away. Hal strategized that if we needed an escape, we could park on the other side where no one would see us. The idea struck me odd at first, but I quickly realized he had a point. A lot of people were gathered outside Marty's house. The chances of them making comments about my presence could spark some trouble. We snuck around the back side of the houses, heading towards the party. But I wasn't planning to stay here for a long time, nor was I planning on making my presence known. We reached the house and peered at the scene through the trees.

"So this is what a high school party looks like." Hal snickered from behind me. From the sliding glass doors, I could see into the house - jocks playing a game of beer pong, girls dancing to music by the radio, the booksmart kids having a debate on the sofas. And yet, looming by the kitchen, leaning up against the doorframe by himself, was the only person I had my eyes set on that night.

"Wait here. I'll let you know when to get in." I whispered as I headed for the scene of the party. Before emerging out of the woods, Hal grabbed my arm and came into my view.

"They don't deserve you." he sounded so smooth, coming in closer to me. When I first interacted with him on Halloween night, I didn't feel any immediate connection, or real attraction. Yet, the more we hung out and the more I opened up about myself, the more he showed his devotion....was I growing attracted to my familiar? A goblin disguised as a human boy? I had to drop my gaze to my feet, his eyes glared into mine with such desire. He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my gaze up to meet his once more. His lips were dangerously close to mine. "Remember what you are, Alice."

The words loomed in my head long after I left Hal in the woods, entering the land of the living. The music became louder the closer I came to the sliding glass doors. I paused for a second, examining my scene. I could hear the Eagles blaring on the stereo as a bunch of drunk Vixens swayed their bodies. Luckily, everyone in that living room was so intoxicated that it was easier than I thought to slip in without many people catching on. A couple of drunk classmates bumped into me but seemed to shrug it off, not staring at my face. Hiram still remained sulking in him spot. It was only a matter of time before Hiram did another room scan and set his eyes on me. I slowly made my way through the room to get over to him, the music getting louder in my ears.

I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself

I've been searching for an angel in white

I've been waiting for a woman who's a little of both

And I can feel her but she's nowhere in sight

"Well I'll be damned." Hiram muttered when I stopped in front of him. "You did make it after all. Did Marty let you in without a fuss?" I didn't respond, I just shook my head. He stepped away from the wall and took a sip of his drink. "You really are a rebel, serpentina." My light expression dimmed. I still was no fan of him calling me Acid Queen Alice, but serpentina bugged me just as much.

"I'm afraid I don't have any drugs for you or your pals to overdose on." I rose my voice over the music and the laughter.

"You are retired now, aren't you?" Hiram wiped away some alcohol from his lips. I shrugged my shoulders at him, starting to look around. Marty's house certainly stood inferior to the architecture of Thornhill. It was too cramped in there, too bright, too many hot bodies. "Unless you got some hiding in a car somewhere." I knew he would pester on until I gave in. It was all part of the plan, yet I still rolled my eyes at him anyway. Had to keep up appearances somehow.

"You're funny, Lodge." I snarked, taking a step closer into him. I crossed my eyes and held my stance. I pieced together how this would play out in my head. He would take one last sip of his drink and leave his place to throw his cup away. He'd continue to look at me as he leaned down on the kitchen counter, elbows on top of the marble. He'd give me that same soft look he had when he asked me to come to the Halloween Party. Realizing I wouldn't budge, he'd wander back over to me. He'd glance down at the monochrome tile scheme before looking back up at me. This is when I would "start to give in", if only he knew.

"Maybe just one last request?" he looked so sincere, but I didn't know for sure what to make of him back then. "After that, I promise I'll ask for no more. Scout's honor." He saluted to me, and I swore I thought he'd smile. But he still had that soft, somber glow on him. He was right where I needed him. Time to make my next move.

I huffed. "We'll need to go back to my place on the Southside." I hurried my sentence and scanned the party. No one was sober enough to be paying attention to us. I tilted more into him, "You think anyone will notice if you're gone?"

"I got in because of my name." Hiram admitted in a neutral tone, "No one here to really hang out with unless I have money or party favors." He gave me a wink at the last sentence, a smile formed. It made me want to hurl. I saw an opening for us in the back by the sliding glass doors to make our grand escape. With a grunt, I took Hiram's hand and dragged him away.

"We go back for my drugs, then you leave me alone. Got it?" I called out as I led the way.

"Whatever you say, Acid Queen Alice!" he replied in excitement. We made it through the doors and back out towards the wooded area. We ran around to the front of the house next door, now clear of the party. I kept my hold of him firm as we made our way to my car. I looked up at the night sky, the stars shining bright, the moon in its third quarter at waning crescent. I directed my attention to the woods, the trees looming over the streets and houses. There, something was waited for its signal.

I lifted my head high towards the woods. I spoke to the woods all in my head. You better catch up, my inner voice called out, or you'll miss out.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Hal replied back. Somewhere in the woods, he caught up to our trail as I drove Hiram to the trailer park.

I almost miss the turn going into Lenny's. The memory of that night distracts me entirely. When I regain focus on the road, I notice that the radio station is now playing Dolly Parton. I sigh and turn it off as I enter the parking lot. It's practically deserted tonight. The only cars here might belong to waitstaff or some straggler guests. Once I find a spot, I turn off the ignition and get out of the car. My bones shake as my feet hit the payment. I have to readjust the outfit and tug down the fabric under the belt a bit. Clutching onto my purse, I take a deep breath. I have to get Hiram to listen to me tonight. It's now or never.

I make my way in to the restaurant. I can feel the warm air surrounding me when I enter. The place is mostly candle-lit, it's like I walked onto the set of The Godfather. I can smell the bread from the kitchen, the candle wax on the tables. My senses tingle here.

I walk over to the host. He greets me warmly, which is nice for a change. I'm about to explain why I'm here when he interrupts me. "Miss Smith.....ah, yes. Mr. Lodge is towards the back." I raise a brow at him. Hiram told this man.....this place about me? Another host waves for me to follow him before I can start asking any questions. I have to remind myself that I'm playing a game on no-man's land here. This is Hiram's playground, and I have to play nice and by the rules. Doesn't mean I can't bend the rules a little bit.

I'm led all the way to the back of the restaurant, passing table with only a handful of guests. The host leads me past the brick oven, the wine cabinets, everything is so decadent here. I continue my browsing when my gaze goes downward. In one table at the center of this section of the restaurant, Hiram twirls a liquor glass in his hand. He looks.....rather handsome, I will admit. He breaks his gaze at the sound of our footsteps. He smiles at the host before turning his attention fully at me. His mouth hangs slightly, his eyes become all doe like. He looks genuinely stunned at the sight of me.

