Seven Heroic Sins (Book 1, Ri...

By Stillwell03

67.8K 1K 1K

It's been about 2,000 years since the battle of Britania and the defeat of the revived demon clans 10 command... More

Impending Doom
Character analysis
Life of the Sins
Sword in the Well
The Entrance Exam
Cold Hard Truth
Project Holy Knight and the Druid Trials
Ochako the Fox Sin
Nejire the Goat Sin
Mina the Grizzly Sin
Momo the Boar Sin
Kyoka the Serpent Sin
Itsuka the Lion Sin
Their Return
Lust and Gluttony vs Truth and Faith
A Reason to Fight

Himiko the Dragon Sin

1.4K 34 14
By Stillwell03

Himiko POV:

I started to walk down the path into the giant tree in the druids realm to only realize I was alone in pitch black. "Ok, that's real funny. Now where are you guys?" I got no answer, but noticed a small light coming from the front of me. "At least there's some light at the end of this tunnel. Gross, I just did a crappy pun." I walk closer to the light to only see a dragon marking similar to my tattoo. "Alright, now what?" I look back to the tunnel to only see a tavern similar to the Boar Hat. "Is this the inn? No, too small."

"Yo, what up?" I look over to the counter to see a guy with blond hair and green eyes smile at me. "Who are you?" "Meliodas, the fine owner of this bar and the former Dragon Sin." He doesn't stop smiling at all to a point it kinda pissed me off. "Ok, you mind passing me a drink?" "Aren't you a little young to be drinking?" "Says the guy that looks like he's 12." He shrugs his shoulders and passes me a mug to fill with some beer. While I was drinking it, Meliodas started to tell me what was gonna happen.

"To make things simple, were gonna look at your past and find out why your my replacement in the Sin's uhh?" "Toga, Himiko Toga." "Right. So, you ready?" I shrug for him to take that as an answer before snapping his fingers. The scene changed to my childhood when I couldn't have been more than 4 years old. "Owie!" One of my friends had fallen and hurt herself when we were playing tag. As a good person, I went over and opened a band aid I had. While doing this, some of the blood got on my hand and dried a bit to stay there. "Thanks Toga." "No problem." I was happy and playing with everyone back then. Only I didn't know bad my life would turn out.

"Must be nice to have friends like those." I shake my head at Meliodas knowing why. "Sorry Toga, I got some on your hand." I look at it and smile. "Don't worry about it, it's not that bad." I suck up the blood to show it no longer on my hand and show to my friend. "See,no worries." In that moment, my friend started panicking and running away. I looked down and noticed that I looked exactly like my friend. "What the-" The transformation immediately stopped and I went back to normal after. "Was quirk?"

"So, was that like an ability or something?" "In our time, quirks are something people have and manifest normally around 3-5 years old. Mine was a transformation quirk that allowed me to transform into someone else for a certain amount of time." "Awesome!" I shake my head at Meliodas when he exclaims this. "Not when you need the persons blood to do it." The scene went to my parents house after I said what happened with them being very disgusted with me.

"You awful child! Why couldn't you be born with a normal quirk instead of that horrid one!" "Mommy, I don't get how it's ba-" My mother stuck me and knocked my back. I was starting to cry as my father looked at me in anger. "To think your related to me, how pitiful." In that moment, I felt fear for myself with my parents showing no form of desire for me anymore. I began to run to my room and lock it in fear. After a few minutes, I heard shouts and a door slam shut. It was only until the day after that I pieced together what happened.

"You didn't see what happened?" "I was too scared of what might happen." The days that followed were not any better. My father walked out on us and left my mother with me. She had no desire to deal with me and ignored me every chance she got. She never looked my way, spoke kindly to me, or even wanted to touch me anymore. I watch as a day I tried to hug her, she kicks me away and stomps on my stomach to make me puke. Life at home was like a landmine waiting to go off with school being not much better.

"Wow, that's some crappy parenting." "Tell me about it." I hold my torso still feeling the pain of what happened in the past. The scene went to the playground of my school with everyone staring at me when I came 10 feet near them. "Common guys, I won't bite." "Yeah, how can we believe you monster!" I wished I chose a better choice of words at that point. Things started to get violent with some kids throwing rocks at me. Teachers saw and did nothing as I ran for my life with my head down.

