Bedside Monster (House Beasts...

By Scarlet_Claws

191K 9.3K 2.8K

[Complete, + 18, MxM] Oliver, 28, human, is as normal as anyone can be. Wovyn, his new monster under the bed... More

The Cookie Monster
Morning After
Mother's Call
A+ Monster
At Dinner
The Shower
All Night Long
Breakfast in Bed
The Plan
Over the Kitchen Table
A Little Olive Tree
Bedroom Manners
Lola the Witch
Promises to Keep
Five Years Later

Stranding Up

6.7K 290 26
By Scarlet_Claws

Oliver, at work, was making himself a coffee when he was approached by his colleague Remy. The first thing he did was wince while the other still couldn't see his face because he didn't really like Remy. There was something about him that just got on his nerves.

"Hey, hello Oliver," said the man.

Oliver turned around with a smile. "Hello, Remy. How are you?"

"I'm fine. You seem quite happy today, it's great."

Oliver frowned. "I do?"

"Yes, you've been smiling and dare I say - you were even whistling during your work." He chuckled. "Not too much that it annoyed me, you know, it's fine. I'm glad things are getting better, you know."

Oliver was now more and more confused. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know, I don't want to appear as if I am making assumptions." Remy started to make himself some coffee as well, now that Oliver wasn't using the machine anymore. "You are most certainly a very capable employee, always have been. But before... how can I say that? You were always a little bit grumpy. You never smiled. Which is a shame, really, you are a handsome man. But now... I might say that I never saw you happier. Are you getting a taste for work? Maybe something happened."

Remy was the second one to tell him that he looked different since... well, since Wovyn had laid him on his kitchen table. Was that really that obvious? Oliver tunred a little red. Remy noticed and smiled.

"You've met someone, have you?" he asked. He leaned in a little, eager for more. "It's written all over your face. What's her name?"

"His name is... Wovyn."

Oliver didn't know why he said it, but he did. He tensed, expecting an outlash or the other to back away in disgust.

Remy's eyes widened. "You never told me you were into men. Wovyn? Never heard a name like that before - it's nice enough. Glad you found someone for you then."

And that was that. Oliver looked at Remy in shock for a split second, before figuring that if the other was casual then he should be too. So he forced himself to relax and enjoy the fact that he had actually come out to someone. It was the first time he did. It felt empowering.

"Yeah, he hasn't told me where it comes from," said Oliver.

"I know one or two that's going to be saddened to hear that you are taken, but I suppose they never had a chance in the first place."

Oliver made a face. He knew at least one of the persons Remy was alluding to: Rebecca had asked him if they could do on a date several times. She was a sweet woman but he knew that he wouldn't be able to make her happy. Even at the time where he felt at his worse, he rather be alone than make someone miserable with him.

"Well then," said Remy. "I best be going. Congrats, and I hope you two make each other happy. Life is too short to be miserable."

"I hope so too," said Oliver. "Have a good day."

Remy smiled and waved at him as he walked away. He wasn't that bad after all, thought Oliver. Maybe he had always been this nice and Oliver could see it now. Not that the latter minded. Maybe they could even become friends - not good friends, but friends enough that they were deserving of the title. He certainly wouldn't mind that.


He could think of a dozen other places he would rather be than the pharmacy, first of which being home, with Wovyn. They had started a series together since the beginnning of the week, and although they rarely paid attention to it until the end, they enjoyed it. Or maybe the correct term was that they enjoyed each other while watching it? Oliver was a little sore between the legs from all the time they had spent together but he couldn't be happier with this new habit.

He'd rather be home but the pharmacist had already sent him several messages to remind him that his order had arrived, and it would be strange if he didn't show up to pick it up since he was supposed to need it. The most painful part of it all was probably going to be the price tag but he didn't look forward to seeing her again.

"Ah, mister Renold," she said when it was his turn. "You came."

