roommates đź•· morales

Od getweIIsoon

48.5K 1.3K 233

"uh, why are you here?" "i live here too? and why are you dangling from the ceiling?" in which miles gets a n... VĂ­ce

one • visions
two • spider-man
three • the window
four • a hero
five • midnight
six • secret's out
seven • backup
eight • cindy moon
nine • homecoming
ten • olivia
eleven • vengeance
thirteen • what's up danger
fourteen • the truth
fifteen • parting ways

twelve • gone

1.1K 45 1
Od getweIIsoon

One week later
After school
Visions Academy

Miles was pacing back and forth in his room. This is something he's been doing for about a week now. Ever since he found the man that attacked Olivia and discovered that Carnage was working on an explosive beneath New York City he's been nervous. He's also been planning something behind everyone's back. It was a plan that wasn't the smartest one he's ever had but he didn't really have much choice. He couldn't just sit around and wait for something bad to happen. It was too risky.

Finally, after more than five minutes of pacing, he started packing a bag. He would be with Cindy in Manhattan until he found out exactly what to do with Carnage. It was currently Monday and by Wednesday he'd have his final plan put together. Thursday would be the day. If all went according to plan by Friday, Carnage would no longer be a problem.

Miles knew it wouldn't go that smoothly.

He put in different sets of clothes, his tooth brush and deodorant, phone charger, etc. Olivia was currently in Camila's room helping her get ready for a date. He didn't know with who but he'd hear about it later for sure. Since she wasn't here it was easier to sneak out without having to explain himself as to why he was leaving. Olivia had almost fully recovered from the attack but Miles was still watching over her. When he told her that he caught the man who did it she almost cried.

"You caught him? You actually caught him?"

"I did. I had to, I couldn't let him get away with it."

He pulled her into their dorm to talk to her privately since they were out with friends the day after the man was caught. You could visibly see the relief wash over her face the minute he told her.

"I've been so scared." Olivia admitted. "I've been expecting him to show back up."

"You know I wouldn't let anything happen to if while I'm around, right?"

She tried to hide her shaky hands in her jacket pockets but he saw them anyway. "I-I know but Miles.. you weren't there when it happened."

That seemed to linger with Miles for awhile. He was already beating himself up over letting her go along in the first place. Even though she didn't mean for it to come across that way it still hurt him.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't-"

"No no, that's not what I meant." She interrupted. "I just meant that you didn't see what happened. Didn't feel the pain. That's why I've been so scared, I was afraid those feelings would come back."

Now Miles was sitting as his desk staring at the empty space where his laptop would've been. The window was open, ready for him to slip out like he always did. If he went out the door there's a chance one of his friends would see him. He couldn't leave without saying anything to at least one person so he decided to leave a note for Olivia.

" Liv,

Some things have been going on. Things that I got to go out and take care of. I'm having to do it to keep the entire city from falling apart, I'm the only one they've got.

It's Carnage, Liv. He's doing something that I can't let him do. I have to put a stop to it. It's dangerous, really dangerous, but I have no choice. I'm not even sure if I'll make it out of this one.

I'm going to be gone for a few days, maybe a week at the most. I have to find what he's doing and get rid of it before it harms anyone. By Friday you should know something..

Don't tell this to anyone even though I know you won't. If they ask where I'm at, just say I'm with my parents because I'm sick or something. I don't care what the excuse is just make sure they don't know the truth.

Don't worry about me. I gotta do what I gotta do. This is my job Liv and people are counting on me. I can't fail them.

I promise to come back.

Stay safe.

-Miles. "

He sat the pen down and took a deep breath. The note was laid on her bed since he thought she might not see it right away on the desk. Right as he put his bag over his shoulder he could hear Olivia's voice down the hallway. Slipping out the window, climbing down the wall as swiftly as he could, his feet touched the ground right as she opened the door. He could hear her set her stuff down while talking to what sounded like Gwen. Gwen's voice went away after a minute or two then Olivia said something.

