Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

By niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 69

14.2K 517 73
By niallsbabe_xx

I'm sorry but I'll be switching POVs a bit in this chapter. Also, I haven't revised yet but I'll do that tomorrow. I've been really sick and tired lately, but I'll do it tomorrow, promise! Xx
Ps. Idk why the spacing is weird but it makes me sad :(

Niall's POV*

Have you ever felt like a physical part of you was missing? Like your heart or your brain had been torn away and ripped apart, and with out it, you were completely lost? You couldn't see any further than the next step ahead.
It's like you're at a crossroad and you don't know what your next move should be. Do you chance it and take a left, or will you find yourself falling into dark hole? But what if you take a right and a tiger is standing there ready to catch its next prey?

You know, it's true when they say that you never know how much someone means to you until they're gone. I realize the content behind that sentence now. I'm starting to realize that you can only love someone so much...but you can never love people as much as you can miss them.
I was so lost.

There were no clues, no one willing to help. There were no hints left behind, no tracks to follow; nothing.

I had five hours left and instead of even moving an inch, I'd been sitting here on this raggedy, old couch, doing nothing but staring at this stupid note.

Find me here,
I'll bring her there.
Find me there,
I'll bring her back here.
You have 6 hours remaining.

What does that even mean?!

My head shot up as I noticed Harry and Louis both walk into the house. They made their way over to my, Harry holding a small, metal box in his hand.
"What's that?"

"I think I know who has Khloe."

"What!?" I yelled, yanking Harry up the stairs. Louis followed after. It was quieter up here and easier to hear.
We had decided to leave the party going so that way it was easier to keep the people here and under control until Khloe was able to be placed.

I still don't understand who though this would be funny.

"We found Jonah's lighters laying in the dirt by the road next to some big tire tracks." Harry stated, messing with the thing in his hand.

"Is that it?" I asked.


I asked to see it, looking at it in my hands. A wolf was carved into the metal, with the initials, JH on the bottom. I wanted to scream, but I didn't. Instead, I pushed past the boys, squeezing the lighter as I stormed down the stairs and out the door. I slammed the door behind me, clenching my jaw.

This is so fucked up.
He is so fucked up.

I'm determined to find you, Khloe. I'm going to fix this.

Khloe's POV*

I caught my breath as I sat in the edge of the mucky lake, water pouring down my face. Thing was, I couldn't tell if they were tears or if it was the water itself.

Even though it was dark, I tell that I was completely covered in clay-like mud and dirt that was starting to dry on my skin and in my hair.

The burning in my shoulder had sent me into such a state of shock that I couldn't even feel it. I didn't know how big the cut was, but by the size of the branch I would assume that it was pretty long and deep.

Why these fucking idiots would go this far is beyond me. Most people just have to run around in their underwear for the whole day, or hook up with the hottest person on campus, or get invited to the biggest party, something stupid. Not kidnap the frat guy's girlfriend and take her to a fucking shed in the middle of nowhere just to get the guy to talk to the kid!

Nialls going to be furious when he finds me! .l

If he finds me...

"You're such a dumbass, Andrew!" I could hear pinky giving him shit, but it's not like that helped the situation any better. However, I tried my best to ignore it as I hobbled over to the small house, holding my arm in my other hand. I couldn't move it.

The dark shadowed sky casted over the old house, causing nerves to flutter the closer I got. The voices were suddenly gone, or at least much quieter as the little lake ripples by the light, breezy wind. Tree leaves and branches shook in the dark forest, like light maracas that danced in the palm of a hand. They clattered off each other before falling back into an eerie silence.

I wasn't so sure about this any more as I noticed that the light wasn't a light on the house, but rather the moon light casting down from an opening in the sky.

My foot quietly stepped onto the front porch and I gasped as the creaking had startled my insides. Biting my lip, I took another which had lead me to the front.

Butterflies swirled inside of me as I peered in through the broken glass. The whole house was completely dark. Shivering, my heart was startled once again as the leaves of the trees shook. If nature would just calm it's shit, it would make this a lot more easier for me. I just need to find someone to help me and I need a phone to call Niall.

I swallowed hard as I rose my hand to knock on the door. I would have thought it was completely desolate if it wasn't for the dog paws I heard scatter across the floor before I heard a bellowing bark.

I gasped and backed up, backing into an old, wooden railing. There was a sudden crack and my hand quickly caught myself before I fell over backwards.

I just wish Niall was here.

My eyes were casted towards the window again as I noticed a light flicker on making my heart race at an abnormal pace.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all! I honestly feel more safe with Luke and Pinky than I do here, right now.

"Shh, Baxter." I heard a soft woman's voice scold the dog before I noticed a screen door being pushed open along with a larger, wooden one.

I stood back, my heart rate escalating with each second that passed. I didn't know what to do, so I just kept myself hidden by the dark.

Her little head popped out through the crack, looking around. I swallowed, staring straight at her although I don't think she could see me.

"U-uhh.." I stuttered and her eyes shot in my direction as they widened and she jumped a bit. "I-I'm sorry." I moved wincing a little as I became more clearer in the light.

She gasped, standing straight up. "Oh my, dear!"

"I'm sorry!" I began to panic. "I didn't mean to intrude, just-"

"Hey slow down, baby girl. " As weird as it sounds, her calling me that name made my mind race back to Niall and it gave me an odd sense of security. "Please, come in. You're a mess!" I blushed and looked down, embarrassed. I don't doubt for one minute that I was. I mean, I could see the dirt drying on my arms.

I bit my lip again, standing still as I stared at the brunette woman. She had big, emerald green eyes, and skin the color of a beautiful, silky chocolate.

