We, the Dreamers: A RWBY x Wa...

By After_Hours_Writer

172K 2.4K 4.5K

In the furthest depths of the void, a new solar system was discovered. A system of planets, unknown to any fo... More

Chapter One: I Mean You no Harm
Chapter Two: An Invitation
Chapter Three: The Ride There
Chapter Four: Meeting the Ice Queen
Chapter Five: Initiation Preparation
Chapter Six: Partners
Chapter Seven: Stress
Chapter Eight: New Roommates
Chapter Nine: The First Day
Chapter Ten: Sparring
Chapter Eleven: Lesson Learned
Chapter Twelve: Conspiracy
Chapter Thirteen: Revelation
Chapter Fourteen: Jaunedice
Chapter Fifteen: Jealousy
Chapter Sixteen: Forever Falls
Author's Note: Quite A Dilemma
Chapter Seventeen: Rememberence
Chapter Eighteen: Tending Wounds
Chapter Nineteen: The Stray
Chapter Twenty: Chaos
Chapter Twenty-One: The Beach
Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Quality Time
Chapter Twenty-Four: Distress Call
Chapter Twenty-Five: Intimacy
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Orokin's Ball
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tiny Kubrow
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Hunt
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Search and Destroy
Chapter Thirty: Vytal Festival
Chapter Thirty-One: A "Gift" From the Void
Chapter Thirty-Two: A Gruesome Finale
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Dreamer's Greatest Nightmare
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Inevitable
Volume II Preview: Defy our Destiny
Volume II / Chapter One: Natah
Volume II / Chapter Two: Prison Break
Volume II / Chapter Three: Coming Home
Volume II / Chapter Four: Reclamation of Vale
Volume II / Chapter Five: War on the Grineer
Volume II / Chapter Six: Patch
Volume II / Chapter Eight: Stolen Army
Volume II / Chapter Nine: Hostage
Volume II / Chapter Ten: Love United
Volume II / Chapter Eleven: The Calm Before The Storm
Volume II / Chapter Twelve: The Storm After The Calm

Volume II / Chapter Seven: Formalities

1.6K 31 52
By After_Hours_Writer

Schnee Manor...
Atlas, Remnant...
3rd Person POV

Weiss: Training... could've gone better.

Sitting alone in her room in the family mansion, Weiss Schnee watched from the massive windows beside her as Atlesian airships entered and exited the backyard. From the corner of her room, the giant furry beast that was her new companion approached her; It's stubby tail wagging to the rhythm of its rapid breathing. Hearing the beast, Weiss looked back towards it. Her unemotional expression turning into a small smile upon a quick glance at it.

Weiss: Wouldn't you agree, Piper?

Gently rubbing the Kubrow's head, she chuckled a little as the Kubrow rolled herself over, gesturing for a tummy rub.

Weiss: You don't care, do you? You just want a tummy rub.

Kneeling down in front of her seat, Weiss proceeded to rub the Kubrow's tummy, playing with her pet as the door to her room opened. As the door opened, she stopped playing and looked towards the entrance, finding her butler entering the room.

Weiss: Klein...

Klein: My apologies for barging in, Miss Schnee....

Upon seeing Klein, the Kubrow turned over on all four legs again, anxious to see him as she strutted towards him with the same attitude.

Klein: ...Piper...

Weiss: You're fine.

Piper: Got something for me?

Looking around for anyone else in the vicinity, Klein reached into his back pocket and tossed towards the Kubrow an odd concoction the staff created as the Kubrow's personal treat: a pool ball sized ball of corn chips held together by melted marshmallow.

Piper: YES!

As the Kubrow began devouring the treat from the floor, Klein commented on her.

Klein: What an oddly loving specimen.

Looking back at Weiss, Klein began clearing his throat before explaining himself.

Klein: *ahem* Miss Schnee... Your father wishes to see you in his study.

Weiss: I figured that's why you came.

Weiss: Thank you, Klein.

As he soon left the room, she too would follow, leaving Piper with her treat as she began to roam the halls of her father's manor; The color scheme of white and blue made blindingly obvious across the entire home. As she walked alone, looking down at the blue carpets, her head peeked up as her younger brother startled her with his presence.

