The Night Children

By Leahwhitefang

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She was breaking, he was broken. She was misinterpreted, he was recognised. She was a nobody, he was everybod... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Authors Remarks
The Hunted Children
Reviews + Awards

Chapter 58

79 10 4
By Leahwhitefang

Yours - Ella Henderson 

Time seemed to slow, trapped against the prosperity of a death. The wind stilled, the snowflakes no longer whirling around us. The snow began to stain with red, the smell of blood rising from Isaac's collapsed body. Miss Anderson tore the Parazonium from his broken body, moving her index finger across the blade to wipe away the blood. His blood.

My heart surged with a sensation that I had never felt before. It was like a tsunami had gathered in my body, fuelled with the desire of revenge. It surged through me, coiling around my heart so its beat pounded against my rib cage. I felt my humanity snap, shattering my mind into jagged pierces.

He was gone. He would never return. I never said I love you back.

I was on my feet before I had registered I had moved at all. I drew strength from the moon, its waves mixing with my fury.

"Renee no," I heard Aaron say, reaching out to stop me but his fingers brushed my shoulder and I merely pushed him away. My eyes were unwavering from Miss Anderson's. The woman who killed Isaac. The woman who drove a sword through his heart. The woman who made him admit his own weakness.


"YOU KILLED HIM!" I roared, my voice laced with the venom of a cobra. It was like my insides were boiling with a rage I had never felt before. It controlled what was left of my thoughts and influenced my movements. "You took his life without mercy."

Miss Anderson watched me, her eyes narrowed but her lips were titled with amusement. The Parazonium still remained clutched in her hand, Isaac's blood staining the very tip.

"Oh please," She scoffed light heartedly. "He was bound to die anyway."

I kept advancing, my thoughts not on the weapon that killed Isaac but on the woman who gripped it.

"He was the only wolf who held any humanity. He was the only one who had pity for humans." I paused a metre away from her, heaving for breath. "And you took his life like it was nothing."

Miss Anderson let out a small chuckle, poising the tip of her sword towards my heart. "You're missing the moral of the story here Renee," She said with a smile. "If it wasn't for you, he would still be alive."

Her words struck me in the chest, enough for me to take a step backwards. However, anger continued to taint my body and I felt my teeth grind together.

"My father would never love a psychotic bitch like you," I hissed, my words slicing through her façade as easily as a knife slices through flesh. "I pray to god you rot in hell with no one but yourself to rely upon. That death is what you deserve the most."

Miss Anderson laughed, but it was hollow and lifeless. Like her soul. "Is that a threat Miss Argent?"

"No," I answered back confidentially, my words numbing to my own ears. "I think you already know the wrath that will follow in your wake."
Her grip on her sword tightened but no other emotion passed across her face. "Enlighten me." She responded with a smirk.

I took a few steps forward, enough to be in her range of attack. I held my head up high, my gaze unblinking against hers. "Once the ceremony is performed on me I'll be the merciless beast you swore to destroy. And when that happens, I will stop at nothing to ensure your heart is nothing but a spike on the tip of my claws." I took another step forwards, enough to force her to tilt her head to remain levelled with my gaze. "Be ready. Death stalks your path, and I will stop at nothing to claim your life the way you claimed Isaacs. I don't care if I have to travel across the sea to find you. I will. And when I do, your death will be as painful as watching the boy I love die in front of my eyes." I took one more step towards her, so my nose barely brushed hers. "I look forward to hearing your cries of mercy and watching your blood spray in the wake of my fury. Never stop running Georgina. Let this be a warning now."

For the first time a flicker of fear passed across her gaze. If I wasn't so close, I wouldn't have been able to see it. But it passed as quickly as it came and soon her face steeled over. Her hair blew in the gradual wind as she regarded me. I could see every individual wrinkle of skin across her sweat stained face. Tiny individual drops of Isaacs blood were drying in the crevices, painting her face with his death.

"Although I do admit your wording of my death is particularly eerie, it comes without saying you won't leave this clearing alive to carry out your warnings." She rose the Parazonium to strike, knowing I was too close to swerve out of the way. "Say hello to Isaac for me in hell. I do wish he arrived there safely."