"You waiter should be with you shortly." the host tells me. I thank him, not breaking my sight on Hiram. The other man leaves, we're alone now. We both maintain our silent gaze, refusing to back down. I have to take charge here. I lift my head and release my shoulders from my ears, my confidence gradually building. My heels click on the floor with each step. The tail of this outfit flows behind me. My poker face keeps it hold - I can't show any emotion just yet. His mouth still hangs by the time I reach the table. I sink into my seat, resting my purse on the floor, crossing one leg over the other. I grab for one of the water glasses while still maintaining eye contact.

It's me who breaks our prolonged silence. "You gonna keep that jaw on the floor all night, Lodge?" He closes his mouth instantly. One point for me. "Not the first time you've seen me in a dress." I comment before taking a well-deserved sip of this water.

He smirks. "Thought you would have purged all your Serpent attire. Unless you kept some items for any reason you planned to come back." I set down my glass, tapping my fingers on the outer shell. I don't think I brought any clothes with me when I left Riverdale. I left everything I had behind - clothes, books, good and loyal friends....

"I didn't." I reply stone-cold. Our waiter comes and breaks our tension. He asks if I want more than just water. Normally, I'd resort to wine, spiced cider, or stick with water. But this isn't the comfort of my place over my bakery, nor is it the Spellman's house. I stare down at the drink in Hiram's hand - whiskey? Scotch? Another witchy liquor I have yet to introduce into my drink assortments?

"I'll take what he's got." The waiter leaves with my drink order. Hiram falls back into his seat, still in a daze over me. Two for me, zero for him. I'm not here to simply have drinks and flirt, and he picks up on it now.

He sits up straight and rests his forearms on the table. His smirk has yet to break. "You want to talk business, Acid Queen Alice? Alright. We'll talk business. But it won't be like arranging for jingle jangle or obtaining access into house parties. We're not children anymore."

"First thing in a while that I agree with you on." I fire back. I don't show it in my face, but a wave of nervousness hits me. It hits me that this confrontation is happening. It's him and me, face-to-face, no magic or any familiars in plain sight to use as weapons. It's all words. It could fall either way, with me getting his assistance, or me walking away empty-handed and Sabrina in danger. The uncertain probabilities chisel away at my pride.

I speak again, "Hopefully we agree on more things. If you actually have the decency to listen, or if you're not busy planning blackmail material."

I go to reach for my glass. He scoffs. "You'd think I'd blackmail you?" I lower the glass back down with a clank. My upper lip curls to reveal my teeth. I could laugh.

"Why else did you bring up Sabrina in Pop's that night?" My face stays neutral but my voice displays a rising anger. My head drifts back to Pop's just days ago. The moments of Hiram revealing his memory of me, my nose bleed, our talk about Sabrina's fate. It still irks me to no end. "Yeah, I am looking after her on behalf of Hilda and Zelda Spellman, but I am in no way making an effort to sway her towards or against the Path of Night. And I don't plan on it either....." I trail off for a second. My thoughts circle back to the blackout. The psuedo pain ripping my brain and lungs apart, the fear of someone freeing Hal becoming a reality. "Not with the reason why we're here now." I croak. Hiram loses the smirk. His eyes show his concern. His stance eases.

"What's going on, Alice?"

The waiter comes back with my drink. I take a long sip - it's smooth going down, and it leaves a sickly sweet aftertaste. We place our meal orders with low, hurried voices. We wait for the waiter to disappear once more before we jump back into the discussion head-on.

"You remember that boy I hung out with?" I jog his memory. "Bright blonde hair, blue eyes....looked more innocent than he let on." He sits there contemplating my words. Then it comes to him.

"Hal Cooper." he mutters. He looks pissed. Hurt. Hiram looks me in the eye. "I take it he's the reason you skipped town? Did he know about....your craft?" I don't respond right away. I take a long slug of my drink. He loses the angry approach. "He was like us?"

"Goblin, to be exact.....or a demon." I explain to him. "Yeah, that night I went to the Conway House, I summoned him, thinking he was going to be my familiar." I cross my arms, anxiously beginning to dart my eyes around the room. "Turns out that was a mistake." I mutter, hoping Hiram doesn't hear me.

But he does. "That's why you came back." I can't help but stare at him now. "You're not just back in town to look after the young Spellman out of the kindness of your heart. You don't want her to find the Conway House and to release.....that thing." He's putting the pieces together faster than I hoped. One point for him. I exhale, drumming my fingers on the table. My fingers curl into my palm. Time to drop the bomb.

"Yeah......that's the problem. Hal's out." His eyes widen. His inhale comes in sharp. His lips form an unsteady line. Hiram retreats further into his seat. I proceed, "The night you came to Pop's to confront me, someone went to the Conway House and undid my binding spell. I don't know if it was Sabrina, or your daughter.....or any other witch that's gone rogue, but.....he's no longer in there. He's back and out in the streets. It wouldn't surprise me if any strange occurrences.....or deaths, start happening." Hiram keeps his composure, but I can read the panic on his face. This whole ordeal scares me too. I'm amazed that I haven't broken down yet at the mentionings of Hal. I only hope that Hiram can come through. That we can set whatever distances we have, and have had, aside to hunt Hal down. That we can just....do something to keep these girls safe. Maybe even keep the town safe too.

"Doesn't mean I won't feel guilty if something does happen. I brought him out once and he made me cause the death of people we knew. I don't want it to happen again. Not to a witch like Sabrina, or your daughter." My voice starts to waver. My lips crunch together for a moment, I feel my emotions slipping from little cracks. Daisies and candles, my brain tells me. I want to say more, but I can't get the words out. My lips stay glued shut. My gaze grows distant, unfocused, hazy. Did Hal already find someone to prey on? Was I even making this whole thing up, and my mind played tricks on me that night? Am I losing my mind?

Something's off about Hiram now. His gaze moves downward at his glass. He appears more melancholy. Was mentioning his daughter too much for him? I lean forward, intertwining my fingers. I have to be smart about these next few words. It could make or break this whole deal. "I know how protective you are about Veronica." I say to him, speaking with sympathy. "I saw the way you acted around her the other morning. You have so much devotion and love for her, even if you don't want to make it public. In a way, you're honoring Hermione...." I pause. Even thinking about Hermione still makes my insides churn, not out of disgust but out of guilt. I look to see if he's reacting to my name dropping of Hermione, but he seems unfazed by the notion. I exhale, partially in relief, and keep my words going, "You're taking care of your own flesh and blood."

His distant appearance breaks. Hiram blinks a couple of times, then he makes eye contact, struggling to find words. He huffs, then speaks, "Too bad she isn't."

I'm paralyzed. Baffled. Too bad she isn't? What the hell does that mean? My mouth creaks open, I'm mentally preventing myself from letting it open all the way. How is Veronica not of his own blood? Did Hermione marry someone else before Hiram? Is he only her stepfather? An uncle? Grandparent? I'm running out of options that could explain this. There's no other way Veronica can't be a Lodge, unless she was..... I sit there motionless. Numb. I look Hiram in the eye. He bits his lip out of fear before he gives an answer.

"Alice, Veronica's adopted."



