Falling For a Hitman (Hitman...

By Regnado

307K 10.6K 1K

The second I saw him I just knew my world was going to be turned upside-down. There was no way I was making i... More

Visual For The Characters!
One, Austyn
Two, Dane
Three, Austyn
Four, Dane
Five, Austyn
Six, Dane
Seven, Austyn
Eight, Dane
Nine, Austyn
Ten, Dane
Eleven, Austyn
Twelve, Dane
Thirteen, Austyn
Fourteen, Dane
Fifteen, Austyn
Sixteen, Dane
Seventeen, Austyn
Eighteen, Dane
Nineteen, Austyn
Twenty, Dane
Twenty-One, Austyn
Twenty-Three, Austyn
Twenty-Four, Dane
Twenty-Five, Austyn

Twenty-Two, Dane

9.5K 403 50
By Regnado

"So, you're taking her to meet your parents?"

"Yup, pretty sure they need to meet the mother of their grandkid at some point."

"Wait you haven't told them she's pregnant?" Deegan looked at me in disbelief as we pulled into the driveway. I just shook my head no.

Both of us were basically living here, I mean we both had clothes here, both slept here every night. I canceled the reoccurring hotel room about 5 months ago when Austyn asked me to move in. Deegan just kind of kept coming over and not leaving so he pretty much lives here now too. Plus, wherever Austyn was, that's where my home was. Austyn and I have been together for 6 months. She just so happens to be 5 months pregnant, and I couldn't be happier.

I walked into the house Deegan right behind me. He ran upstairs I assume to shower since Cassie was at work still.


"Laundry!" I smiled heading to the laundry room finding my girl.

"Hey beautiful, you almost ready?" She walked over placing a soft kiss on my lips, I leaned down kissing her belly which has poked out quite a bit for only being five months along, but the doctors tell us everything is normal. We have another appointment today before we leave for New York to meet my parents.

"Yes, I'm all packed and I have you all packed. Food, snacks, drinks, tums, prenatal pills. I'm pretty sure I have everything." She laughed pulling my lips back up to hers. Since I was kissing her belly non-stop.

"I love you." I said causing her to smile against my lips.

"I love you too, we should probably go before this turns into something more." She backed away and left me in the laundry room. She didn't know what she did to me still, I wanted her all the time.

We hopped in the truck and headed to the doctor's appointment, once I loaded up our bags, we wanted to be ready to leave from there to drive to New York. It'll be the first time she meets my parents and well my family in person, and the appointment today we're hoping to find out the sex, so that we can drop it all on them at once.

This is going to be an eventful Thanksgiving Dinner.

I parked and ran over to help her out of the truck.

"Pregnant not disabled." She smiled.

"Act like I don't always open the door for you." I smiled taking her hand and leading her into the office. I signed her in, and we took a seat. Somehow the second we sat down she was called back.


"That's me, holy crap that was fast."

"Yea the appointment before you was a no show." She shrugged her shoulders. "So, we hoping to find out baby gender today?"

"Yes! We've been dying to know! He is already picking out boy names." She laughed pointing at me. I just nodded my head.

"Alright well sit down, pants down a little, good....and this is going to be a little cold." She squirted the gel on and instantly started moving around the wand. After all of her measurements she looked at the screen confused. "I, I'll be right back."

"Is everything okay?" I asked overly concerned.

"Yes, just give me one second." She got up and left the room.

"What did she see?" Austyn looked at me scared to death.

"I have no idea it all looks like a grey and white blur to me." I kissed her forehead.

"What if something is wrong with the baby?"

"Aust calm down babe."

A doctor walked in, he shook my hand then Austyn's.

"I'm Doctor Jones, I'm just going to take a quick peak." He took the wand and started moving it around and the silence was deafening. "Well a double congratulations are in order. They're boys."

"I'm sorry they?" I stopped moving catching what he said, what Austyn didn't catch him say. She heard boy and started smiling and looked over at me.

"You weren't aware you were having twins?" The doctor looked over at us.

"What?!" She whipped her head over to look at the doctor. "I'm sorry we're five months along how in the hell could someone not catch that there are two babies in me!?" I rubbed Austyn's hair away from her face to try and calm her down.

