ᎷᎪᏚᎢᎬᎡ ᎾF ᎻᎾᏌNᎠᏚ ᵇᵒᵒᵏ ᵒⁿᵉ{Tre...

By Free_Doodlez

71.2K 2.5K 306

One year. The world had one year. One year to right it's wrongs and make peace with each other. After the one... More

| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Authors Note |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
| Trevor |
| Alucard |
| What's going to happen to this book now |
| Trevor continued, Chapter 1 |
| Trevor Continued, Chapter 2 |
| Alucard continued, Chapter 1 |
| Alucard Continued, Chapter 2 |
| Authors Note: It's been awhile |

| Prologue |

13.3K 339 56
By Free_Doodlez

Jars and glass containers toppled over in the small house, rolling of shelves then shattering across the wooden floor. The mess they made didn't matter, considering the house would be sitting vacant for the next few years. Other then the ruckus inside the house, the area was peaceful. A small secluded home on the corner of a forest with not another home in sight for miles. The only noises that you would ever hear were that of animals and bugs in the nighttime when they came out to sing. A crickets song had become so familiar to you by now, the buzzing noise actually being rather calming in the night. The only other sounds came from yourself or your dog, sometimes the occasional traveler. As of right now, the sounds of outside the house couldn't concern you any less then what they already were. You were packing your bag, and making a rather big mess of it at that. Clumsily you would throw things into your bag, mostly taking food and the bare essentials. The mess in the house that you left behind wouldn't matter to you since you hadn't planned on returning anytime soon.

Hesitantly, your hands grasped a heavy and solid silver chain. It wasn't heavy to you thanks to your strength but you dropped it anyway, feeling it start to burn your palms. It hit the ground with a loud clanking noise and you frowned, knowing you should bring the chain just in case. Quickly you tucked it into your bag, putting on a pair of thick gloves before touching it again.

The chain was meant for you, it would keep you and others safe. You had been dealing with lycanthropy for a number of years now, silver being your weakness. The chain was what you used when the full moon came around. You'd tie yourself to a tree away from people, to keep from mauling someone in the night. The chain wouldn't kill you but it would burn you significantly if you ended up pulling on it, which would end up tiring you out when you had no control over your beast self. Along with the transformations came a number of perks. Enhanced strength, an unnatural boost to your awareness, vast amounts of stamina. Of course the downfall was that you would turn into some wolf like beast. The transformation normally stuck with the moon cycle, but if your adrenaline spiked or you were close to death then it could happen there as well.

Once you finished packing, you slipped your arm through the strap connected to the bag. You leaned down then quickly tightened your books before heading out, holding the door open for Buttons to run out ahead of you after you whistled for him to follow. He ran out then ran around the small house, his tongue hanging out from the corner of his mouth while he panted happily. You laughed then would grabbed your bow and quiver of arrows quickly before slipping out of the house.

The plan was to head to Gresit and offer your assistance to anyone along the way as a mercenary, like you've done before. You had an old friend in Gresit that you intended to look up, he was infected with lycanthropy just like you. His name was Minx, a old contact you had gained shortly after you were plagued with the powers of a beast. He tried his best to help you at that time, taking pity on you while you were obviously panicked on what would become of you with your new powers. A few years ago you had no home, instead you just wandered from place to place. You took jobs when offered since you did need to make money, people just started to refer to you as a mercenary. It would take two days to reach Gresit on foot, meaning that you'd need to stop somewhere along the way to rest.

After a few hours of walking, the sky had turned a dark grey as clouds rolled in. After a few more hours, the rain started. You picked up your pace before it started to really come down, covering yourself as best you could with your oversized cloak. You reached a small pub just as it started to really poor and you silently thanked God for the blessing of shelter.

Quickly you ran inside, Buttons running in after you and immediately sniffing around the pub. Most of the men in the pub just shooed the large dog away while you didn't exactly care about what he did considering the pub was a shit hole. Broken boards of wood in the floors, lopsided stools at the bar, tables made out of old boxes. Not a single women in sight, other then you which raised a few eyebrows when you lowered your cloak.

You went to the bar then bought a drink after an unpleasant conversation with the barkeeper. Your dog returned to your side, laying down on the floor around the bottom of the stool you sat on. You could hear two men talking rather loudly at the other end of the bar but you ignored it for now.

"Another drink please." You said, tossing a few coins on the table. The barkeeper nodded then did as asked, setting another full tankard on the counter. He leaned back again, his gaze searing holes into your soul.

"I wouldn't drink too much lass, I doubt you'll keep it down." He said.
"Oh, so you don't want to take my money then?"
"I didn't say that."
"I appreciate the warning but I think I'm ju-" I was cut off, being almost knocked over by a larger man.

