RWBY : Revolve Volume 1

Bởi BenBones5

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Ruby. Weiss. Blake. Yang. Together, they form Team RWBY, a quartet of young warriors trained to fight the cre... Xem Thêm

Prologue: Crossing Fates
Chapter 2 : Sanctuary
Chapter 3 : More Than Just Family
Chapter 4 : 4 Dates And A Green Wizard
Chapter 5: Leaving A Lasting Impression
Chapter 6: Let's Chuck Children Off A Cliff

Chapter 1 : The Name's Y/n

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Bởi BenBones5

   Nighttime. It is nighttime in the kingdom of Vale. Right now, you can do many things here during the night in this kingdom. You can have a drink in a bar called Junior's, you can check the beautiful city lights at the top of the CCT Tower or you can shop in one of many shops here at Vale like 'From Dust Till Dawn' and 'Tukson's Book Trade'. But, what Vale is most famous for is that it's the home of one of the most prestigious Academies in all of Remnant.

   Beacon Academy. Run by the legendary Headmaster, Professor Ozpin, only the best of the best can enroll into this prestigious Academy and graduate into a future Huntsman or Huntress. They can learn everything from how to use your weapon, botany for medical plants, Grimm studies, battle classes, they will teach them everything they need to be a Huntsman or Huntress for the ladies.

   Yessir, Vale has many places to see during the night but there is one place that is hidden in the shadows of Vale. A place where no even the locals knew it existed. Only a handful of people knew that this old building exist. An old, run-down looking salon in the middle of a clearing in the forest. Also, to the readers, it ain't the salon that you go and cut your damn hair but the place that you see in cowboy movies.

   Many people stayed away from the area due to rumors saying that something dangerous was living in that area. Of course, to the locals, it might be a Grimm but they were dead wrong. Yes, there's something dangerous living in that area but it ain't a Grimm since the place is actually Grimm free. It's a person. A man, if you will. A Bounty Huntsmen who's name and weapon of choice strikes fear into the hearts of evildoers, scum and any categories in between. That man's name...

  ...Is Revolver Shalashaska. He is ruthless on his hunts. He is the Grim Reaper's Agent of Death. He is the definition of the word 'badass'. The man has a few secrets. One of them being so secretive, he'll kill anyone who isn't a good guy with a freaking bendy straw if they knew of this information.

   He was said that to have no weaknesses. No family and loved ones to be used as a leverage against him. That's where they're wrong. We're about to meet his sole family member who is just as badass as him. In this chapter, we're about to meet the current owner of the mentioned salon. We're about to meet...

...Revolver Shalashaska's nephew. And soon, the young boy's destiny will intertwine along with four others on this cold, silent night.

Present Time-

Yang: "*whispering* Alright, the coast is clear. Let's go."

   After escaping from their 'parents' with the help of a dusty, old crow, Ruby and Yang finally arrived at Vale. Naturally, they tried to find the place that Qrow mentioned but with the blanket of darkness and the fact that they were in an unknown place, they couldn't find it no matter how much they tried.

Yang: "Rats! Where is that place!?

Ruby: "Yang, I'm tired. Not to mention that you didn't ate much. Maybe we should take a break."

Yang: "Not yet, sis. 'They' might still be here look for us. Remember what Uncle Qrow said. We've got to stick together and stay in the shadows. That means we've got to keep moving."

Ruby: "*dejected* Alright..."

   Yang noticed the sad tone in Ruby's voice and quickly hugged her while gently patting her head.

Yang: "Hey, it's okay. Uncle Qrow is tough. He'll be fine. Right now, we've got to find that salon he was talking about. After that, we'll take a break. Okay?"

   Ruby looked at her sister and nodded. Yang then carried Ruby on her back and was running straight from corner to corner, not wanting anyone to see them. She couldn't trust anyone. She may be young but she's not stupid. Who knows what will the adults would do to two young girls like Ruby and Yang? Suddenly, it started raining and the sisters had no choice but to find shelter in the rain.

Yang: "Is every shop closed at this time around!?"

Ruby: "Yang, I'm cold and I'm wet."

Yang: "Just hang on, Rubes. We'll find shelter."

   Soon, Yang ran into yet another alleyway but this time, there was some cover above it so for now, they found shelter from the rain. Yang and Ruby hid behind a huge garbage can and Yang took out some dry clothes and she and Ruby changed into them. Yang was now wearing a yellow dress-shirt with orange shorts while Ruby was wearing a red shirt with a black and red skirt.