"Well, come on." I gave a weary smile before stepping inside. I turned to look back out the window, only to see a dark shadow casted upon everything. Sighing, my head turned back to the woman and her eyes just about popped out of her head.

"I-is everything okay, mrs..?"

"Lenard, dear. And oh my goodness, you're bleeding!" My eyes quickly adverted to my arm to see dark, thick, red blood running down my arm.

"Do you have a rag that I could wash up with? And maybe a phone?" I mumbled. My arm and shoulder were throbbing and stinging and overall just felt like I was holding and ice ball on it.

"My, oh my, of course. Follow me." I followed her through the small cabin like house. The inside had such a contrasted look compared to the out side. It wasn't creepy or scary in anyway. It actually looked very nice and comfortable.

The walls were a warm, golden color with a wallpapered wall that stood out against the paint. We passed the living room which contained white laced curtains, dark brown furniture, a small tv that sat on a wooden stand and a wooden coffee table across from the largest couch.

The kitchen came into view next. It was painted a cherry red and it seemed to have a theme of roosters. I thought it was different, but it fit her style as it seemed.

She lead me down another hall, passing two doorways before she opened a door and flipped on the lights. "Here you are, darling." I gave the best smile I could, biting my lip again. My shoulder was starting to hurt even more and I just wanted to cry, but I didn't want to do it in front of her, Mrs. Lenard. "Here. Take a shower dear, and get cleaned up. I'll wash your clothes for you when you're done." I nodded, turning my back to her.

I suddenly heard her take in a sharp breath making me turn back to face her. "Who did this to you?!" She turned me back around instantly pushing down in my shoulder. I screamed out in pain, the tears instantly starting to roll down my cheeks. She pulled her hands back quickly, looking pale as I turned to look at her. "I'm so sorry."

"How bad is it?" I cried, whimpering each time I moved.

"Let me go get my husband. He's a physician and can help take care of this." She dodged my question, shutting the door quickly as I heard her foot prints leave.

I glanced to the mirror and that just made me cry harder. I was covered in dirty water, webs of mud and dirt clinging onto my skin for dear life. My hair was wet and all over the place, filled with thick mud and twigs and things. My shirt had been ripped and my stomach was cut up and scratched. My legs had giant bruises on them and I had a long scrap up the back of my thigh as well, leading to my bum where I had fell back at the shed.

Why does everything bad always happen to me?

I just want Niall here. I want him to take this pain away.

Niall's POV*

"What are you talking about, Harry?!" I growled, slamming on the breaks. The tires squealed a bit, but we eventually came to a stop.

He shrunk down, running a hand through his hair. "Trust me, Niall. Just turn around!"

"Why the fuck should I trust you?! You said you thought it was Jonah, now it's not?!"

"No! Just turn around!"

I glared at him and turned the vehicle around, starting back down the road. Not even a quarter mile down the road, a white van pulled out of nowhere, just about hitting my truck. "You fucking bastard!" I slammed my hands against the steering wheel, yelling out.

"Niall chill, we were supposed to turn there." Harry spoke. I shot him a quick glare.

"Fuck that. He almost hit us! Damn prick!"

"I know you're mad about Khloe and all, but if you want to find her you need to go back and turn there! I know where she is."

"Fuck off, Harry. I'm following this bastard. He needs to learn his lesson!" Harry sighed and sat back, giving up. He knew I was going to win this. It was not a time to argue with me.

Khloe's POV*

"Owww!" I cried into the pillow, my tears creating a wet patch that just kept spreading and spreading. I bit down on my hand, heaving through the pain as Jerry, also known as Mr. Lenard, took the tip of his needle, digging into my shoulder in order to stitch me up.

I cried out in desperation with each entry of the needle and thread as the pain traveled through my nerves down to the tips of my fingers and to the lowest part of my tail bone. Screaming out, the tears rolled harder as he moved my shoulder to get at a better angle.

I felt weird being stripped from my top, but I was at least still in my bra and I was tangled in a deep brown sheet. Jerry said he'd be able to stitch the cut, but it seemed to be so wide that even the slightest tug of the skin sent a searing pain across my flesh.

"It hurts." I whimpered, choking on my sobs. I couldn't even describe the pain I was going through– all the burning and the tugging of the open skin. It was hell.

"I'm almost done." He slid the needle in once more, causing me to yelp and jump a bit. "Kim, get me a cold rag and peroxide, please?" She ran off to get some, leaving me whimpering on the little table. "You'll be okay, Khloe. I just need you to cooperate for the next five minutes."

I nodded, continuing to let the tears fall. I just wish Niall could be here to hold my hand and tell me that it's going to be okay. I wish I could just feel his arms wrapped around me again. I need his comfort.

About ten minutes later, I was laying flat on my chest, biting my lip as the tears silently fell one after another. The alcohol mixture had been poured on my shoulder after he'd tied the little knot. The cut had ran across the whole length of my shoulder blade, but it felt like it took up the whole length of my back.

After that, Kim helped me sit up, keeping the sheet over my body. "Would you like to go clean up now, darling?" She gave me a sympathetic look.

"Please?" I sniffled.

She nodded and have me a saddened smile. "Towels are under the sink." I nodded and smiled back, walking in to wash up.

So it's up! I was gonna write more but I'm too tired and I've been sick lately, that's why I haven't updated in a few days.

I'll write another tomorrow or sunday, I promise guys! ALSO LIVESTREAM ON SUNDAY!!!

If you don't already, make sure to follow Niall and khloe on their instagrams!


I love you guys so much! Xx

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