The moons rays washed over me just as she arched her blade towards my heart. I heard Aaron yell in horror as I reached out with both hands towards the blade. I clamped my fingers around the sword before it scathed my skin, the blade digging into my palms as I gripped it. I held it, halting the attack all together so Miss Anderson was left to hold the hilt pitifully while I blocked the attack.

Surprise crossed her face, her eyes widening. "Impossible." She whispered, her words rinsing over me and providing fuel to the fire of rage within me. With one jerky movement I yanked the sword from her fingers, twirling it in my hands so its hilt whirled into my open palms. I glanced down at my cut hands, watching as the wounds healed over in front of my very eyes, the slits nothing but long thin scars. I rose my head to watch Miss Anderson stare at me open mouthed, her pupils diluted in astonishment.

"I gave you my warnings and you ignored them," I said bluntly, the Parazonium hot against my fingers. "Now you must pay for what you did to Isaac."

A noise louder than the sound of thunder travelled around us, growing louder by the second. I turned to see Aaron stand, frozen like a statue as dozens of wolves galloped through the trees, forming a semi circle around the scene. At the same moment, what was left of the Parade formed another half circle on Miss Andersons side. Some were bruises and bloodied, matching what the wolves looked like, however the fire of battle still remained in their eyes. But then the wolves noticed the body beside us. A chorus of whines seemed to pass through all of them, with their fur bristling as they glanced at each other, sharing looks of shocks. The warriors on the other hand were staring at the Parazonium in my hand, their faces ones of horror.

I turned as a growl tore through us all, the Alpha entering the scene. Aaron ducked his head, moving to the side to let the Alpha pass. The Alpha's eyes scanned around us to land on Isaacs body. A look passed through his eyes although it was hard to diminish in the gaze of a wolf's. His eyes then travelled to mine, taking in my tear streaked face and the sword clenched in my hands. He let out a furious snarl, his canines flashing. However, it wasn't aimed at me, but at the woman who had spilled Isaacs blood. Despite everything, she had killed one of their kind. And the punishment was death.

"You don't belong here anymore." I hissed, poising to point the sword directly at her heart. She gave me a shocked look, her eyes hardening in fury. "You pose no threat over me."

I cocked my head, watching as the warriors behind her glanced at their leader with looks of anxiety. That was the first time I had seen them show any expression.

"You have no allies Georgina," I said sharply, my repetition of words causing her to shudder. "I control your warriors under the blade of this sword. And the death of Isaac has made you nothing but a target for the Night Children."

She shook her head, but her hands shook slightly, and she struggled to reach for her bow. "No, you are powerless against me."

The Alpha let out a deep rumble in response, stepping forwards as he snarled. She glanced at him fearfully, her eyes portraying a sense of melancholy.

"Your death will give me the peace that Isaac's sacrifice was worth something." I said, stepping forwards so the Parazonium scratched the top of her armour. "But you have a choice."

She rose her eyes to meet mine, setting her jaw to stare up at me but even she knew she stood no chance against us. The wolves, her warriors and I were her enemies now. There was no going back from that.

"You can either fight back and pray to the lord that your death is quick and easy." I leaned towards her, angling my head to whisper into her ear. "Or you can run. Run away Georgina, and never return." She stilled against my words, her body tensing the way mine had around the point of Aaron's dagger. "But if we see you or one of your Parade members, we won't hesitate in severing any limb that crosses into Brookefield." I angled back to look at her squarely in the eyes, taking in her grey irises that held little to no emotion. Only now they were whirling with shock, caught in the essence of fury.

"You may have taken the life of Isaac, but were you really willing to pay the price of your actions?" I dug the tip of the Parazonium deeper into her chest plate, enough for it to dent. "You're never safe. I will hunt you down until the moment your heart stops beating." I arched an eyebrow as I pressed my lips together. "What is your choice?"