Whitley: Good afternoon, sister.

Weiss: !

Weiss: Whitley, you little-!

Whitley: A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change.

Taking a deep breath, Weiss responded to him politely as she sidestepped him.

Weiss: Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today.

Whitley: Klein made crepes for breakfast.

The boy began to smirk as she asked.

Weiss: What do you want?

Whitley: I heard father shouting with someone in his study earlier today.

Weiss: Mother?

Whitley: No, she's out in the garden drinking already. I think it was a man.

Weiss: An investor, probably.

Whitley: I just wanted to warn you. I heard that he asked to speak with you.

Weiss: I'll be fine.

Whitley: I know you will. You're strong, like Winter.

Now glaring at her brother, Weiss stated.

Weiss: You never liked Winter.

Whitley: That is true, but you can't deny her resolve.

Weiss: You... seem different.

Whitley: And you've been gone.

Weiss: And what's that supposed to mean?

Whitley: I'll have you know, I didn't stop growing while you were away at Beacon.

Turning away from his sister, Whitley began to leave, uttering one last sentence before leaving her sight.

Whitley: Anyways, good luck with father!

Weiss: Right...

As he left her alone once more, she muttered as she continued on.

Weiss: Thank you.

As she reached her father's study, she could hear his voice from outside the door in the middle of a tense discussion.

Jacques: I'm not talking about the good of my company; I'm talking about the good of Atlas, our entire Kingdom!

Ironwood: That is a load of garbage and you know it.

Weiss: General?

Hesitantly, Weiss slowly opened the door and entered silently as the two men continued their argument.

Jacques: I beg your pardon!?

Ironwood: Jacques, will you please, just hear me out?

Jacques: General... You are a trusted friend and ally to this family, but what you're asking for is just absurd!

Ironwood: We're in the middle of a war!

Jacques: The council will never agree to it!

Ironwood: You forget, I hold two seats on the council.

Jacques: Your Dust embargo has already cost me millions! I can promise you, James, I have not forgotten!

Ironwood: So this is about you.


Ironwood: ?

Jacques: ?

Closing the door behind her, Weiss had accidentally brought their attention towards her, stopping their conversation in her presence.

Weiss: Oh dear...

In the moment, General Ironwood bowed his head at her presence as her father stood from his desk.

Ironwood: Miss Schnee! My apologies... I should've been gone by now.

Weiss: No, it's-it's okay.

Turning his head towards Jacques, General Ironwood muttered to him before proceeding towards the door.

Ironwood: We'll discuss this another time.

Jacques: Klein will show you the way out.

Ironwood: I know the way out.

Stepping aside, Weiss got out of the general's way as he opened the door. Before leaving, he assured her.

Ironwood: Please know, you'll always have a home at Atlas Academy, Miss Schnee. We'll be back in session before you know it.

As the general closed the door, leaving the two together in his study, Jacques was the first to speak, criticizing his daughter's abrupt entrance.

Jacques: Did you forget your manners while you were away.

A bit annoyed by the comment, Weiss sighed to relax herself as she approached his desk.

Weiss: No, father. I'm sorry.

Jacques: Can you believe there are still people in the world that blame Atlas for what happened to Beacon? To Vale?

Weiss: Well, they weren't there... and the invading army was an unexpected event.

Jacques: It's a wonder Ironwood wasn't stripped of his rank.

Finally sitting down, Jacques continued on.

Jacques: I suppose the council trusts him... for better or for worse.

Weiss: I trust him.

The man sighed in disbelief upon hearing that. Thanks to him, Atlas is forbidden from exporting Dust to other kingdoms. "A time of great peril." He claims. "Atlas is on the defensive front." How anyone could possibly find that to be a smart tactic is beyond me. Which is why the Schnee Dust Company will be holding a charity concert in the next few days.

Weiss: Wait, what?

A bit surprised by her father's statement, she asked.

Weiss: A charity?

Jacques: Yes, we need to show the people of Remnant that we're on their side. That we are all victims of Beacon's fall.

Weiss: That's.... wonderful news.

Jacques: I know. And I think it would make a lot of people happy if you performed at the event.

