Writing Tips

By CoriAlston19944

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A guide for readers turning writers to learn from grammar, punctuation, body languages, character development... More

My Current Stories
My Future Stories
Character Development
List of Flaws
Words to Describe Hair Pt. 1
List of Eye Colors
List of Skin Colors
List of Colors w/ Definitions {A-G}
List of Colors w/Definitions {H-M}
List of Colors w/Definitions {N-T}
List of Colors w/Definitions {U-Z}
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Words to Use In a Love Scene {Pt. 2}
Words to Use In a Love Scene {Pt. 3}
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Slangs/Phrases of the 1960s
Slangs/Phrases of the 1970s
Slangs/Phrases of the 1980s
Slangs/Phrases of the 1990s
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Words to Describe Someone's Body
Staten Island Slang Terms
Brooklyn Slang Terms
Bronx Slang Terms
Queens Slang Terms
Long Island Slang Terms
New Jersey Slang Terms
Florida Slang Terms
DMX Challenge
The Dream Continues {Optimistic Reprise}
Writing Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships vs. Abuse
Bullying is Not Tolerated
Which One?

Words to Describe Voices

523 5 0
By CoriAlston19944

Abrasive: Showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh.

Accusatory: To blame.

Acerbic: Sharp and forthright.

Acidic: Bitter or cutting.

Acrimonious: Angry and bitter

Adenoidal: Nasal.

Alto: The highest adult male singing voice; countertenor. The lowest female singing voice; contralto.

Animated: Full of life or excitement; lively.

Appealing: Attractive or interesting.

Astringent: Sharp or severe in manner or style.

Authoritative: Like to be respected and obeyed; commanding and self-confident.

Barbed: Deliberately hurtful.

Baritone: Singing voice between tenor and bass from an adult male.

Barking: Make a sound such as a cough or a laugh, resembling a bark; utter (a command or question) abruptly or aggressively.

Bass: Low pitched voice.

Big: The ability to speak, sing, etc

Biting: Harsh or cruel.

Bitter: Angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unfair judgement.

Bland: Showing no strong emotion; dull and unremarkable.

Bleak: Cold and forbidding.

Blunt: Uncompromisingly forthright.

Bombastic: High-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.

Booming: Loud, deep, and resonant.

Bored: Uninterested.

Boyish: Of or befitting a boy.

Brash: Self assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way.

Braying: Speak or laugh loudly and harshly.

Breathy: An audible sound of breathing, often related to physical exertion or strong feelings.

Breezy: Appearing relaxed, informal, and cheerily brisk.

Bright: Intelligent and quick-witted.

Brisk: Active, fast, and energetic.

Brittle: Appearing aggressive or hard but unstable or nervous within.

Broken: Having given up hope; despairing.

Bubbly: Full of cheerful high hopes.

Burbling: Continuous murmuring noise.

Calm: Tranquil and quiet.

Caustic: Sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way.

Cheerful: Noticeably happy and optimistic.

Cold: Lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional.

Colorless: Lacking distinctive character or interest; dull.

Contralto: The lowest female singing voice.

Countertenor: The highest male adult singing voice.

Crisp: Briskly decisive and matter of fact, without hesitation or unnecessary detail.

Critical: Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.

Croaky: Deep and hoarse.

Cutting: Causing emotional pain; hurtful.

Dead: Having or displaying no emotion, sympathy, or sensitivity.

Demanding: Making others work hard or meet high standards.

Disembodied: Lacking any obvious physical source.

Disinterested: Having or feeling no interest in something.

Dispassionate: Not influenced by strong emotion and so able to be rational and impartial.

Droning: Speak tediously in a dull monotonous tone.

Dulcet: Sweet and soothing.

Dull: Lacking interest or excitement.

Effervescent: Vivacious and enthusiastic.

Energetic: Showing or involving great activity or vitality; active.

Exasperated: Having or showing strong feelings of irritation or annoyance.

Faint: Barely perceptible.

Fawning: Displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious.

Feathery: Having, covered with, or resembling feathers.

Feeble: Faint.

Fierce: Showing  a heartfelt and powerful intensity.

Firm: Showing a resolute determination and strength of character.

Flat: Lacking interest or emotion; dull and lifeless.

Forceful: Strong and assertive; vigorous and powerful.

Fretful: Feeling or expressing distress or irritation.

Fruity: Mellow, deep, and rich.

Gentle: Soft; having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.

Girlish: Of or befitting a girl.

Glum: Looking or feeling dejected; morose.