Yang: "Alright. Guess we can take a break now."

Ruby: "Finally. I'm starving."

Yang: "Yeah...we haven't eaten for two days and we only ate a small pack of cookies recently. Let's see what Uncle Qrow got for us."

   She digged into her bag and found some beef jerky.

Yang: "Alright, meat! Ruby, you want some?"

   When she turned towards her sister, she saw that she was dozing off. It's not surprising since that they were woken up in the middle of the night and were running none stop. Adding that they didn't have enough food to eat and that they were still just children, it's a miracle that they were able to get this far.

   Yang smiled as she gently stroke Ruby's hair. Ruby giggled due to how ticklish it was and this just made Yang smile. Suddenly, Ruby started mumbling in her sleep and this made Yang worried.

Ruby: "*sleeptalking* Mommy...Why? Please...come back..."

Yang: "*worried* Ruby, wake up!"

   Yang gently shook Ruby and immediately she woke up.

Ruby: "Huh!? Yang? W-what happened? Where's Mommy?"

Yang: "Ruby, it was just a nightmare. We ran away from those monsters, remember?"

   Ruby remembered that they actually ran away from home and she remembered all the hurtful things that Summer told her. Ruby then started crying.

Ruby: "*crying* I-i thought Mommy s-still loved me...I-i thought that if I t-tried hard enough...s-she'll be proud o-of me but...but..."

   Yang hugged Ruby even tighter than before as she started crying into her chest. Yang gently stroke her hair once more. The rain soon started pouring heavier, as if the Heavens feel sympathy for the young girl's sorrow. Yang then tried to dispel the melancholy situation by showing Ruby the beef jerky she got.

Yang: "Hey, Rubes, you're hungry? Look what Uncle Qrow gave us."

   She then shake the bag in front of Ruby and she immediately brighten up. It's a good thing that Ruby was easily distracted by other things.

Ruby: "*gasp* Beef jerky!"

Yang: "Figured this will cheer you up. C'mon, let's eat."

   She took some from the bag and gave it to Ruby, who happily accepted. She was about to eat hers when Ruby stopped her.

Ruby: "Wait!"

Yang: "Yes, Rubes?"

Ruby: "Is it spicy?"

   Yang slightly chuckled at Ruby's remark. One time, Qrow sneaked in some jerky for them when the girls were punished with no dinner but he was slightly tipsy due to the whiskey he was drinking so he accidentally gave them the spicy one. Needless to say, the reactions he got from the sisters were hilarious. Yang gotten a bit used to the heat but from then on, Ruby hated anything that was remotely spicy.

   Yang soon gotten sad as she was starting to get worried about Qrow. He was literally the only one who cared for them and now, he was probably the only family they have. Yang quickly shook her thoughts away and checked the bag of jerky.

Yang: "It's says 'teriyaki' so I think it's not spicy."

Ruby: "Oh, okay! Let's eat!"

   The two were about to eat again but they were interrupted once again. This time, they heard some rustling in one of the smaller trash cans nearby as it suddenly tumbled down. Yang was quickly on guard as she ate her jerky quickly. She placed Ruby behind her back and gave her the bag of jerky. She then raised her fists into a combat stance.

Yang: "W-who's there!? You better come out now or else you're gonna get it!"

   Despite the strong words and confident tone, the fear hidden behind Yang's words were very evident. Her fists were also trembling in fear at the unknown danger. With all her experience fighting and training, you could say that she might have a fighting chance but she had been constantly beaten by her 'father' and 'mother' so her confidence in fighting was very little. What's making her stand strong and not turn tail and run right now was her sole desire to protect Ruby.

   They saw the tin cover being moved away and a shadow was crawling out of the can, its amber-colored eyes shone in the night. It took every willpower inside of Yang not to scream and Ruby covered her mouth with both hands so she could not scream. Yang was prepared to charge at the shadow so Ruby could run away but what they didn't expect is that the shadow spoke to them.

???: "W-who are you?"

   The rain stopped and as the clouds moved away, the moonlight from the shattered moon shined down a bit onto the alleyway. Yang squinted her eyes for a bit and saw that the shadow was in fact, a small girl. She had black hair and was wearing a dress made from rags. She was probably the same age as Yang but what caught her attention besides her eyes were the two kitty ears on her head. She saw in the girl's eyes that she was just as afraid of them than they're afraid of her.