Her tone fell right in that middle zone where it was friendly enough to make one feel guilty. Oliver, despite himself, felt a dart of it pierce his heart. He lowered his eyes for a moment, then looked back up, detemined to get over it as fast as possible.

"I've sent you a message about your order arriving Monday," she said. Oliver's eyes darted to her name tag. She was still called Emily Spencer. "I take that you couldn't come until now?"

"Yeah, that's it," said Oliver.

"I'm sure you had your reasons to neglect your health," she said. "It's not my place to pry. I'll be going in the back to get your order, I'll be here in a moment."

Oliver was mildly annoyed at her. He thought that she was nosy and would better be off minding her own buisness. The reasonable part of him told him that he was being irrational, that she was only trying to do her job. He gleefully ignored that bit. There was something about her that threw her off and it totally had nothing to do with the fact that she was unwittingly putting herself between him and Wovyn.

No... nothing at all.

She came back with his box and placed it on the table. Oliver caught a glimpse of the price tag and winced. This was the last time he was buying this garbadge. This was the last time he was going to this pharmacy.

"It's for your own good," she said. She must have seen him make a face. "Sir, I swear that you'll feel that way until something really serious happens to you."

She really should mind her own buisness. "I'm taking them, no need to make a fuss."

She sighed. "You know, I have a sister with your condition. She's a smart woman but she got in some trouble with some... group, and now she is refuses to take her medication. Says some crazy things about how soceity is trying to choke people like her. I might be speaking out of line, mister Renold, but better take some medicine than have people tell you that you are crazy. Trust me."

There was some anger in her tone, even if that anger wasn't directed to him. He stared at her. Did she hate her sister? Was it because she was thinking differently than her? He wondered what sort of courage it took to face down all of society's idea about what was right and what was wrong. Did he have this sort of courage?

He remembered how sad Wovyn had been when he would tell him that he didn't believe that he was real.

"That's none of your buisness," he told her.

"Pardon?" she said. She had heard him, he had spoken loud enough.

"I said, that's none of your buisness. Also, maybe you are the crazy one, if you think that your own sister is insane. Ever thought of that?"

"I never said that I thought that she was insane! It's just that people... people think that."

Oliver paid her. "You are trying to put your nose where it doesn't belong and it's very unprofessional. And disrespectful, considering you are discussing my health in front of other clients. Good day, miss Spencer."

"I was only warning you about what might happen."

He didn't reply. He knew that he had spoken loud enough to catch the attention of her boss. The latter was looking in their direction now, as if she knew what was up. Maybe it wasn't the first time that Emily was doing such a number. He just turned around and left without another word, knowing that this wasn't his problem anymore.

He didn't leave right away once he was in his car. Instead he tossed his bag in the passenger's seat and crossed his arms, thinking.

He felt quite proud of himself. Telling people some of his truth felt a lot better than what he had expected. He couldn't believe that he had never tried it before!

Of course, he didn't think that he would have the courage to do the same thing with his mother but that would come in due time. His mother was a special case anyway. It didn't take a genuis level of IQ to figure out that she was a case on her own. He was lucky that he wasn't living with her at the moment or things would be a lot harder.

And Remy's reaction to the annoucement that he was gay? The other man had barely batted an eye at it. How many other people in Oliver's life would be just as fine with it as he had? The friends from the gym? His work collegues? He was still a little scared but less than before.

Did all his strength he suddenly have come from Wovyn?

No, that wasn't the right way to formulate. Rather, Oliver finally had something worth fighting for. Remy was right. Right now, Oliver was happier than he had ever been. He was going to hold on to this, he promised himself. He didn't believe that everything would be perfect right away but he was going to make it work, somehow. It was going to be worth it.

He glanced at the plastic bag next to him, the bag that held the little box with the little pills in it.

Oh, this wasn't that important. This was the last time he had gone to buy them and he wouldn't be taking any, he told himself. He would be crazy if he did! They would sit in his cabinet, unused, like his previous box, until they passed the safty date of consumption, and then he would be free to throw them away with no remorse.

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