PuriKyun: Prism Arc PreCure

By PuriKyun

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"Hi, I'm Kanae Koujiki the 3rd and youngest daughter of the Koujiki family. I thought I had to blend in, thou... More

Color it with the Power of Love!
A Friend That Brings Out Life!
Pixhite Discovery! Ryoka Opens Up
A Splash of Blue! A Change from Fear to Courage
Mini Adventure! A Search for Treasure
It Starts With a Smile
With Patience Comes a High Chance
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Once Upon a Smile
A Not So Secret Admirer
A New Friend! A Scent of Lavender
Open! The Heart of Prisms
Beyond the Dark is Light
The Touch of a Flower
When Rain Falls, so do I
Look at the Past to Look at the Future
Just a Little Forgiveness, that's all.
Help from the Unlikely
White on Black. The Triplet's Thank You.
I am a Pretty Cure.
On a Late Summers Day
The World at the End of the Rainbow
Rainbow of the Past
Where there is Color, there is Light
Our Promise for the First Snow
To you a Happy Birthday
Painted! The Color of Love
The Legend of Pact's Country
A Prism Heart to Remember
Ten Years a Secret
Why are you a Pretty Cure?
The Red String of Fate
Regal Mode! Purple is for Royalty
Regal Mode! Yellow is for Joy
Regal Mode! Blue is for Shelter
Regal Mode! Green is for Comfort
Regal Mode! Red is for Love
Darkness is the Absence of Light
Pinky Promise? For We are Nothing Without You

Found a Friend in You

82 6 0
By PuriKyun

After the mini escapade to Pact's Country, the girls came back home to Nanamigaoka with new knowledge and insight of being a Pretty Cure there. They were still confused and a little baffled as to why such great and legendary warriors, were shunned in a place that needed the help. Thinking about it, they realised how hard it must have been for Shia. It seemed like she had been a Pretty Cure for a while as her kingdom knew about it. They now understood why Bow refused to talk about Pretty Cure's too and claim he didn't know anything about them. Needing to get a fresh mind, the girls decided that a sleepover would suffice. After all, there was a new member and they wanted to know more about her.

At this time, Shia had moved in with Aone and her aunt despite Itose's argument saying Shia was fine there. Aone however, explained that it would be better for Shia to stay with her where there wasn't that many people living there. After what had seemed to be a pointless argument to Shia since she didn't particularly care, they agreed Aone's house would be best. However, the next debate led to where the sleepover would be held.

Ryoka and Aone claimed that their house was too small for all of them to stay in and Itose retaliated with the sleepover was at her house last time. Shia didn't really have a say so all that was left was Kanae who stared at them all nervously.

"What?" Kanae mumbled

"Your house," Itose said with a stupid grin "it's the only one available."

"Um... but my parents?"

"Just ask them" Ryoka patted Kanae on the back

"Well... I could ask but it would take a lot of persuasion..."

Going home, Kanae stood still her doorsteps wondering if she should walk in or not. Thoughts running through her brain, anxious if her parents would reject the idea. Taking deep breaths, she realised there wasn't any reason to be scared. After all, her parents would probably much prefer if the sleepover was there and not in someone else's house. Finally getting the courage, she stepped in. The smell of food wafting through the house and echoes of chatter filling her ears. Oh great, she thought, dad's home.

Her mother was in her usual fancy business attire, her dad appeared to still be in his doctor coat and her sisters were chilling in regular home wear. Walking towards, they greeted her with a simple nod before dismissing her altogether.

"Father?" Kanae turned to her dad who looked down at her


"I was just wondering if my friends can come over for a sleepover...?"

Kei scoffed "friends? What friends?"

"Rude." Chiemi nudged her sister quiet before smiling at Kanae who was fidgeting with her fingers "I'd like to meet them! Right mother? Father? Kanae is always talking about her friends, we should meet them and there's no better opportunity than now, right?"

Haruto pondered on the thought before putting down his newspaper "Sure, why not."

Kanae's eyes brightened up, her tense body finally loosening up "Really!? Thank you!"

"When?" Aika questioned



Running out of the room, the rest of the family looked at each other in an amused manner as they heard Kanae cheer loudly up in her room. Quickly messaging her friends about the news, Kanae couldn't wait until they arrived the next day. Unable to sleep that night, she tossed and turned until her tiredness got the better of her. The next day, Kanae was a nervous wreck. Her family were home that day too and not only that, but Himeko Tanaka was coming over to discuss Kanae's internship with the family. It was nearly 3pm and she could see Himeko's car pull up in the driveway. Fidgety yet excited, she greeted her with a huge grin as she entered.

