Not Again?!

By _NirCele

3.6K 95 26

How many times will Elladan and Elrohir ride into Imladris, one or both of them wounded? Lord Elrond has lost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

214 5 2
By _NirCele

I really was going to make everything turn out all right...but my evil little plot bunny wouldn't let me!  It was literally threatening me: "You do and I'll fill your mind with annoying ideas for other stories and you won't be able to work on them because you're already doing this story.  Do what I want or else!"  What was I supposed to do?

Elladan dreamed, his mind far in the past. Right before he slipped into the memory, he faintly remembered what he had done. 'I slipped? This is going to be embarrassing.'

"Catch me, Glorfy!"

The Balrog-slayer hadn't been expecting that, and he spun, flinging his arms out on instinct - just in time for a bundle of excited elfling to land in them. Shoulder-length dark hair spilled around the mischievous twin's face as he looked up at Glorfindel. "That was fun!" he exclaimed. "Do it again!"

Glorfindel shook his head firmly. "I think not. You about gave me a heart attack."

Deciding that the Elflord was serious, the twin squirmed out of his arms and landed on the ground. "Elves can't have heart attacks, silly!" With that, he darted across the lawn and threw himself on the ground, rolling in the lush green grass. Glorfindel shook his head in amusement and turned to face the tall building that housed the Lord of Imladris and his family. Just then, the named Elflord stepped out between two marble pillars, holding his other son with one hand and his wife with the other.

"Going on an outing?" Glorfindel inquired of his friend.

Elrond nodded. " Celebrían wanted to go on a picnic to the waterfalls on the West side."

"Wonderful idea." He pretended he hadn't been listening to them speak about it last night at the evening meal. "Are you taking the twins, or shall I watch them?"

"We're taking them," Elrond said, them seemed to notice the son running around in the yard. "Elladan!" he called. "Come, we're leaving."

"Have fun," Glorfindel called as the family started for the path that would lead to the waterfalls.

"We will!" the twins yelled back to him.

They reached the picnic area thirty minutes later. It might have taken longer, but Elladan and Elrohir raced each other all the way there and their parents had to run to keep up. The view was beautiful, the river splitting to form two perfect falls that cascaded down into a deep pool.

"Can we swim?" Elladan eagerly asked his father, but it was Celebrían who answered. "No, ion nîn, we're going to eat lunch first. Then you can swim."

The twins cheered, and took off the play among the trees while their parents set up the food, taking much longer than they had to so they could let the boys play and talk among themselves.

"Are you going to swim?" Celebrían asked her husband with a twinkle in her eye.

"If you do, so will I," he replied with the same smirk.

Celebrían glanced over at her sons when one let out a shriek as they tussled. She sighed. "They're growing up far too fast."

"Aye," Elrond said somewhat sadly. "Soon they will start their training. I hope Elrohir doesn't have trouble with it - he is more studious than Elladan and seems like he wouldn't do as well with the physical aspect of the training."

"He will be a healer, like you," his wife predicted. Now grinning, she poked him. "Who would have thought that the mischievous little Elrond would have grown up to be a wise Elflord?"

Elrond replied by sticking his tongue out at her childishly, and she laughed, the sound clear and melodious.

After eating the delicious lunch the cooks had prepared, Celebrían and Elrond let the boys play for a bit longer while they cleaned up.

"I want to be Glorfindel this time!" Elrohir yelled, but his twin was unfazed.

"It's my turn," he retorted. "You were him last time. You can be the Balrog!"

The two glared at each other for a moment before Elrohir acceded. "Fine, but I'm going to play him next time." That settled, the two scooped up the nearest sticks and started mock-fighting with each other.

"Die, foul Balrog!" cried Elladan as he blocked a strike.

"RAHRRR!" was Elrohir's reply, waving one arm threateningly while lunging forward. Elladan caught the blow and pressed back, then abruptly dropped his stick and tackled Elrohir to the ground. They rolled over a few times together before Elrohir flopped limp, pretending to be dead. Elladan leaped to his feet, flinging his arms out. "I have defeated this scum of Morgoth," he yelled triumphantly.

Elrohir's head flew up and he scowled. "No, that's not how it happened! Glorfindel died too!"

"He did not!" Elladan protested. "He's back at home right now!"

"He died!" insisted Elrohir, leaping to his feet. "And then he came back to life!"

Elladan remembered his history lessons suddenly, and knew that his brother was right, but he didn't want to lose this argument. "Well . . . oh yeah? What if he never really died? What if . . . what if he was really alive?"

