This Can't Be True

By Shernerlynn

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Prologue- Chapter 6

Chapters 7-9

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By Shernerlynn

Chapter 7


It’s Thursday, and as I go through the motions of getting ready for another agonizing day of high school, I know something has changed. I feel it around my ears.

I can hear my family breathing. I’m in my room, all alone with the door closed, but I can hear breathing. I can also hear their heartbeats, and I find myself thinking that the sounds of their heartbeats are beautiful, and then I hear my stomach growl.

I think back to last night, to when Julius was here, talking to me about everything. We talked about our families(his family is dead), our friends, some guy he calls The Master, and Hayden and I. But that’s not important. What’s important is that we talked about the changes I would have to endure. He said something about how my hearing will become very strong, and that when I heard heartbeats, I would get hungry.

It’s happening to me now. I can hear some hearts, and now I want food. This can’t be true. How in the world can vampires be real?? All my life, I heard stories about them, but never thought that they could be real. I always thought The Twilight Series was stupid, but could that whole love story be based off of something that really happened? What if people don’t just make these stories up? What if they actually experienced this?

Oh, my.


My day becomes tiresome. First off, hearing the heartbeats of other people has made me feel like I’m starving, literally. And that’s annoying. But what really gets on  my nerves is hearing my classmates make noises. You know, like tapping on the desk, stomping the ground, etc.

I’ve noticed that while I’m around Hayden, I don’t feel like I used to. I don’t feel like I am in love with him anymore. It’s so weird. Could it be because I maybe like Julius? The vampire that is over 200 years older than me? This is so not right. Hayden and I’s anniversary is only in a few days!

Why does my life have to be so complicated?!


Later at lunch, I’m sitting outside with April, because Hayden is at some meeting for the science club. I cherish the time I get to spend with her. Hayden has always been the type of boyfriend to keep me away from my friends, and I know that’s not good. Every teenage girl should have her friends, whenever she needs them or wants to be around them, but he either doesn’t know that or doesn’t care.

I keep telling myself that Hayden is not controlling everything I do, even though he is. I try to block out all of the things my friends say about him to me, or the things that April tells me she heard other people saying.

April starts a conversation by asking me a question.

“So how are you and Hayden?”

“Oh.. umm we’re good. Very good,” I say quickly.

She looks at me suspiciously. “I don’t believe you. I can tell when you’re lying. I’m your best friend. I know everything about you, and I can read you like a book.”

I stay quiet and stare at the ground, knowing she’s right. April is great at reading me. She is the person that knows me best. Not even my parents know me as well as she does.

“Skylar. Something is going on. I know there is. Tell me, so I can go beat the crap out of Hayden.”

Not being able to keep it to myself any longer, I say the words so fast that I can see her having trouble understanding me. “April he makes me do things I don’t want to and he never lets me hang out with you and our other friends. It’s always him, him, him and I can’t take it anymore. I’m starting to not like him and well it’s freaking me out and oh my gosh I am not looking forward to our anniversary.”

April closes her eyes, the way she does when she’s disappointed. “Sky, why didn’t you tell me any of this?”

“Because I thought I was in love, and I thought he loved me too, when really he’s just with me to look good. Of course he never told me that, but I know him. All this time, I never saw what a jerk he is. Until now. I don’t want to be with him anymore April.”

“You have no idea how happy this makes me. Ever since you got with Hayden, you’ve never looked that happy, and now I know that I wasn’t just jealous of you and him.”

“Yeah, well I’m gonna break up with him I think,” I say.

“Do whatever you have to do.”

Chapter 8

After school, I walk to the store to meet my mom. This is something that I never do, but my mom texted me and told me to meet her there.

When I’m about half a mile from the store, I catch sight of Hayden walking to the back of a building, and you’ll never guess who he was with. Synthia Smith. The prettiest, most popular girl in school. This is so confusing. Hayden has always told me that he hates girls like her, the kind that put tons of makeup on and do their nails and dress in the best, most expensive clothes. But there he is, holding her hand as they walk to the back of the tall building. That’s right, holding her hand.