"Well aren't you a little excited today?" Himeko smiled, patting her gently on the head

"Yeah... my friends are coming to have a sleepover today"

"That's nice! It's been a while since I've been at a sleepover" Himeko laughed

Entering the house, she greeted the family and straight away began discussing Kanae's future at the hair salon. Unable to listen in, Kanae sat at the doorstep until discussions were finished. Just then, Pabi flew onto her shoulder and sighed happily.

"I can feel your joyful energy from way over there" he chirped

"Really?" Kanae grinned "I guess I am really giddy"

"I can sense the other pixhites! The Pretty Cure's are on their way!" Pabi sung happily

"Oh great!" Kanae cheered

As she uttered those words, four figures walked through the gate before sprinting over to Kanae who smiled cheerfully.

"Now this is nice!" Itose grinned "planning on adopting anyone into this family by any chance? Because I sure could use a new family"

"I doubt you'd wanna join mine" Kanae giggled "oh, my parents are inside with Himeko so we may want to enter through the back to get to my room"

"Sure" they nodded as they walked to the back of the house.

Coming in from the kitchen, the five girls ran up the stairs before getting lost amongst the many doors in the hallway. Amused by their confusion, Kanae led them to the end of the hall where her room was. Upon entering, Itose's jaw dropped as she took in the size of the room.

"This place is huge! It's the size of my living room dude!"

"Hehe..." Kanae scratched her head in embarrassment

The room was already filled with beds on the floors, decorated with soft pillows and blankets. On the table, there were some snacks in a cute little basket and a couple of drinks.

"OH HOW CUTE!" Itose exclaimed before jumping onto the pile of pillows and blankets on the floor.

"Wow, wreck the place already why don't ya" Ryoka laughed but was dragged down by Itose who smothered her in the pillows "ACK!"

"Well, those two are making a mess" Aone sighed

"It's alright" Kanae grinned

Popping out of Itose's bag, he looked around the room before standing next to the snack pile. Scanning the room, he agreed that it was a big room indeed. There was a huge window next to the desk, decorated with a light yellow curtain and even a window seat. The bed had a canopy above it, also decorated with cute fairy lights. By the bed was a small table with a lamp. The floor was carpeted and the walls were pure white and not a single dirty stain. In the corner of the room, there was a small vanity with mirrors that lit up. All of Kanae's skin care were placed carefully on it. In a small box beside it were all of her hair supplies such as hair dryers, curlers, hair straighteners, ribbons, hair ties, clips and other accessories.

"Now where on earth is your closet?" Itose piped all of a sudden

"Oh" Kanae walked towards the mysterious door "here"

As she opened it up, everybody in the room towards it and found a tiny room full of clothes and shoes.


"It's a small one... my sisters ones are much bigger"

"Everybody has one!?"

"Um... yes?"

At this rate, even Shia was in shock. Being a Princess, she was used to the big rooms and walk in closets but for someone who wasn't royalty, she was just shock they were this wealthy. The girls continued to check out Kanae's room before hearing a knock on the door. As Kanae opened it, she was greeted by her eldest sister, Chiemi.


"Hey" she smiled, noticing her friends there "oh, they must be your friends"

"Oh yeah," Kanae turned to them "this is my oldest sister, Chiemi."

"Nice to meet you all! By the way, Himeko is downstairs with mother and father. They want to talk to you."


"You guys can come down too, if you want" Chiemi said before walking back downstairs

All coming down the stairs, they noticed the 3 adults were standing in the hallway still talking. Noticing Kanae and her friends, they stopped and gave a small nod.

"Hello girls" Himeko smiled "I didn't realise you arrived already"

Itose and the others gave a small smile before bowing.

"Kanae." Aika said


"We have something to discuss."

Nervous, Kanae walked towards her mother and father. In the background, Himeko stood with the others while Chiemi and Kei watched from afar.

"After discussing about your 3 month internship with Tanaka here... we decided that we will allow you to continue until you wish to do something else" Haruto said with his stoic expression

"EH!" Kanae gasped aloud before shutting her mouth with her hands "really?" she whispered

Both nodding, everybody watched in shock as Kanae hugged her parents tightly. Even Kanae's sisters had never seen her do that before.

The rest of the afternoon, Kanae remained her extremely cheerful self even Pabi couldn't catch up. Laying on the their beds, using their phones, Itose sat up and stared at the clock on the wall. It was just about to be 5pm.


Turning to look at her, everybody raised a brow "huh?"

"There's a fair nearby. Wanna go?"