Cat girl: "*scared* I-i'm not asking twice. W-who are you two?"

Yang: "U-uh, my name's Yang. This is my sister, Ruby. W-what's yours?"

   Now, in a regular situation, you're not supposed to give your name to strangers but they were small children like the age of 7 and 5 so you can't blame them for a bit of lack of common sense. Also, Yang didn't understand why but she felt like she could trust the cat girl in front of her. And for some reason, the cat girl felt the same.

Blake: "M-my name is Blake."

Yang: "H-hi, Blake."

Ruby: "H-hello. Want some jerky?"

   Ruby, being the innocent cinnamon roll she is, walked a bit closer to Blake and gave her a piece of jerky. Blake hesitantly took it and gave it a sniff. She took a small bite and then, she quickly gobbled the whole thing up. She then expectantly looked at Ruby for more.

Blake: "C-can I have some more please?"

   Ruby looked at Yang to ask whether it was okay. Yang nodded and a few minutes later, the three of them were eating jerky together. Yang and Ruby were kind enough to give Blake some clothes to wear and now, she was wearing a white shirt with a black vest and black shorts. Although she was still a bit nervous, she was getting used to the two sisters' company

Ruby: "Hey, Blake? Why do you have kitty ears?"

Blake: "Y-you never seen a Faunus before?"

Yang: "Faunus? What's that?"

Blake: "A-a Faunus is a human who is also part animal. Our homeland is the Island of Menagerie. It's the homeland and sanctuary of many Faunus. Well...except me."

   As she said this, Blake's ears flatten on her head as she sadly recalled the treatment she received from the residents of Menagerie. Ruby and Yang noticed this and had probably guessed what happened.

Yang: "Blake...Are you...just like us?"

Blake: "W-what do you mean?"

Yang: "Are you like us? Running away from home?"

   Blake's eyes were wide open when she heard what Ruby and Yang said. She didn't expect that they were just like her.

Blake: "Y-you ran away from home too? What happened?"

   Yang then told Blake what happened. The years of abuse, the constant nights of no dinner, the escape, their uncle being the decoy to throw their so-called 'family' of their trail, they told her everything.

Blake: "I...i don't know what to say...How could a mother say that to their child?"

Yang: "Yeah...I knew that one day, Ruby will be killed if this continued so I decided to take her away and ran away from this place. It was just a coincidence that my uncle decided to take us and ran away from that nightmare. I just hope that he's okay..."

Blake: "*saddened* At least you still had your sister and uncle. I have no one..."

Yang: "What do you mean?"

Blake: "Do you know the White Fang?"

   Yang and Ruby shook their heads so Blake then told them about her experience in Menagerie and who the White Fang were. How she accidentally spilled tea all over the High Leader, the treatment she received from the residents, how her closest friends left her, knowing that her parents disowned her, her sneaking onto a ship to Vale, like the two sisters, she told them everything.

   After she was finished, Blake suddenly cried as the memories were too painful for her. Yang and Ruby quickly hugged her as her cries echoed through the night.

Blake: "*crying* I-it was an accident...I didn't m-mean to let the tea s-spilled all over her...So, why? W-why w-was my life c-completely ruined? T-tell me why..."

Yang: "I don't know...I'm sorry..."

   Blake continued crying for some time until she finally stopped. Her eyes were still a bit puffy and red but she finally calmed down.

Blake: "I used to think that humans were monsters... That they were treating the Faunus with disdain but now, I know...that they're all the same...The Faunus are just as bad as the humans..."

Yang: "Hey, not all humans are bad! I mean, look at me and Ruby! We understand what you've been through!"

   Blake looked at the sisters as they smile at her and she had a faint smile on her face.

Blake: "Yeah...I guess that you two are the only exceptions..."

Yang: "C'mon...they're other people that are nice too. It's just that...they're a little hard to find."

Blake: "Yeah...So wh-"

   The trio suddenly heard something tripped onto the garbage can and caused it to topple and crash. Ruby, Blake and Yang were on guard as Yang and Blake shielded Ruby since she's the youngest and were preparing for the worst until they heard someone groaning in pain.

???: "Ow..."

