Attorney Deviant: Edgeworth x...

By Litowski

17.3K 442 949

When Phoenix Wright's cousin moves to town as a new prosecutor, old feelings spark in Miles Edgeworth. Note:... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11 - The End

Part 4

1.8K 48 121
By Litowski

****SMUT warning!

"Objection!!!" shouted Miles. Today he was standing with Y/N, the two working a case together. She was learning quite a bit from the seasoned prosecutor.

"That question is irrelevant to the case and violates the witness's privacy!"

Y/N couldn't take her eyes off of Miles. He wore his expensive red suite as always, he stood tall and confident, commanding the courtroom. She let herself get lost in his deep, confident voice. While she didn't have feelings for him really at this time, aside from friendship, she couldn't deny how sexy he was, this guy was the real deal. She was eventually cut off from her daydream by the judge's gavel slamming down.


Y/N jumped and shook her head, realizing that she hadn't been paying attention. The people in the gallery cheered as the defendant was taken away in handcuffs. Miles started putting stuff away in his briefcase.

"W-wow, that was impressive, Edgeworth." said Y/N as they started walking out of the courtroom.

"Naturally," replied Edgeworth, "Although I'm surprised you caught any of it, you were day dreaming for the last half of the trial."

Y/N went bright red, "S-sorry... I'm just tired and zoned out a bit."

"You can't do that, not in court, not when someone's life is on the line, is that understood?"

She frowned, "Geez, yeah I got it, I'm sorry. Want to not talk to me like I'm a child?"

"Maybe I will if you stop acting like one. This was a case we were equally working on, I ended up holding the reigns through the entire hearing."

"Im sorry..."

Miles sighed, "You are forgiven, maybe just try to be more present in the future, hmm?"

"Y-yeah, for sure."


After court, Y/N decided to go sit in the sauna that was part of the gym in the prosecutors building. She wanted to clear her head and relax a bit, that last trial being intense. After about 20 minutes, she decided to get out. Y/N made her way to the unisex dressing rooms, but stopped in her tracks, noticing Miles standing there in just his red pants. He was pristine, just the right amount of muscle, abs, he had it all. As he reached for his shirt he noticed her standing there, admiring him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Can I be of service?"

She shook her head, "Sorry, no um... just a long day I guess." She lied, walking in. "I just wanted to get changed."

Miles nodded and buttoned his shirt up, he had just taken a few minutes in the second sauna himself. Y/N waited for him to go, but he took his time putting his vest back on and his shoes, checking his hair. She sighed and he stopped and looked at her.

"I'm sorry, did you want me to leave?" he asked.

She chuckled "I mean, I don't give a shit, but it might be weird for you if I take my towel off and start dressing in front of you."

'Quite the contrary' he thought 'This is something I've longed to see' "Oh, no..." he said "It's of no concern to me, we're all human, are we not?"

"Fine, suit yourself." She said, really not caring.

She was tired and wanted to go home. Though she found Miles attractive, so did the rest of the planet, she never really expected or wanted anything to happen. As she removed her towel, Miles watched her in the mirror he was fixing his cravat in, she was behind him. The door had closed and locked behind her. Then it dawned on him,

'Edgeworth...' he thought 'When have you ever not gone after something you've wanted? The only difference with this girl is that you have feelings for her, but that doesn't mean I have to act on that aspect, one thing at a time. I'm not ready for emotional commitment, but perhaps she would enjoy some... sexual play with yours truly. The worst that could happen is she says no, I apologize, and we go on with our lives, right?'

Miles paused a moment and then decided he couldn't handle it anymore, his dick was throbbing. He turned around and walked over to her. She looked up at him and tried in vain to cover herself up.

"M-Miles, what the hell are you doing??"

He just looked down at her, way too close, and put a hand to her cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

"Taking what I desire." He breathed before bringing her into him and kissing her.

It wasn't a soft kiss, or a forceful kiss, but one in the middle, one filled with confidence and desire. He didn't want to scare her away with his dominance, he knew he'd have to wait and ease her into that, assuming she agreed to his advances which he wasn't worried about, they always did. She gasped, head spinning as they parted.

"You're so beautiful." He said as he turned her around, resting her back against his chest.

While steadying her with his left arm, he let his right hand wander down south.

"M-Miles..." she squeaked as he started touching her, "W-what are you doing?!"

He lent down and put his lips to her ear. "I am doing as you once suggested to me not so long ago..." he breathed in his deep, sexy voice, "I'm"

She then gasped, eyes going wide as he slipped a finger inside, then another. She felt him grind into her backside, he was hard as a rock and she could tell that he was huge.

"I-I don't under-gah! S-stand!" she stuttered.

He chuckled in amusement "What isn't there to understand?" he asked, almost in a mocking tone. "As I said, I'm having fun. I'm making you feel good, am I not?"

"I...w-well yeah but-"

"Then if you have no objections, I suggest you relax and enjoy the ride."

Y/N didn't know what to do or say. This is a side of Miles she had never, ever seen, a side she didn't even know existed. Where was this coming from? When she talked to her cousin the other week, they had a laugh over the fact that Miles was probably a virgin. This was obviously proving not to be the case, he definitely liked sex, and from what she could tell so far, he was extremely skilled.