"Where did Miles go?"

Miles leaned his head against the wall, looking up. The window was way above him but he could easily get back inside in seconds. Luckily he remembered to close it so she wouldn't look out and possibly see him down there. A bed creaked so he knew Olivia found the note.

"Oh god.. Miles what are you doing.."

"You have to come back.. you have to.."

"I'll leave the window open for you."

The last words she said hurt him. Miles made himself start walking before he went back inside. He didn't even know Olivia was silently crying a little as she reread the note.

He had completely forgotten to change into his suit so he ducked into a hiding spot so he could change. While he was swinging, now fully suited up and on his way to Cindy's, he had some time to think. His parents would obviously be aware of his absence from school and he had no idea of what he would tell them. They didn't know about him being Spider-Man which is something he wanted to hide from them as long as possible. There was no telling how they'd react to it especially with his dad being a cop.

His dad did admire Spider-Man a great amount. It took a lot of time for him too, in the beginning he didn't like him at all. He wanted that type of work be left to the policemen. After Miles saved him from almost dying in a high speed chase, his dad said maybe Spider-Man wasn't so bad after all. Since then Miles's dad had a lot of respect for Spider-Man and defended him from cops that acted like he did in the past. Miles was grateful for it.

Miles finally got to Cindy's. Luckily her parents wouldn't be home all week, both of them working jobs that had Cindy home alone half the time, so he didn't have to worry about that. They both worked business related jobs that sent them on week long conferences every few months. He knocked on the door which she opened within a few seconds.

"Well that was quick." She motioned him to come inside.

"Would've got here sooner if a bird didn't hit me."

Cindy burst out laughing. "Wait, a bird?"

"Long story. Let's just say it didn't go well."

Miles changed into his normal clothes and Cindy showed him where he could keep his stuff. Her apartment was cozy three bedrooms and a bathroom. The guest bedroom was originally supposed to be an office but they renovated it into a bedroom. The living room looked like it had been recently vacuumed and the kitchen looked practically spotless.

"Well someone did a lot a lot of cleaning."

"My mom always cleans before leaving on long trips. Makes her feel better about being gone for so long."

"I get that." Miles nodded. "I'm just glad this worked out so well."

Cindy sat down on the couch, Miles doing the same. She could tell he was nervous about what was to come that week. "Do you even have a plan together?" She asked.

"Kind of? The first thing I have to do is find out where the explosive even is and see what it looks like. If I can even disable it."

"Do you know how to disable something like that?"

Miles gave a nervous chuckle. "Not at all."

"Miles.." Cindy shook her head, then it hit her. She sat up and hit his arm. "Wait a minute."

"What? What is it?"

"You have electricity powers."

He blinked. "Well yeah."

"Put two and two together Miles. You can electrocute it somehow and fry the circuits out!"

There was a pause between them. He could almost see the light bulb light up in her head as she explained.

"That's.. actually really smart? How did you come up with that?"

Cindy seemed pretty proud of herself for coming up with a solution that may or may not work. It was a pretty good idea, one that could easily be done. "It just kind of hit me all of a sudden. It seems like the safer way to do it and we need to be as safe as possible so you make it out alive. It might not work but it's an option."

The fear of Miles not surviving of what was about to happen still lingered in Cindy's mind. He knew there was nothing he could say that would ease her mind. No matter how much reassurance he gave a part of her would still worry. As long as she cared, she'd worry. Cindy cared a lot too.

"I'll be honest.. I'm scared. Like really scared." Miles gulped. The fear wouldn't go away.

"You're about to face a person that has been terrorizing this city for awhile and is on a mission to kill you. Anyone would be scared. You know who you are though, right?"

Miles looked over at his friend.

"You're Spider-Man. The one and only. You can handle anything as long as you're careful. You're strong. I've seen you fight, you know what you're doing. Not just physical strength but mental as well. You don't give yourself enough credit."