   The trio looked from behind the larder trash can and saw a girl with white-haired rubbing her head in pain. Yang looked behind and saw that Ruby was gone. She looked around and saw that she was helping the white-haired girl get up.

Ruby: "Are you okay?"

White-haired girl: "Yes...thank you."

   Yang and Blake were slightly wary of the girl but saw that her dress was dirty and thought that she might be a runaway like them.

Yang: "Excuse me but did you run away from your home too?"

White-haired girl: "What!? You too!?"

Yang: "*nods* Yeah...My name is Yang. This is Blake and the girl that help you get up is my sister, Ruby. What's your name?"

Weiss: "Weiss Sch- Actually...just Weiss."

   Unfortunately, Blake managed to hear the cut out part and she pieced it together.

Blake: "That white hair...Are you one of those Schnee people?"

   The girl now known as Weiss was shocked that a random girl knew who she was until she saw Blake's ears. After seeing her ears, she became deathly afraid.

Weiss: "*scared* F-faunus!! P-please don't hurt me...I-i'm not a Schnee anymore!"

   Ruby and Yang were confused on why Weiss was suddenly scared of Blake but Yang quickly tried to ease her fears.

Yang: "Calm down. No one's gonna hurt you. We're runaways just like you. Can you tell us what happened and Blake, what do you mean by Schnees?"

Blake: "The Schnee family is the current owner of the largest manufacturer of and producer of Dust in the World of Remnant. The Schnee Dust Company..."

Yang: "Whoa...But...why are you afraid of Blake? She's just as harmless as us. In fact, I think you're actually the same age as me and Blake."

Weiss: "M-my father or my former father's sworn enemy is the White Fang...They've been stealing shipments of Dust from the SDC and this often make him really angry."

Ruby: "What's Dust?"

Yang: "'s that crystal thing that Uncle Qrow and 'them' showed us before. It's the power source for ammunition and weaponry for Huntsmen."

Ruby: "*confused* Huh?"

Yang: "*sighs* The 'Pretty Glass Battery'?"

Ruby: "Ooohhh..."

Yang: "*turns to Blake* But, why does the White Fang want to take so much Dust?"

Blake: "Well...The Schnee Dust Company is also known for other things as well...They're known for-"

Weiss: "Their controversial labor forces and shady business partners, right?"

   Blake was slightly taken aback that a Schnee would be willing to admit and say such a thing about the company that started their fortune.

Weiss: "If I was still a member of the family, then maybe I would take offense to that but after what happened, I don't like the Schnees anymore..."

Yang: "What do you mean?"

   After she said that, Weiss immediately broke down and told them everything. How her father abused her, the bullying from her siblings, the neglect from her mother, how a White Fang attack had made her father angry and decided to disowned her and finally, how the family butler helped her escape from Vale. After she was finished, Ruby gently patted her on the back while Blake looked away in sadness.

Blake: "I'm sorry...If it wasn't for the White Fang, you will still be a Schnee..."

Weiss: "*sniffles* No...My father will still abuse me regardless of the reason. This wound on my left eye is a symbol to that. He would have disowned me soon. It's just that the White Fang attack just helped speed up the process..."

Blake: "Yeah...I used to think that the White Fang was justice but after what happened to me, telling me to not to hate the White Fang and any Faunus from Menagerie is next to impossible..."

Weiss: "What do you mean?"

   Blake then told Weiss everything thar happened to her. Then, Yang told her the events that happened to her and Ruby up till they met Blake. After they finished, Weiss was saddened by what she heard.

Weiss: "*saddened* I'm sorry that happened to you three and I'm sorry if I offended you when I said those things...It's just...what did we do to deserve this?"

Yang: "I don't know...but I hate those people back at Patch. I'm never gonna go back ever."

Blake: "Menagerie was considered a haven for Faunus and the White Fang was considered a symbol of hope for them as well but for me, that place was a nightmare and I hate everyone on that island."

Weiss: "I used to try everything I can to at least give my 'father' and the family a reason to be proud of me but after what they did, I hate everything that's involved with that man or anything to do with that name. The only person I considered my family will be my butler, Klein."

Yang: "Speaking of butlers, is it really a wise choice for him to send you here alone?"

Weiss: "No...He originally had a family to take care of me here in Vale in case something like this happened but the family took the money he gave them and ran away to Vacuo a long time ago. I know this because I went to the location and the house was vacant. The landlord who was there told me what happened to them."