It's nice in Chuck Clayton's house. The inside is primarily wood with some modern deco. It almost reminds me of the inside of Aunties' house back in Greendale.... With permission, I release Salem to the floor so he can "wander around" while V and I follow Chuck to the living room. "You ladies want anything to drink?" he goes over to the bar cabinet full of liquor bottles. The sight makes me cringe. I'm not opposed to alcohol, it's common for young witches to indulge in the liquid spirits to prepare for adulthood. But having this much in one house seems rather unsettling. V and I both decline the offer, which causes him to shrug. "Let me know if your mind changes." His tone bothers me. Is this how he talks to everyone else at school? Around other girls?

V wanders over to the couch and melts. The living room overlooks the kitchen and the staircase leading to the second floor. Across the way, a wooden door leads out to the pool - I can see the moon reflecting on the water's surface through the little window.

"So, how are you liking Riverdale, new girl?" Chuck questions me from the bar.

"It's.....good so far!" I respond rather fast in attempt to avoid eye contact or awkward small talk. I start to worry about Salem's whereabouts - he hasn't come down since we arrived. Chuck adds the last touch to his drink then goes to join V on the couch. He's about to sit down next to her, then notices me, then he decides to occupy the other end of the couch.

"Figure it must bother you that school got cancelled then it'll be Thanksgiving Break, and you just got here." Chuck keeps up with me. "You involved in anything so far?"

"She's on the Vixens with me." V enters the small talk. She rests her head into her palm and pulls her knees up to her shoulders. "She's a quick learner, too. Picked up our Homecoming Game routine just days after joining." Chuck seems impressed. I could run away. It wasn't hard for me and the Weird Sisters to lure those football players into the mine and "kiss them". Why can I barely stand in the same room with the man who hurt my new best friend? I grab for Dad's amulet and run my fingers along the grooves. This motion eases some of my bubbling fear, but not all the way.

"Is that Midge Klump treating you well? Heard she grew to become a bit of a tyrant when she took over this past spring. Even more now that she's dating Moose - you can't rip away her title or her boy if you tried." V releases her head from her palm, bringing it back straight.

"What's got you so interested in Midge, Chuck?" He takes a second to formulate a response. He stares off towards the pool door. Would Midge become another target.....if something ever were to happen to her and Moose? Chuck sneers, turning back to V.

"How can anyone not?" he makes up an excuse. "She runs the Vixens, she dates a Bulldog. The Sheriff's kid, Kevin, always talks about wanting to cast her as the lead in the upcoming musical. Everyone at school knows about her. You just can't." He stops, taking a long sip of his beverage. Part of me wishes it were poison instead. He sets his drink down on the coffee table and finishes his statement, "But to me, she's just like every other girl at school." My shoulders tense. V lowers her feet down to the floor, then she faces me. She raises a brow, signaling, We need to get this done. Now.

"Sorry, do you mind if I go upstairs?" I start to back away from the living room area. "I just want to make sure that my cat isn't messing with anything."

"You want me to help?" V rises from the couch, moving as far away from Chuck as possible. I nod at her then turn to Chuck. I can see on his face that he knows something isn't right.

In defeat, he waves his hand at us. "Fine with me. Haven't heard any weird noises yet, so you're cat's.....fine." I take V by the hand and we move to the stairs. We start to call out for Salem, hurrying up each step. I begin to take in the details of the upstairs section of Chuck's house. Some of the bedroom doors stay shut, I don't think we'll use them in our final plan. But the hallway, I can work with. From the end of the hall, Salem prances over to us. I sigh in relief, and I bend down to pick Salem up.

"You hear what he said about Midge?" I whisper, hoping Chuck isn't eavesdropping from downstairs.

"Oh, trust me. I got every word." Salem growls in my arms. "You need to act before you two lose your chance." V starts to glance back and forth between the hallway and us. Her inhales and exhales gradualize in fear. Her eyes widen. I meet her gaze.

"The alcohol." I mutter.

"Damnit," V comes to the realization too, "He's gonna get too drunk for this to work!"

"Don't say that." Salem snaps us both out of it. He leaps out of my arms and lifts his head up. "The illusions will scare him more while we have him under the influence. Ramp it up more, make the performance top notch." He concludes his pep talk. V and I exchange a timid glance. I admit that I could just walk out now and never turn back. I could convince V to have Chuck write a written confession of his wrong-doings if he does have the rest of his drink. Or call the police and say something.... But we've already come so far now. What would be the point of backing out? What would the Weird Sisters say if I obtained cold feet? What would Suzie say? They'd all call me a coward. Not a real Spellman. I don't deserve to be the Former High Priest's daughter.

I strategize out loud, "We have the house to our advantage. If we can get into these other rooms, maybe the pool too...."

"There's no other way he can avoid what he did." V finishes my thoughts.

"What the hell is going on?" a new voice booms. V and I whip around to find Chuck at the end of the hallway, cautiously keeping his distance from us. He spies Salem between us on the ground, then he follows his eyes upward. He starts to laugh, shaking his head. Did the alcohol already start to affect him? He breathes, then says, "Shit. If you didn't want me to talk about Midge Klump, you could've just said something! You don't have to retreat up here to get emotional support from your cat!" He laughs more, pointing at Salem. V looks at me, waiting for me to do something. Or say something. I take a moment to glance down at Salem before I address Chuck.

"Did you say that to the others, Chuck?"

He shows no emotion at my words. He scoffs, "What others?" like it's all a joke. Well, it won't be a joke in the next few minutes. The lights above us start to flicker. It's subtle, but it catches Chuck's attention. V and I share a glance. I raise a brow. She smiles. Salem chuckles.

"Showtime, ladies." he purs. We both turn our heads to Chuck. I start to use magic to intensify the flickering. V begins to create the first illusion, all out of sight. Chuck's face falls. He starts to back away ever so slightly.

"What others?" he calls out to us. V takes a step forward.

"Why don't you ask them yourself?"

Chuck takes another step backwards, about to bolt in the opposite direction, but his path is blocked. A girl about our age with brown hair and dark eyes stands before him. She shares the same look of anger and determination. He's stunned to see her. And confused. And, now he's beginning to panic.

"Ginger? How the hell did you get into my house?" The figment girl, Ginger, stays in her spot.

The figment speaks, "Do you remember, Chuck? Back in the seventh grade?" I get chills down my spine. I'm impressed that V conuld conjur her looks in a timely manner, and that she could get Ginger's voice on the spot. I start to draft the next surprise in my head while Chuck has his occupation on our first "visitor". Chuck doesn't respond to this Fake Ginger. He steps an inch back. She continues, "We were paired up for Seven Minutes in Heaven at Donna's birthday party. We waited in that closet for 6 and a half minutes before we even kissed. And it was short too. All we did was kiss. But that's not what you told everyone else..."

