Baekhyun Imagines

By ImBBaekHsWife

432K 9.4K 2.8K

Little Baekhyun imagines. More

Baekhyun Imagines
Didn't Know
City Lights
Who Will?
First Love
In love
One Night Stand
Eternal Love
The Day
Why Not Us?
Just Us 2
The Star
Shall We?
Loving You
Knowing Bros
Doggo Love
Heaven Heart
Field Trip
⭐ Psycho
⭐ Diamond
⭐ Ice Queen
⭐ Betcha
⭐ Stay Up
⭐ UN Village
Mother's Day
Dinner Break
Dinner Mate
Father's Day
Play Again
Only One
Look After
No Body, No Crime
Cover It Up!
On The Run


3.2K 87 45
By ImBBaekHsWife

Ever since I was in college, I really have planned to stay single for the rest of my life. I can't see myself getting married, have children and such. I just wanted to have a job, earn money and spend it travelling all over the world with my friend who has the same plan as mine. Be alone until forever.

Falling in love was never in my list.

I've never been in a relationship ever since I learned about it and I thought of staying single for the rest of my life? A lot of people disagreed with this idea of mine. My family would always tell me to think about it deeply and would explain how beautiful it feels to have your own family and have children.

Ugh. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night with a baby crying so loud.

My friends, who's currently dating while studying would tell me their plans of marrying their partner and even told me that I'm invited to their wedding. After college, they did got married with the ones they dated and I was there to witness their union.

But I was also there with my friend to give advice and comfort when they fought with their partners.

See? Getting married is a pain in the ass. I'm a sensitive type of person. If I were to get married, and my husband and I got into an argument. He'd make me cry for hours with a mere rising of his voice at me. I don't want that. I don't want to run into my friend's house at 2 AM because my husband got angry at me for hanging out with my friends and thinking I cheated on him.

Having kids is another pain in the ass. Well it's literally a pain, but not in the ass when you give birth. Seeing some of my friends who gave birth to their child being in pain, I think I can't handle it if I were to be in their place. And children are troublesome. They make mess, throw a fit, and even won't let you sleep.

No thanks, I'm fine being alone. Even until my last breath.

Of course, even though I have vowed to stay single for the rest of my life. I can't die without knowing what it feels to date and have sex.

Now that I have finished my studies, have a stable job and have earned enough money to waste for my pleasure. I can do anything I want to and date freely. Even when I have told everyone that I don't have any plans to settle down and get married back when I was in college, I must admit, that I was curious what is it like to be in a relationship. The only thing holding me back on dating besides my plan to stay single is because of a heartbreak, caused by my recklessness and by someone who almost became mine. Also, it was because I'm still studying. Now I'm not so might as well give it a try.

I let myself be drowned in the sea of people grinding their bodies against each other, following the tempo of the loud upbeat music playing through the speakers.

"Come on, Si-ah!" my friend, who has been trailing behind me, growled when I yelled her name. She doesn't like being in a place full of people and would rather stay at home 24/7. But since we're talking about me, a childish human being who gets drunk easily and gets super clingy every time, she can't leave me alone. Embarrassing myself and having to tell me every embarrassing things I did is the last thing she wanted to do.

"Y/n, let's go home. You're drunk."

"No I'm not."

I moved my hips from side to side and then jumping up in down while screaming nonsense words. Si-ah's voice faded as I continued dancing, leveling up my moves by grinding my back against someone else's back. They'd respond with the same move I did and we'd laugh at each other.

That went on for a while until I felt two hands on my waist and a hard pull towards the owner, feeling something pressing against my back after doing so.

The person leaned closer until I could feel his hot breath underneath my ear. "You're so beautiful, baby." he whispered and I never felt such shiver in my entire life.

"Excuse me, can you please let go of me?" I tried to ask as angrier as I could. But I don't know how to raise my voice and be angry at a stranger. It sucks being an introvert. I wiggled my body, in attempt to get away from the man's grasps but with his strong grip on my waist, it obviously failed.

"How about you do that dance again, this time with me."

"No! Let go of me!" I wanted to scream but I don't want to catch everyone's attention and make a scene.

