The Red and Gold World

By MultiFandomPlanet

1.1K 33 14

Jayden Shiba is more than glad to leave the fighting world after defeating Master Xandred. But after his frie... More

Chapter one: Remember the Day
Chapter Three: You Need to Return
Chapter Four: The Rangers Return
Chapter Five: Him
Chapter Six: The First Attack
Chapter Seven: Unbeknownst

Chapter Two: If All Can Be Well

213 3 1
By MultiFandomPlanet

'Jayden! The mooger attack is too much We need to retreat!' The world was under attack. Somehow, someway Master Xandred returned, and he didn't hesitate to try and flood the world again. He did flood the world. The world emerged in red Sanzu river water. And the boat that the entire crew of Nighlok was on had been flowing through the entire city. People that survived were cowering in fear in the highest place possible. Some didn't make it even if they tried.

Jayden and the other rangers were fighting fiercely. All spread out at the mass spread of moogers and Xandreds crew. Jayden, Kevin, and Mike were fighting a clutter of Moogers hiding Master Xandred. Mia and Emily stayed on the other side, where Jayden hoped they would be safe. Jayden clashed his sword against the Moogers. The clanging burning his ears. He hadn't heard the sound in so long it almost had been blown from his memory. He knocked two Moogers back, them exploding into the group. Five more came running. Panic flashed behind his eyes. He didn't know what to do. They had beat the Nighlok before, they had to again. The five hit Jayden's chest with their swords. An intense burn spotted his skin until he shook the feeling off and kept attacking. He pulled out the black box from the side of his belt, clasping it to the back of the sword and clicking the disc in the slot. 'Super Samurai Mode!' He cried out while holding the box out in front of the Moogers. The white cape appeared on his back. He was ready. Jayden held his sword in front of him and ran into the five. He hit two, taking out his fire disc and spinning the disc he burned the other three. His feet planted right next to his two friends who had already finished fighting. 'Red ranger.' Master Xandreds voice called out his title. 'You've defeated me once. But your pathetic attempts won't work again.' Jayden felt his arms be drawn back by gloved hands. He struggled against the grip. 'Pathetic.' He chuckled, drawing his sword from his side, making two fire slashes. The slashes traveled across the broken cement and slammed into him. It burned, it hurt his skin. His body. His head. He couldn't breathe. His breathing was gone. Dark and cold--
Jayden flew up, his breaths were quick and hot. He could feel his skin tense. His room was empty and quiet. The lights were off. The darkness amerced him. Jayden peered out the doorway, Ji had to be asleep. It was a still sense in the halls and none of the lights had been turned on. The white doors to the kitchen were also closed. The gap sensor was quiet. He sometimes missed hearing it. Even in the darkness of nighttime.

Jayden sat up in his bed. He still had his nerves from being asleep. He couldn't sleep at all. Jayden stood and opened his door, walking out through the hall. He reached the kitchen and entered. Still, an echo filled quietly. After he grabbed a cup from the cabinet he rushed it under the cold water from the facet. He brought the filled cup to his lips to take a large gulp. His lips rolled together as he swallowed. His nerves eased but still remained in a shaking cluster in his body.

His back rested against the counter. He never had nightmares much. Especially not any about Xandred. He never was afraid of him or scared of him. And he was defeated, gone. Dead with the rest of his monster crew at the bottom of the deep red water. He would never have to see them again. He hoped. But the Nighlok were smart. He worried they would find a way back to earth. Even with his worries, Ji tried to convince him otherwise.

Jayden gulped down more of his freezing water, more thoughts, more obsessed worrying. Unnecessary worrying. He had nothing to worry about. 'But I'm so rusty with a sword now. I haven't trained in forever. What if the nighlok do return?' He finished his water and placed the wooden cup at the bottom of the sink for Ji to wash later. Jayden lingered by the sink for a moment, his arms balancing him against the counters to the side.

He remembered the map Ji showed him a few nights before. Was he wrong about the Nighlok never coming back? He had to be. There was no way they would. Jayden dispatched from the kitchen to walk back to his room. He pushed the bedroom door open. His fire symbol caught his eyes again. The moonlight was right against it like it was the moon's target. The red behind it reminded him of his color. His symbol. In annoyance, Jayden shook his head and pulled himself under his covers.


The morning was as normal as he would expect from the passing days after his abrupt nightmare. Birds chirping from their sitting on the roof of the Shiba house, the sun making a slight buzz as it brightened over the house. He missed the fun of waking up with Mike annoying Kevin or Mia making some sort of food and being so proud of it her smile was brighter than the lights in the house, maybe even the sun itself. Even if none of the team considered what she made food. Only Lauren did. And he didn't understand that.

Jayden left his room after boring himself by just looking out the window. And occasionally looking at his old Samurai gear. He did try to read a book through. Not a training or strategy book for once but a reading book. He saw Ji as he entered the sitting room. "So Ji. Any interesting news for me today?"

"Like always," Ji sighed, "no sign of Nighlok or anything unusual." He hit his stick against the floor. "But it's odd though."
Jayden looked at him in confusion. Odd. He said nothing was unusual but odd? "What's odd Ji?" Jayden asked as he sat on one of the yellow seats. He watched carefully when a Ji opened up the map of their city on the table. "I didn't find it unusual. Just different. Slight red dots all over the map. Mostly near street corners or alleyways. But there is no nighlok and the buzzer isn't ever going off." Ji started. Making a slight hum and a scrolled along the map. "And I've never seen anything like it. Even when Master Xandred was ruling the Sanzu River."

"Do you think it's the leftover Sanzu River seeping through?" Jayden asked. Looking up to meet his mentor's stern look. He breathed in deeply. "I wouldn't think so. Xandred and his crew are all gone now. The river wouldn't come through if the Nighlok weren't causing trouble." Jayden tightened his jaw at the thought of them even coming back. He scrolled through, then zoomed out. "I mean it could just be the remains of the fights from before. The entire river came through before." Jayden shrugged. "We don't know for sure," Ji stated, "but if it is, maybe the others should return early. Its almost been a year and we planned a reunion."

Jayden stood up. "We can't do that. They want to live normal lives now Ji. I can't call upon them when they've only begun to settle in their new lives. Its been hardly a year. That's not enough time for them to live new, non-stressful lives." Jayden stopped. "And the reunion was supposed to be special. It was meant to be a celebration."

Ji stood up as well, staring straight at him. A stare he recognized from his childhood when he was being told that his mentor was right and he was wrong. "We might have to Jayden. If this problem increases," Ji glanced to the map, "we may have no choice but to get the team back."


Hi guys! So so sorry it's been a while! I am trying my best to update these chapters as much as I can but I do try to make these longer than my normal stories (On DreamingSilhouette) so they take longer to write and edit. I also try to watch the episodes as I write (with Stay safe, Stay Hidden.) I really want to stay as true as I can because this is my first fanfic. As far as right now, my schedule is not set but I am thinking I will publish one-two chapters per month. This will change in the future. 

Also!! I aim to write a lot these coming weeks due to being in quarantine/canceled from school for COVID-19. People in very affected areas, stay safe and healthy. Perform hygiene habits and follow recommendations from trusted sources. I love all of you! 


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