"Ginger....I don't understan---"

"You claimed I had a lot of game. Talked it up with all of your football buddies. You got called popular, but all I got called was slut." Now it finally hits him. Chuck quickens his pace to get away from Fake Ginger. By this point, I've prepared our new visitor. Chuck goes to turn away, but is stopped again. His eyes widen.


"Freshmen year," the Fake Tina interjects, "You had me as a model for your art class. Your first one bailed out so I jumped in. One moment, it's a homework assignment. Next, there's drawings of me all over school, on the lockers, on doors, EVERYWHERE." Chuck tries to get out but Fake Ginger blocks him. He's trapped between the two, there's no escape.

He makes an attempt to plead freedom, "I never posted those up. I don't know who got them---"

"But you drew them!" Fake Tina screams. "You drew me without clothes on, and teachers saw it. Students saw it. All of my cheermates!"

"No...." Chuck looks back and forth at the figments. His state of panic worsens. His breathing hardens, getting louder. "No, you're full of shit! Both of you!" V gives me another look. Next part. I nod and cause the flickering to get deeper, the lights starting to fully go out and back in again. Ginger and Tina start to circle him, he's twisting his head to catch up with their movements. He stutters, shaking his head. "No no no no no, this can't be happening. This isn't real. This isn't real, man!" Chuck attempts to run out of the circle, but Tina forces him back in the middle. If he thinks this level of torture is scary, he won't know how to respond to what comes next.

Chuck finds a breakthrough and bolts down to the living room. I follow him down, crafting my next trick. He goes into the kitchen and violently comes to a halt. By the kitchen island, more girls appear, all stern and out for blood.

"What....what the...." his paranoia grows as my illusion increases.

"Own up to it, Chuck." the chorus of women chant. Not one smile cracks on each face. Their eyes all stay on him like Blythe dolls. V comes to my side, her illusions of Ginger and Tina advancing on Chuck. His breathing gets louder, more unstable. He can't escape this now.

"YOU'RE ALL MANIACS!" he screams. "YOU'RE MAKING THIS UP!" He bolts away, shoving Ginger and Tina aside. He makes a break for the door, but Salem stops him in his path. Salem growls, striding towards Chuck one paw at a time.

"You think this is just gonna go away?" the kitchen chorus speaks in unison, the voices boom in his ears. He covers them, shaking his head again.

"It won't, Chuck." one voice says.

"There's no use of running." another adds.

"Own up to what you did to me."

Ginger faces him. "And me." she says. Tina says it too. "And me." The voices layer, surrounding the hallway behind me and V. We all stand together, the lights overhead violently flashing. Our illusions go in and out in timing with the lights. Tears stream down his cheeks, but he stays silent. Stunned. Each girl disappears one by one, "AND ME." becoming louder. They all fade until V and I are remaining. V steps forward after the last illusion disappears. Her fingers curl to make fists.

"And me." her voice is low but her message is clear. Chuck stumbles back, contemplating whether he should go for the door again. Salem stands his ground, hissing. Chuck can't run now, he can't ignore what he saw. He'll confess to those awful things any second now. His head rapidly turns from V to Salem, V to Salem, over and over - I swear his head might snap. He screams.


Chuck bolts past V, runs past me, and runs out through the pool door. V and I follow after him, Salem catching up to watch what happens. Chuck stumbles into the darkness, panting and out of breath. He sees us from behind and tries to back away. Big mistake. He doesn't realize that he's at the edge of his pool. He loses balance, fighting to stay on ground, but it's too late. He falls into the pool.

Everything goes quiet. Is he drowning? Oh no.....this wasn't part of the plan. V and I hurry over to get a better look. I use some magic to turn on some overhead light sources and pool lights. The hot tub sparks to life with yellow and blue, and so does the pool. The water starts to ripple in agony. Chuck pops up, gasping for air.

"And he lives." Salem comments. I glance over at V and she nods. Time to get our confession. V pulls out her phone and starts to record a video. Chuck looks at us in despair.

"You.....you...." he pants in between breaths. "YOU BITCHES!"

"Just own up to what you did, and we'll leave you alone." I tell him point blank. He doesn't bother to listen. He makes an attempt to swim to the edge and climb out. V uses magic to make a wave with the pool water, forcing him back. Salem hisses, his paws on the edge, claws digging in.

"You're overreacting!" he screams. "I didn't do anything to those girls!" Chuck, out of a last resort, turns to V. He looks worn out. Exhausted. He's begging for a life sentence. "Veronica, please. I....I didn't....."

"But you did." she cuts him off, her phone shakes in her hands. Her anger builds with each breath. I notice her eyes getting teary. She takes a deep breath, then speaks, "You took me to the movies downtown. You made me believe that you were a gentleman. I even let you kiss me." She stops, she hangs her head. She lets out a quiet sob. My heart breaks for her. I take V's hand and glare at Chuck in full anger. V lifts her head back up, not bothering to wipe away any tears before she goes on, "You wanted more than that."

Chuck stutters, "Ver....Veronica...."

"I could have just gone to the police." V interjects, her voice booming now. "I could have gone to my father. I could have killed you with my own bare hands!" Her tears flow down faster....there's black tears running down. Yet, her makeup is still intact.

I shift my focus back to our objective. I make the next statement, "We're giving these girls back their voices. We aren't afraid to speak up. What you did hurt V, and it hurt the others too." Chuck breaks down, he starts shaking his head in a low hang. I make the final proposition, "Admit what you did, say you're sorry, and we'll go." He stays unresponsive. He just shakes his head.

"I didn't...." he sobs. "I didn't do anything...."

"Look into the camera and say you're sorry." I point at V's phone. Chuck blinks at me with weepy eyes. He knows now that V and I aren't backing off. He has to do this. Accepting defeat, Chuck swims to the edge once more. Salem snarls the closer Chuck comes. "Salem, it's okay." I address my familiar in a calm tone. I turn back to Chuck, signaling for him to speak. His head leans back into the water, he lets out a cry.

"Fine! Okay, I did it!" Chuck yells, directing his attention to V's phone. His sobs gradualize in between phrases, "I went after those girls. And I went after Veronica Lodge. I'm a monster, and I'm sorry. I promise to never go near another girl again. Okay? Is that what you want to hear? I'M OWNING UP TO IT!"

I stand there frozen. I didn't realize I held my breath during his rant until my heartbeat picks up. I release the built up air. It's over. We did it. I turn to V......something's not right. The phone slips from her hands. She's still crying, the black tears streaming more. Where is it coming from? She doesn't make a single noise. She just stares at him.

"You're lying." she mutters. She lowers her hand down to around her stomach, her hand shakes in rage. It's getting hot in this area of the house....which makes no sense. We're out by the pool in the middle of November. It's supposed to be cold out....

"Salem, was this part of the plan?" I turn to my familiar and whisper. Salem keeps his gaze on Chuck, not answering me. I look back at V, then back down at Chuck. The pool ripples, each wave rising and falling. Chuck struggles to stay afloat. What is V doing?