I took a hold of his hands and tried to pry them away from my body. Tears started to flow from my eyes as I repeated my weak actions that made the man laugh behind me, pressing his body closer against mine.

I've always been a weak girl. Every time people takes advantage of that fact, I can't do anything but cry. That's why my friends would always protect me in public and never let their eyes leave me.

"Hey! Who the fuck told you to touch my girlfriend like that?!"

The crowd of people right in front of me parted to make way for another man approaching us. The moment he reached us, the perverted man's grip on my waist loosened and the other man grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, and then he took a few step forward to hide me behind his back.

From that moment, I know what is happening.

Some people stopped dancing and turned their heads to look at us. Great, now we are getting some attention. I let my hair down to cover my face as I fisted on the man's leather jacket to steal his attention. He tilted his head to look at me and I blushed for an unknown reason.

"Please don't make a scene. I hate attention from the crowd." I whispered shyly and looked down to avoid his eyes and so he can't see my face turning red.

"Be thankful that my girlfriend doesn't want to me to make a scene. Otherwise, I've ripped those arms off you."

After saying those. I felt a pull on my wrist and my feet just moved accordingly to his step. I was still shivering and disgusted with myself. I don't know why. Maybe because I've never experience such thing before.

The man stopped walking and turned around so he could face me, then he held both of my shoulders and bend his knees a bit to level his face on mine. "Are you alright?" his voice sounded really worried. I nodded as respond to his question and dug my teeth on my bottom lip to stop myself from crying.

"I think you should go home. Do you have someone with you?"

Si-ah automatically came into my mind and my gaze snapped back to the crowd of people. I immediately spotted her dancing with a cute-looking guy. His cheeks are so cute and his eyes looking like it belongs to a cat. I've never seen my friend acting like that, she was never interested with interacting with boys. It was one of the reason why she planned to stay single for the rest of our lives. Seeing that new side of her, it may be because of the alcohol she intake, but experienceing something new must've excite her. So I thought of not ruining that moment for my friend.

Slowly tilting my feeling heavy head, I settled my tired eyes on the man's face. "I'm alone." I answered, rolling my eyes slightly because of the dizziness that had hit me.

"Then you should head home. I'm calling a cab for yo-" he grabbed my wrist but I was quick to yank his hand away and cutting him off.

"No! Please let me stay. If I'm a bother to you. You can just leave me here alone."

He scanned my desperate face for a second before a sigh left his lips as his eyes softened. "Okay then. We can have a drink while conversing, hows that sound?"

"Your treat?"

"Of course."

And that's how I met Baekhyun. A very kind guy who kept me accompanied for the rest of the night. He'd buy me drinks while we're talking about each other. We told some stories about our life, some of facts about ourselves that I was so fascinated how we have so many in common. It was fun being with him.

Until I got so drunk that I can't even recognize my own name.

I didn't know what happened after I felt my body fell, but one thing for sure is that Baekhyun caught me safely in his arms.

The next morning. I woke up with the worst headache imaginable that I could feel my head throbbing as I pushed my body up to sit. But when I realized that I don't seem to be in my room, it was as if I got sobered so suddenly and gasped hard.

"Oh, no no no!" I pulled the covers aside to see if I'm still wearing something, and gladly I still did.

The door opened and my eyes snapped towards the one who appeared behind the door and saw Baekhyun walking in with a tray in his hands. I sighed in relief as I sent him a smile. Baekhyun replied with a small one and walked closer until he got into the side of the bed.

"Good morning." he greeted and placed the tray of foods on the nightstand. "Are you okay? Does your head hurts?"

"I'm fine but my head do feels like spinning." I massaged my temples and giggled shyly before a thought knocked me on the head. "Oh, by the way. Where am I?"

"My place. You passed out last night and I don't know where you live and I can't leave you there so I brought you here." Baekhyun grinned as he sat beside me. I know I just met him but I already feel comfortable with him and safe.

That was the moment I knew, I could trust Baekhyun.

Even after that embarassing night of passing out and falling into Baekhyun's arms. We kept in touch and became close friends. We often meet each other for an iced coffee if time allows since I'm busy with work and so does he.