Weiss: Eh!?

Weiss: Excuse me?

Jacques: Many forget that you were there. My own daughter, a Schnee, on the grounds, defending another Kingdom! We need to remind them! And we need to show them that we too have sacrificed a lot for them! We need to show them that the Schnee family is just as strong as ever!

Weiss: Who's we? You lost nothing from the fall of Beacon!

Weiss: Are you asking me if I'd like to sing, or are you telling me to?

Leaning forward towards his daughter, Jacques formed a tent with his hands as he stated.

Jacques: I think it would be beneficial for everyone, including that mutt you brought with you, if you performed.

Sighing in response, Weiss obliged, turning herself to leave as she did so.

Weiss: I'll start practicing.

Jacques: That's my girl.

Leaving the study, Weiss' eyes met Klein's as he stood beside the door, waiting for her with a mug of caffeinated coffee on large silver tray in front of him.

Weiss: Oh!

Klein: Hot coffee, Miss Schnee? I always find that he keeps his study dreadfully cold.

Taking the mug from the tray, she thanked him.

Weiss: Thank you, Klein.

Klein: You know what I think?

Lifting the tray up to his face, the butler soon lowered the tray down, letting Weiss see his parody of her father. His brown eyes turning red as he spoke with the similar gruff as Jacques.

Klein: I think it's time to balance out this hot air.

Widening her eyes in delight, Weiss looked over her shoulders towards the door as Klein continued.

Klein: Anything to make more money, money, money.

Weiss: Pfft.

As Weiss began to giggle, Klein sneezed shortly after, his eyes turning blue and his gruff accent now one of a girlish tone as he expressed a bit of regret.

Klein: Uh, apologies, madam... I couldn't help myself.

Covering her mouth, Weiss tried her hardest not to laugh as Klein sneezed again, this time, his eyes changing to a golden yellow and his tone one of a sympathetic father.

Klein: Now there's my happy little snowflake.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Weiss gave a genuine smile as she thanked her butler.

Weiss: Thank you, Klein.

A Few Days Later...

An audience of hundreds gathered inside the dark theater for the charity event held by Jacques and his staff. The only source of light was the broken moon that hung over the empty stage. As the audience chatted a bit about the event, they were eventually silent as a staff member announced through an intercom.

Schnee Staffer: Ladies and gentlemen... The heiress of the Schnee family will be performing song for you all tonight, alongside their staff, entitled: "We all Lift Together".

*Author's Note: I'm very much aware that it's from Warframe's Fortuna update. It's just so relaxing to listen to. If you wish to just listen instead of reading this, the video for it is at the bottom *

As the young huntress stood alone on stage, the sound of a single violin began the melody that was her song.

Weiss: Cold, the air and water flowing.
Hard, the land we call our home.
Push, to keep the dark from coming,
Feel the weight of what we owe.
This: the song of sons and daughters.
Hide, the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build our future,
Strong, united, working 'till we fall.

The staffers behind her emerged from the dark blue curtains, joining her as other instruments kicked off.

Weiss and Staffers: Cold, the air and water flowing.
Hard, the land we call our home.
Push, to keep the dark from coming,
Feel the weight of what we owe.
This: the song of sons and daughters.
Hide, the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build our future,
Strong, united, working 'till we fall...
And we all lift...
And we're all adrift together...
Through the cold mist..
'Till we're lifeless, together...

At different times, Weiss and the others would resign the fist verse.

Weiss: Cold, the air and-.

Staffers: Cold, the air and water flowing.

Weiss: Hard, the land we-.

Staffers: Hard, the land we call our home.

Weiss: Push, to keep the-.

Staffers: Push, to keep the dark from coming.

Weiss: Feel, the weight of-.

Staffers: Feel, the weight of what we owe.

Weiss and Staffers: This: the song of sons and daughters.
Hide, the heart of who we are.
Making peace to build our future,
Strong, united, working 'till we fall...
And we all lift...
And we're all adrift together...
Through the cold mist..
'Till we're lifeless, together...

Finishing the song by humming the introduction, Weiss stood silent before taking a bow, the entire theater erupting in applause. The sole exception being her father. As she turned away from the roaring audience to leave the stage, her smile quickly melted into sadness as she proceeded to join her father.

