Pirates of the Caribbean-Hidd...

By lovewritingthatsall

14.6K 488 196

Captain Jack Sparrow is determined to find the magical jewels that have the power to rule the wind and tide... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

335 12 4
By lovewritingthatsall

Angelica looked around. Next to her on the bed sat Jack.
"You were talking." he said.
"Remember who I am..." Angelica mumbled.
"Yes you always repeated that kind of sentence. Are you all right?" Jack asked.
Suddenly for Angelica became everything clear.
"Remember who I am, Jack! Of course! How could I be so blind!" she shouted and got up. She hurried on deck and looked around.
There wasn't any face of her father. She did dream everything, but that doesn't matter now. Angelica went upstairs to the wheel. Jack followed her.
"Angelica! Would you please explain me what you are talking about?" he was confused.
"The core of the ocean, Jack..." Angelica smiled. "I know what that is." she said.
"What?! How did you remember?"
"I had a dream of my father. He told me I should remember who I am." she explained.
"You are Angelica Teach..." Jack said a bit unsure. "You are?" he asked then.
Angelica laughed. "Yes of course." she said. "But that's not the point Jack!"
Angelica looked at the map on the little table next to the wheel and thought.
After that she took a pen. "The core of the ocean is exactly... here." she said and drew a little spot at the map.
"Are you sure?" Jack asked in unbelief.
"Yes... completely sure."
"But I still don't understand what the core of the ocean has to do with you personally." Jack said.
"Look..." Angelica began. "On my first weeks at the Queen Anne's Revenge my father and I talked a lot. We felt like we had to catch up all the missed times. But one day, I told him that I felt like the sea was my home from minute one. I felt like I never was somewhere else. I already thought that when I sailed with you... Well, without you I would probably never have left that convent, but that's an other story..."
Jack smiled.
"What I want to say Jack... that day, my father explained something to me. He told me that I would feel like that, because of him and my mother, who I never knew. In his soul always was the ocean. And in my mothers soul... always was the ocean. So in my soul has to be the ocean too."
"Hold on a second... your soul?" Jack sounded like he still didn't understand
"It's like a symbol. To explain it better to me he named my soul the core of the ocean. Because on that day, in that moment we talked about that, we were sitting on exactly this point were the entrance of this core is. I just never noticed it." Angelica explained.
"So what is the core of the ocean?" Jack wanted to know.
"It is a cave, but an undersea cave. We were sitting next to the entrance, but I never knew that. My father just compared it with my soul and how I always felt like. He told me that in this cave would be something very very powerful. And that he compared to the feeling I had. I remember his words exactly, he said: 'That feeling you feel now, you feel it just because you belong there, even if you never knew it. Deep in your soul you have always been there and you will always stay there. It's just as powerful as the spirit that rises in this cave there.' And then he pointed at the entrance. 'It's like a core of the ocean.' he said. And from that moment this cave was the core of the ocean for us. It was something really important to me, but I never knew that this is the place where the chest is hidden." Angelica sighed.
Jack was quiet. He didn't expect that.
"So... so the cave isn't named like that in reality?" he asked.
"No... it was just our comparison to that." Angelica explained.
Jack began to laugh.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Because Barbossa is looking for a cave named the core of the ocean, and in reality this cave doesn't exist with that name."
"Right." Angelica smiled, but then she sighed again. "It would have been much easier if I just had the picture."
"That doesn't matter now!" Jack shouted. "We know where to go, that's all that counts... but one question... why did Blackbeard never told you that the chest where there?"
"I wanted to enter the cave, but my father told me it would be too dangerous. Many people died by trying it, but just because they didn't got the lost jewels. When we sailed away from it, he told me about the jewels. But I never knew that the chest is in this cave. I guess my father didn't know either. He would have told me that. I mean... the letter was torn so I couldn't read everything..."
"But that doesn't matter now!" Jack said again and seemed like he was very happy. "The first thing we do now, is to get those jewels back!" he shouted and looked at the spot on the map again...

The background of everything...
It's quite emotional, isn't it?😄❤️

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