He'd take me home after seeing each other, catching up while making our way to my house. Every time it's my time to share something about my day, I could see Baekhyun stealing glances on me or sometimes his eyes stays on my happy face, staring at me like I'm the most adorable thing he saw that day.

I know there's something growing in his heart as time passes by.

We've been doing the same thing, everyday, for months now. It's like it became a part of my life to meet Baekhyun after work, buy the drinks we both liked, walk all the way to my house while sharing what happened to us in work. If ever there's a day that I can't see Baekhyun, that day will be the saddest day ever. That's how he makes me feel.

"Do you have a moment? This friday, I want us to have a dinner together."

I sticked my phone on my ear and secured it in place using my shoulder as I continued mixing the cupcake batter. "Sure, I'm out from work at five."

I heard a small cheer from the other line and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "I'll be fetching you right after your work."

"Whatever you like."

Baekhyun really did fetched me after work. As soon as I was out of the building, I immediately saw him waiting outside, back leaned against his audi while he can't keep his eyes of me.

"Where are we going?" I asked when I was finally standing right in front of him.

"In a restaurant. You don't have to worry since it's my treat." he opened the door for me and I pinched his soft cheek before sliding inside his car. He quickly turned around and took the drivers seat. Once he was inside, my brows met in the middle of my face seeing his ears and face turning red.

"Are you okay? You're turning red!" I leaned closer to touch his face and Baekhyun's body hardened on his seat.

"I... I'm fine. Let's just go." he grinned and I nodded before leaning away from him and made myself comfortable on my seat.

The drive took 15 minutes before we got into our destination. Baekhyun went out of the car first and quickly ran into the other side to open the door for me.

"Aww, thanks Bacon." I pinched his still red cheeks before walking inside the restaurant, leaving a dazed Baekhyun outside.

Soon after, Baekhyun caught up and placed a hand on the small of my back as he guided me all the way inside. His action surprised me but he kept his chin up as if he isn't shy about having his palm on the clothed skin of my back.

"Reservations for Byun Baekhyun." he told the receptionist and she gladly showed us the way to our table.

Once we have reached our private dining room, the receptionist left. Baekhyun still had his hand on my back as we walked closer to the table. He only retracted his hand when he had to pull my chair for me. Before settling down, I gave him a peck on his cheek ang giggled at his, once again, cute surprise reaction with his ears turning redder than ever. I knew it. He likes me.

"Y-you can choose everything you want, my treat." he stuttered as he takes his seat while trying not to look away from me. A waitress entered and handed us some menus.

"Okay... I'll have this." I pointed to the menu.

"We'll have the same." he told the waitress and smiled at he a bit. "And we'd like a bottle of champagne, please."

Once the waitress left, I felt the awkward atmosphere rising as Baekhyun keeps on stealing glances.

"Why are we so quiet?" I asked, trying to lift up the mood by giggling. "We never had a quiet time before. Why now?"

"It's just that... I don't know too. Hehe." Baekhyun seems to feel at ease after I talked. "There are so many things I'm curious about you and those meetings we made after work isn't long enough so I thought of having a dinner with you to talk about ourselves and get to know each other more."

"Isn't that what a date is?"

He stared at me in surprise while I blinked at him innocently. "I mean, I have read something, or was it watched from the movie? I don't know. I'm just kidding, Baek. Don't take it seriously." I beamed at him so he won't be awkward again. "Okay, ask away. I'll try to answer everything. What are the things you're curious about me?"

"Have you... Dated before?"

"I never have. That's why I can't differentiate if this is a date or just a friendly dinner. Sorry about that."

"No, it's fine. This is a date then."

It was my turn to look at him in shock while he kept his adoring eyes on me. He realized what he just said and started panicking on his seat. "I-if you don't want I'm s-sorry I shouldn't have said that." his hands couldn't stay still, it keeps fidgeting under the table or tapping on it.

So I grabbed his hand, causing for him to stop panicking. "Baekhyun, it's a date then."

He bit his lips and his face turned red again before nodding. "What's your favorite color?"