An Hour Later...
Schnee Manor Lobby...

In the lobby of the family manor, Weiss Schnee and her younger brother stood around their father in silence as he conversed with a man with glasses and a woman with fasing blonde hair over the current state of Atlas. Around them, several large paintings and statues sat against the walls of the room, each one tied with hundreds of thousands of Lien price tags. Beside Weiss, her pet Kubrow lied silently, somewhat tired from playing with Klein for most of the day.

Jacques: That's precisely my point. We offer Faunus the exact same wages given to the rest of our mining staff. Their argument's completely invalid, right out of the gate.

Businessman: Well, I think the bigger issue here is-.

Weiss: Uuuuugggghhhh....

Businessman: -our society as a whole.

Weiss: Sooooo boooriiing!

Jacques: What? You mean Atlas!?

Looking around, Weiss' eyes stumbled upon a large painting of Beacon Academy and a small memorial of the young man she fell in love with alongside Pyrrha Nikos.

Weiss: Pyrrha....Ryoma...

Taking a step towards them, Weiss was startled as her father's hand gripped her arm tightly without even looking.

Weiss: !

Businessman: I'm just saying I don't think it's necessarily an issue of compensation as much as it is one of opportunity...

As the two conversed, Jacques looked back at his daughter, whispering in her ear sternly.

Jacques: Where are you going?

Weiss: I'm just... a little thirsty.

Jacques: Sweetheart, we have people for that!

Raising his arm, Jacques tried to get a waiter's attention, but stopped as Weiss blocked his forearm with her own, recieving glances from both her father and her brother.

Piper: ?

Jacques: What are you doing!?

Weiss: It isn't necessary. I'll be right back, I promise.

Leaving her father's side, she headed towards the painting and statues as he rejoined the conversation.

Jacques: I'm sorry, I tuned out for a second, but sounds like I'm the good guy again?

Businessman and Businesswoman: Oh, hohohohoho!

Reaching the painting and statues, Weiss stared on in silence, holding back a tear as the Kubrow soon joined her, looking upward at the statue of her former owner befor lying in front of it with its head down.

Weiss: You too, huh?

Looking away from the statue, she focused on the painting for a short while till a young man her age approached her at her side, standing in between her and the Kubrow.

Henry: It's beautiful... You two match.

Weiss: Way to kill what little mood I had.

Like the old days, Weiss displayed her cold attitude as the boy made an attempt to hit on her, her arms crossed and her eyes focused on the painting.

Weiss: Yes, it's a lovely painting.

Henry: And that statue is.... ehh....

Weiss: Say it.... I dare you.

Henry: It's something.

After a bit of silence, the boy continued.

Henry: Well, that was my way of trying to break the ice. How'd I do?

Weiss: You leave a lot to be desired.

Henry: I can always appreciate honesty.

Holding his hand out to her, he introduced himself.

Henry: Henry. Marigold.

Weiss finally focused on the boy beside her, loosely shaking his hand as she coldly introduced herself.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee.

Henry: Henry: I know, I saw your performance.. Eh, obviously... You were wonderful. And I promise I'm not just saying that 'cause you're pretty.

Rolling her eyes in response, Weiss focused on the statue behind the boy. Seeing this, the boy looked back at the statue behind him, asking as he leaned against the handrail that surrounded it.

Henry: So... thinking about buying it?

Weiss: No. I don't think so...

Henry: Yeah, it is kinda pricey for a concrete block. Especially ones of some students.

Delivering a look of disgust, Weiss responded.

Weiss: It's to raise money.

Henry: Oh, really? For what?

Weiss: Oh, for fu-.

Henry: I'll admit, I only come to these things for the food and drinks.

As a waiter walked by the group, the boy took one of the many glasses of champagne from the tray and sipped it.

Henry: And the extraordinary company. Of course.

Weiss: (-__-)

Henry: So what, is it another Mantle fundraiser or something?

Weiss: You incompetent nincompoop!

Weiss: Get. Out.

Henry: What?

Weiss: Leave!

Sending open hostility, the Kubrow stood up from the front of the statue, behind the young boy as she continued.

