Taste for Danger [Completed]

By multifaves

22.8K 560 70

When a new student arrives at the Salvatore School, Lizzie has he eyes on him but decides to not pursue anyth... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 15

519 15 3
By multifaves

Lizzie roamed the wood, not knowing where to go. She didn't want to go to The Salvatore school, not just yet. All of a sudden she started to feel weak and remembered that she had not fed in a while. She went into town to find someone to feed on, the town square was empty. The only person she saw there was a girl on her phone coming out of the grill. She waited until there was nobody in sight and attacked her. She didn't even bother to compel her, she just sunk her fangs into her neck. The girl screamed in pain. Once she was done she let the girl fall to the ground not even bothering to clean up the mess she made.

Salvatore School
Sebastian needed to find Lizzie, he didn't know where she had gone. He went to find Josie to help him look for her. He checked the kitchen but she wasn't there, then he went to the common room but there was no luck. He got close to Alaric's office and used his vampire hearing to see if Josie was there, the could hear Alaric, Josie, and Caroline talking. He knocked on the door, being answered by Josie. 
"Hey, Sebastian, what's wrong?" Josie asked seeing the worry on his face.
"Nothing's wrong I just need your help with something. Can you come with me really quick." Sebastian said, Josie, nodded and left her dad's office.
"What do you need my help with?" Josie asked
"I need you do do a locator spell to find your sister," Sebastian said
"Why do you need to find Lizzie?" Josie asked, fear sets in
"Becuase we had a pretty big argument and walked out of the room. When she left she wasn't fine. And I need your help to look for her, her emotions are all over the place right now, combined that with hunger. She might hurt someone." Sebastian said
"Okay come on, let's go back to my room and we'll do the spell there," Josie said, leading the way to her room. Once inside she grabbed a map of the town and made a cut on her palm to track her sister. She started to chant the spell, the blood started to move on the map until it stopped.
"Did it work? Where does it say she is?" Sebastian asked
"It says she's at the old mill," Josie said
"Thanks, Josie," Sebastian said as he left the room, but he was stopped by Josie.
"Wait I'm coming with you. I know how to calm Lizzie down, I've done it for years," Josie said, Sebastian nodded in agreement. They both made their way to the old mill. Sebastian knew that he hurt Lizzie, but he needed to make sure she was fine. When they got to the old mill they saw Lizzie standing there.
"Elizabeth?" Sebastian said, Lizzie, turned around and had blood running down her chin.
"What did you do Lizzie?" Josie asked her sister
"What do you mean? Obviously, I fed, you know you were right Sebastian, following the rules is so overrated. You see after our argument, all I could feel was pain because of your betrayal. So in order to stop feeling all that, I turned it all off. Then I got really hungry so I went into town to grab a snack. Let me just say she was delicious." Lizzie said smirking.
"Why did you shut it off? I could've helped you through whatever you were feeling." Josie said
"Help? From you? No thanks." Lizzie said rolling her eyes at her sister.
"Elizabeth you have to turn it back on," Sebastian said
"Why I thought this was what you wanted. To turn me dark, release all the worst parts of me. Don't you want me like this?" Lizzie said
"I want you to be you, I'm sorry for how much I hurt you. But this isn't really you." Sebastian said
"Actually it is, this is why my parents are always afraid I would turn into. My true self." Lizzie said
"You're wrong, this isn't you. I know who you really are. You're kind, loyal, strong, you are the best person I have ever met." Sebastian said getting close to Lizzie
"Please come back to me," He finished saying. He could see a glimpse of hope in her eyes, but then it was gone, and it was filled with darkness once again.
"Don't try that ever again, or you'll regret it," Lizzie said pushing Sebastian away, as vamp speeding away.
"We need to tell my mom and dad. They need to know what's going on with Lizzie." Josie said Sebastian nodded in agreement. They made their way back to the school and into Alaric's office.
"Dad we need to talk, it's about Lizzie," Josie said
"What happened?" Caroline asked getting up from where she was sitting.
"She turned it off," Josie said looking at her mother and father
"Why would she do that? What did you do to her?" Alaric said getting closer to Sebastian
"I lied to her about something, something I should've told her since the moment I met her. I love her and I want to get her back." Sebastian said
"We'll find her, Josie can you do a locator spell?" Alaric asked, Josie, nodded and pulled out the things she needed. After putting blood on the map she chanted the spell, but unlike before the blood didn't move.
"Something's wrong, I think she cloaked herself so we wouldn't be able to find her," Josie said
"How are we supposed to find her then?" Caroline asked
"I'll find her, she fed on someone earlier, when we saw her. That's how we'll find her." Sebastian said leaving the office and making his way towards the woods. Because of him, she turned her humanity off and now it was up to him to find her.

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