I could not believe my eyes. Or ears. I could hear them talking, saying stuff that I would rather not think about. And then, after Hayden whispers something that is so outrageous, he pushes her up agaisnt the side of the building, and starts kissing her.

I am experiencing many emotions now. They include confusion, disgust, anger, sadness, and disappointment. However, I do feel a little relief. If I tell him that I saw this, I wouldn’t have to come up with a reason to break up with him. This was the perfect reason.

Turning around, I continue to walk to the store, and I think about what I am going to say to Hayden when I call him later.


At suppertime, I am sitting at the kitchen table with my family, eating my favorite food, enchiladas. I love it when my mom makes them. She makes the best enchiladas ever.

Suddenly, Sarah starts crying from her crib in the living room, so I get up and make my way to her, just to be a good big sister. As I pick her up, I remember how light she is to me now, and I smile. Having this new strength is kind of a blessing. I can pick up so many more things that I was never able to pick up before. It’s very relieving.

I cradle Sarah to my chest, and gently pat her pack and tell her it’s okay. My parents look at me with a proud smile on their faces as I do so. I can tell how thankful they are that I’m not one of those sisters that don’t care about their younger siblings. When Sarah stops crying, I put her back in her crib and continue to eat my delicious enchiladas.


After supper, as I go through the motions of getting ready for bed, my phone suddenly starts ringing, and I’m surprised to see Hayden’s picture light up the screen. I didn’t think he would call me first. I figured that he would be too busy with Synthia. I pick up my phone and say hello.

Hayden says, “hey Sky. How’s the most beautiful girl in the world doing?” Oh. So he’s not gonna tell me about Synthia. That’s great. It just confirms how much of a jerk he is.

I don’t answer for a second, but when I do, I say, “I’m doing great. Because now, I know how much of a jerk and a liar you are.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Smith? Synthia Smith? Does that ring a bell?” I ask.

“Umm… no it doesn’t, sorry. You know I hate her. She wears all that fancy stuff and I don’t like that.”

“Oh really? ‘Cause normal people don’t kiss someone they hate!”

“Skylar. What the heck are you talking about? I would never walk with her to the back of a building and make out with her!” he says.

I laugh. “You do realize that you just gave yourself away right?”

He stays silent, but I know he’s still there. I can hear him breathing.

“We’re through. I hate you. I don’t know why I ever went out with you. You are a horrible person, and I never want to talk to you again. And believe me, if you ever try to talk to me, if you even look at me, my friends will make your life horrid. So stay out of my life.”

I hang up.

Chapter 9

Later, while I’m sleeping, I suddenly wake up to the sound of someone knocking on my window. Knowing exactly who it is, I get up and open it. Of course, it’s Julius. As soon as he sees me, his face lights up, and I can feel my face heat up.

Julius climbs through the window, and looks down at me, still smiling.

“Don’t you ever sleep?” I ask, while yawning at the same time.

“Nope. Never,” he replies.

“Wow. So I only have a few more nights of sleep huh?”

“Yep. Just a few, and I plan on visiting you every one of them.”

I roll my eyes and smile even more, as my feelings for him grow stronger.

I tell him about what happened with Hayden, and he seems to be very happy about it, which flatters me. The rest of the time he’s here, we talk about everything that floats into our minds.

What happened right before he left, was just absolutely amazing.

“Well Skylar Marie, I think it’s about time I left. You look so tired, and you need your sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day, you get to smell blood for the first time.”

“Oh.. okay well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, goodbye,” I say awkwardly.

Julius gives me his best smile, and gently picks me up. He then lies me down onto my bed, and tucks me in. I stay silent the whole time, completely awestruck.

“Goodnight Skylar Marie. Sweet dreams beautiful.” He kisses my forehead and grabs my hand and kisses that too.

Before I could even begin to react, he leaves out my window, closing it when he’s outside.

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