"Oh! Sounds fun!" they nodded

"Cool! We can invite Asaka too" Itose grinned as they got ready to leave

Heading out, the girls walked to the fair. To their surprise, Asaka was already standing there.

"Wow. Early much." Aone laughed

"I know" she smirked

The girls all laughed as they entered the fair. Watching from behind, Shia walked at a slow pace. Itose, Ryoka and Kanae were teasing each other while Aone and Asaka chatted. Feeling a little out of the loop, she decided to shrug it off. She appeared out of nowhere, of course it was awkward to be around her. The sun had gone down and the lights from the fair illuminated the night sky. Shia was still not used to the night but for some reason, the moon gave her comfort. It was nice seeing light even in the dark. As they walked from rides to different food stalls to more rides and to more food, they stumbled across a familiar figure.


Everyone turned to Aone with a smirk on their face, which only made Aone roll her eyes.

"Hey, Reo!" Itose grinned "wasn't expecting to see you here"

"Yeah, I'm here with my family"

"Oh, didn't know you were that kind of guy"

"Hey, just 'cos I'm popular in school doesn't mean I can't hang out with my family"

"Well that's nice of you" Ryoka laughed

He turned to Aone and smiled "'sup"

"'Sup to you too" Aone rolled her eyes

Itose noticed Shia lingering in the background and grabbed her back into the group "Stop lingering in the background! We don't bite"

"Yeah... sorry" Shia gave a gentle smile

Continuing to wander around, suddenly, somebody bumped into Itose. Wondering what had just happened, everyone looked at Itose and saw somebody bowing apologetically.

"Isn't that..." Kanae started

"Hiroshi?" Shia finished

Looking down at him, they realised it was him. Surprised, Itose thumped him on the back "whatcha doin' here?"

"Oh! It's you guys!" he stammered in shock "sorry, I was looking for you guys everywhere"

"Who's that?" Asaka and Reo whispered to each other

"Hiroshi. We met him in Pact's Country." Aone replied in a hushed tone


On Hiroshi's shoulder, Boshi lingered with a calm smile on his face "hello everyone"

The girls bowed at Boshi, who actually creeped them out with his kind smile, but nobody said anything. With their growing friend group, they decided to include Hiroshi on their trip around the fair. Showing him around one tiny part of Nanamigaoka. As they walked, Itose and Hiroshi continued to walk in awkward silence as the others watched from behind.

"I can feel the awkwardness from here... ~bo" Bow mumbled to Shia who giggled

"Right?" Ryoka laughed

Continuing to walk, Kanae couldn't help but notice Itose and Hiroshi bump into each every now and then. Even times when they weren't initially walking beside each other.

"You two are practically bound together" Kanae teased

"Literally." Aone piped in with a small teasing tone in her voice

"What!?" Itose exclaimed aloud "no way" she mumbled, her face turning red.

Lucky for her, it was too dark to see her face but the girls knew her well enough to know she was indeed blushing. Curious as to what Hiroshi was doing there in the first place, they girls were about to ask but just then, they heard a loud crash and the sounds of screaming from nearby.

"Hageruze?" they looked at each other and nodded

Running towards the direction of the chaos, Reo and Asaka hurried the crowd somewhere far as the five ran. As they reached the area, they saw a Hageruze and a still powered up Rokkaku.

"Let's transform" a glint of seriousness surging out of Itose's voice

Taking out their Rainbow Palettes and PriBrushes, they placed their brushes onto the palettes, letting themselves get swallowed whole by their colors.

"Color it! PreCure Splash!"

Spinning round, they took their brushes and began to paint the outline of their dresses. Taking one large step into it, small splash of color surrounded them.Their outfit appears as a cloth, that wrapped around them like a big warm hug. Their hair grew longer and changed color, as it styled themselves into position on each girls head. Ever so gently, their extra accessories began to appear before they finally painted the white swirly designs onto the skirt of their dresses and finishing their transformation. Once fully transformed, they stood in their positions.

"The Color that Radiates Mystery! Cure Amethyst!"

"The Color that Revives Energy! Cure Amber!"

"The Color that Provides Safety! Cure Haven!"

"The Color that Brings out Life! Cure Aloe!"

"The Color the Increases the Power of Love! Cure Corde!"

"Remember the Promise! Prism Arc PreCure!"

Without a moments hesitation, the five girls charged towards the monster.

"You girls won't defeat me this time!" Rokkaku roared

"Highly doubt it!" Corde yelled back "We're the Pretty Cure! That means we keep fighting to protect those we love!"