"Say it like you mean it." V grits through her teeth. Chuck tries to speak but water flies into his mouth. It sends him back and down. V's fingers bend in all speeds and shapes, it gets hotter in the pool area. I can't move, I'm at a loss of words, but I still hold onto V. I have to talk her out of this before it gets worse.

"V?" I bend down to grab her phone on the tile floor. Maybe this will snap her out of....whatever this is. But it doesn't. She stays locked on him, her brown eyes starting to turn black. No....her eyes are getting fully black. There's something red, or of a dark color, trickling out of her eardrum.

"Say it, Chuck. SAY YOU'RE SORRY." V gets louder over the water. He starts to choke. I can hear Salem release a low cackle. The water crashes in a deadly manner. The heat is becoming unbearable. I realize that Chuck is going to die. And V will be responsible.


"V!" I step in front of her, placing both of my hands on her shoulders. Her gaze goes soft. The blackness that consumed her eyes fades. The normal color of her eyes reappears. Her nose begins to bleed. She looks at me, she blinks..... Her lip trembles. Panic seeps in. She looks over my shoulder at Chuck in the water. The magic she used to control the movement of the water and the heat ceases. It gets cool again. The water ripples back to a normal pace. Chuck gasps for air behind us, coughing. V glances around and her mouth hangs. She's on the verge of tears as she realizes what could have happened. "'Brina?" her voice breaks, she sobs. I glance over my shoulder at Chuck. A thought hits me - Chuck could have us locked up for attempted murder. Chuck will remember our faces. What we did....what V was about to do. I have to leave. I have to get V out of here.

I start to lead her away from the pool. I give Chuck one last look, taking a solid breath to keep myself from falling apart too. "Come near any of those girls again, including V, and you'll face much worse." He stares at me, numb and petrified. V clings to me as I open back up the doorway. We walk back into the house, heading out the door. I stop - what if someone sees us coming out of the house? I lead V out back to the pool area, passing Chuck on the way out through the patio door. I don't see Salem still perched by the pool's edge.....

We start to go through the backyard as our alternative route out of here. Luckily, some of the neighbors seem to be asleep or not here, so it gives us more leeway to make our escape. V sobs, and I do my best to calm her. Behind us, Salem gallops over. "Where are you going? Aren't we going to finish him off?" I stop, my hold on V loosens slightly. Finish him off?

I look down at Salem. "You thought we were going to kill him?" I don't know what else to say. How could Salem think this? Our plan was to scare him into a confession, not to murder him! Unless Salem somehow misinterpreted everything..... "No." I speak, starting to walk away with V. "We've already gone too far, Salem. We gotta get V out of here before anyone sees us!" My pace slows so I can have Salem follow us. V's wails pierce the silent night. I look over my shoulder, Salem is still in his spot.

"Salem, come on!" I hiss, hoping to not wake up any of the Clayton's neighbors. I huff, "We can use a spell to wipe his memory out or something later! It's no use doing any more harm now!" Salem glances back at the house, then he returns his gaze to us. His head circles as he lets out a deafening meow. His eyes go from the blue-green to.....grey. No.....it's a dark color. Like the stuff coming out of V's ears.

"Fine." Salem spits out. "If you won't take care of Chuck Clayton, I'll do it myself." He runs off, sprinting back to the Clayton house. What is he doing? I call out for Salem, but no avail. It's too dark and I can't see where he ran off to. The only light comes from the pool area in the house. I'm tempted to go back in and get Salem.....or to see what Salem will do to Chuck. But something happened to V, something not at our level of witchcraft. She's still scared. And I'm scared too. I'm scared for her.....

I force the lump in my throat down, then V and I continue on my path. I just hope Salem doesn't do anything severe or deadly, even if Chuck Clayton deserves it.



I can't process a sentence. My jaw hangs to a degree. My hands tremble. Veronica is adopted? How? She looks too much like Hiram and Hermione....

I still try to process the information when our waiter returns with house salads for both of us. Hiram sends the other man away before grabbing his fork. He notices my state of being and pauses.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, Alice, but it is true. It's only a mere coincidence that Veronica just happens to share my features. And Hermione Gomez's as well." He starts to dig in. I figure I should start eating as well, just so I don't come off rude. I reach for my own fork and twist it around in the salad. My mind is still trapped.

I swallow a lump in my throat. "Does she know, Hiram?" He taps his fork down on the plate. His faces fall. It takes him a good moment before he answers me. "Have you told her?"

"I've contemplated it over the years." He keeps his phrasing short and sweet. He's about to dig in again then stops. His eyes shut as he inhales. "Of course it doesn't help that the remainder of the Lodge family knows about it. I'm surprised that none of mis parientes have brought the subject up to her at any get-togethers. Because.....taking her in became a bit of an uproar. Not just with the Lodges...." He stops. Who else could know about Veronica's adoption? It takes me a second, then the voice in my head finishes his sentence. It became an uproar with the Church of Night.

I want to ask more. I'm eager to know now if that's why she has to take the Path of Night, and he wants Sabrina to join her....or act as a guide, I'm still not sure on this debacle. I finally take a forkful of salad and shove it into my mouth. It's the first real food item I've had in my body since breakfast. I mean, it's not a Thanksgiving meal, but it's edible. I try to distract myself a bit on the matter by digging more into this salad. But there's one thing that I can't quite grasp.....if adopting Veronica upset the Church.....how was he able to get away with marrying Hermione? A mortal?

"I did my best to let it all slide at first." Hiram breaks our prolonged silence, "Hermione was just over the moon about the whole thing....finally bringing home a baby. Raising children never grew as a major topic for us when we got married. At that time, she.....was still recovering from that accident," My heart grows heavy, my eyes dart around the room in regret. I'm not sure if he knows the truth about what happened that night. I continue to listen, "and I was doing everything in my power to maintain peace with the Church. We were both so busy to consider raising a child......then one day, she just...." He tries to find the appropriate words. He makes a gesture with his free hand, "appeared at our door, all bundled up and crying. There was no birth certificate on hand, no note to explain her identity, no rhyme or reason. I thought about taking her to an orphanage, or even another family within the Church.....but seeing how Hermione cared for her...." he forms a faint smile. I can't tell if his eyes are getting misty or if it's the lighting in this place. "If it was worth keeping Veronica to Hermione.....then I figured it'd be worth it for me too."

I twist my fork around in my salad. I'm trying to remember if Hermione ever talked about having kids, a rich husband, and all the other things of life. If she ever had the pre-partum crazies like most of the girls in our class. I still can't wrap my head around the whole adoption thing. Were they just taking a break from the whole baby thing when Veronica came into their lives? There's no other way they could have, unless he wanted to wait to get approval from the Church, unless like he said they really weren't keen on the whole baby thing, unless she was..... Unless she was.....

The fork slips out of my hand with a clank. My hand flies to my mouth. I squeeze my eyes shut, in hope to fight back any forming tears. My heart races, almost flying out of my chest. It finally clicks in my head.