He could feel his heart warm at the sweet words. Cindy was really good at motivating and reassuring people. Sometimes he wondered if she told herself the same encouraging words she told others.

"Yeah.. guess you're right. I think I'll be able to get through this."

"You will. I won't let anything bad happen. It just can't."

Once the day started to end Miles wondered what Olivia was thinking right now. He's been avoiding his phone because he didn't want to see any messages from his friends wondering where he's at. He didn't want to know that they were worried. He would however talk to his parents probably within the next day. Miles laid on his temporary bed staring at the ceiling. The window was cracked open slightly and he could hear typical city noises. Cars honking and going by, distant conversations, and more. The noise prevented him from hearing Cindy walking into the room.

"You alright?" She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Just thinking."

She was silent for a moment. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"You're worried about what'll happen to Olivia if something happens to you, aren't you?"

It was a question he wasn't expecting so hearing Olivia's name caught him off guard. He propped himself up on his elbows so he could talk directly to her. "Why just Olivia?"

"I figured you two had something going on."

"We don't? We're just roommates."

Cindy wasn't buying it. "Just roommates? You sure Miles?"

"I'm sure Cindy."

"How close are you two?"

"Pretty close I guess. We became roommates a few months ago. Didn't know her before then. We've gotten to know each other and everything and I guess we're best friends."

"You've saved her life. Twice."

Miles was fully sitting up now. "Okay and?"

"How did you feel when it happened? What was going through your head?"

What was going through Miles's head when he saved Olivia the first time was panic or fear. When his spider-sense went off and he saw the piece of concrete being hurled in her direction he didn't even think twice about stopping it. Obviously if it someone else standing there he would've done the same thing. Then when Olivia got attacked the night of homecoming the fear was even worse. He was also angry. If it was an option he would've done a lot worse to the man that did it but he chose not to. Vengeance was enough.

Then his mind went back to when they were dancing together. For a moment he thought to he could feel something change in his heart, like a light switch turned on. He wasn't sure if it was just a heat of the moment thing or if it was genuine. Either way the feeling was there. Olivia was just his roommate and friend, nothing more. They did get closer the night she found out he was Spider-Man. After that things just seemed different. They were closer and weren't just two people that shared a room. Actual good friends. Best friends at that.

She had become one of the most important people in his life.

"A lot of things were going through my head Cindy. Why are you asking me these questions?"

She shrugged. "Was just wondering. Thought maybe there was something more to it. Don't mean to be nosy or anything."

"It's fine. Wasn't prepared for the interrogation that's all."

"It was not!" Cindy laughed. "I don't know much about your school friends or how your relationships are with them."

"Same goes for you."

She paused. "You got me there."

They both laughed.

"Wanna trade stories?"

"Let's do it. Before you start though, I wanna know what happened to the bird that hit you on the way here."

They talked for a long time. They went from talking about their personal lives to developing the plan to defeat Carnage. Everything was put together within an hour which was something they were proud of.

The plan was set.

They'd initiate it soon.

Very soon.

It was around nine that night when Cindy finally went to bed. Miles laid awake staring at the ceiling again. The window was closed now. He couldn't help but keep wondering what laid in store for him.

Olivia was doing the exact same thing back at Visions. In her bed she stared out of the window that she purposely left cracked just in case Miles was to slip back in during the night.

When she woke up to her alarm the following morning she immediately checked the bunk below her. Seeing the emptiness of the bed made her sigh. It felt weird sleeping in the room by herself. It wasn't often when she had the room to herself at night for long periods of time. Not knowing if Miles would even come back made it worse.

The window was still open, curtains flowing with the morning breeze.

When she tried to walk out the door she hesitated. Turning back around, Olivia walked over to the window. Closing it softly she sighed as she left the room.

The window would be open again that night. Miles wouldn't come back, that much she knew, but it wouldn't stop her from trying.

He had to come back.

He had to.

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