"Miles I..."


"I-I don't know about this..."

"Well, you aren't directly telling me no." he observed, "Nor are you physically trying to escape my touch, I'm only holding you loosely, L/N, should you want to end this, it wouldn't take much strength or effort."


Miles chuckled, "That's what I thought."

He kept going, making her feel like she never had before, touching her in places she didn't even know existed. It was taking all of his strength not to slam her into the wall and fuck the living daylights out of her, but he didn't want to scare her. This time was going to be about her and only her, even if it was causing him pain.

"I...I can't... f-fuck!" she cried.

"Then don't..." he breathed, now playing with her boobs "Don't hold on any longer... let go, I want to hear you..." he demanded.

"I... ahh... AHHHH!!!!"

He felt her tense up in his arms and around his fingers followed by a shutter. He removed his fingers and supported her for a moment until the light headedness passed and she was able to stand on her own again. She turned to face him and was met by a very pleased smirk on Miles's face. She again, in vain, tried to cover herself.

"...Miles? What was that?" she asked in almost a whisper.

He chuckled "I suppose I do owe you an explanation." He said "Take your time, get dressed and then meet me in the lobby, we can go somewhere and chat."

"But you... y-you're still um..."

"Hard? I know, this time was about you though. This is nothing I can't quickly take care of. As I stated, L/N, get dressed and we will have a chat."

"Yeah... okay..."

Head spinning, Y/N washed up, got dressed, grabbed her stuff and met Miles in the lobby. He turned to notice her, smirking.

"Shall we take my car?" he asked

"Ah, yeah...sure..." said Y/N "I ended up taking a cab this morning because I was too tired to drive."

She followed him to his car and got in. There was a silence as he drove, she starring out the window. Miles frowned, normally he didn't give a shit what anyone thought of him, but Y/N was different. He was starting to regret what he had done, trying not to let his nervousness show.

" alright, L/N?" he asked after awhile.

She stifled a laugh, not looking away from the window "I donno, Miles. My childhood friend who I havent seen really in almost 20 years is back in my life and out of no where decided to...jerk me off like it was no big deal."

Miles frowned. "I've... made you uncomfortable..."

"You think? I don't even know what to do here. Did that seriously just happen??"

Miles sighed "I apologize, I guess I was too forward."

"Can you please just stop with this mysterious shit, Edgeworth, and tell me what the fuck that was?"

"I will, we're going for coffee so I can expl-"

"No, I don't want to..." she said getting angry. "Drive me home and while you're doing so, tell me what the fuck is on your mind! Tell me why you thought that was a good thing to do?"

"Did you not enjoy yourself?"

"That's beside the point! Now start talking!"

"As you wish...I've always had a relatively healthy sexual appetite, perhaps a bit too healthy. It's not something I care to broadcast. I don't want to lie to you, I want to be as open as possible, but what I tell you, I expect your upmost discretion and confidentiality, is that understood?"

"I guess you'll just have to trust me..."

He nodded, knowing she wasn't in the mood for games and that his charms weren't going to get him very far with her. She was different, and this just made him want her more.

"Very well. I enjoy sex, Y/N, a lot. I don't want to call it a hobby, but it is something I spend a decent amount of time doing."

"Oh my Lord... do you have a secret girlfriend? Did you just cheat on her??"

"No, no... nothing of the sort, I don't believe in infidelity. I have many female partners, nothing romantic, our relationships are purely sexual."

"...and you thought you could add me to your collection of women? Is that it? Jesus Miles, I never in a million years would have thought you were a man whore..."

"Call me what you will, but there is nothing wrong with consensual fun. Also no, I had no intention of adding you to a collection, I respect you too much."

"Then why? Why me?"

"I will be honest, I feel close to you, I feel a trust and a comfort. You also must be aware of your beauty. You're perfect, to be honest, I've wanted fuck you for a while now."

Y/N felt a shiver with the use of that word, she looked up at him as he drove.

"So what was today? You testing the waters to see what you could get away with."

Miles nodded "Essentially, yes... to see if you would be interested."

"...this is absolutely insane..."

"How so?"

"Just... I donno, Miles, it's so fucking bizarre. All of a sudden I'm finding out that this person I've known most of my life is this sex fiend and that he's been after me for awhile."

"I'm not sure why you think this is bizzare, I'd call it flattering..."

"Just no, Miles. Okay? I'm not going to lie, what happened today, although weird as all hell, was good, really good, but on the level that I know you, I can't go forward with this, I'm not having sex with you, is that clear? I mean, you're my cousin's best friend for fuck sakes!"

Dissapointed, but respecting her response, he nodded. "Yes, L/N, I understand. I apologize for what I did to you this afternoon, it will not happen again."

"Good, you can drop me off here."

"Y/N, I'm not dropping you off here. We're a 15 minute drive from your condo and we're in the middle of traffic. I know you're upset with me, and rightfully so. I understand that what I did was foolish, but for your safety, you are not to get out of this car until we are at your place of residence."

"Fine, Edgeworth...whatever..."

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