Hermione wasn't able to have any children.

"Your accident didn't cause her infertility, Alice. That I can reassure you." he responds to my state of being. I force my eyes open and notice the somber yet neutral emotion on his face. He sighs, "She never had the ability to bear a child long before high school. It was part of the reason how I was able to convince the Church to let me marry her. If we only engage in courtship with no means of producing a child for the Church of Night....trust me, it was a long and hard battle, but luck came on my side. And hers." His gaze wanders down to the table, the emotions reading less neutral, more in mourning. "I don't even know if I have any luck anymore, especially when it comes to Church-business. Raising Veronica on my own has been a challenge, I won't lie. Everything I do is to keep her safe. To keep her from making the same mistakes as I once did in my youth." My hand releases from my mouth. If Veronica's safety matters that much, no matter how little he shows it in public, it could be the emotional leverage I need to get him to help me.

I finally speak up, "That's why I need you in on this, Hiram. If Hal is out, any guarantee of Sabrina....or Veronica, being safe is out the window." He starts to lose some emotion in his face. I lean in, my forearms grazing along the tablecloth. I look at him, "I get if promising two more witches to go down the Path of Night means you keep your family safe from a damaged reputation, but....." I take a shaky breath. How do I phrase this? How do I keep him in this possible negotiation? I glance down at my plate for a brief moment, then my eyes meet his again, "that might not be a possibility if they fall victim to Hal. The same way I....." I stop. My inner voice finishes for my mouth, The same way I almost did.

I allow the silence to take over. I pick up my fork and scoop for another bit of salad. "I'm not asking you to make up your mind now." I mutter, "Just think about it." I look down, the salad no longer appealing to me. I decide instead to grab my drink, sipping on it slowly. Well, great. This is awkward. We're not even at our main course, and I've already dampered our meeting with this talk of Hal and Hermione. I'm worried that we'll have to resort to small talk and painful silence as a way to move on from this point. I should have waited until the end of the night. What was I thinking? The alcohol creeps into my system. I feel light and airy, considering this is the first form of calories I've consumed following work. I might be drunk.....at least I think I am.....there's a tick in my head. One that I can't exactly describe. It's like the dull ache I experienced the night at Pop's. It's not super painful, but it's there. I shake the feeling off and take another sip.

The waiter takes away our salad plates, it's even more quiet now.I kind of want to cry. I want to ask more about Hermione and their marriage. I want to talk about anything, just so I don't have this dread floating around, even more now that I'm starting to get drunk. Hiram picks up on this, grabbing for some water. "Have you talked with anyone else about this matter?" he sounds raspy. The little ache in my head increases. What's even in this drink? Is it the drink at all? I set the glass down and clear my throat. I, too, reach for water.

I state my response carefully, "Not really." It's partially true - no other witch knows about Hal. I would include Gladys, but it might be risky if he learned I shared it with.....a non-magical member of a family full of witches. And as for Sabrina.....she still doesn't know all of the details yet. If only I stopped getting cold feet, and she and I could make our schedules meet to talk.

"I've been....wanting to open up to Sabrina. I've tried." I admit to Hiram. I review the times that I made those attempts....first in the car on the way into Riverdale, then at Pop's after the soccer game, the trailer park when we had alone time..... "Life just keeps getting in the way, though." I tell him, rewarding my throat with some ice water.

"What about Hilda and Zelda?" he begs the question. I grip onto the water glass, the condensation freezing my fingers. I don't think I spent any time discussing my past with the Spellman Sisters. Or Ambrose. When I showed up in Greendale, I made a valiant effort to build up my walls, throw my past as Alice Suzanna Smith away, begin anew. I don't even remember how I introduced my history to them, or maybe I never did. It would have helped now though, since they were the ones who suggested Sabrina go to Riverdale while awaiting her trial....

"They have no clue. Nobody in Greendale does. I made sure to keep it that way." I let go of the glass. I start to chew on my tongue anxiously. Before, I never saw my isolation as a problem. It kept me from staying trapped in the past. It kept my mind busy. Now.....I'm not so sure if was all worth it. I don't know if I'm angry at Hilda and Zelda for thinking sending Sabrina to Riverdale was the best idea, or if I'm angry.....at myself. For not speaking up. For not suggestion someplace else. Even if I had, I wouldn't have seen FP again, I wouldn't have befriended Gladys, I wouldn't have learned the truth about Hiram. And Hal would have found a way out eventually.....

"I guess it doesn't matter anymore." I sigh, retreating for another sip of water. I glance up at the little lights above, I can feel my walls breaking. My neutral facade revealing more of my own emotions. I chuckle, despite this dread. "My past was bound to come back and bite me in the ass someday. I didn't figure it'd be this soon....all that running away for....for it to start happening all over again." My thoughts drift to Pop's. The sickness I went through. The connection to Hal being released. If I felt it then.....would that mean.....

His face falls. He blinks at me in confusion. "Start happening.....you think something will come up?" I don't know how to go on with this. I realize that this is the first time I've opened up about the sickness from my over excessive magic use. Or why I felt that connection with Hal, even after 25 years.

The ache in my head doubles in severity. It stops me from speaking, from trying to form a coherent sentence. It's much worse than the ache I felt at Pop's, it makes me dizzy. My mouth slips open, my heart pounds in my ears. I can hear someone screaming. A boy, I don't know how old, but he doesn't sound like a child. He's screaming for help. I can hear water splashing. I glance around the venue. Is there a teenage boy in this restaurant? Is there a source of water?

"Alice?" Hiram sees my state and starts to show concern. My vision goes out, and it comes back. Only I'm not sure if I'm at Lenny's....I'm at a pool. Someone is in the water. The boy maybe? I hear a snarl....is it coming from me? My viewpoint raises, I'm over the boy in the water. He cries for help. He yells for God. Whatever I'm seeing through, it attacks.

Something digs into my chest. A ripping. My hand flies to my heart area, the dizziness worsens. Hiram calls out my name again, I look at him in panic. "I'll...." I make an attempt to stand up, gripping onto the table. "I'll be right back." I turn away, my hand glued to my chest. My feet lead me to the bathroom. No, I want fresh air, but the bathroom will do. I feel sick. I just witnessed a murder. An attack on who? I don't know. This isn't the alcohol. I'm not crazy, am I?

I stumble against the wall, I fight the urge to vomit. The pain is growing to be unbearable. I force myself to stand above one of the sinks. My fingers grasp onto the ceramic. I pant, hoping to bring some air back into my lungs. I look at my reflection, my vision keeps going back and forth between the bathroom and that pool.....the water is starting to turn red. The screams fade under the growling. What is this thing? Where is this happening? I start to feel a trickle down my nose.