She looked at me before tearing her gaze away to stare at the snarling wolves behind me. Her eyes travelled over them, flickering to Aarons flinching gaze to turn to her warriors. None of them looked at her in respect, instead their eyes were trained on mine, fear evident in their gazes. Their leader had failed them. For the first time, a Night Child controlled the very weapon that killed whatever it touched.

Her eyes finally landed on the Alpha's, a memory passing through her gaze. I couldn't identify but the Alpha's snarl lengthened. Her attention turned to Isaac's unmoving collapsed form beside her, his blood beginning to squelch under her armoured boots. She rose her eyes to take one last look at me, rage erupting through them. But then she turned her back, something a leader never does. She trudged through the snow, her warriors separating to form her a pathway.

"Never. Stop Running." I whispered but the words carried enough for her to hear. I saw her hesitate, her steps pausing. But then the moment passed and she continued to walk away, her warriors forming a jagged line behind her. No words were said. Not until the last warrior had disappeared did I drop the Parazonium.

I went to Isaacs side but hands pulled me away. They weren't hands I recognised. I rose my eyes to stare at the face of my father, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of it.

"Dad?" I breathed, shock numbing me to the core. So it was true. He was the Alpha. He looked different to the last time I had seen him. His eyes were haunted now, callused with a past of tragedy. His grip was steel like, not soft and gentle like I had remembered it to be like. A beard now grew from his face, trapping snowflakes in its grasp. His hair has grown to curl into a knotted clump at the base of his neck. Dirt clogged his pores, with scars cutting through his face to arch into his hairline. This was not the father I knew. This was a stranger.

"I'm here." He said ruggedly, but his voice wasn't soft. His voice was as wild as the beast he was, barely considered a human noise.

I jerked my arm out of his fingers to stare at him. "It was you all along."

He didn't reply, but instead lowered his gaze to Isaac.

"You can't even say it," I hissed, the fury of losing my father those eleven years ago coming back to haunt me. "You can't even admit to what you really are."

He titled his head to bore his gaze into mine. Any other Night Child would shy away from his gaze but I held it, refusing to succumb to the submissive traditions of the pack. "Renee you don't-"

"Understand?" I interrupted, my voice laced with criticism. "Trust me Dad, I understand everything.

"Renee I'm sorry," He began, reaching out to touch my clenched fists but I moved my hands away from his comfort.

"You're sorry?" I echoed in disbelieving fury. "An innocent boy lies here dead because of your pack, and all you have to say is sorry?"

He ducked his head again, apparently lost for words.

"You left us." I continued, my voice as bland as the feelings that lay within me. "You broke what little emotions Mum had left and made us fend for ourselves."

"Renee please, I'm begging for your forgiveness," He said softly but I had heard enough.

"I don't want your forgiveness," I argued back. "I want to erase every memory I have of you and pretend it never happened."

He flinched evidently, his lips down casting into an obviously hurt frown. I felt nothing.

"I dreamt of one day seeing you again, whether it be in heaven or in my dreams, I wished upon it day on end. But now that you are here, I want nothing more than to see you crawl back to the hell you belong in." I eyed him, taking in his unfamiliar appearance. "You are not the father once I loved."

He reached out for me again, thought better of it and let his hand drop to his side. "I still love you Renee." He whispered his words digging into my heart the way the Parazonium would.

"The last person who said that to me ended up with a sword through his heart." I retorted, stepped away from him to turn my back on him. "Those words mean nothing to me anymore."

I saw his eyes flash with frustration but he hid it by glancing down at Isaac's fallen body. "I never meant for him to die." He said softly, his words carrying to the silent pack around us. They glanced at each other, as if unsure of what to do.

"Don't lie to me," I hissed, tearing my gaze away from the broken body that had been Isaac. "You wanted him dead the moment he said he supported the human world."

Dad looked lost for words, putting two and two together. "Aaron has spoken with you."

I rose my head, taking in my father's appearance. He looked weak in front of me, his eyes lowered, his head bent. He didn't look like a leader to me. "Even the part where he claims me as his mate."

Dad flinched again but made no effort to steel it up. "Yes," Was all he said, his eyes still remaining on Isaac. I refused to acknowledge his body lay between us. I refused to acknowledge his heart had stopped beating long ago. I refused to acknowledge he was dead. I knew if I did, I would break.

