The second last time lord (El...

By Christmascookie15

11.8K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... More

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
First Regeneration (Part 3)
Second Regeneration
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Sisters united (Part 5)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 2)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

The sisters are back.

89 2 0
By Christmascookie15

"Goodbye A"

The sorceress's vision began to swim and swirl around, the once white room turning into a blur of colours, new ones forming out of the old ones. As the colours swirled around her, getting faster and faster, they blurred together forming new colours the Sorceress had never seen before. The swirling got faster and faster and faster until it slowed to a stop, the colours forming back into life.

She blinked twice, a blurry, concerned face swimming into view. She felt the strong hands of the doctor carefully, although firmly shaking her shoulders.

"Sorceress? Sorceress?" she heard the doctor call, quietly at first and then increasing in volume. 

She blinked again to clear her vision a final time. Noticing her awareness, the doctors lets go, and sits down beside her, concern still written all over his face.

"Sorceress?" he repeats.

She looks at him, confused, "Yes?"

"What was that about?" he asks, shock evident in his voice.

The Sorceress shook her head slowly, trying to gather her thoughts, "I don't know."

He places a calming hand on her shoulder, "As much as I would like to 'forget it', I think it's important for us to figure this out together."

She nods, "I know. I know. It IS important. I'm sure of it, but I didn't quite understand it. It wasn't as clear as any of the others."

The doctor leans back. As the sorceress looks around her, she notices that the two of them were sitting on the hard wooden floor, backs propped up against the front of the couch. She slowly gets up, shaky on her legs, and slides into the couch, a comfier position. The doctor follows suit, and they both sit in silence for a moment, both minds working like clockwork, neither knowing what to say, and yet... the silence was almost... comfortable. 

The doctor breaks the silence, as he stares into the stressed eyes of his friend, "So, let's start from the start..."

"It's the best place to start," the sorceress adds in with a smile.

The doctor gives a short laugh, "So... was it a vision."

The sorceress shakes her head, "No. At least, I don't think so."

"A memory," he asks.

"Not that either...." 

He stares at her, confused, as she elaborates.

"It was weird. There was a white room, and a flower."

"A flower?" he asks.

"Yeah, so I picked it and the floor just covered up the hole, like it wasn't there in the first place."

The doctor nods, "strange..."

"Yeah, very. And then, after a while of silence, a man appeared. An old man... he seemed to get older every time I looked at him, his hair, and his eyes, they would whiten as each minute passed."

"What did he look like?" The doctor urges.

"He wore an old coat, and had a stopwatch in his pocket. His face.... was sort of familiar, and yet I have never seen him before."

"Not as the sorceress," the doctor reminded.

The sorceress thought for a moment, "No.... do you reckon he was from my past life?"

"Perhaps," the doctor shrugs his shoulders, "What happened next?"

"He spoke to me.... Said some strange things, strange things that almost made sense. And he said my name, but I couldn't hear it. A sort of .... buzzing noise happened. He told me it was because I can't know my name.... Something about time."

The doctor nods, and waves for her to continue.

"He said I was his, and that I was dangerous, and that I wanted to protect people. And then he called me A."

"A?" the doctor questioned.

"A nickname... or the first letter of my real name, I'm not sure, but the letter felt different when he said it. Unique... special in a way."

The doctor stands up, and starts to pace up and down her room, deep in thought. He mumbled as he walked.

"Perhaps something is wrong with the time-vortex. It came out of nowhere. I can check the vital signals on the Tardis and the dimensions and see if we hit something in the vortex. Or perhaps its the room. Maybe it causes flashbacks, because of relation to sh...."

"Doctor, stop!" The sorceress yells.

He stops mid walk and stares at her.

"Let it go," her voice saddened as she said this, but she could sense the stress it was causing him, "I'll figure it out... myself."

"But-" The doctor stammers.

"No Buts!" the sorceress glares at him, "besides, what were we talking about before this happened?"

The doctor thinks for a moment, before he remembered, "You wanted to see Bee and Marla?"

A bright smile grew on the sorceress' face as she remembers the sisters she grew such a connection to over the years, "Of course! Now where did we drop them off?"

The doctor checks his watch, "23rd of March, 2018."

The sorceress laughs, almost giddily, "lets go meet some old friends...

Bee smiles at her sister as they walk through the park together, the sun shining down on them. It had been three weeks since they had been dropped off by the two timelords, and in those three weeks, the two girls had become as thick as thieves. They had always been close but travelling across time and space makes even the worst enemies become friends. There was something special about having adventures with the sorceress. 

Bee and Marla had been the sorceress first companions, and had been travelling with her ever since she had first crash landed into earth. They believed her wild stories when everyone else wouldn't and helped her fix her Tardis. She was so grateful, that the sisters were deemed her companions.

"This is nice," Marla smiled, as she sat down on a bench, shaded by a large branched tree.

"I know."

Bee sat down beside her, stretching out, feeling the warmth of the sun.

The two girls sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning, listening to the birds chirping before the sun became to hot in the afternoon glare.

As they sat in silence, they heard a faint whirring noise getting louder and louder. Bee opened her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"What the..." she mumbled, as she glared around her.

A blue faint outline appears beside them, the noise getting louder and louder.

Marla, realising what it was, laughs, "Oh, my... is it time to go already?"