I snap out of my visions. I'm tempted to use magic to open the window, but I'm worried of sparking a reason to vomit. I turn back to the reflection, taking in the dark blood running out of my nostril. I bless under my breath, wiping away the blood trail. I turn on the sink to clean off my hands and get myself together. I stop after a while, letting the hot water run over my hands. Even under this layer of makeup, even in this bathroom lighting, I look skeletal. The pain in my head dies down, I wish I had brought some herbal remedy with me. Or any form of mortal painkillers. This couldn't have been Hal.....could it? I try to think back.....did Hal go after my classmates in any other form? The only times I saw him were when he appeared in human form, before and after each.....kill. And the one time he didn't kill....

We arrived to a dark and bare Sunnyside trailer park. I wasn't sure if there was a Serpent meeting that night, but my father wouldn't be in the trailer. So that allowed me and Hal to go about our business....to enact what we would do to Hiram.

I stepped out of my vehicle, taking a deep breath of the cold, night air. I shivered and waited for Hiram to get out.....and waited for Hal to show up. Hiram slammed the door shut and glanced around. I was waiting for him to make some comment about the dirtiness of this place, but he stayed quiet. It was a relief, but it left me a bit unsettled.

"Come on." I nudged him as I walked past the hood of my car, heading up the steps to my front door. I looked out into the night sky. I hoped Hal would show up soon, I didn't know if I could enact this on my own. I fumbled with the keys for a bit, then I finally pried the door open. I forgot I turned out the lights before leaving, but the atmospheric element fit. I waved for Hiram to come in. I stood to the side so he could enter first....I did this deliberately so I could leave the front door ajar for Hal. Everything needed to go according to plan. It just had to.

"Small shack you have." Hiram paced through my living room. His hands stayed in his pockets, I could see his breath forming in the cold air. Even though it was dark, I feared that he would see how nervous I was, how on edge I'd been leading up to this very moment. I went through the details in my head - was I supposed to keep him in the living room? Did I need to have him come with me to the bedroom? When was Hal going to show up and take over? Would this work?

"My dad keeps a majority of his stash in the closet." I started to head into the bedroom. I knew my dad hid some of the drugs he stole from other Serpents in the oddest parts of our trailer - under the bed, in the freezer, behind the toilet, buried under clothes in the closet. He had so much of it, I didn't think he'd mind if I took some for....a client of sorts. I shoved some of my dad's clothes aside and searched for the drugs.....or at least I made it out that way when Hiram followed me into the bedroom. I riffled through the assortment - oxycodone, ecstasy, some jingle jangle. I grabbed a handful of each kind and turned back to Hiram. I stood there facing him with the drugs in my hands, I couldn't move I was too scared. Was I going too fast with this? Before I could walk over or speak, a cold draft blew through the trailer. I could hear a light flicker outside. The vibe of the trailer felt different, but it was comforting. It was a signal that Hal was there. I smiled a bit, making sure it wasn't too obvious to Hiram.

I stepped forward, holding the drugs out for him to take. He started to dig through his pockets, a sense of dread coming apparent on his face. He didn't have any money on him? I sighed, "Dude, it's fine. You can pay me back later. My dad won't even realized this is gone."

"You deserve compensation, though." he groaned, finally giving up on turning his pockets inside out. He huffed before addressing me again, "I feel awful for even having asked in the first place, believe me. I guess I just....wanted out of that party." Something crashed in the living room. Hiram jumped back and peered out through the doorway. Yep, Hal was ready to go.

"You think flying high like a kite's gonna spare you from social interaction?" I snarked at him, pretending that the noise didn't faze me. Hiram started to breathe heavily. Whatever Hal did, it spooked him. He turned back to me, took a deep inhale, then held his hand out.

"I'll bring the money to school. I promise." he spoke quickly. It almost made me chuckle. I hesitated a moment, then I stepped in. I hovered the drugs over his hand and stopped. I gripped onto them tighter. Hiram noticed my movements and looked up at me.

I smirked. "Just one thing....Don't call me Acid Queen Alice again. Ever."

His face fell. As he opened his mouth to speak, I released the drugs from my grip. The drug baggies dissolved into fire, building a border between me and Hiram. He lept back and yelped. The wall of fire grew, under my control of course, and continued to follow Hiram's path. He glanced down at the fire then back up at me. I only stood there with that smirk on my face. Out of sheer panic, Hiram bolted out of the bedroom, heading straight into the living room. He didn't bother to see a tall figure, dawned in a black ski mask and a leather jacket, about to approach him with an axe. Hiram stopped, seeing the figure in full form.

"What the f---" The figure swung the axe, Hiram ducked. The axe attempted to make a blow, one left, one right. Hiram avoided both with speed. He made an attempt to back away, but he was to far down to the ground that he fell back. The figure raised the axe and threw down the blade. Hiram rolled away and got back up onto his feet. He bolted for the front door. I reappeared and used magic to keep him still. The figure went to go for Hiram again, but I motioned for him to stop. Hiram looked petrified at the both of us. He turned to me in panic.

"You're....you're a....you're a witch?"

"Damn straight, Manhattan." I boasted in pride. "So cross me again, and you'll get much worse. You might have another run in with my friend over here too. But if it were me, I wouldn't test my luck. Got it?" Hiram didn't say a word. He was paralyzed in my hold. The figure took another step forward, preparing the axe.

"Okay! Okay...." Hiram held his hands up in defense. Out of mercy, I released my hold on him. He looked at me with wet eyes. Maybe I didn't realize it then, but it would change how he treated me, even coming back to Riverdale years later. He didn't move. After a second or two, I took another step toward him.

"This is the part where you run, dumbass." I gritted. With that, Hiram threw the door open and ran out, not looking back.

It was over. I ran my fingers through my hair and whirled around in utter glee. I laughed for the first time in days. I was free, Acid Queen Alice would be no more.....at least I thought at the time. I faced the figure in the living room. Hal removed the ski mask and dropped the axe on the floor. His top row of teeth showed when he smiled at me. His eyes were full of....something I never really had anyone else show when they looked at me. Admirition. Pure enjoyment. Desire....

"Should we chase after him?" Hal began to walk towards me. I cackled at the question.

"Nah, let him run." I started to meet Hal halfway. "All that matters is that I am a candy girl, no more." I curtsied at the last sentence, Hal chuckled. We came face to face, merely inches apart. The color of his eyes shone in the dark. I didn't know if I could feel heat from the fire I manifested or....could familiars radiate heat? Whatever it was, it loomed between us. It warmed me. I brought my hands up to cup his face, and I beamed. "I'm free of all of that, thanks to you."

"I'm always here for you." he muttered in return. I came in for a hug. I clung to him and he wrapped his arms around me. We stayed here for a moment or two, then we pulled back....only to lock our eyes on each other. His breath mixed with mine. The beating of my heart slowed. A hand moved from my back to my face, fingers going through my hair ever so gently. It sent tingles through me. He stared at me in wonder. Butterflies floated in my stomach.....maybe they were really warning signs that I didn't take for granted. But then, it felt right being with him. Being this closed. Feeling wanted for the first time. And I was that vulnerable enough to let it happen.

