Iris: Child of prophecy

By obliviousstudent

114K 3.5K 108

Iris has had a difficult life, running from her past and living like a nomad. She is not a regular wolf. She... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
author's note
Chapter ten.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Moon Goddess.
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty-nine.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter Thirty two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four.
Chapter Thirty five.
Thirty seven: Witchcraft
Thirty eight.
Chapter Thirty-nine.
Chapter Forty.
Final authors note

Chapter Eleven

2.8K 94 1
By obliviousstudent

"Let me go!" I screamed as Malik threw me over his shoulder.

"You have to help her!" I insisted, but his words were curt and demanding.

"Carry her as well. She'll be valuable," he said.

I wondered who he was speaking to until I saw the wolf that tried to kill me step out of the bushes.

"Klaus?" I spat with so much venom.

"Luna," he said, baring his neck in submission.

"Don't call me that!" I said, in retort. I did not need his respect.

"I can't do that Luna."

I opened my mouth to say more, but he walked away and Malik started running with me over his shoulder. I know I should say it was a bumpy ride, but it was actually kind of fun. I hate I was thinking of it that way and I tried; I swear I did. But staying angry at this jerk was almost one of the hardest things to do, especially when I was this close to him.

Before I knew it, we were already walking back into the pack territory. And straight away, Malik took me into a tent with injured people and set me on my feet.

"Heal them." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms.

"No." I stuck out my chin in defiance.

"What must everything be so hard with you?"

"Look who is talking," I tilted my head to him, I was vehement until I heard an ear-splitting scream.

"Esme!" Malik yelled and ran to the bed with a woman with a slight bump.

She is pregnant! Oh, shit, now I have to help, stupid conscience.

I ran to the other side of the patient's bed she was laying. "What happened?"

"What does it look like? She is in pain!" My eyes widened as he screamed at me. "Do something"

"I meant, how did she get here?"

"She just from a scouting mission."

"Did you know she was pregnant?" I asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead. I tried to feel for her pulse as well, but I stopped when he didn't answer. "Alpha Malik did you know she was pregnant?" I asked once more, already aware of what his answer would be.

"Yes," my eyes widen, he was more than I expected. "But she said she could go when I told her to."

"How won't she say that? You are her Alpha and you ordered her too!" I screamed at him.

"There's much more that you don't know," he murmured.

"What more? You sent a woman to spy, pregnant!" I yelled.

She whimpered again. Drawing the attention where it should really be, her.

I put my hand on her belly and shut my eyes. I saw the baby, or what was supposed to be a baby? She was dying, and it was because of the 'baby'. Whatever it was, was draining the mother, shit.

I looked up at Alpha Malik.

"What, what wrong?"

"It's the baby," I replied, and he shook his head, looking confused.

"Huh? What's wrong with my baby?" She whimpered.

I motioned for Alpha Malik to follow me when we were outside and out of the mother's earshot. I spoke. "The child is dead, but it's still eating and draining the mother."

"What does that mean?" he asked, folding his arms.

"It's I can't really describe it but that's not her baby there, it's not alive per se I didn't feel a heartbeat but it's moving and eating." It's the mother's life force, but I didn't mention that part.

"So now what?"

"Where did you send her, exactly?"

"West." My eyes widened the exact way my lips parted in shock. Could this get any worse?!

"You sent her west?" I ran my fingers through my hair. I could already feel anger bubbling deep within me. How could someone be so heartless?

"Iris, say something."

I slammed my hands on the wall behind me. The sound of my bones cracking was enough to knock me out, but I was too angry to care. Before he could react, I turned around and punched him with the other hand. Great, now I have two broken arms.

He was barely affected, not even a flinch. Instead, he had a concerned look toward me. The way his eyes scrunched and his eyebrows were down turned made him look almost too cute, and my stomach churned. Not now stupid hormones.

"Let me see," he whispered as he came closer to me to see my fists.

I pushed him, it would surprise you how anger can shut even a talkative like me.

I turned back and walked into the tent where the pregnant wolf was suffering.

I sat beside her and tried to take a bit of the pain so she could at least sleep. None of the anesthesia was working.

I could feel Malik's eyes boring into my back, but I couldn't look at him.

After I was done, I felt an overwhelming wave of nausea. I was outside as soon as I could, chucking every bit of food I ate. Of course, what would I expect from the West?

Malik was hesitant, but when he saw I was ready to chuck out my insides, he held my hair back.

"Ugh, that is one strong wolf," I groaned, sitting on the ground right beside my puke.

He sat beside me and put his hand in his hands. "I don't know what to do, Iris, I messed up."

What do you think? I kept quiet, partly because I was too weak to talk and because the most powerful wolf in the world was willing to be vulnerable in front of me. If made me very uneasy, how can he just trust me like that? I get that I'm his mate and all but really dude we don't even get along.

"This time I can't just ignore it. The pain is too much. I can't let that child die, and neither can the mother. They mean too much to me. I made a promise to always protect them and now I've messed up," I might have imagined it, but did his voice crack? All of a sudden I felt another churn in my stomach and not because I needed to throw up, but because I was jealous, very jealous, before I could stop and reason with my tongue.

"Oh, of course, you would have a child with another wolf. How pathetic could you be?" I spat, my voice dripping venom.

He had the most confused face, but I was not done. "I'm glad I was not foolish enough to believe that could ever be happy with you," I got up with the last strength I could muster.

"I'm out of here and don't even dare try to stop me, and I'm taking Aria. I think I am allowed the right to do that now, at least, yeah?"

I walked out as fast as I could, tears falling freely. Gosh, my life was pathetic. How could a person be so unfortunate?

I shook my head and went to look for Aria.

I hate my stupid life.

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