And so the night went on with us asking questions at each other while eating. I learned a lot about Baekhyun, his family and everything about him that he hasn't told me before. I found out that he has an ex-girlfriend years ago who broke up with him for another guy. Poor Baekhyun. But I'm secretly thankful that his ex-girlfriend did that, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't meet the most amazing guy and soon have him for myself.

I also shared some facts about myself that I never told him or anyone before. I shared the reason why I couldn't date; I'm studying and the heartbreak I experienced. Of course I won't tell him about my plan to stay single for the rest of my life and have him for myself temporarily after satisfying myself of feeling what it's like to date. Now we know a lot about each other, compared to when we're just meeting after work and tell smallest of things about ourselves.

After dinner, we decided to have a little walk at the park nearby to digest the foods we ate. I'm a little tipsy because of the champagne we had but I could still think straight and admire Baekhyun's beauty as he stared ahead us.

"Y/n, I have something to tell you." Baekhyun stopped walking to face me and I did the same, my eyes slightly squinted and a soft hiccup left my lips. "I... I like you. Please be my girlfriend."

I let out a small gasp before blinking. "I'd love to, Bacon."

"You're drunk, think about it when you're completely sobbered. I can wait, baby."

"No, I'm just a little drunk but I know what I'm saying. I like you too, Baekhyun. Ever since you saved me back then." I sent him an assuring smile. "You're amazing, everything."

Baekhyun took a step closer and caught my face between his palm before leaning closer. Soon after I felt his lips on mine.

Ah, so this is how it feels like when you kiss someone.

"I will never hurt you and keep you happy all the time."


It's been a year since I got into a relationship with Baekhyun. It was fun, no wonder why some people rush to date at a young age.

He's sweet and caring, everything! Like he came straight out of the fanfictions I've years ago. Protective and sometimes a little possessive, but above all, Baekhyun is lovable and I sure am the luckiest woman to have my every first with him.

As soon as I got home, I noticed the whole place was quiet but the door wasn't locked so I guess Baekhyun had gone home first before I did. After reaching the bedroom, I thought of taking a relaxing shower. Forgetting to look for my boyfriend who's not in the bedroom too. Maybe he stepped out a bit to buy something.

I went inside the bathroom, stripped myself off my clothes and approached the bathtub. When I opened the curtain, I yelped when I saw Baekhyun laying down quietly with his eyes closed, fully naked but thanks to the bubble-filled water I couldn't see what's further down below his waist.

He seemed to feel my presence when he opened his eyes and smiled at me. "You're here."

"Can I?" I pointed to the space left and he nodded.

Showering together is a thing for us. It's our favorite time of the day after work. We've seen each other naked countless of times already, but we never had done it before. And I'm amazed at how Baekhyun holds himself back even with those perverted remarks and me teasing him innocently.

I set myself in between his legs, back against his chest and head on his shoulder. A long sigh escaped my lips as soon as I felt comfortable on my place.

"You seemed to have a lot in your mind." I started, reaching to intertwine my hands on Baekhyun's. "Mind telling me?"

"I know it's been a year since we got together but I just got curious why you can't date after the heartbreak you went through. What did that guy did for you think that every guy will do that to you again?"

I remained quiet, pressing my lips together while playing with his hands as I constructed the right words to say next.

"It all started because of..."

So I told Baekhyun the story of my heartbreak. And it's the first time I opened up about it since it happened. No one knew I was hurt by it because I kept it to myself for years now. I feel like tons of weight has been lifted up my shoulders now that I shared that with someone else. Someone like Baekhyun who listened to me attentively.

"I will never hurt you, I promised you that everyday right?" I nodded my head as a respond to his question.

A hand of his came to cup my cheek and pushed it up so I could face him, lips instantly meeting. I melted into the sweet kiss and responded with the same intensity, sighing in content every second with how Baekhyun makes me feel good.

Few moments passed, I'd scoot up to deepen the heating kiss. Baekhyun pressed his lips against mine even harder and slightly bit on my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I instantly granted him. I noticed how his other hand travelled lower across my body and to the part where I have been imagining for him to touch.

"Baekhyun." I moaned against his lips.

"Oh, sh- sorry. I... I should've ask-"

I cut him off with a shy whisper. "Don't stop."