Blake: "Then, why were you walking in the alleyway?"

Weiss: "It was raining and I needed some cover. Can I have some of that jerky, please?"

   Ruby then gave Weiss a piece of jerky which she proceeded to chow down quickly but elegantly.

Weiss: "Thank you."

   Weiss then took out some clothing from her backpack and was about to change but Yang stopped her.

Yang: "Do you need some space to change?"

   Weiss was confused at what she said until realization hit her.

Weiss: "Yes, please."

   The three turned their backs and waited for Weiss to change finished into new clothes. After a while, she was now wearing a white and blue dress.

Weiss: "So, what now? Where do we go?"

Yang: "My uncle said that we should go and find a rundown salon like in the cowboy movies here at Vale. He said that we'll be safe there."

Blake: "I searched all over Vale for food. I didn't see any salons here."

Yang: "Well, we'll just have to keep looking. What about you two? Want to come with us?"

Blake/Weiss: "What!?"

Yang: "You both have no place and no one to look out for you two. Why not come with us? We all went through the same thing so we understood what we all went through so why not tag along?"

Blake: "R-really?"

Yang: "Yeah! Uncle Qrow seems to trust the guy who lives in the place so who knows, maybe he or she will accept two more."

Weiss: "Y-you mean it?"

Ruby: "Yeah! Friends never abandoned other friends!"

Blake: "*saddened* But...mine did..."

Ruby: "*panicked* Uh, I mean sisters!"

Weiss: "*saddened* But, my sister seemed glad that I was kicked out. So was my brother..."

Ruby: "*panicked* Uhhhh...."

Yang: "*sighs* What Ruby's trying to say is that we got each other's backs. As fellow runaways, as fellow children who understood what we've been through. Our families don't want us so we'll be each other's family."

Weiss: "*smiles* I see..."

Yang: "So, how about it? Want to tag along?"

   Blake and Weiss looked at each other for a while until they turned to Yang and nodded.

Blake: "Yes."

Weiss: "We got no place to go anyway."

Yang: "Alright! With the four of us, we'll find that place in no time!"

???: "How about we help, kiddies?"

   The four quickly turned and saw two adult men blocking the alleyway. They were vulgar-looking, their clothes were loose and their faces had lewd smiles on them. One of them was way too tipsy as his speech was slurring and he was wobbling around while the other had lip piercings. The four girls yelped when they saw them and huddled into a corner with Yang trying to shield the three of them.

Lip piercing: "Don't be scared. We'll take you to a safe place."

Drunkass: "*burp* Bit too young for my taste I don't care. I'm in a pissed off mood and I need to you know, 'blow up'."

Lip piercing: "You just have to say that, dumbass. Whatever. You girls are coming with us. We'll take real good care of you."

Yang: "*scared* S-stay back! Or else!"

Lip piercing: "Why should we? We overheard everything. You kids don't have any family to help you so it's our lucky day."

Drunkass: "Look at the Cat Faunus. That's a nice ass. *burps* I don't like her ears though. Let's rip them apart and then I'll take her."

   Blake slightly shrieked at that remark and she covered her ears. Yang quickly put up a fighting stance but her knees were shaking.

Yang: "*scared* I-i'm telling you! Stay back!"

Lip piercing: "The blonde one is feisty. I'll take her. We'll get rid of the other two. I don't like how they're screaming."

Drunkass: "*burps* Yeah. One's flat as a board and the other's a little brat. Let's kill them. *burps*"

   Weiss and Ruby shrieked in fear as they hugged each other. The two boys chuckled evilly as they slowly walked towards them. The drunk pulled out a switchblade and was cackling evilly. Weiss hugged Ruby's face to shield her from the sight. Blake closed her eyes in despair and tears were flowing down from Yang's eyes as all four of their hearts were drowning in despair.

Ruby: 'U-uncle Qrow, where are you!? W-why is nobody coming!?'

Weiss: 'I don't want to die... I don't want to die...I don't want to die...I don't want to die...'

Blake: 'T-this can't be happening... We all just escape only to suffer again...'

Yang: 'I can't move. My legs are shaking in fear. Somebody...Anybody...'


   Suddenly, a bullet flew through the air and disarmed the drunk man as his knife was flown out of his hand. The drunk man yelled out in pain as the lip piercing guy was on edge.