"He fell off a cliff!" his twin asserted. "Of course he died." Right before it looked like it was going to evolve back into a physical fight, their father interrupted.

"Do you want to swim, boys?" Elrond asked.

They both dropped the argument immediately. "Yes!" Sprinting toward the water, they shed their clothes like extra skins and leapt straight off the overhang into the pool. Celebrían had expected that and she gathered their clothes up, placing them in a pile close to the water. Elrond followed the boys into the water, but only took off his outer tunic and left the rest of his clothes on.

After putting everything they had brought far enough from the pool so they wouldn't get splashed, Celebrían walked to the overhand and sat down, dangling her toes in the water. She raised an eyebrow at her husband, the move adopted from him after decades of marriage. "You're going to go back completely wet."

Elrond ducked a wave sent his way by Elladan and frowned lightly at her. "I don't want the same scenario that happened last time I went swimming."

"What happened?" Elrohir asked curiously. He and Elladan had been having a water-fight, but they paused at their mother's smirking face.

She waved flippantly. "Oh, his clothes went missing while he was swimming."

The twins gaped at her. "He had to go back to Imladris naked?" "Did you take his clothes?"

"No and yes," Celebrían replied. She waggled her eyebrows. "I did take his clothes, but unfortunately there were no tales told about it."

"Fortunately," insisted Elrond. "Glorfindel found me after I didn't come back after nightfall - I was still in the pool - and he had mercy on me, lending me his over-sized tunic so I could go back without being mortified." At his scowl sent Celebrían's way, she swept her feet through the water and splashed him. "Oh, I would have brought your clothes back the next morning. I wouldn't have left you there!"

"Oh yes?" He moved closer, eyes narrowing. The water was barely up to his knees in this end.

Celebrían could hear her sons snickering as they got the idea and scrambled out of the pool, coming up behind her. She considered running, but they would catch her eventually and there was no point delaying the inevitable. Waiting . . . she felt two small pairs of hands grip her shoulders, their owners sniggering.

"Don't move, Nana!" one warned, barely holding in a giggle. The threat was spoiled by the twin calling her his mother, but she didn't mention it.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed dramatically. "I've been captured!"

More snickers behind her. Elrond suddenly lunged forward, grabbing Celebrían by her ankles and yanking her into the water. It was far too shallow to get really wet, but Celebrían let out a shriek anyway. Elrond was laughing as he let go of her and splashed water onto her face. The boys collapsed in giggles behind her, and she rose theatrically from the pool, her blond curls streaming down her back and soaked through. She let out a mock growl.

"You dare attack me?" Celebrían swept her hands through the pond and made a large wave, crashing it onto her husband. He let out a sputter, and Celebrían laughed evilly. "Elladan! Elrohir! Help me defeat this monster!"

They immediately complied, leaping into the water and attacking Elrond, who trembled in fake terror, then fought back valiantly.

Twenty minutes later, Elrond and Celebrían were lying on the bank, gasping for breath. Elladan and Elrohir were still leaping around in the shallow end, but their parents were exhausted.

"Have fun!" Celebrían called to her sons, flopping onto her back. Elrond joined her, and they stared together up at the leafy canopy above them. She let her head fall sideways to stare at her husband, his dark hair spread around him, soaked. "See?" she told him. "I told you that you needed to take a break. Wasn't this relaxing?"

"I wouldn't call being attacked by my wife and traitorous sons 'relaxing,'" he said wryly, then grinned. "But I had fun."

"Ada! Nana!" came a yell from one of the twins. Celebrían sat up, brushing her long wet hair back over her shoulders. Once a pale blond like her mother's, the water had turned it a light brown. She smiled at the elflings. "Yes?"

"We're going to have a competition to see how many rocks we can get off the bottom of the pool!" It was Elladan. "Will you count?"

"We get five minutes each," Elrohir added, his voice carrying over the surface of the water.

"I will," Elrond volunteered, sitting up too. He scooted backwards until he was leaning against a tree, then pulled his wife back to join him. "Are you ready?"

"I'm going first!" Elladan announced.

"No, I want to!"

Celebrían and Elrond prepared themselves for another argument, but didn't interrupted.

Elladan set his hands on his hips. He looked hilarious - black hair dripping wet on his bare shoulders, grey eyes flashing so much like his father's, head held high. "I'm oldest! I should go first!"