He distanced his face away from me and stared at my face, looking for a hint of sureness with what I just told him. "Are you sure, baby? It's your first."

"I'm sure Baekhyun. I've trusted you with all my firsts in this relationship. This one, you deserved it a long time ago. I love you."

A sweet smile broke out on his lips before he peck me. "I love you too."

I have dated Baekhyun, experienced what an ideal boyfriend he is like what those I've read in books and see in movies, and even had sex with him.

I thought, after experiencing everything what a romantic relationship has to offer, I'd leave Baekhyun and go on living the life of being alone and continue with it for the rest of my life. Just like what my original plan is.

But I found myself kissing, cuddling, doing everything, and staying with Baekhyun... for 5 years now. Even when we're doing the same thing everyday, or fight because of pettiest reasons. I can't seem to leave him, tell him the words I've constructed in my head from long ago. 'I'm sorry Baekhyun, let's end it here.' 'Let's end everything, I never loved you.' Those simple 7 worded sentences would be forgotten after having a glimpse of his sweet smile.

Until he became suspicious.

It's been a week and Baekhyun has been staring at me like he wants to say something but every time I'd ask him, he would shake the topic away and would crack a fake smile.

In my head, he's thinking the same thing as me. We were quite distant for the past week since work has been hectic and I could notice him going home late. Maybe it's time to let him go and live my life alone, forever.

I think this break up won't be that hard. We're in the same page after all.

Baekhyunie love:
Meet me at the park after work.

That simple text from him, I know we're finally coming close to our ending.

As soon as I got out of work, I went straight to the park, immediately spotting him standing right on the spot where he confessed to me and asked me to be his girlfriend, 5 years ago.


He turned around with a smile on his face. "You came."

I laughed a bit as I stepped closer towards him. "Why do you think I wouldn't?"

"Because I know you have a hint about my plan. I was afraid that you know about it and probably avoided me for the past week because of it." he looked down on his feet. "We're growing distant to each other because of it."

I felt my heart beating rapidly inside me. "Yeah."

"And I can't take it. I will never let go of you so," he took something out from the pocket of his pants, a small box. He opened it and a ring came into the view. "I want to marry you, Y/n. I can't imagine my life continuing without you, losing you. You're the only one who stayed with me for such a long time and made every single times were together a happy day."

I stared at him is surprise as my breath got stuck in my throat. "I... I thought you're breaking up with me."

"What? No! I could never do that."

My chest started to feel tight for an unknown reason. With my brain not functioning correctly, I didn't mind the words that escaped my lips. "I don't."

His beautiful eyes blinked few times. "What?"

"I don't want to marry you, Baekhyun. That was never..." in my plan. I wanted to add those. Instead, I tried to keep my composure and stood straight. "I'm sorry." then I turned to my heels and started walking away, leaving a shock Baekhyun behind.

As soon as I reached our shared apartment, I quickly fixed my things and left as soon as I was done. I didn't want to cry over our memories scattered all over the place so I left without looking back and without a trace, like I completely vanished from Baekhyun's life.

I went back to my old aparment. Good thing it wasn't occupied so I got to settle in fix my things in no time.

My eyes wandered around the place, same old place where I decided to spend my whole life living alone. Forever.

It's so quiet. I thought. It's almost strange. Living alone requires this quietness, right?

At night, I laid down on the bed staring straight ahead. Quietly.

It's so lonely. Or was it because the bed is just too huge for me?

A week passed, nothing seems to change after I moved back to my old place. I'd look around the place and see nothing despite having my things around. It looks dark even when the lights are all on. This is the life I planned to have, right? Now that I am, why does being alone - as what I've always anticipated - feel so different?

After a week of constantly denying, I've come to a decision to admit that everything isn't the same and this is not what I wanted right now. And there is only one reason why such huge change occured.

It's quiet, because I don't have the noisy Baekhyun around, singing his heart out or screaming when he dies in the game he's playing. He's not here to sing along with me whenever we're in the mood to annoy our neighbors with our loud voices. He's not around to accidentally raise his voice at me during an argument and then filling my ears with apology for that.