Lip piercing: "Alright, who did that!?"

???: "My, my. The manners of adults these days."

   Footsteps were then heard behind the alleyway. The girls turned around and saw someone walking up to them. They were shocked to see a boy probably around the same age or older than Yang, Blake and Weiss walking towards them.

   The boy was wearing a black suit along with a trench coat and a hat that was a little too big for him. He had black hair and was spinning a revolver in his hand. He had a gun holster on his side and he was black shoes. But, what caught their attention the most were his eyes. They were silver just like Ruby. They didn't have a shred of fear in them. In fact, the boy had a cocky smile and was carrying himself with a ton of swagger.

???: "Well, well. I was just going out on a walk and look what I found, a group of four lovely ladies and the twins, Twiddlebitch and Twiddlefuck."

   Everyone was shocked for two different reasons. One was how was this kid not afraid of them and the other was did that kid just curse?

???: "Hey, Lippy! Where the Hell is the cliché bad guy monolog?"

Lip piercing: "Huh? *angry* Are you talking to me, brat!?"

???: "There it is and no, I wasn't talking to you, dumbass. *sarcastic tone* No, I'm talking to the president of a country call Fuckyoutopia who is currently standing behind you while doing the freaking default dance from that crappy game, 'Castlenite'."

Ruby: "B-but, there's no one behind him. Also, swearing is not nice!"

???: "One, I was being very sarcastic, sweetheart and two, I've been swearing since I was 5. The old man treated me to pizza when I first said damn in front of him. He was tearing up in joy."

Lip piercing: "You're gonna pay for humiliating us, brat! How about you turn around and maybe we won't hurt you badly."

???: "*monotone* Hahahahahaha. Oh, you're serious. Let me laugh a little louder. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

   The boy walked forward and shielded the four girls. He looked at Yang and his eyes were wide opened for a sec until it quickly disappeared and he smirked.

???: "You got guts, girl. I like that. Leave the rest to me."

   Yang didn't understand why but she felt like she could trust the boy as she unconsciously held her right arm. He was a stranger to them but he was willing to protect them. He wasn't proving it by words but by his actions. He turned towards Ruby, Weiss and Blake and gave them a gentle smile.

???: "I won't let them hurt you. I promise."

   For some reason, the four girls all felt heat rushing into their faces. They didn't understand why but at that moment, they thought he was cool.

???: "You know, Twinkleheads. There are three things in this world that I hate the most. Rules, people showing off and scum. Now, I hate the first one because who doesn't hate the rules? The second one is because the one that should be showing off is me and nobody steals my thunder. The third one is simple."

   He then glared at the two of them and they were slightly shivering in fear. They don't know why but those eyes belong to someone who has been used to facing Death on a daily basis.

???: "I can't stand scum. Rapists, murderers, Grimm, abusive families, racists, I hate all of them with a passion. Now, I'm a boy who loves a paycheck and I've done some crazy shit in the past but I have a soul and I'm willing to work for free as long as I'm doing the right thing but, here's a problem. Scum like you don't have one since you dingleheads were about to rape two girls who are old enough to be your daughters. That's is, if a girl is stupid enough to date you two chowderheads. Not to mention that you two were about to kill two other girls. That alone puts you both on my list."

   He took out something from his left pocket and held it up for everyone to see. Inside his hand were 6 bullets. 4 made of rubber and 2 with a silver gleam.

???: "Now then. Let's play a little game. In my hand are 6 bullets. 4 non-lethal, 2 very lethal. Now, in 6 seconds, I'll load these bullets into my currently empty revolver and play a lovely game of Atlas Roulette. In 60 seconds, I'll fire six shots from my revolver. Let's see if we get the lucky shot, shall we?"

   He then tossed the bullets in midair and started spinning his revolver.

   The girls were immediately mesmerized by the gunspinning. It was surprisingly...beautiful. The movements, the smoothness, the precision, it was a form of art. Not even the two men were immune to the sight. Then, all the bullets were reloaded into the chamber in midair and the boy had a smirk as he caught the gun and started counting down.

???: "Six!"

[OST: 'Footsteps' City Hunter Soundtrack]

(A.N: City Hunter is part of my top five favorite anime and this is one of the best 'Oh, shit. Someone's gonna die!' songs.)

