Get to know me because I'm bo...

By A_Wolf2000

55 2 43

This is how it works: If I'm bored I will update :) More



33 1 32
By A_Wolf2000

1) If you could live in a book,TV show or movie which would it be?

Probably How to train your dragon because who wouldn't want to ride a dragon? Also, I'd take Seonghwa with me becasue he needs to meet his twin.

2) If you could bring onbe musician back from the dead, who would it be and why?

Definitely Jonghyun. His death had me shok and SHINEe isn't the same without him but I won't go on because it's sad.

3) If you had to choose to live without one of your five senses, which one would you give up?

The sense of touch because everything else is important.

4) What animal best represents you and why?

In my opinion it's a wolf becase without friend or family, I am nothing,

5)What would you do if you were president of your own country?

I would have multiple concert stadiums dotted around everywhere so fans don't have to suffer like me.

6) If you could take only 3 items with you to a deserted islannd what would they be?

Definitely ATEEZ, maybe some food and a whole load of drama.

7) If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?

Ok, realistically, the power to fly. Don't laugh. Please. I would like to just fly so I don't have to always use damn public transport.

8) If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?

I would go to the past. Simply to tell everyone it'll be okay bacause I feel like that's what people need you know? 

9) What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

The craziest thing I can remember doing was try skateboarding. I nearly fell on my butt.

10) If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?

Only one person? Now that is difficult. Maybe just my older borther? Like I know I do that everyday but he means a lot to me so I wouldn't mind missing this amazing oppurtunity for something i already do.

11) If your house was burning and you could only save one item, what would it be and why?

Definitely this one shirt all the people from primary signed. I'm a sentimental idiot so yeah.

12) What is 'home' to you?

To me home is somewhere I feel comfortable. Anywhere as long as I'm with people that aren't annoying.

13) How do you define love?

Love needs to be returned, it needs to be strong, it needs to be true, it needs to be forever, it's not just a word. 

14) If you could have the answer to any question, what would that question be?

A detailed description of who I am. I'm one of them weirdos that love to find out about myself so...

15) What are you most grateful for?

I'm grateful for my older brother. He's already been mentioned too much but I cannot stress how much he means to me.

16) Why did you choose your profession?

Honey, I didn't choose  to go to school.

17) How would your best friends describe you?

Weird. Crazy. Smart. Yeah that's it.

18)If you could change one law what would it be?

I don't know any laws. I'm an uneducated 12 year old leave me alone!

19)If you could master one skill you don't have right now, what would it be?

Definitely the skill to skateboard. As i mentioned before I tried and flopped but I've always thought it's so cool. Whenever I see someone on a skateboard, I stare like a creep.

20)If you could speak another language, which would it be and why?

Korean or French. Korean because not all Kpop stans are as spoilt as Atinys. And French because I feel like it's a really beautiful language.

21)Would you rather be Jack of many trades or master of one?

Master of one. But it has to be a realy unique ability. I hate people who copy my ideas so yeah.

22)If you could change one event from history what would it be?

Halloween. I'm sorry I hate  halloween. It terrifies me. So much.

23)If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be and why?

Not everyone will know of his existence but Skulduggery Pleasant. He is such a mood and honestly, I love the guy. You don't understand how much I wish I could meet him so 100000000000000000000% Mr Pleasant.

24)Would you rather live in the city or the woods?

City. The woods has all these creepy crawlies and now wifi so no Kpop and that isn't a reasonable trade to me.

25)What teacher inspired you the most? How?

So I had this one teacher in year 3 (7-8yrs old) called Miss Pearce. She was actually the best. The nicest teacher in the school but she kept her head straight. She was the only teacher in that school that could keep my class under control. I say 'was' because she's gone now. In Dubai. Living the life of her dreams.

(A/N) And done! Did that teach you anything about me? Feel free to answer these questions yourself too! I would love going through comments about my answers or answering questions.


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