"You always get to go first!" Elrohir complained. He was no better, but the only difference was a pale fading scar on his right shoulder where he had fallen a few weeks ago and cut his arm open. He changed tactics, though, and opted for something else. He slumped a little and looked with pleading eyes up at his identical twin. "Can I please go first this time?"

Elladan hesitated, and Elrohir pressed on. "I'll let you get the sweets plate first."

"Fi-i-ine," Elladan dragged out, his resolve broken by the temptation of being able to get to the desserts at dinner first. That was a large manner of debate among the two, and usually had to be settled by Elrond - not usually too upset - taking the whole plate and eating them.

Celebrían smiled proudly at the boys' settlement and nudged her husband. He grinned at her and raised his voice. "Get ready, Elrohir! I'm going to start counting!"

Elrohir tensed, ready to dive headfirst into the deep part of the pool. His twin stood beside him, hands still propped on his waist. The pond was shallow on one end, but the other side was almost twenty feet deep; the waterfalls dropped into the that part. The elflings, of course, could swim - they had learned a few years ago. Physically they had the appearance of a five-year old human, but they were actually almost fifteen years old, since elves aged differently than humans. Time still seemed to go by too fast for their parents though.

"And . . . go!" Elrond called. He started counting immediately after.

Elrohir immediately leapt into the water, his hair flying behind him. Elladan watched eagerly, his brother's figure distorted by the rippling water. He saw Elrohir reach the bottom and scoop up a handful of pebbles, his cheeks puffed. Turning, he pushed off the bottom and kicked his legs, coming up for air.

Elrohir let out a gasp as he reached the surface, then took in a deep breath and swam quickly to shore. Dropping the rocks he picked up onto the ground, he turned and dove back into the water. This was repeated four more times before Elrond stopped him from going back in. "Your time's up," the Elflord said.

"Okay!" Elrohir scrambled out of the pool, flinging water all over as he shook his head wildly. "Your turn, El!"

"I'm going to get more than you!" Elladan proclaimed, then dove into the water. Elrond starting counting again.

Elladan swept his arms through the water and flailed his legs, slowing down as he got further into the water. The pressure didn't bother him, though, and he let himself float as he gathered as many rocks as he could into his arms. Rolling over, he looked up toward the surface of the water, then kicked at the ground and shot up. Breaking through the top of the water, he deposited his rocks in a different pile than his brother's, spun and lunged back under. As he reached the bottom again, he felt the water seem to . . . shiver. A ripple went through the pool, and for a brief moment, he heard a crack from the surface, muffled by the water.

A voice yelled, but it was distorted. Elladan peered up toward the surface, his hair floating around his face. There was a blurred shape nearing the water, then it hit with an echo that spread through the water. A . . . rock? Elladan shoved with his hands and drifted backwards as the rock fell toward him much faster than it should have. It barely missed him, practically grazing his nose and settling to the bottom with a light thump. A cloud of dust wafted up from the impact.

Elladan frowned. Where had that come from? He looked up again just in time to see more rocks smashing into the water, most large boulders but a few as small as his fist. The twin's eyes widened in shock. What in Arda was happening? A huge rock, surrounded by many more smaller ones, flew down toward him, the water slowing them down a little but not much. Elladan could see no other option than to dive farther down, away from the rubble. He might be able to dodge them down there, but his movement was hampered by the water.

He had just made it to the bottom when the light that had been coming from the sun far above suddenly disappeared. A shadow completely blocked out the sun, and Elladan looked up just in time - or not, as a huge rock was only a few feet from him. The twin desperately kicked at the ground and floated backwards a yard or two, but the rock settled on his legs despite his efforts.

Surprisingly, it didn't hurt that much, but Elladan could hear a muffled crack from his left leg, and his right leg protested weakly, throbbing. Smaller rubble drifted down past him, but no more large ones came his way. Sand and dust were sent afloat by the submerging rocks, and clouded the water around Elladan. He held his breath as tightly as he could, not even daring to let air out. He couldn't see any light from the surface because of the gloomy water, but he knew his father would come to rescue him soon. What had happened to make the rocks fall like that? Had the waterfalls collapsed?

Elladan could feel his lungs becoming tight, but he knew he would be able to abstain from breathing for another few minutes before he passed out. Desperately wishing for someone to come down and help him, he tried to shift the massive rock off him using his arms. It did the complete opposite, settling further down on his legs. This time it did hurt, sending a bolt of fire up his left leg, and he shuddered, letting out a pained cry. Air bubbles escaped from his mouth and shot to the surface. He could feel his whole soul reverberate with the trauma, and it echoed across to his twin. He could feel Elrohir's shock at the pain.