Weiss: You stand here and insult those who've lost their lives to allow us to escape the horrors of the fall, admit your own stupidity before me, and expect me to fall to my knees to go out with you!? You're pathetic!

Henry: Now wait just a second. I haven't even-.

Weiss: Get out of my sight!

Grabbing him by his collar, Weiss pointed out the Kubrow that lurked behind him, exposing its serrated teeth.

Weiss: Otherwise, you can be fed to our family's newest member.

Henry: Huh?

As she let go, the young man turned around, only to see serrated teeth in front of his face, spooking him as he fell back.

Piper: Hi.

Henry: What the-!?

Piper: ....

Henry: The hell is that thing!?

Weiss: A gift.... now scram.

Looking around, the young boy stood up from the ground as fast as he could and bailed, running past other business leaders as he left through the front door.

Weiss: Hmph...

Looking back at the Kubrow, Weiss petted her head as she apologized.

Weiss: Sorry, girl... I didn't really want to get you involved.

Piper: Huh? I was daydreaming of myself in that soft white stuff outside. What's going on?

As the Kubrow rubbed her head against Weiss' side, Weiss herself noticed a phrase that was engraved on the plaque beneath the painting.


Closing her eyes, Weiss tried to relax by separating herself from the rest of the guests in the room, but as she did this, her mind snapped as a pair stood out from the rest.

Trophy Wife: But really, does it come as any surprise what happened to the Kingdom of Vale?

Weiss: !

Trophy Wife: It was a long time coming, if you asked me.

Weiss: Hnnnnnrgh!

Businessman: Honey...

Trophy Wife: What? You've said it yourself last night...

Weiss: I know you've told me to keep my mannerisms in these types of situations, Ryoma...but...

Trophy Wife: If they're so arrogant to think they can get by without proper kingdom defense, then I say good riddance.

Weiss: For the sake of you and our friends, I just can't keep calm, this time.


The room fell silent as she insulted the woman, who has been appalled by such a remark.

Trophy Wife: Excuse me, young lady!?

From the other corner of the room, the general watched the events that unfolded with a slight grin, understanding the young huntress's disdain towards her guests.

Weiss: You don't have any idea what's it like out there! You don't even give a damn about this charity!

Jacques quickly approached her, gripping her wrist with his hand.

Jacques: Weiss, that's enough!

Pulling on her arm, Weiss tried to fight her father off her grip.

Weiss: Let go of me!

Jacques: You're embarrassing the family!

Weiss: I said let go!

Hearing that prompted the Kubrow to pounce Jacques, causing him to let go as he was brought to the ground. Her serrated teeth mere millimeters from his face as he began to panic.


Jacques: Oh, dear God!

Ironwood: Piper!

Piper: ?

Weiss: ?

Ironwood: Off of him, now!

A bit confused, the Kubrow hesitantly did as the general was told, trusting him in the same manner her new owner did.

Trophy Wife: Arrest that girl and put that beast down, general!

The general shook his head in shame, prompting her to continue, this time insulting the general himself.

Trophy Wife: Are you insane!? You saw what it was about to do!

Ironwood: It's nothing more than a guard dog performing its duty to protect its master. As for Miss Schnee, she's been the only one making any sense around here.

Looking down at Jacques, the general continued.

Ironwood: Thanks for the party, Jacques. I'll be taking my leave, now.


Everyone: !?

From the front gates, a large explosion was heard throughout the entire manor, prompting the huntress and the general both to look outside through the massive windows. Upon a quick glance, the entire front gate lied in ruins as bipedal Moas lined up in its place.

Weiss: !?

Ironwood: You're kidding me?

Opening the front doors, the two walked out into a large platoon of Corpus crewman and bipedal Moas lined up, all hybridized with Sentient DNA to form Amalgams.

Weiss: Oh, what is this, now!?

Above them, a large Corpus transport ship hovered, releasing a dark blue beam of light down in between the army and the manor. Inside said beam, a massive figure was lowered down onto the ground, speaking to himself as he touched the snow beneath him.

Nef Anyo: I give, and I give, and I give unto the Void. What has the Void blessed me with, today?

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