"Tch." he scoffed

Swirling around the monster, the girls ran hoping to find a good possible opening. Getting tired of running round in circles, Aone jumped into the air letting her Raitana appear in her hands.

"Aloe Kaleidoscope!"

Nodding at Amber, Amber ran upwards with Chaklor in hand.

"Amber Charge!"

Their powers crashing into the monster at once, immediately knocking it down, Haven and Corde took their chance.

"Haven Justice!"

"Corde Fantasy!"

As it fell down, the four girls cheered but Amethyst remained cautious.

"It's not over yet."


"It's night time. The most dangerous time for us but the strongest time for MonoChro. That monster won't get defeated that easily."

The minute she uttered those words, the monster rose again.

"Distract it." Amethyst said and without another word ran off

Confused, the girls did as they were told. Continuing to fight the monster despite not knowing what she was doing. Meanwhile, up in the distance, Amethyst had managed to find a tree to sit in. It was the perfect height for her to aim Aroji.

Stretching the bow, she waited for the monster to be positioned perfectly. Waiting perfectly still in patience, she watched the girls as they fought.

"Amethyst-" she muttered under her breath as the monster slowly aligned itself

Just then, the moonlight positioned itself perfectly to beam down on her. At that moment, the Hageruze was perfectly in place.


Letting go of the arrow, the arrow hit the monster right at it's heart area. Rushing back to the girls, they stood in position.

"Ready?" Corde grinned as they nodded

With Corde behind them all, Amber stood on the very left followed by Aloe, Haven and finally Amethyst to the far right. With their right hand aimed outwards, Amber's become orange with a gradient of yellow. Aloe's hand started to glow green and Haven's blue. Followed by Amethyst as hers turned purple. As the four aimed, Itose's hand began to glow a red and a hint of pink. Her light splitting into two perfect lines, the red light to the left of Amber and the pink light to the right of Amethyst.

As if they grabbed their colors, they brought it to their hearts, their hands still clenched in a fist. All releasing at the same time, they aimed it towards the Hageruze before raising it to the sky.

"PreCure Rainbow Splash!"

With the rainbow appearing, it crashed down onto the monster, purifying it.

Noticing he had been defeated yet again, Rokkaku disappeared into thin air, muttering angrily under his breath.

"Well, he's gone." Corde sighed "come on, let's go find the others"

The rest of their time at the fair was full of amusement. Kanae even invited Asaka, Reo and Hiroshi to join in on the sleepover.

Back at Kanae's house, her parents had no care in the world that more people had joined. Despite the fact they had just returned from the fair, they were still fairly hungry and in need of a proper meal. Settling themselves in the kitchen, they all blankly stared at each other.

"So... what should we eat?" Itose grinned "I know for a fact us four can't cook."

Asaka, Reo and Hiroshi scratched their heads in embarrassment. They weren't ones to cook either. Asaka and Reo were always served food and Hiroshi claimed he would burn the house. About to give up and order food, they noticed Shia open up the fridge. Without a word, they watched her take random ingredients out. Vegetables poured out and soon, she was chopping away and the pan was rattling away. In the corner, Bow was laughing away.

"What's so funny?" they asked

"Even though Shia's a Princess, she was always in the kitchen with the maids so she learned how to cook. ~bo"


Their attention turned to Shia once again, Her hair was tied up in a cute little bun and she was still chopping up food.

"Whatcha makin' Shia?" Itose asked

"Udon." she smiled

"OH YUM!" they exclaimed in happiness, relieved that someone there could cook

Once she was finished, she placed their bowls onto the table and served each person.

"Wah!" they grinned before clapping their hands together "thank you for the food!"

As they ate, their laughter filled the house. Talking for hours and hours, none of them even realised it was nearly midnight. Cleaning their dishes, they hibernated back into Kanae's room. Remembering that they wanted to ask Hiroshi why he was there, Ryoka finally asked.

"By the way, what were you doing here in the first place?"

"Uh..." Hiroshi mumbled and paused "I don't remember but it was something important..." he grinned sheepishly

Laughing at Hiroshi's mini fumble, they decided to wait until tomorrow morning to see if he remembered. Since there was a spare room next door, Reo, Hiroshi, even Bow and the male pixhites were evacuated out of the Kanae's room.

Laying in bed, each girl slowly fell asleep. Once again, Shia remained awake. Looking around the room, she smiled. It was weird but for some reason she could finally say they were her friends. Remembering Corde's words during the battle "We're the Pretty Cure! That means we keep fighting to protect those we love!". Shia thought to herself, can I protect those I love...?

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