The Void

By kylorenphan24601

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When you've been told something is a certain way your entire life, then you accept it as the truth. It's all... More

Chapter 1 - A Life Taken
Chapter 2 - Parker
Chapter 3 - Partners
Chapter 4 - The Void
Chapter 5 - Spider-Man
Chapter 6 - Escape
Chapter 7 - Parker's Friends
Chapter 8 - You're On
Chapter 9 - Things Break if You're Not Willing to Share
Chapter 10 - Building the Catapult
Chapter 11 - I've Been Looking For You
Chapter 12 - Yielding
Chapter 13 - Test Subject
Chapter 14 - Waking Up
Chapter 15 - I'm Fine
Chapter 16 - Homework Night
Chapter 17 - Oh Fuck
Chapter 18 - Bruises
Chapter 19 - Falling
Chapter 20 - The Goblin
Chapter 21 - Go To Sleep
Chapter 22 - Interrogation
Chapter 23 - You Let Him Go
Chapter 25 - The Party
Chapter 26 - I Want to Be More
Chapter 27 - Taking Things Slow
Chapter 28 - Gingerbread
Chapter 29 - Christmas
Chapter 30 - A Goddess
Chapter 31 - Worst Fear
Chapter 32 - Even
Chapter 33 - My Idiot
Chapter 34 - Surprise From My Parents
Chapter 35 - Punishment and Revelation
Chapter 36 - I Was Behind It
Chapter 37 - Blaming Spider-Man
Chapter 38 - 10 Minutes
Chapter 39 - Deals
Chapter 40 - Communication
Chapter 41 - Study Night
Chapter 42 - The New Goblin
Chapter 43 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 44 - Reviving Harry
Chapter 45 - New Threats
Chapter 46 - Changes
Chapter 47 - We Have to Kill Them
Chapter 48 - One Fight You Won't Walk Away From
Chapter 49 - I Wasn't Strong Enough
Chapter 50 - Remembering

Chapter 24 - I'll Go

427 18 7
By kylorenphan24601

(Your POV):
I walked into school the next day, nervous about facing Peter now that I knew he was Spider-Man. I had rehearsed it over and over, praying that I wouldn't slip up and let him know that I knew who he was. If he found out, there was no way that he wouldn't connect the dots and figure out that I was Void.

He sat down next to me in physics and the first thing that I noticed was the fading bruise on his cheek. I frowned, wondering how it was so healed by now. I knew how to punch, it should at least be a dark purple color, but it was already fading into a light green. And the cut on his cheek was completely gone.

"You alright, (Y/N)?" He asked, apparently having noticed my reaction.

I pointed at the bruise, "Yeah, I was just wondering where you got that nice work of art on your cheek."

He turned pink as he lightly touched his bruise, before turning to me sheepishly, "I may have gotten into a little fight yesterday."

I raised my eyebrow, "Peter Parker got into a fight? How on earth did you escape with nothing but a light bruise? Was it a fight against another nerd?"

"Trust me, she knew how to throw a punch. I guess I just lucky," he replied, making me proud that he was admitting that I knew how to punch.

But instead of letting my identity slip, I decided to tease him, "ooh Peter Parker got beat up by a girl."

"Yes, a strong girl who was very keen on getting revenge on me for taking the last of a certain item on a shelf. It was a gift for May and I wasn't about to give it to her when it took me forever to find it at that price," he lied, surprising me with how quickly he came up with a cover story.

"And what was this precious and all important item?" I inquired, smirking at him as I leaned in a bit closer.

"It's a surprise for May, I'm not risking it getting out so sorry, but you're going to have to ask me after Christmas," he replied, a look of admiration glowing in his eyes as he no longer had to worry about his lie. He then dropped his gaze and asked, "speaking of Christmas, have you given anymore thought about the party?"

"Peter, I'm sorry, but I just know. However, I am thinking that I'll just-"

"Not go," he finished me, sighing in defeat. His expression broke my heart, despite him quickly remedying it into a small smile. "It's fine, really. We were just really hoping to see you."

"Peter, I was actually going to say that I wanted to go," I quickly spoke, not entirely thinking about what I had said before the words left my mouth. But I just didn't want Peter to be so disappointed in me. Besides I had already snuck him out of my parents apartment, that line had already been crossed.

His eyes lit up as soon as I told him that I would go, making my heart skip a beat. He was so cute and he wasn't even trying and, although I knew that he was my enemy, I found myself wanting to kiss him. God, why did the one person that I fell in love with have to be my archenemy?

"You really want to come?" Peter clarified, bringing my out of my thoughts as he face fell into a look of concern. "Because you really don't have to if you don't want to, I-I don't want to force you into anything, it's just that it would be nice to see you more often. I mean, the group wants to hang out, you know?"

"I agreed to attend the party, Peter, I'm not going back on my word. Although I cannot promise that I will stay for the whole thing. Parties have never been a favorite of mine," I assured him, knowing that the conversation was about to end as Ms. Warren stood up from her desk to begin class.

(Peter's POV):
"May, I need your help," I cried as I ran into my apartment that afternoon.

She looked up at me, confused as to why I wasn't out doing Spidey duties. "Are you ok, Peter? What's wrong?"

"There's this girl I really like and she's coming to Harry's party and I want to give her something and maybe tell her that I like her and I found this, but I don't know if she'll like it and, even if she does, I don't know if she even likes me," I began to blab, taking out the necklace that I had bought using money that I had been saving up for a new LEGO set.

A knowing look spread across her face as she took the necklace in her hands and asked, "is it for (Y/N)?"

"Y-Yeah, was it that obvious that I like her?" I questioned, feeling my cheeks burning up and wondering whether or not (Y/N) had picked up on it. Hopefully it was only noticeable to May because she knew me so well, otherwise that would be really embarrassing.

"Oh Peter, I knew that you liked her when you started talking about her everyday. And then when she came over and my suspicions were confirmed. But this necklace is gorgeous, Peter, I'm sure she'll love it," she assured me, handing it back to me.

"Are you sure? I don't really think that she's much of a jewelry person, but she does wear a ring everyday, but that could just because it has some sort of sentimental value and not because she actually likes jewelry-"

"Peter, don't worry so much, it's gorgeous and she'll love it just because it's from you, I'm sure of it."

"Do you-do you think that she might actually like me back?"

"Well, she was comfortable enough around you to fall asleep here once, although I do understand that that was a side effect of the medical problems going on with her. But even so, she did come for that study session despite having had treatment that day. And from what you've told me, she's pretty antisocial, but is still willing to hang out with you."

"Well, I don't know. Things have kinda been weird between us after she blew up at a comment Harry made."

May rolled her eyes, "she should know better than to take anything that Harry says seriously. But she agreed to go to his party, so that must mean something."

I bit my lip, "I guess. I just really like her, May, and I'm afraid that she doesn't feel the same."

"I know, Peter," she smiled as she wrapped an arm around me. "But if she says no to you, especially with that gorgeous necklace, than there must be something wrong with her."

Still wrapped in her embrace, I looked down at the six-pointed star necklace in my hand. The crystals were shining in the light of the apartment, reminding me of the sparking in her eyes when she showed her rare smile and how she lit up my life, even when she was being her normal antisocial and depressing self.


(A/N): I'm so exhausted right now and I'm not entirely sure why, but hopefully I'll get to bed after publishing this but I have a feeling I won't, oh well. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and you and Peter starting to come back together!

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