"I'm assuming after looking over your other ultrasounds that baby A was hiding behind baby B. But everything still looks perfect, both babies look to be the same size and growing accordingly. It would also explain why you seem to be growing a little bigger than you thought you would be. I'm going to leave you two alone for a few minutes to process, you can leave whenever you are ready to, no rush." He shook my hand before leaving the room.

I looked over at Austyn smiling. "Babe, we're having twins. Entire football team is underway." She couldn't help but laugh and roll her eyes. "You okay? Little Jensen Paul, and Colson Dane can't have their momma go into shock." She rolled her eyes.

"Little scared, but yes I'm okay. We're having boys, would you stop picking out names now?" She smiled wide and laughed. I couldn't help my smiled that took over as I leaned down to kiss her. "Let's go tell your parents." She smiled again and let out a scared laugh.

"Then yours when we get back, that's going to be fun." I rolled my eyes.

"My parents are still going to love you. Well eventually." She laughed, I smiled shaking my head. I met her parents last month, and it didn't go very smooth. First, it was very tense being only the second time I've had to ever meet parents of the girl I was dating. Second, after the awkward as hell dinner, I got a call and had to leave right away. Of course, Austyn understood, because it has happened before. It is rare but it does happen that we get a 'get here now' call from Ghost.

Austyn and I talked about it, just like we do with everything. She mentioned before we even got there that they didn't like bad boys. Well from the outside I look like a bad boy with the tattoos, my ears and lip pierced, and my secretive job. You can imagine there was already a bad taste in their mouths before we even got there. So, it was instant attitude from them both. I kept my gentleman composure no matter what they said, continuing to be polite even when they were not.

We haven't spoken much about it since. However, I knew my parents were going to love her, because I love her. She makes me happy, and that's all they care about. She's talked on the phone to all of them, her and my sister have become very close in the past couple of months. They text, and video call all the time. How she kept the pregnancy from her I'll never know. Her and my mom even talk almost every day also which is just awesome.

The drive to New York was long, I didn't stop to sleep though it was about 26 hours roughly with stopping took us about 28 hours. I did have a pregnant woman with me that did seriously have to pee almost every rest stop when she was awake. I didn't mind though, they were my babies. I'd do anything for the three of them.

I woke Austyn as we turned down the dirt driveway.

"We're here love." Her eyes fluttered open and she took in the fields surrounding us. Sitting up she took in the view and I watched her smile get huge the second we pulled up by the house. "I am not sure, but I think everyone is here." She smiled super wide as I shut off the truck and ran over to open her door. "I'll get the bags later, let's go say hi." She nodded her head letting me help her out of the truck and get steady.

Hand in hand we headed towards the door. I could hear kids playing before I saw them, so I went in that direction. My nephew came running over.

"Uncle Jensen!" I didn't let go of Austyn as I gave him a hug.

"Dude, you are getting tall man! Austyn this is my brothers oldest Jameson." As I said that 2 others came over. "And that is Justen Jr, and this little princess." I picked up my niece. "Is Kayle."

"Hi Unka Jay." I kissed her cheek before putting her back down.

"Hi you guys, it's so nice to meet you." They all gave her a big hug.

"You are his girlfriend, right?" Justen Jr. asked, I laughed.

"I am."

"Okay." He shrugged his shoulders and turned back to me. "Will you play football with us?"

"Let me go in and say hi to everyone, I promise I will while I'm here." They all nodded and ran back off.

"How old are they?"

"Uh, Jameson is 8, Junior is 6 or 5, Kayle is 3, they also have Kora she just turned 1 a few weeks back." I watched her eyes go wide. "Come on" I laughed and lightly pulled her to me kissing her before we walked into the house. We ran into my brother first.

"Woah I was going out to check on the kids!" We hugged. "Missed you man."

"You too, they're good. Justen meet Austyn officially." She smiled, and he pulled her in for a hug. My hand never left hers.

"It is so nice to see that you are real." They both laughed.

"You too, nice to officially meet you finally." She laughed again. "Even though we totally already know one another."

"Oh yea, I mean total BFF's here."

"Shut up, where's your wife?" I asked him.

"Somewhere with Jayda, you know girl things." Austyn made a weird face at him and we all laughed.

"Do I hear my baby!?" My brother moved so we could get into the kitchen, but before I could focus on my mom I was already engulfed in a hug and a bunch of kisses. That's moms for you always embarrassing. I laughed.