  A shot was fired and it struck the lip piercing guy in the knee. The guy howled in pain as he was now on one knee. But, it seemed that the shot was a rubber bullet so there was no serious injury besides pain. The drunk man quickly got up and he was livid.


   He grabbed his knife from the ground and charged at the boy. Weiss screamed as she covered Ruby's eyes so she could not see the boy being stabbed but he was still unfazed and was still spinning his revolver.

Boy: "Five!"

   Another shot was fired from the revolver and it hit the drunk man in the hand. This time, it was the real bullet and it pierced through the drunk's hand like a knife through butter. Screaming in pain, the drunk grasped his bleeding hand tight as he dropped his knife.

Drunkass: "My hand!!! My fucking hand!!!"

???: "Quit whining! You're an adult, aren't you? Act like one, for Oum's sake! Also, four."

   He fired another bullet and it struck him in the stomach. It may be a rubber bullet but the force fired from the revolver was akin to a freaking handcannon so he was instantly knocked out due to the pain and impact. The lip pierci-you know what, let's just call him Lippy. Lippy here saw his pal faint but like the idiot he was, he thought the boy killed him.

Lippy: "*scared* W-what have you done!? You've killed him!"

???: "Use your head, idiot. If he was dead, he'll be bleeding by now. He's just knocked out right now. Maybe broke a bit of his ribs but he'll live. Also, three."

   He fired another rubber bullet into Lippy's shoulder and he screamed in pain. The boy was still spinning his revolver as he was slowly walking towards him. Lippy was starting to lose it due to the fear of death and tried to bluff his way out.

Lippy: "*scared* I-i'll tell the police of what you did! *crazy laughter* Then, we'll see who has the last laugh when you go to jail!"

   The boy could only shake his head at Lippy's pure stupidity.

???: "Wow, there really is nothing inside that empty head of yours, isn't there? Use common sense, stupid. You were trying to rape 4 little girls and then, maybe kill them. I can say that I'm protecting these girls and was fighting back in self-defense since your pal over there tried to kill me which is akin to telling me that a dog could fly a Bullhead and also, they're my witnesses. So tell me, who's going to jail now, Lippy? Also, two."

   He fired a shot into his head and the guy was yelling in pain while grasping where he was shot. The boy was smiling wickedly as he was still spinning his revolver and was looking down on him.

???: "Don't bother screaming, dumbass. It's the middle of the night. Most shops are closed and everyone here in Vale's a heavy sleeper. Only an explosion or an alarm will wake them up and also, would you look at that?"

   He stopped spinning and immediately aimed the gun at Lippy's forehead.

???: "One bullet left. And it ain't the rubber ones. Any last words, Twiddlefuck?"

Lippy: "*scared* P-please, let me go. I-i won't tell everyone about this and I won't go after the girls a-and I won't go after you so p-please don't kill me..."

   The boy still smiled wickedly as he cock down the hammer and the guy was sweating in fear. The boy's evil smile soon turned into a smirk as he holstered his revolver then turned around and walked back to the girls.

???: "Hit the road, Lippy. You're lucky I'm not a big fan on killing people."

   As he was walking away, he noticed the evil gleam in Lippy's eyes. He saw him took out a switchblade from his back pocket and was charging at him.

Lippy: "Idiot! You've should have killed me there but you had to be a hero! Now, die!"

Yang: "Look out!"

???: "Dumbass... One!"

    In a blink of an eye, he immediately fired a shot and the bullet was ricochet from a wall to a toppling flower pot to another wall and it hit Lippy...where the freaking Sun will never shine.

    Blood was staining the crotch area of his pants as he immediately dropped his switchblade and let out what could only be described as the most girly scream that the boy had ever heard.

   He was clutching his crotch and was crying unmanly tears as his family jewels were literally destroyed. The boy was laughing his ass off as he was struggling to breathe.

???: "*laughing* Oh, man! Definitely reaching the top ten! Hey, Lippy! I wouldn't look up if I were you!"

   Lippy, being the dumbass he was, looked up and the flower pot which was toppling around fell and hit the idiot square in the face. The guy then was out like a damn light as the boy was still laughing his ass off.

???: "*laughing* Oh, man! That never gets old! And I even spared the World of Remnant from his ugly ass future children! You're welcome, Remnant!"