Goofy: Foolish or harmlessly eccentric; silly.

Gracious: Courteous, kind, and pleasant.

Grating: Sounding harsh and unpleasant. 

Grave: Serious or solemn in manner or appearance; somber.

Gravelly: Deep and rough-sounding.

Grim: Forbidding and uninvited.

Growling: Low and grating guttural sound in a way that expresses hostility and anger.   

Gruff: Rough and low in pitch.

Guttural: Produced in the throat; harsh-sounding.

Hard: Stern, unwavering or unyielding.

Harsh: Unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is necessary.

Hearty: Enthusiastic, energetic, and often loudly expressed.

Hesitant: Slow to act or proceed (as from fear, indecision, or unwillingness).

High-pitched: A voice that is higher than usual.

Hissing: To make a noise like a long S sound; like a snake.

Hoarse: (Of a person or a voice) having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold.

Honeyed: Used to describe speech or a person's voice when it is gentle and pleasant to listen to, sometimes in a way that is not sincere.

Hostile: Having an intimidating, antagonistic, or offensive nature.

Hushed: Having the sound level reduced; very quietly-- especially used of the noise of conversation.

Husky: Low and rough voice.

Immense: Extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree. 

Impartial: Treating all rivals and disputants equally; fair and just.

Indifferent: Having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.

Indistinct: Not easily seen, heard, or recognized.

Ingratiating: Flattering.

Insinuating: Hinting at something bad in an indirect and unpleasant way.

Intense:  Having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious.

Ironic: Showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying.

Jeering: Making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.

Joking: Humorous and flippant.

Jubilant: Feeling or expressive great happiness and triumph.

Lifeless: Dead or apparently dead.

Lacking vigor, vitality, or excitement.

Light: Gentle or delicate.

Lilting: Increase the volume or pitch of (ones voice).

Lively: Full of life and energy; active and outgoing.

Loud: Characterized by sound of great volume or intensity. 

Loving: Feeling or showing love and affection.

Low: Very low in volume.

Malicious: Having the nature of threatening evil.

Matter-of-Fact: A matter that is an actual fact or is demonstrable as a fact.

Mellifluous: Pleasing to the ear. 

Melodious: Having a musical sound; especially a pleasing sound.

Mezzo-soprano: A soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto. 

Mild: Humble and meek-- the opposite of bold.

Mocking: Expressing contempt or ridicule.

Modulated: Changed or adjusted in pitch, tone, or volume.

Monotone: A droning, unchanging tone.

Monotonous: Dull, tedious, and repetitious; lacking in variety and interest.

Mournful: Filled with grief or sadness.

Muffled: Cover or wrap up (a source of sound) to reduce its loudness.

Musical: Having a pleasant sound; melodious or tuneful.

Muted: No sound.

Nasal: Produced or characterized by resonating in the nose as well as the mouth, e.g. Lois Griffin from Family Guy.

Nasty: Behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.

Neutral: Having no strongly marked or positive characteristics or features.

Nonchalant: Feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.

Obsequious: Obedient or attentive to excessive or servile degree.

Oily: Unpleasantly smooth and ingratiating.

Orotund: Full, round, and imposing.

Passionate: Showing or caused by intense feelings or a strong belief.

Penetrating: Clearly heard through or above other sounds.

Piercing: Extremely high, loud, or shrill.

Piping: High-pitched.

Placating: Intended to make someone less angry or hostile.

Plummy: Having  an accent thought typical of the English upper classes.

Polished: Refined, sophisticated, or elegant.

Pretentious: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc than is actually possessed.

Quavering: Shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion.

Querulous: Complaining in a petulant or whining manner.

Quiet: Tranquil and reserved by nature; not brash or forceful.

Ragged: Rough or uneven.

Raspy/rasping: Hoarse or harsh sounding. 

Raucous: Making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud voice.

Raw: Strong and undisguised.

Razor-edged: Very sharp.

Reedy: Unpleasant.

Refined: Elegant and cultured in appearance, manner, and taste.

Relaxed: Free from tension and anxiety; at ease.

Resonant: Deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring.

Restrained: Characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate. 

Ringing: Having or emitting a clear resonant sound.

Roaring: Utter a loud, deep, prolonged sound. 

Robust: Strong.

Rough: Not gentle; violent or boisterous. 

Rumbling: A continuous deep, resonant sound.

Surly: Bad mannered and unfriendly.

Sweet: Pleasant and kind or thoughtful.

Sympathetic: Feeling, showing or expressing sympathy; feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's sorrows.

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