I hadn't kissed anyone, despite the reputation of my "sex life" at school; I always imagined it being after a romantic date, or at a movie theater, or somewhere out of the stereotypical rom-com setting. But when Hal kissed me, it washed away any expectations I conceived. It wasn't light or quick. It was slow and all-consuming, but I liked it. I kissed back, pulling him more into me, I was so despearate and so stupid, looking back at it, but in the moment I wanted it. I craved it. I felt like I was drunk, each time our lips collided growing more passionate. His hands stroked my back, grazed my hips, it sent a volt of electricity through me.

I eventually broke off, looking up at him. A smile came across my face. I wanted more, but not out in the open like this. I was new to this, but I still had some standards. I turned to the door and used some magic to send it shut. I faced Hal, raising a brow. He stepped in, I swore he growled. With a giggle, I took him by the hand and led him into the bedroom.

I snap out of my thoughts when a drop of blood hits the ceramic. The warm water stops doing much for me. I glance back up and notice my nose bleeding again. Great. I sigh and flick some water up to get the bleeding to stop. It doesn't do much, so I have to grab a clean paper towel to wipe my nose again. I wash my hands again and turn off the water in frustration. I need to head back, I can't leave Hiram waiting for me or thinking that I ditched. I make my way out of the bathroom and head down the hallway.

"Alice." Hiram approaches me out of nowhere. I yelp and stumble back into the wall, my hand flying to my chest rising up and down. I grow cross.

I point a finger at him, "You are asking me to send you into Spellman Mortuary, I swear, Hiram!" He occupies the other side of the hallway, looking at me in regret.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." he testifies. "I told them to hold off on bringing our meals out until you came back...." He stops talking. He takes note of something about me. Something on my face. He steps towards me, he's tempted to reach his fingers up but hesitates. He's looking at my nose. "You had a nose bleed?"

I bring a finger to the area under my nostril. Did I not wash all of it off? Some dried blood smudges on my finger. "It's.....it's nothing. I'm fine." He doesn't believe me. He just stays there with his hand hovering in the air looking at me like his dog got run over. I roll my eyes at him, "I'm fine, Hiram....." I say like I hope it would be fine. I hope it isn't anything serious. I look at him again, his gaze becoming softer. I step in closer to him, I start to fidget with my hands nervously. I guess I'm still getting used to Hiram Lodge actually caring about someone other than himself or his daughter. I sigh. "You didn't have to hold off on eating just to wait for me."

"Actually there's another reason why I did. I wanted to....." he starts. What? What other reason? His eyes dart down both ends of the hallway to check for any eavesdroppers. I'm still confused.

"Wanted to what?" I attempt to pry out of him. He looks down at the ground, rests his hands on his waist, and huffs.

"I'll do it."

My back straightens. Air enters my nostrils. Did I just hear him correctly? He lifts his head up and continues to explain, "You asked me to think about it, and I did. You're right - Veronica's life is just as much in danger as Sabrina's. And I certainly don't have the strength to confront the Spellman Sisters if I ever have to explain why their niece's blood is on my hands." I'm speechless. I could scream for joy. He's agreed to help. He actually agreed to do it. I could praise Satan, or even God, right now.

I'm still so much in shock, I'm tempted to ask him to confirm that it's real. He smirks at me, saying, "So, it's a yes. I'll help you find your former familiar and banish him." My hands fly to my hips, I let out an exhale of relief. This is the best news I've heard all day. This is up there with the high I had dancing around at Pop's. I have Hiram on my side, and there's no Church of Night or any.....

My face falls. It hits me. There has to be something in return. I look him in the eye. "But...."

He blinks at me in confusion. "But....what?"

I roll my eyes, my hands still solid on my hips. "There's always a but with you, Hiram. You want something out of this in return. So, you might as well just spit it out."

I can see it in his face. He hates to admit it, but he knows I'm right. He huffs, "I already promised the Spellmans and the Witches Council that I would do my best to have Sabrina consider the Path of Night upon her return. I can't break that, Alice." I release the hold on my hips and cross my arms. I have to remind myself of why Sabrina's even in Riverdale to begin with, no matter how I view the situation. And that no matter what happens with Hal, Sabrina can't avoid what happened between her and the Church of Night forever. It doesn't mean I can't let her stay true to her opinions....

I start to contemplate out loud, "If there's no other way out of it, maybe.....MAYBE, I can bring it up in conversation. Check in and see how she feels." A wave of relief washes over him. I still stand my ground, "But that will only happen.....once we deal with Hal. That's more of the priority right now."

A microscopic smile forms on his face. "Then that settles it." He pauses, staring down at his hand. Then, he lifts his hand up and holds it there. Does he want us to shake on it? There aren't other contracts or deals we have to make, are there? Maybe I just find it strange that Hiram Lodge is actually agreeing to do this.....for me. He resumes, "We find your ex-familiar and banish him, and then we'll get Sabrina back to Greendale, safe and sound."

My fingers rise. I'm slow to bring my hand up to his level, but only because I'm hesitating. I got Hiram on my side, but I don't fully know if I can trust him. Teen Alice screams in my head for me to run. To hex the daylights out of him, take Sabrina, and leave Riverdale. She doesn't want me to find Hal. She wants me to hide. Well, I'm done hiding, and I'm done with running away.

I reach for his forearm and he reaches for mine. We latch on to one another. Something pulses through me. It stings my wrist. I wince at the pulse, and he does too. But we don't let go. We wait for the pulse to disappear. It takes a solid minute, but once it fades we look at each other. Our hold on each other softens. He moves first, sliding his fingers across my wrist, my palm, the tips of my fingers. He studies his wrist, blinking at it. It prompts me to look at my own. I almost bless at what I see. There, like a tattoo, is something penned into my skin. I take a closer look. It has my initials, then his, and the date. This is our contract.

Hiram speaks up, "Don't worry, it's not permanent. It will go away when we complete our ends of the deal." I run my fingers over it, still in awe. So this is how witches make agreements with one another? I try to remember if Zelda or Hilda ever had anything like this thing on my wrist, but yet again....I wanted to stay out of whatever business they conducted with the Church.

I shrug it off and allow my wrist to fall to my side. By this point, I'm starving and the salad hasn't done much to satiate me. I step away from my place by the wall and make my way towards civilization. "We better get back." I tell him, "Don't want our food to get cold." I start to leave, then stop. I hear Hiram let out a suppressed laugh from behind me. I whip my head to him. "What?"

"Nothing, just...." he comes closer, the small smile he made grows bigger. He beams, "Who would have thought? The New York prep school boy and the Serpent girl, after all these years....finally working together at last." He glows in pure content. It weirds me out.

I tilt my head and raise a finger. "Don't flirt with me, Manhattan!" I begin to walk away, for real this time. From behind, Hiram chuckles.

"Oh, Acid Queen Alice.....I think this the beginning of a beautiful friendship."


End of Chapter Five

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