I hid myself in a bush curled up in a ball scared to even breathe as the kids eventually gave up their search and went back to their games. I sat there for almost an hour crying from pain and loneliness. 'Why. Why can't people just treat me normally again.' I felt tears on my face as my memories of the past were becoming more apparent to me. "Did this happen often?" I nodded knowing things never got better with these people. "I was an outcast because my quirk was deemed evil in nature. But the thing that angered me the most was how they treated me like anyone else before my quirk activated."

Days had gone by with my mother practically giving up on raising me, kids throwing rocks and chasing me away when they get the chance, and people seeing this and letting it happen. Over the course of 2 years, something inside me grew. Something that I look at and can only think of one word to describe. Hatred. Hatred for the people that wanted to harm me, hatred for my mother, hatred for people that saw this happen and chose to do nothing. But most of all, hatred for myself. I despised myself the most for not being what everyone else was. I wanted to die, but I never chose to out of fear.

"I pity you Toga. Not many kids can handle that type of abuse and live to tell the tale." Meliodas starts drinking after saying this with me enraged at what was happening in my past. "I...I wanted to die. I wanted this pain to end, but was scared of how I was gonna die. I was afraid it would by my mom going over the top and kill me, the kids finally catching me, or just me finding a way to end it myself. I was petrified of every day and wanted to find some way to have a normal life again." I cried saying this and wanted to punch my own guts out for being so weak and pathetic.

The scene went to me hiding in a tree watching the kids that attack me play and waiting for an opening to run. 'I hate people. I hate my family. I hate my classmates. I hate everyone that wants to judge me for my quirk. I didn't ask for a quirk that makes me suck blood, so why am I judged for it.' "You hold a lot of hate in you." "AHH!" I watch as I meet Izuku for the first time with him smiling at me. I honestly thought he was some weirdo that wanted to mess with me at first. I didn't know until later that he was just that nice of a guy.

"Well Toga, would you like to be part of something that allows you to take your hate out on something in a positive way?" He shows Lostvayne to me and smiles as he waits for my answer. The only thing I could think was that he was an absolute nut job for wanting to have me join his group. "So long as nobody bugs me about my quirk, I'm in." I grab the dagger with him smiling at me accepting the offer.

"So I gotta know, why are you up here?" "...So I don't get hit in the head by rocks." I look over and see him crying for me. "That's so horrible. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that." 'Is this guy some kinda freak for feeling something for me?' He starts hugging me and crying for me while babbling some weird stuff about him now being there for me. In that moment, I felt happy but scared to let him in. The people that I've let in up to now only hurt me and make me angry at the world. How could I know if he was different.

"You didn't trust my grandson at first?" "A random guy hangs above you while your ranting, offers you a knife and a position in something you have no idea about, and cries for you while hugging you doesn't bring a red flag?" "Hmm, good point." Meliodas keeps drinking with the scene changed to the Boar's Hat. "Everyone, this is Himiko Toga. She's gonna be our new Dragon Sin of Wrath." "Hold the phone! I never said I was gonna have some fancy smancy name." I argued this with Izuku while Inko comes up to me.

"Aren't you a cute one Himiko. You must be hungry, why don't you sit with the others and I'll bring out lunch." "Yeah, no. Sorry Inko, but I'm finishing lunch. I don't want the first thing these people to eat be food that makes them sick." I watch as a brown haired girl I knew later as Ochako went to the kitchen and finished lunch for everyone. I went over and sat next to Izuku and a black haired girl called Momo with everyone talking about random things. I just kept to myself since I felt so out of place there.

In the time with the Sin's, I came to understand they all had similar garbage lives until Izuku and Inko came to them. Though I knew this, I chose to still not trust them. A few years passed with this and everyone began to interact with each other in their own way. I normally stayed by myself with Ochako hanging around me. "So why did you never talk to people in the Sin's?" "I didn't want to be hurt again. Easier to just block them out than risk getting hurt again and hating the world more."

The scene went to me and Ochako fighting Izuku in a 2 on 1 fight with him having the upper hand. Ochako had used Snatch to take as much of Izuku's energy as she could and slammed it all at him. "TOGA!" I came up above him and came down with my darkness active. Once I got close to him, he glared at me with a look that was similar to my fathers on the day he walked out. I hesitated and got knocked back. "Dammit!" Ochako headed up towards Izuku and prepared for a final assault with me recovering.