It's lonely, because I don't have Baekhyun with me. Sleeping beside me and waking up to his adorable sleepy face. I don't have Baekhyun to shower with me and do all sorts of skin care routines while being naked. He's not here to play the games with me, eat with me and leave for work together.

Baekhyun is all the reason and the one who made me realize that my plan to stay single for the rest of my life, actually sucks. I need him.

I was getting ready to step out of my apartment to see Baekhyun when my phone started ringing. My heart never pounded so hard in my life when I saw that Baekhyun is the one who's calling.

"Baekhyunie." I started, my voice cracking.

"Y/n, this is Minseok."

"Huh? Oh, hi Minseok." he's one of Baekhyun's friends and the oldest among his group. "Why do you have Baekhyun's phone?"

"I wanted to tell you that he's in the hospital."

I felt my blood leaving my body as I shot my body up to stand. "What? Why? Is he okay?" I hurriedly took my coat and my purse and dashed outside my apartment. All without hanging up.

"He was found unconscious in his apartment. We found out that he hasn't left his place for a week and refused to eat anything."

I frustratedly pulled my own hair. "This is all my fault."

"He's fine, Y/n. No one is to blame."

"No, it's really my fault. If I hadn't hurt him he won't be in that state."

I hang up and drove to the hospital.

Suho was waiting for me at the entrance so he could walk me all the way to Baekhyun's room. I still couldn't stop crying and blaming myself for what happened to Baekhyun while Suho kept convincing me that it wasn't my fault. After all the pain I caused to their friend that he ended up in this state, they still couldn't be mad at me? I don't deserve them.

"He will wake up soon." Chanyeol informed me after he went out of the room.

I glanced at Baekhyun through the small glass window of the door. "I can't take it, seeing him like that."

"You can, Y/n. Go. He'd be awake soon." Lay pushed me gently inside.

As soon as the door closed, I know I had no choice but to walk closer. The moment I saw Baekhyun's face, I couldn't help but cry.

He's the same good-looking Baekhyun, he's just unconscious. But the thing that made me cry is when I realized how much pain I caused for him to be this miserable.

"I'm so sorry, Baekhyun. I'm so sorry!" I broke down as I sat on the seat beside his bed and taking his hand in mine. "I'm sorry." I cried, caressing his knuckles before pressing my lips on them.

My eyes flew to the familiar small box resting on the nightstand and tears continued running down my cheeks. "I'm sorry if I rejected your proposal. I thought it would be the best to live alone for the rest of my life, like what I have planned for myself before I met you. Actually, I dated you to know what it feels like and nothing else. Falling in love was never in my plan. But then, there's you."

"What did I do?"

When I heard his familiar, but weak voice, I bursted out crying again and stood up from my seat to have a good look on his face. "You made me realize that the plan I made isn't great and that being alone actually sucks."

Baekhyun lets out a giggle and I just sobbed before leaning down to hide my face on the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around his waist. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. If only I wasn't that stupid to make such plan and reject your proposal, you wouldn't be here." I pushed myself away and caught his face between my palms. "Please forgive me, Baekhyun. I'd understand if you don't want me back but I just wanted your forgiveness."

He stared at me as if he's trying to think of the words he's going to say. "I'll forgive you, only for one thing." I sent him a small nod, encouraging him to continue. "Marry me?"

And with that, tears bursted out again along with a laugh. "I do, Baekhyun!" I collapsed myself on top of him and hugged him really tight.

"Wait, let me just..." I got off him and he sat up, reaching for the box on the nightstand. He sighed when he finally got it. He opened the box, took the ring out. "May I, my love?" he held is other palm out and I placed my hand on it before he slid the ring on the fourth finger and giving it a kiss after.

"Forgiven, and you're mine now, until forever."

I sniffed and wiped my own tears using the sleeve of my coat before leaning closer to my fiance and crash my lips against his. "I love you."

"I love you too, jagi."

Maybe I should forget about that plan of staying single and start planning my future ahead together with Baekhyun.

First plan to make, our wedding.


Fun fact: I really have this plan of staying single for the rest of my life. I legit don't see myself marrying someone, instead, travelling around the world with my friend who shares the same plan as me. And that is how this imagine was born 😂



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