Bee's look of annoyance turns into a one of happiness and she watches the blue box get clearer and clearer. After a minute the blue police box stands there. The door slowly opens, and the sorceress hops out, joy written all over her face. 

"Hello!" she waves at the two girls, who were standing in front of the bench, "are you busy?"

Bee shakes her head, "always got time for you. Where's the doctor, though?"

The sorceress wiggles her fingers, "fiddling with the Tardis... I don't actually know what he's doing. Nevertheless, I'm here, as promised."

"You never promised...." Marla suspiciously looked at her.

"eh... that's the fine details no one pays attention to. How long has it been, since we dropped you off?"

"Three weeks," Bee answers.

A high pitched voice makes them all turn around.

"Three weeks?! How can you stand to watch time go by so... slowly," the doctor asks in mock horror.

"will he ever understand?" the sorceress mutters softly under her breath, just loud enough for the two sisters to hear.

They giggled at her remark.

"So! Clearly that's been enough time at normal pace for you to to sort out whatever you needed to!" the doctor jumped out of the Tardis and joined them under the tree.

The sorceress laughed at his antics, "perhaps you should try normal speed for a day or two."

The doctor shuddered, the thought horrifying to him, "Never!"

"One day," the sorceress smiled quietly, "one day I will make you."

Bee and Marla grinned at each other, as they watched the two fight. Ever since they had met the doctor, they had seen the natural bondage the two timelords had. And who wouldn't, seeing as they both were the last of their kind; they shared a great loss together. But it wasn't only friendship that was a spark between them. Perhaps they hadn't noticed, but it had been very obvious to the sisters, and had occupied many discussions throughout their break. 

The doctor and sorceress had really only just met, and yet they were drawn to each other like old friends. There was something about the way they laughed together that showed a deeper side to both of them. It was almost magical, at the very least, admirable. 

But beyond that, the two sisters silently agreed that the two of them were in love. The fighting, the teasing, the caring. It all made sense. They were indeed in love. But there was something that seem to separate them from being so... a sadness, and loss. Something forgotten.

It seemed as if, too the two of them, that the sorceress longed to trust but found she couldn't. Bee and Marla had been with the sorceress for a while, and throughout their travels together, had discovered the fact that the sorceress found it hard to trust. It was as if she remembered, or felt something from her past life, that made her feel as if the people around her could deceive her at any moment. Bee and Marla, seemed the only two people she would willing trust, and even they wouldn't and couldn't earn her full trust. 

Everyone knows that trust is an important part of any relationship. So if the sorceress couldn't trust... there was no knowing what could happen. 

"So, where do you want to go next?" the doctor asks the girls, snapping them out of their thoughts...

"Well, umm..." Marla stuttered, taken aback.

Bee laughs, "that's a difficult question, doctor. There's all these places and all these times, and to pick just one..."

 "I think we should surprise them," the sorceress giggles, her excitement obvious.

The two girls nod. They begin to follow the doctor inside, before Bee stops, a thought coming into her mind.

"Wait.... sorceress?" 

The sorceress turns and faces her, confused.

Bee smiles, "You left your Tardis here for three weeks. I'm sure T is missing you."

As soon as Bee said the word Tardis, the sorceress' smile drops from her face, replaced with a look of horror.

"Oh no, oh no..." she gasps, "T is going to be so mad."

"Not to mention you left her on a garbage bin!" the doctor sings, swinging out of the door of the Tardis, grinning, "I would never do that to my Tardis..."

The sorceress glares at him, "You can be quiet! I have a Tardis to find!"

Without a moments hesitation, she races off, pulling out her sonic screwdriver as she runs, scanning the area. 

The sisters laugh at her disappearing figure. 

"Should we follow her?" Marla asks, a little concerned.

Bee shakes her head, "She'll be fine. She's a timelord after all, she won't get lost."

"We never do," the doctor adds on.

The sorceress runs as fast as she can, racing in and out of people as they walked along the sidewalk. She lunges to the side quickly, narrowly missing a incoming bicycle...

"Oh no... oh no," she mutters as she runs.

She slides to a halt in front of the large dumpster, eye's searching frantically for a door.

"Come on, come one, where is she?" she mutters. 

A old man limps past her, giving her a strange look. She smiles at him, and waves nervously, waiting for him to get out of site. As soon as he does, she slips around to the other side of the dumpsters.

"Bingo." she smiles.

She grabs the doorknob of her Tardis, and jerks it open, seeing the grand console room await her.

"I missed you so much," she smiles as she steps in, closing the door behind her, and breathing a sigh of relief. 

You are such a jerk.

"Oh come on, it was only three weeks"

Three weeks to many. You left me here! So much for 'loving me'.

"I'm sorry T, I loss track of time."

Excuses, Excuses. You're the one who left me on a dumpster. Of all places. You better not leave me there again, otherwise I'm going to make you black out!

the sorceress sighs, "That's not very nice, but I promise I wont."

The Tardis beeps happily at her, making her grin.

"Where to Next, T?"


Phew! Finally done. 

I am so so sorry that I took so long to write this chapter. But it is done. I can't promise when the next one will be out, considering the fact that I am also writing another story alongside this one. You guys should check it out. Its called the hummingbird. It would be much appreciated if you could check it out, since I actually have an editor for that one, which is very exciting!

Anyway, I really hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. I had a lot of people tell me they missed Bee and Marla, so they are back! And so is T. 

Catch you guys in the next chapter.

Love and appreciate you all. :)

- Nik

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