"Hunter Fest!" Ochako takes more power and slashes Izuku for him to act solely on instinct and slash her neck. She falls to the ground with Izuku now panicking knowing what he did. "Ochako!" He runs over to her and covers the opening that wasn't closing. "You ok?" "Yeah, I won't die from that. Cause I'm immortal, hehe. Still hurts though." She laughs a bit with me seeing her concern with the cut not closing. "It's gonna scar, sorry about that." "No worries, I know now at least when too much taken from you is too much."

I got up and ran away afraid they'll yell at me and attack me like all the others. 'Nothings the same. All I do is hurt people around me. I am a fucking monster!' I didn't think me and Ochako as close friends, but I did see her as one. This made me feel more guilt when I saw her with the gash on her neck. "Why did you run?" "Force of habit. Everyone wanted to beat the crap out of me in the past, so why was this different? At least, that's what I believed."

I hid in a bush and cried while looking at the dirt. All I could think was that it was my fault Ochako got hurt like that. 'I should've attacked. Why did I hesitate? Because of that, my friend friend got...' "Dammit all." I held my head down and started crying until I felt light hit me. "There you are." I looked up and saw Ochako and Izuku. "I-I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I start holding my head and waiting for the inevitable beating that always happened when I was younger.

Once a few seconds passed, I felt a pat on my head. I looked up to see Izuku smiling. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing. I'm the one that hurt Ochako by accident, so I should be the one doing that." Ochako looked at me with her neck having some gauze over it. "WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU MAD! I MADE YOU HURT OCHAKO! IF I DIDN'T HESITATE, THAT WOULD'VE NEVER HAPPENED! Why..*hic*..Why are you not hitting or yelling at me?" I started to cry as Izuku just hugged me.

"It's ok Himiko, you just panicked. This is why we train, to prevent making these mistakes when it counts." Ochako started to come over and stare at me. She immediately hit the top of my head pretty hard for me to hold it. "That was for running away at the end." She then joined Izuku in his hug with me confused as anything. "Don't think we'll hurt you if you mess up. We do it all the time, so we have no room to judge." I felt their warmth as people that actually cared for me. People that wanted the best for me. All I could do at that point was cry knowing I didn't deserve this. Ochako should be crying more right now, but I couldn't stop my tears from falling as they showed me what being warmly embraced was once again.

After that moment, my life with the Sin's was more interactive. We all regularly laughed, got mad at each other, and cared for us all as a real family. I never knew that I could feel so much joy from just taking an offer, but I loved the life I had now and would do it all again if this was the outcome.If I was with the Sin's, no pain or trouble would matter with them. The scene went back to the Tavern with Meliodas coming out from the back of the counter. He looked at me and smiled.

"So Himiko, do you know why your the Dragon Sin yet?" I think before answering. "I hated everyone and everything in this world. I wanted to end the pain so badly by any means. But now that I've found the Sin's, I want to unleash this wrath I have on my enemies and prove that I am a real person. I am the girl those people persecuted and ridiculed for something I had zero control over. I want to show the people that I hate that I am going to beat the Commandments and make this world I harbor hatred for change their view of me."

Meliodas smiles wider at me and nods. "Congrats, you pass." In that moment, my arm starts to burn like nothing I've felt before until I felt power surge within me. "Now that you have this power, you can grow stronger and stop those who need to be. I'll see ya around Himiko. Oh, and tell Inko her dad said hey." Meliodas disappears and the scene goes to that of a tree with an opening in it. I take a moment to breathe before looking at the exit.

"I hate this world. I hate it so much. But the Sin's are the closest thing to family I have. I would protect their world above all else. So as the Dragon Sin of Wrath, I will stop any and all that want to destroy this world and what they want to protect by unleashing my fury on them. Prepare yourselves 10 Commandments, because I'm coming for your heads next." I walk out ready to take whatever comes next.

Power level: 5,000-10,000

And that finishes this chapter. For a baseline on Toga's sin, she hates this world for persecuting her for something she had absolutely no control over. If she had a choice, she would let this world burn with everyone in it for what was done to her. But now that she's shown kindness by the Sin's, her anger is pointed towards those that wish to harm their way of life. She still hates the world, but she hates those that want to destroy things that are precious to her new family more. Next and final trial is Kendo's as the Sin of Pride, so stay tuned for that. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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