I'm sorry, brother, Elladan thought, but knew he could not hear him. Gritting his teeth, Elladan tried to pull his right leg out from under the rock, but that didn't work either. It was firmly trapped. He didn't dare to move his other leg again, in fear of it hurting more. Trapped, stuck, with no way out . . .

Elladan jerked once more, then was startled by another muted impact from the surface. Water rippled around him, and he could see a blurred figure swimming down toward him. It moved closer, but Elladan couldn't make out who it was until they were right next to him.

It was Elrond, his dark hair hovering around his face as he caught sight of Elladan trapped under the rock. He didn't stop to think, just grabbed the rock immediately and pushed. It shifted slightly, then settled down further on Elladan's legs. The twin let out an involuntary cry, losing the rest of the air in his lungs.

Elrond desperately looked around for something to pry the rock up. Seeing nothing, he turned back to his son.

Elladan could feel fog pressing in around his mind, trying to pull him into unconsciousness. His lungs begged for breath, but he had none to give them. He could feel the rocks shift as his father pulled urgently on it, trying to free him.

And the memory was cut off before Elladan could remember what happened. A black cloud swarmed his mind, prompting one instinct. Fight.

Elladan let his eyes flicker open, assessing his situation. A strange thing was bent over him, his lips moving, hands on Elladan's chest, but Elladan could hear nothing he was saying. All he saw was the slender hands on his stomach, holding him to the ground.

In a wild, swift movement, Elladan kicked out. The thing fell backwards, an odd emotion on his face. Leaping to his feet, he saw another one of the things next to the first one, dark hair framing his pale face. It was staring up at Elladan with a peculiar look in his eyes.

Enemy. His back ached strangely - it had to be these two things' fault. They were the only ones around!

Lashing out, he kicked the dark-haired one in the chest, sending him backwards and stunning him. The first one was leaping to his feet, holding his hands out. Undecipherable noise spilled out of his mouth, pleading for him to stop. But he didn't.

Something was missing, Elladan could feel it. Like a part of his heart was lost, something that had always been there was gone - no, not gone! he realized. It was blocked by the same black cloud that gave him his electric energy, fueled his instinctive reflexes. It was power, a deep pool of something he knew as dominance and supremacy over all living things. But something darker rested in its depths, something he did not want to find at the moment. So he attacked the golden-haired thing.

But he realized after less than a second that he had made a mistake. This thing was obviously strong, his spirit powerful and vibrant. It obviously did not want to fight Elladan, but when he pressed forward, it moved more swiftly than Elladan knew it could. The thing was fast, abnormally fast. It seemed to fly, catching the fist Elladan threw at him and spun him, twisting his arm up behind his back.

Elladan made no noise, his mind flickering through methods to make the thing release him. It was saying something, but he payed it no mind. He saw other thing still lying on the ground, but he was returning to consciousness, rubbing his head gingerly. An advantage . . .

Elladan stretched a leg out and stomped on the dark-haired thing's neck, driving him into the ground. The thing pulling his arm up behind his back seemed to let out a cry, yanking harder on Elladan's wrist. The dark-haired one under his foot grabbed his ankle, gasping for breath and in pain. Its legs kicked, trying to get Elladan to get off, but he would not.

The golden-haired thing behind him was apparently torn, not letting Elladan go, but loosening his grip the slightest, yet not enough for Elladan to slip loose. It made a decision, Elladan knew, as breath whispered across his delicately pointed ear in a sigh. A few words were uttered, and Elladan almost relaxed, thinking it would release him . . . but once again he made a mistake.

The thing's other hand came up and his fingers darted across Elladan's neck. Elladan felt a sharp, blinding pain before darkness overwhelmed him and he dropped.

Whoever guesses who the things are gets free lembas!  ;-D    It's not too hard to figure out, actually.  A bit obvious, but I wasn't trying to hide it.  I was doing this from Elladan' POV, so this is how he saw them.   Chapter 8 coming...whenever I have time to write it all!  Whose POV should be next?  I think you're all wondering what in Arda happened to Elrohir, so he might be next.  Or Elrond.  Maybe Glorfindel or Lindir . . . you decide!   Tell me whose POV should be first in the 8th chapter...remember, more comments, faster chapters!  ;-)

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