Two men had knocked another over, sending him to the ground. Buttons got up and started to bark at the sudden commotion, getting wildly excited. You stood up as well, seeing your drink was now spilled and the coin you spent on it wasted. "I used to fight fucking vampires." The man being ganged up on sneered.

"Not even a day back in the world and I can't even enjoy a fucking drink..." You mumbled. You cringed slightly then looked away, seeing the man take a swift kick right to the groin from one of the men attempting to bear him up.

"Would you please leave my testicles alone?" He groaned.

Buttons kept barking wildly, making one of the aggressive men irritated. "Shut that stupid mutt up before I do!" He yelled, now causing you to join the fight and take a bit of pressure off of the man on the ground.

"The only stupid mutt here is you." You snapped back.
"I'm not ashamed of hitting a bitch with a big mouth."
"Try it!"

He stepped forward, attempting to intimidate you. Once he was close enough you slammed your forehead down and hit in nose, hearing a satisfying crack before he backed up with a now bloodied face. There was a small stinging pain in your head now since you used so much force but you pushed it aside. The man then pulled his fist back and attempted to punch you, only for you to move and his fist make contact with a wooden beam. He reared back on pain then shook out his knuckles, yelling out a curse. This had caused his friend pause, both of them coming to a halt when Buttons leaped forward and started to growl at the both of them.

"I'm Trevor fucking Belmont, and I've never lost a fight to man nor fucking beast." The man still on the ground said, obviously drunk. He stumbled up then went to hit one of the other two, only for them to be faster and land a punch right at his head. He fell back to the floor, this time seemingly passed out.

"Buttons, heel." You said to the dog, his body slowly relaxing after. You'd glare at the two men still standing there then drag the one known as Trevor out of the pub.

Once outside, it wasn't long before Trevor woke up. He immediately buckled over then spilled out the contents of his stomach out across the ground. "Bastards." He muttered before he ended up vomiting again. "I hope you all bleed out. Through your arses! Mhm, every last rat bastard one of you." He yelled, pointing back at the pub.

You sat off to the side, waiting for his vomit fit to end. Buttons sat next to you, staring at Trevor while panting lightly. Once Trevor was done, he turned to you, still on the ground.

"What?" He snapped.
"You're good at blocking punches with your face." You said, pointing towards the bruise on his cheek.

Trevor rolled his eyes then stood up, brushing a bit of dirt off his clothes before he left. When he turned away and started to walk towards the road, you stood up quickly then ran after him. Honestly you were worried he'd end up in a ditch somewhere with his seemingly terrible luck. "W-Wait!" You studered after him, catching up quickly.

"What now?" He asked, coming to a stop.
"Where are you going?"
"To find some breakfast." He answered simply.
"And where's breakfast?" You asked.
"Gresit." He said then started to walk once again.

You followed behind closely, Buttons then following you. "Today is your lucky day, we're going the same way." You said, giving Trevor a smile which he only returned with a frown.

"I like to travel alone." He said, holding up his hand infront of your face to stop you. You rolled your eyes then dug around in your bag, pulling out an apple shortly after. A smirk played at your lips while you held the ripe fruit up so he could see it, his mouth watering slightly.

"I come with perks, plus it's nice to have someone to talk to other then a dog." You said, then gestured to Buttons quickly who of course didn't understand. When Trevor tried to take the apple you would pull it away, shaking your finger then holding out the palm of your hand. "You let me come with you and I stop you from starving for a little bit, deal?" You asked.

"Fine, deal." He said then snatched the apple from your hand. It was against his better judgement to travel with a stranger but he was hungry, so judgement was out of the picture. Trevor ate the apple quickly, it wouldn't hold off his hunger for long but it would make the walk to Gresit easier no doubt. When he started to walk again, you followed. Once he realized how chatty you were, he decided he would of rather starved.

You rambled on about mindless things, seeing it was so long since you got a one on one conversation with an actual person. Trevor suddenly stopped you from continuing, asking you a question to stop your pointless rambling about nothing important.

"What's your name?" He asked.
"{Y/n}." You said.
"I'm Trevor."
"Oh I know, you declared it at the bar."
"Right..." He said, making a mental note to go back there one day.
"You also said you killed vampires and couldn't be bested by man nor beast." You said, laughing a little bit with how dramatic he was at the time.

Trevor let out an annoyed groan then walked faster, putting some space between you two. You laughed then looked down at Buttons briefly, seeing he was still happily walking next to you. "Men, their pride hasn't changed much..." You mumbled, Buttons turning his head to you in response. His ears perked up slightly as if he was trying to understand but eventually he gave up and focused on walking once again. You leaned down then patted his head gently before continuing on to Gresit.

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