"I've watched you two over the past few months," Dad said quietly, his words only just reaching my ears above the gathering wind. "I saw the fear cross his eyes when you threw yourself into danger. I saw how much it cost him to see you hurt."

A sudden wave of agony washed over me, and involuntary tears touched the corners of my eye. "I don't want to hear it," I began but he only continued, rising his head to search my eyes.

"Everywhere you went, he would be your shadow, consistently ensuring your life wouldn't be cut short the way others had been. Wolf form, human form, he was there." He knelt down to touch Isaac's unmoving body, his fingers staining in his blood. "Even tonight, he knew he would sacrifice his life for you, and wouldn't ever second guess that choice."

"Why are you telling me this," I said, ignoring my shaky voice.

He pressed his fingers to Isaac's veins that lined his wrists and arms, tracing them to his elbow. "I'm telling you he loved you."

A single tear slid down my cheek, freezing onto my skin so it burnt. "I knew he loved me," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the wind. "It was the cause of his death."

Dad dropped his head and slowly rose from his spot to gaze at me. I knew why Mum had constantly told me why I looked like my father now. I could see it in the colour of his eyes and his set jaw. "And his efforts weren't worth anything."

I held my ground. "So what, the war has ended and now you're going to kidnap me into your pack and hope I destroy tunid kind?" I hissed, but Dad's eyes were focusing on the single tear that remained on my face. I quickly wiped it away.

"Yes, but life is full of death Renee, you can't focus on it otherwise it will forever control you," He said, as if dismissing Isaac's death.

Rage spilled over me, and before I had realised I had shoved Dad backwards. "How dare you say that. How dare you leave for all those years and then smuggle me into a pack that has turned innocent children. How dare you pretend Isaac's death is nothing." I shoved at him again, feeling the tears gathering in my eyes. "Isaac died in order to save me from your pack. I will not let his death go without purpose."

A shadow seemed to pass over Dads face, and he began to look like the wolf version of himself. "You have no choice," He said remotely, his voice suddenly hardening. "This is your destiny."

I pushed at his chest again, propelling my anger into my movements. "My destiny is to graduate high school, go to college, get a job and start a family. Did anyone come up and tell Isaac that his destiny was to die at the hands of a chemistry teacher?" I yelled, watching from afar as some wolves shrunk back. "You don't control my destiny, I do. I will never become the monster you are."

Dads eyes steeled over and he pushed back, shoving me a far distance from me. "You are up against an entire pack Renee; you have no choice but to do as I say."

"No," I lashed back, tasting the salt of tears on the tip of my tongue. "I don't care what you say, I will not be used for my power."

A growl tore through his throat, vibrating through the clearing, causing some wolves to whine in anxiety. "Renee I am ordering you to submit to me."

I took a step forward, closing the distance between us. "You are not my father. You hold no authority over me." I spat, my blood boiling with fury. "I would rather die than be turned into the feral creature you call yourself."

"Just because your boyfriend died doesn't give you a right to disobey me," He snarled, bending down to stare unblinkingly at me.

"Isaac wasn't my boyfriend. He was a boy that was brave enough to die for a cause," I shouted, almost nose to nose to my father. "You did this to him. You turned him and gave him no chance of living as the ordinary tunid he was supposed to be."

"I saved him from himself," Dad hissed back but I shook my head in response.

"Isaac never had the darkness in his mind that made him one of your kind," I retorted, forcing my gaze to remain on my father's instead of flickering back to Isaacs. "He was normal."

"He's dead now anyway." Dad said, his voice risen in anger. "He was stupid enough to fall in love with a girl that he knew would lead him towards his death. He is the only one to blame for the state he is in now."

That's when I snapped, reaching down with shaky hands to pick up the Parazonium. Dad instantly took several steps backwards, his pupils narrowing.

"What are you doing with that," he questioned sharply, his eyes focusing on the blood stained tip of the sword. However, I didn't point it at him, instead I rose it to my neck horizontally.