   He picked up the two idiots on the ground albeit with a lot of effort and threw them into the bigger garbage can. He slammed the thing shut and was eyeing his work with satisfaction. Then, he turned towards the girls and he courteously bowed.

???: "I'm terribly sorry that you have to go through such an ordeal. I hope that you 4 fine ladies are okay."

Yang: "Y-yeah... We're fine."

   Ruby immediately ran up to him and was looking at the boy with stars in her eyes.

Ruby: "That was so cool! How did you do that twirling thingy you did with that gun!?"

???: "Years of practice, sweetheart. Been spinning my revolver since I was 3. Anyway, here's the main question I wanted to ask. Shouldn't you ladies be hitting the hay back at your homes at this hour? It's pretty late, you know."

   The four girls immediately looked down onto the ground in sadness. Immediately realizing what was going on, the boy immediately scowled.

???: "You girls are runaways, aren't you? Shitty families?"

   Blake and Yang nodded while Ruby started tearing up. Weiss gently patted her back, hoping for her to calm down. The boy then knelt down to her eye level and gently patted her head.

???: "Don't cry, sweetheart. That pretty face of yours will be even more prettier when there aren't any tears coming down. In fact, most of you girls would look good if you had the upside-down frown."

   Ruby stopped crying and gave the boy the biggest smile she could ever muster. Yang, Weiss and Blake too have a simple smile on their faces. The boy smiled as he patted each of their heads which made the 3 older girls blush while Ruby simply blushed and giggled.

???: "Now then, seeing as you lovely ladies don't have a fuuuu-"

   The boy was about to curse until Ruby pouted while giving him the stinky eye which forced him to censored the word with something else.

???: "-uunky roof above your heads, why not crash at my place?"

R/W/B/Y: "WHAT!?"

Weiss: "A-are you serious!? Y-you're letting us stay at your place?"

???: "Yup. Shouldn't be that much of a problem. I've been living alone for some time now so, ehh! No problem."

Yang: "But...what about the salon my uncle mentioned? We still need to find it."

   The boy immediately did a double-take when he heard Yang mentioned the salon. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

???: "Wait, hold the fu- *glared by Ruby* -uuunking phone right there! Did you just said 'salon'? As if the cowboy movie salon!?"

Yang: "Y-yeah...My uncle told me and my sister to meet him there and the guy living there will help us."

   Yang suddenly heard chuckling and she saw the boy chuckling to himself.

???: "*chuckling* I can't believe this. So, you lovely ladies are looking for the salon, huh? And seeing as the cute Kitty and Snow Angel over there don't have a place to stay, they're tagging along with ya, aren't they?"

Yang: "Yup."

Blake: "*blushing* C-cute?"

Weiss: "*blushing* D-don't call me that!"

Ruby: "*tugging his trenchcoat* Do you know where it is?"

   The boy immediately smirked as he gently pat Ruby in the head.

???: "Sweetheart, consider this you and your friends' lucky day because it just so happens that you're currently looking at the guy who owns the salon."

W/B/Y: "WHAT!?!?"

Ruby: "*starry-eyed* Really!?"

???: "Yup. It originally belonged to my guardian but apparently, he's got himself quite the gig so he's not gonna come back for some time. Ergo, he ended up giving me full ownership."

   The boy saw that Weiss, Blake and Yang were staring at him with disbelief while Ruby was the only one who believed him. The boy sighed and decided that the only way to show that he's not lying was to take them to the salon.

???: "If you girls don't believe me then c'mon. We're wasting time here."

   The boy then turned around and walked away. Ruby quickly ran to his side with the other three snapping out of their thoughts and ran up to him. As they were walking, Ruby mustered up the courage to ask him something.

Ruby: "*nervous* Umm... Excuse me?"

???: "Hmm? What is it, sweetheart?"

Ruby: "*nervous* Y-you never told us your name."

   The boy was thinking about what she said and he realized that he didn't introduced himself. He smacked his face for that and he turned to face them.

???: "You're right. Haven't introduced myself, didn't I? Well, I guess I can tell you who I am."

   The boy took out his hat and held it on his chest. The girls were now staring at the two streaks of silver on his black hair as he bowed to them. While he was bowing, he looked at them with a cocky smile as on that day, four runaway girls have now knew the name of their savior who's fate was now revolving and tied to theirs.

???: "The name's Y/n Shalashaska. It says so on the title. Got it memorize?"

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