"Ma!" She pulled away and smiled. "I missed you too."

"Oh honey, where is this girl of yours? You did bring her, right?" I laughed and gently pulled Austyn out from behind me.

"Mom, Dad, Austyn officially." My mom had tears in her eyes as she took Austyn's hand from me and held both of them. I walked over and hugged my dad.

"Oh sweetie, you are so beautiful, thank you so much for making our baby happy. He deserves it."

"I should be thanking you for raising such an amazing man." I walked back over putting my arm around Austyn's shoulders. She whispered in my ear. "I really need to pee." I laughed.

"Excuse us." I laughed again and lead Austyn to the hall bathroom before walking back over to my family who was now all gathered in the kitchen. "Sorry, long drive."

"Honey we are so happy for you she is gorgeous and so sweet. I love talking to her on the phone all the time it is just so amazing to finally meet her in person." I smiled at my mom.

"Thank you, and since you are all here, I need your help."

"With anything." My sister said. As she came into the room open arms. "Doofus." We hugged.

"I missed you too. I'm going to take Austyn to the look out, show her it here in a few minutes."

"Why?" I smiled at my mom and reached in my pocket pulling out the split shank princess cut white gold diamond engagement ring I had picked out two weeks ago. Everyone gasped. "Sweetie are you sure? We all know what happened."

"Ma I'm positive, we've been living together for the past 5 months. Every single day with her just gets better. She makes me so happy that I catch myself smiling and laughing just thinking about her. I can't let her get away." I put the ring back into my pocket. "I also had Deegan and his girlfriend fly here, they're going to be at the lookout to get pictures of it all, and his girlfriend is Austyn's best friend. I know she would want her here."

"Jensen, I am so proud of you." My dad came over and hugged me tight and everyone else stared at us wide-eyed. I didn't know what to do. This never happened, my dad rarely told me he was proud of me. I worked my ass off to make him proud with everything I did, I became a fucking SEAL, and this is like the first time he's ever actually told me he was proud of me.

"Sorry" Austyn snuck back in. My dad let go and Jayda all but screamed running over to Austyn.

"Oh my gosh!!!"

"Finally!!!!" I just laughed shaking my head as the two of them caught up real quick since they didn't talk the whole ride.

"Alright well I'm going to steal my girl for a few minutes." I smiled everyone already knew what was about to happen and even though I was so nervous I was just as excited.

"What?" Austyn looked over at me.

"I want to show you my favorite spot."

"Right now? I mean we're going to be here for almost a week, and whatever your mom is cooking smells amazing." I laughed her favorite laugh before leading her out the door.

"Yes, right now it's the best at this time and it is only right down the road. Plus, I'll let you drive the Skyline." Her eyes lit up and I couldn't help but laugh. I had left two of my cars up here for no specific reason, one of them was a 2002 Nissan Skyline R34 Vspec II in a color shift purple. I had showed Austyn pictures of it one night and she let it slip that it was her favorite car.

"What are we waiting for!" I laughed as she dragged me out the door. "I don't know where I'm going." She laughed again and I led her to the garage that wasn't attached to the house. The door opened and her eyes sparkled. I never wanted that sparkle to leave those beautiful eyes of hers.

We got to the lookout point and she went up really close while I stayed about four feet behind her. Looking back, I thankfully spotted Deegan and Cassie with camera's up and ready. I gave them a nod before getting down on one knee ring held up between my thumb and pointer finger.

"Dane, this is. Wow, this is gorgeous."

"It really is..."

"So perfect, and peaceful...can you hold me?" When I didn't answer she turned around her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped. "Dane..."

"Austyn June McDaniel, I have loved you since the first day I was lucky enough to lay eyes on you. You and those boys are the best part of me. So, will you do me, and the boys, the honor of making me the luckiest man alive and becoming my wife?" I smiled watching the happy tears fly down her face as she nodded up and down. "Words baby."

"Yes! A thousand times yes!!!!" I stood up kissing her hard, pulling away for a second to slide the ring on her finger before kissing her hard again. "Oh my gosh Dane it is beautiful!" The tears in her eyes showed me how happy she was and, in this moment, I wish time would stand still. "I need to call Cass!"

I laughed and nodded over to my right. She backed away a little and looked over seeing her best friend and Deegan stand up with smiles on their faces.

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