"I would rather kill myself then become one of you." I said, my voice free of any emotion. The wolves surrounding us let out growls, their ears pinning to their back. Aaron made a move towards me but I stilled him as I spoke. "Take one more step and I will slit my throat."

Dad held out his hands in a gentle gesture, as if trying to calm a wild animal. "Renee, put the Parazonium down."

"Why should I?" I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks to splatter onto the blood stained snow below me. "There is nothing left for me anymore. I have no one. My own mother is a slave to the woman who killed Isaac. Isaac is dead, Aleena is in a coma. The town wants me behind bars. If I live, I'll be turned and used for my power in the pack." I pressed the blade further into my neck but it wasn't enough to break the skin. "My life is meaningless."

Dad took a step forwards but it only led me to pressing the blade further into my skin and he froze. "Renee, we can work this out. The pack won't hurt you, the ceremony is harmless. Aaron will be a good partner-"

"I will rip out my own heart than ever touch Aaron in an affectionate manner." I interrupted, my gaze unblinking against my fathers. "He will never claim me as his."

Anger whirled across Dads face but I could tell he was trying to hide it by swallowing down his harsh words. "Renee, let's talk through this,"

"I'm done talking," I lashed back, venom slicing through my words. "You left for years, your words are nothing to me anymore. Your entire existence means nothing to me."

"You were never made for loving Isaac. He was weak." My Dad hissed, his eyes flickering between the sword and my face. "You deserve someone like Aaron."

"Aaron, the boy who poisoned my drink and threw a dagger at my shoulder." I retorted, however this surprised my father. He turned to gaze at Aaron.

"You did what to my daughter?" He questioned, his voice dropping to a deadly tone. I watched as Aaron flinched, ducking his head and arching his spine to look smaller.

"I stabbed Renee Alpha," Was all he said quietly. I watched as Dads hands turning white as he clenching them into fists by his side.


Aaron didn't raise his head as he spoke. "I didn't think she would react so badly to it. I knew from after the silver experiments that she was the First Descendant. I thought she was strong enough to survive the poison, so I used her pain as a weakness for Isaac." He finally rose his eyes to meet the Alpha's gaze. "I stabbed her so I could kill Isaac."

A growl tore through the Alpha chest. "You had no right."

"My apologies Alpha," He ducked his head in a sort of bow.

"Isaac is dead anyway," I interrupted, causing everyone to turn their attention back to me. "And now I will join him."

"No Renee, you must lead the pack. You are our only chance of survival." Dad said hastily, holding up his hands as if using actions would stop me from slitting my own throat. "Without you the Parade will be back and stronger than ever. Please, the Huntress will kill me without you." His eyes searched mine and for the first time I hesitated. I saw the father I had loved. The father who taught me how to use a bow. The father who embraced me as I cried over my scratched knee. The father who took me to school every day and took me to the lake on weekends. I had loved him then, and I had thought my love still remained, but now as I stared at him, taking in his rugged appearance, my heart didn't beat with joy. It surged with hatred.

"You are already dead to me." I pressed the blade to my neck, blood foaming from the corners. I saw my father's eyes widen as he dove for me, angling down to rip the sword away from my neck. Just as I had hoped.

I severed, arching the blade away from my neck to point the tip towards my father. Fear struck his face, paling his face but before he could dodge the attack, I drove the sword through his heart. It made a sickening noise as I dug through his flesh, slicing through vital organs and burying it deep into his heart. He paused, the Parazonium still embedded into his body. He looked shocked, his expression similar to Isaacs. But then his eyes hardened with anger, fury blazing through his irises.

"How could you," He hissed but then his mouth spilled with silver, silencing his speech so he vomited up silver. His veins began to clog with it too until his eyes were coated with it before his tears were painted silver. He then collapsed, falling beside the dead body of the boy I loved.

I glanced up to see Aarons whitened face. All the wolves remained frozen, their eyes trained on their fallen leader.

You'll pay for this Renee," Aaron snarled, however fear was evident in his eyes.

"Run," I said, my voice carrying in the wind. "Run and you will live."

And that's exactly what they did. 

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